private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewLevels)) { MessageBox.Show("Nothing is picked on table!"); return; } Lessons les = new Lessons(); string field = "kod_level"; string code = cu.GetID(dataGridViewLevels); DataTable lessonsID = les.GetLessonsByString(field, code); foreach (DataRow dr in lessonsID.Rows) { if (dr[field].ToString().Equals(code) && cu.is_date_in_future(dr["due_date"].ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete level with scheduled lessons!"); return; } } levels mkk = new levels(); mkk.Delete(cu.GetID(dataGridViewLevels)); cu.charge_data_grid_view(mkk.GetLevels(), dataGridViewLevels); dataGridViewLevels.ClearSelection(); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewMorimProject)) { MessageBox.Show("Nothing is picked on table!"); return; } string a = cu.GetID(dataGridViewMorimProject); Lessons les = new Lessons(); DataTable lessonsID = les.GetLessonsTeachersStudentId(); foreach (DataRow dr in lessonsID.Rows) { if (dr["teacher_id"].ToString() == a && cu.is_date_in_future(dr["due_date"].ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(dr["due_date"].ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete teachers with scheduled lessons!"); return; } } MorimProject mkk = new MorimProject(); mkk.DeleteButton(a); cu.charge_data_grid_view(mkk.GetMorim(), dataGridViewMorimProject); dataGridViewMorimProject.ClearSelection(); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewMikP)) { MessageBox.Show("Nothing is picked on teachers!"); return; } Lessons les = new Lessons(); string field = "kod_mik"; DataTable lessonsID = les.GetLessonsByString(field, cu.GetID(dataGridViewMikP)); string mik_id = cu.GetID(dataGridViewMikP); foreach (DataRow dr in lessonsID.Rows) { if (dr[field].ToString() == mik_id && cu.is_date_in_future(dr["due_date"].ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete mik with scheduled lessons!"); return; } } MikP mkk = new MikP(); mkk.Delete(cu.GetID(dataGridViewMikP)); cu.charge_data_grid_view(mkk.GetMikzoot(), dataGridViewMikP); this.dataGridViewMikP.ClearSelection(); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewStudents)) { MessageBox.Show("Nothing is picked on table!"); return; } string a = cu.GetID(dataGridViewStudents); Lessons les = new Lessons(); string field = "student_id"; DataTable lessonsID = les.GetLessonsTeachersStudentId(); foreach (DataRow dr in lessonsID.Rows) { if (dr[field].ToString() == a && cu.is_date_in_future(dr["due_date"].ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete student with scheduled lessons!"); return; } } Student mkk = new Student(); mkk.Delete(a); tan(); dataGridViewStudents.ClearSelection(); }
private void dataGridViewStudents_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { dataGridViewStudents.ClearSelection(); if (cu.is_out_of_dataGridView_range(e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex, cu.get_dgv_last_row(dataGridViewStudents))) { return; } cu.clean_dataGridView(dataGridViewStudents); cu.paint_chosen_row(e.RowIndex, dataGridViewStudents); Lessons ls = new Lessons(); cu.charge_data_grid_view(cu.change_keys_to_values(ls.GetLessonsByStudentId(cu.GetID(dataGridViewStudents))), dataGridViewLessons); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewLessons)) { MessageBox.Show("Please choose lesson"); return; } string id = cu.GetID(dataGridViewLessons); Lessons les = new Lessons(); les.Delete(id); cu.charge_data_grid_view(cu.change_keys_to_values(les.GetLessonsByStudentId(cu.GetID(dataGridViewStudents))), dataGridViewLessons); dataGridViewLessons.ClearSelection(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!is_three_colored() || !cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewStudents) || !cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewMorimProject) || !first) { MessageBox.Show("Not all details are provided. Select on Tables the details of lesson!"); return; } int counter = 0; while (counter < dataGridViewZmanProject.RowCount && dataGridViewZmanProject.Rows[counter].Cells[1].Style.BackColor != Color.Yellow) { counter++; } if (counter == dataGridViewZmanProject.RowCount) { MessageBox.Show("Lesson time is not picked!"); return; } Lessons les = new Lessons(); les.AddLessons(cu.GetID(dataGridViewMorimProject), cu.GetID(dataGridViewStudents), int.Parse(cu.GetID(dataGridViewMikP)), int.Parse(cu.GetID(dataGridViewKita)), int.Parse(cu.GetID(dataGridViewLevels)), dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortDateString(), hatchala, siyum, textBoxNotes.Text.ToString()); zvaTarich(); first = true; }
