Example #1
        // push-cutter: vertex and facet handled in base-class
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: bool generalEdgePush(const Fiber& f, Interval& i, const Point& p1, const Point& p2) const
        protected new bool generalEdgePush(Fiber f, Interval i, Point p1, Point p2)
            bool result = false;

            if (GlobalMembers.isZero_tol((p2 - p1).xyNorm()))
            {             // this would be a vertical edge

            Point ufp1 = f.p1 + new Point(0, 0, radius);             // take a fiber which is raised up by radius
            Point ufp2 = f.p2 + new Point(0, 0, radius);             // and intersect it with a cylinder around the edge p1-p2
            // Ray : P(t) = O + t*V    from point O, in direction V
            // Cylinder [A, B, r]   from point A to point B, radius r
            // Point P on infinite cylinder if ((P - A) x (B - A))^2 = r^2 * (B - A)^2
            // expand : ((O - A) x (B - A) + t * (V x (B - A)))^2 = r^2 * (B - A)^2
            // equation in the form (X + t * Y)^2 = d , where:
            //  X = (O - A) x (B - A)
            //  Y = V x (B - A)
            //  d = r^2 * (B - A)^2
            // expand the equation :
            // t^2 * (Y . Y) + t * (2 * (X . Y)) + (X . X) - d = 0
            // => second order equation in the form : a*t^2 + b*t + c = 0 where
            // a = (Y . Y)
            // b = 2 * (X . Y)
            // c = (X . X) - d
            Point  ab      = p2 - p1;                   // axis of the cylinder
            Point  ao      = (ufp1 - p1);               // cyl start to ray start
            Point  ao_x_ab = ao.cross(ab);              // cross product
            Point  v_x_ab  = (ufp2 - ufp1).cross(ab);   // cross product
            double ab2     = ab.dot(ab);                // dot product
            double a       = v_x_ab.dot(v_x_ab);        // dot product
            double b       = 2 * (v_x_ab.dot(ao_x_ab)); // dot product
            double c       = ao_x_ab.dot(ao_x_ab) - (radius * radius * ab2);
            // solve second order equation : a*t^2 + b*t + c = 0
            // t = (-b +/- sqrt( b^2 - 4ac ) )   / 2a
            double discr = b * b - 4 * a * c;
            double t1;
            double t2;

            if (GlobalMembers.isZero_tol(discr))
            {             // tangent case, only one root
                t1 = -b / (2 * a);
                if (calcCCandUpdateInterval(t1, p1, p2, f, i))
                    result = true;
            else if (discr > 0.0)
            {             // two roots
                t1 = (-b + Math.Sqrt(discr)) / (2 * a);
                t2 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(discr)) / (2 * a);
                if (calcCCandUpdateInterval(t1, p1, p2, f, i))
                    result = true;
                if (calcCCandUpdateInterval(t2, p1, p2, f, i))
                    result = true;
        /// y-direction adaptive sampling
        protected void yfiber_adaptive_sample(Span span, double start_t, double stop_t, Fiber start_f, Fiber stop_f)
            double mid_t = start_t + (stop_t - start_t) / 2.0;             // mid point sample

            Debug.Assert(mid_t > start_t);
            Debug.Assert(mid_t < stop_t);
            //std::cout << "yfiber sample= ( " << start_t << " , " << stop_t << " ) \n";
            Point mid_p1 = new Point(span.getPoint(mid_t).x, miny, zh);
            Point mid_p2 = new Point(span.getPoint(mid_t).x, maxy, zh);
            Fiber mid_f  = new Fiber(mid_p1, mid_p2);

            double fw_step = Math.Abs(start_f.p1.x - stop_f.p1.x);

