using org.acplt.oncrpc; using System.IO; byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 }; XdrDecodingStream stream = new XdrDecodingStream(new MemoryStream(data)); byte[] decodedData = stream.xdrDecodeDynamicOpaque(); foreach (byte b in decodedData) { Console.Write("{0:X2}", b); }In this example, we first create a byte array `data` that represents our input data in XDR format. Then we create an instance of the XdrDecodingStream class, passing the input data wrapped in a MemoryStream to its constructor. Finally, we call the `xdrDecodeDynamicOpaque` method to decode the dynamic opaque data into a byte array. The decoded data is then printed out in hexadecimal format using the `foreach` loop. Overall, the XdrDecodingStream xdrDecodeDynamicOpaque class is useful for decoding dynamic opaque data in XDR format for C# applications that utilize the ONC RPC package library.