public void create_lessons() { kita kit = new kita(); levels level = new levels(); MikP mik = new MikP(); BigForm bf = new BigForm(); Student st = new Student(); PanuiProject pp = new PanuiProject(); Lessons les = new Lessons(); DataTable kitot = kit.GetKita(); DataTable ramot = level.GetLevels(); DataTable mikzoot = mik.GetMikzoot(); Random ran = new Random(); int top_kitot = kitot.Rows.Count; int top_ramot = ramot.Rows.Count; int top_mikzoot = mikzoot.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < 800; i++) { int kitot_row = ran.Next(0, top_kitot); int ramot_row = ran.Next(0, top_ramot); int mikzoot_row = ran.Next(0, top_mikzoot); string code_kita = kitot.Rows[kitot_row]["Code"].ToString(); string code_level = ramot.Rows[ramot_row]["code"].ToString(); string mik_code = mikzoot.Rows[mikzoot_row]["mikCode"].ToString(); DataTable morim = bf.GetMorim(int.Parse(mik_code), int.Parse(code_level), int.Parse(code_kita)); if (morim.Rows.Count == 0) { continue; } int teacher_index = ran.Next(0, morim.Rows.Count); string teacher_id = morim.Rows[teacher_index]["id"].ToString(); DataTable students = st.GetStudents(); int student_index = ran.Next(0, students.Rows.Count); string student_id = students.Rows[student_index]["tz"].ToString(); int mon = ran.Next(4, 8); int day = ran.Next(1, 30); string yom, hod; if (day < 10) { yom = "0" + day.ToString(); } else { yom = day.ToString(); } if (mon < 10) { hod = "0" + mon.ToString(); } else { hod = mon.ToString(); } string due = yom + "/" + hod + "/2016"; int in_week = (int)(DateTime.ParseExact(due, "d/M/yyyy", null).DayOfWeek) + 1; DataTable panui = pp.GetPanuiForDay(in_week, teacher_id); if (panui.Rows.Count == 0) { continue; } int panui_index = ran.Next(0, panui.Rows.Count); int start = int.Parse(panui.Rows[panui_index]["shaa"].ToString()); int end = start; int counter = 0; while (counter < panui.Rows.Count) { if (int.Parse(panui.Rows[counter]["shaa"].ToString()) - 1 == end) { end++; } counter++; } DataTable lessons_for_teacher = bf.GetLessonTimeDetailsForTeacher(teacher_id); DataTable lessons_for_student = les.GetLessonsByStudentId(student_id); bool flag = true; if (lessons_for_teacher.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in lessons_for_teacher.Rows) { if (dr["due_date"].ToString().Equals(due) && dr["start_time"].ToString().Equals(start) && dr["end_time"].ToString().Equals(end)) { flag = false; } } } if (lessons_for_student.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in lessons_for_student.Rows) { if (dr["due_date"].ToString().Equals(due) && dr["start_time"].ToString().Equals(start) && dr["end_time"].ToString().Equals(end)) { flag = false; } } } if (!flag) { continue; } les.AddLessons(teacher_id, student_id, int.Parse(mik_code), int.Parse(code_kita), int.Parse(code_level), due, start, end, ""); } }
private void dataGridViewInfo_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (cu.is_out_of_dataGridView_range(e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex, cu.get_dgv_last_row(dataGridViewInfo)) || e.ColumnIndex == 0) { dataGridViewInfo.ClearSelection(); return; } if (!cu.is_dataGridView_colored(dataGridViewMorimProject)) { dataGridViewInfo.ClearSelection(); MessageBox.Show("Please Choose Teacher"); return; } string mik = tabControlMik.SelectedTab.Text; string level = dataGridViewInfo.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string kita = dataGridViewInfo.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; int MikCode = 0; int kitaCode = 0; int LevelCode = 0; string TeacherCode = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in mikzoot.Rows) { if (dr["mikName"].ToString().Equals(mik)) { MikCode = int.Parse(dr["mikCode"].ToString()); } } foreach (DataRow dr in ramot.Rows) { if (dr["rama"].ToString().Equals(level)) { LevelCode = int.Parse(dr["code"].ToString()); } } foreach (DataRow dr in kitot.Rows) { if (dr["class"].ToString().Equals(kita)) { kitaCode = int.Parse(dr["Code"].ToString()); } } for (int d = 0; d < dataGridViewMorimProject.RowCount; d++) { if (dataGridViewMorimProject.Rows[d].Cells[0].Style.BackColor == Color.MediumPurple) { TeacherCode = dataGridViewMorimProject.Rows[d].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); } } if (TeacherCode == "") { dataGridViewInfo.ClearSelection(); return; } if (dataGridViewInfo.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Style.BackColor == Color.MediumPurple) { Lessons les = new Lessons(); DataTable lessons = les.GetLessonsByString("teacher_id", "'" + TeacherCode + "'"); foreach (DataRow lesson in lessons.Rows) { if (cu.is_date_in_future(lesson["due_date"].ToString()) && lesson["kod_mik"].ToString().Equals(MikCode.ToString()) && lesson["kod_kita"].ToString().Equals(kitaCode.ToString()) && lesson["kod_level"].ToString().Equals(LevelCode.ToString())) { dataGridViewInfo.ClearSelection(); MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete, Future lesson is scheduled"); return; } } dataGridViewInfo.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.White; CanTeachProject x = new CanTeachProject(); x.DeleteCanTeach(kitaCode, LevelCode, MikCode, TeacherCode); } else if (dataGridViewInfo.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Style.BackColor == Color.Empty) { dataGridViewInfo.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.MediumPurple; CanTeachProject x = new CanTeachProject(); x.AddCanTeachProject(kitaCode, LevelCode, MikCode, TeacherCode); } dataGridViewInfo.ClearSelection(); }