            if (fw_step > sampling)
            {             // above minimum step-forward, need to sample more
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, start_t, mid_t, start_f, mid_f);
                yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, start_t, mid_t, new ocl.Fiber(start_f), new ocl.Fiber(mid_f));
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, mid_t, stop_t, mid_f, stop_f);
                yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, mid_t, stop_t, new ocl.Fiber(mid_f), new ocl.Fiber(stop_f));
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: else if (!flat(start_f,mid_f,stop_f))
            else if (!flat(new ocl.Fiber(start_f), new ocl.Fiber(mid_f), new ocl.Fiber(stop_f)))
                if (fw_step > min_sampling)
                {                 // not a flat segment, and we have not reached maximum sampling
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, start_t, mid_t, start_f, mid_f);
                    yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, start_t, mid_t, new ocl.Fiber(start_f), new ocl.Fiber(mid_f));
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, mid_t, stop_t, mid_f, stop_f);
                    yfiber_adaptive_sample(span, mid_t, stop_t, new ocl.Fiber(mid_f), new ocl.Fiber(stop_f));
Example #3
 public new void run(Fiber f)
        /// CCPoint calculation and interval update for push-cutter
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: bool calcCCandUpdateInterval(double t, double u, const Point& q, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Fiber& f, Interval& i, double height, CCType cctyp) const
        protected bool calcCCandUpdateInterval(double t, double u, Point q, Point p1, Point p2, Fiber f, Interval i, double height, CCType cctyp)
            CCPoint cc_tmp = new CCPoint(q + u * (p2 - p1));

            cc_tmp.type = cctyp;
            return(i.update_ifCCinEdgeAndTrue(t, cc_tmp, p1, p2, (cc_tmp.z >= height)));
        /// adaptive waterline algorithm
        protected void adaptive_sampling_run()
            minx = surf.bb.minpt.x - 2 * cutter.getRadius();
            maxx = surf.bb.maxpt.x + 2 * cutter.getRadius();
            miny = surf.bb.minpt.y - 2 * cutter.getRadius();
            maxy = surf.bb.maxpt.y + 2 * cutter.getRadius();
            Line line     = new Line(new Point(minx, miny, zh), new Point(maxx, maxy, zh));
            Span linespan = new LineSpan(line);

#if _WIN32 // OpenMP task not supported with the version 2 of VS2013 OpenMP
            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
            //    #pragma omp parallel sections
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                //        #pragma omp section // Replace OMP Task by Parallel sections
                {                 // first child
            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
            //#pragma omp parallel
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                //#pragma omp single nowait
                {                 // initial root task
                    //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                    //#pragma omp task
                    {                     // first child task
#endif // _WIN32
                    Point xstart_p1 = new Point(minx, linespan.getPoint(0.0).y, zh);
                    Point xstart_p2 = new Point(maxx, linespan.getPoint(0.0).y, zh);
                    Point xstop_p1  = new Point(minx, linespan.getPoint(1.0).y, zh);
                    Point xstop_p2  = new Point(maxx, linespan.getPoint(1.0).y, zh);
                    Fiber xstart_f  = new Fiber(xstart_p1, xstart_p2);
                    Fiber xstop_f   = new Fiber(xstop_p1, xstop_p2);
                    Console.Write(" XFiber adaptive sample \n");
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: xfiber_adaptive_sample(linespan, 0.0, 1.0, xstart_f, xstop_f);
                    xfiber_adaptive_sample(linespan, 0.0, 1.0, new ocl.Fiber(xstart_f), new ocl.Fiber(xstop_f));
#if _WIN32 // OpenMP task not supported with the version 2 of VS2013 OpenMP
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                //        #pragma omp section
                {                 // second child
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to most C++ 'pragma' directives in C#:
                //#pragma omp task
                {                 // second child task
#endif // _WIN32
                    Point ystart_p1 = new Point(linespan.getPoint(0.0).x, miny, zh);
                    Point ystart_p2 = new Point(linespan.getPoint(0.0).x, maxy, zh);
                    Point ystop_p1  = new Point(linespan.getPoint(1.0).x, miny, zh);
                    Point ystop_p2  = new Point(linespan.getPoint(1.0).x, maxy, zh);
                    Fiber ystart_f  = new Fiber(ystart_p1, ystart_p2);
                    Fiber ystop_f   = new Fiber(ystop_p1, ystop_p2);
                    Console.Write(" YFiber adaptive sample \n");
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: yfiber_adaptive_sample(linespan, 0.0, 1.0, ystart_f, ystop_f);
                    yfiber_adaptive_sample(linespan, 0.0, 1.0, new ocl.Fiber(ystart_f), new ocl.Fiber(ystop_f));
#if _WIN32    // OpenMP task not supported with the version 2 of VS2013 OpenMP
            } // end omp parallel
        }                 // end omp parallel
#endif // _WIN32

            if (line != null)
            if (linespan != null)
        /// when horizEdgePush and shaftEdgePush fail we must call this general edge-push function.
        /// here we do not assume that the p1-p2 edge is oriented in a special direction
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: virtual bool generalEdgePush(const Fiber& f, Interval& i, const Point& p1, const Point& p2) const
        protected virtual bool generalEdgePush(Fiber f, Interval i, Point p1, Point p2)
        /// push cutter with given normal/center/xy_length into contact with Triangle facet

        // general purpose facetPush
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: bool generalFacetPush(double normal_length, double center_height, double xy_normal_length, const Fiber& fib, Interval& i, const Triangle& t) const
        protected bool generalFacetPush(double normal_length, double center_height, double xy_normal_length, Fiber fib, Interval i, Triangle t)
            bool  result = false;
            Point normal = t.upNormal();       // facet surface normal, pointing up

            if (normal.zParallel())            // normal points in z-dir
                return(result);                //can't push against horizontal plane, stop here.
            Point xy_normal = new Point(normal);

            xy_normal.z = 0;

            //   find a point on the plane from which radius2*normal+radius1*xy_normal lands on the fiber+radius2*Point(0,0,1)
            //   (u,v) locates a point on the triangle facet    v0+ u*(v1-v0)+v*(v2-v0)    u,v in [0,1]
            //   t locates a point along the fiber:             p1 + t*(p2-p1)             t in [0,1]
            //   facet-point + r2 * n + r1* xy_n = fiber-point + r2*Point(0,0,1)
            //   =>
            //   v0+ u*(v1-v0)+v*(v2-v0) + r2 * n + r1* xy_n  = p1 + t*(p2-p1) + r2*Point(0,0,1)
            //   v0x + u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x) + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x  = p1x + t*(p2x-p1x)          p2x-p1x==0 for Y-fiber
            //   v0y + u*(v1y-v0y) + v*(v2y-v0y) + r2*ny + r1*xy_n.y  = p1y + t*(p2y-p1y)          p2y-p1y==0 for X-fiber
            //   v0z + u*(v1z-v0z) + v*(v2z-v0z) + r2*nz              = p1z + t*(p2z-p1z) + r2    (p2z-p1z)==0 for XY-fibers!!
            //   X-fiber:
            //   v0x + u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x) + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x  = p1x + t*(p2x-p1x)
            //   v0y + u*(v1y-v0y) + v*(v2y-v0y) + r2*ny + r1*xy_n.y  = p1y                    solve these  two for (u,v)
            //   v0z + u*(v1z-v0z) + v*(v2z-v0z) + r2*nz              = p1z + r2               and substitute above for t
            //   or
            //   [ (v1y-v0y)    (v2y-v0y) ] [ u ] = [ -v0y - r2*ny - r1*xy_n.y + p1y     ]
            //   [ (v1z-v0z)    (v2z-v0z) ] [ v ] = [ -v0z - r2*nz + p1z + r2            ]
            //   Y-fiber:
            //   [ (v1x-v0x)    (v2x-v0x) ] [ u ] = [ -v0x - r2*nx - r1*xy_n.x + p1x     ]

            double a;
            double b;
            double c = t.p[1].z - t.p[0].z;
            double d = t.p[2].z - t.p[0].z;
            double e;
            double f = -t.p[0].z - normal_length * normal.z + fib.p1.z + center_height;
            // note: the xy_normal does not have a z-component, so omitted here.

            double u = 0;           // u and v are coordinates of the cc-point within the triangle facet
            double v = 0;

            // a,b,e depend on the fiber:
            if (fib.p1.y == fib.p2.y)
            {             // XFIBER
                a = t.p[1].y - t.p[0].y;
                b = t.p[2].y - t.p[0].y;
                e = -t.p[0].y - normal_length * normal.y - xy_normal_length * xy_normal.y + fib.p1.y;
                if (!GlobalMembers.two_by_two_solver(a, b, c, d, e, f, ref u, ref v))
                CCPoint cc = new CCPoint(t.p[0] + u * (t.p[1] - t.p[0]) + v * (t.p[2] - t.p[0]));
                cc.type = CCType.FACET;
                if (!cc.isInside(t))
                // v0x + u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x) + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x = p1x + t*(p2x-p1x)
                // =>
                // t = 1/(p2x-p1x) * ( v0x + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x - p1x +  u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x)       )
                Debug.Assert(!GlobalMembers.isZero_tol(fib.p2.x - fib.p1.x));                 // guard against division by zero
                double tval = (1.0 / (fib.p2.x - fib.p1.x)) * (t.p[0].x + normal_length * normal.x + xy_normal_length * xy_normal.x - fib.p1.x + u * (t.p[1].x - t.p[0].x) + v * (t.p[2].x - t.p[0].x));
                if (tval < 0.0 || tval > 1.0)
                    Console.Write("MillingCutter::facetPush() tval= ");
                    Console.Write(" error!?\n");
                    //std::cout << " cutter: " << *this << "\n";
                    Console.Write(" triangle: ");
                    Console.Write(" fiber: ");
                Debug.Assert(tval > 0.0 && tval < 1.0);
                i.update(tval, cc);
                result = true;
            else if (fib.p1.x == fib.p2.x)
            {             // YFIBER
                a = t.p[1].x - t.p[0].x;
                b = t.p[2].x - t.p[0].x;
                e = -t.p[0].x - normal_length * normal.x - xy_normal_length * xy_normal.x + fib.p1.x;
                if (!GlobalMembers.two_by_two_solver(a, b, c, d, e, f, ref u, ref v))
                CCPoint cc = new CCPoint(t.p[0] + u * (t.p[1] - t.p[0]) + v * (t.p[2] - t.p[0]));
                cc.type = CCType.FACET;
                if (!cc.isInside(t))
                Debug.Assert(!GlobalMembers.isZero_tol(fib.p2.y - fib.p1.y));
                double tval = (1.0 / (fib.p2.y - fib.p1.y)) * (t.p[0].y + normal_length * normal.y + xy_normal_length * xy_normal.y - fib.p1.y + u * (t.p[1].y - t.p[0].y) + v * (t.p[2].y - t.p[0].y));
                if (tval < 0.0 || tval > 1.0)
                    Console.Write("MillingCutter::facetPush() tval= ");
                    Console.Write(" error!?\n");
                    Console.Write(" (most probably a user error, the fiber is too short compared to the STL model?)\n");
                Debug.Assert(tval > 0.0 && tval < 1.0);
                i.update(tval, cc);
                result = true;

        /// push cutter along Fiber f into contact with facet of Triangle t, and update Interval i
        /// calls generalFacetPush()
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: virtual bool facetPush(const Fiber& fib, Interval& i, const Triangle& t) const
        public virtual bool facetPush(Fiber fib, Interval i, Triangle t)
            return(generalFacetPush(this.normal_length, this.center_height, this.xy_normal_length, fib, i, t));
Example #9
 /// add a fiber input to a push-cutter type operation
 public virtual void appendFiber(Fiber f)
Example #10
 /// run push-cutter type algorithm on input Fiber
 public virtual void run(Fiber f)