Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine when the child node has either responsed with a shutdown complete event or the node has died
 /// </summary>
 internal bool ReadyToShutdown()
     for (int i = 0; i < nodeData.Length; i++)
         LocalNodeInfo nodeInfo = nodeData[i];
         // Determine if the node is alive or dead, this check will set the processId to invalid if
         // the process is dead
         // If any node is still alive and we have not recieved a shutdown response say we are not ready to shutdown
         if (nodeInfo.ProcessId > 0 && !nodeInfo.ShutdownResponseReceived)
Example #2
        public void Initialize
            string configuration,
            IEngineCallback parentEngineCallback,
            BuildPropertyGroup parentGlobalPropertyGroup,
            ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolSetSearchLocations,
            string startupDirectory
            // Get from the environment how long we should wait in seconds for shutdown to complete
            string shutdownTimeoutFromEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODESHUTDOWNTIMEOUT");
            int    result;

            if (int.TryParse(shutdownTimeoutFromEnvironment, out result) && result >= 0)
                shutdownTimeout = result;

            this.cpuCount = 1;

            if (configuration != null)
                // Split out the parameter sets based on ;
                string[] parameters;
                parameters = configuration.Split(parameterDelimiters);
                // Go through each of the parameter name value pairs and split them appart
                for (int param = 0; param < parameters.Length; param++)
                    if (parameters[param].Length > 0)
                        string[] parameterComponents = parameters[param].Split(valueDelimiters);
                        // If there is a name and value associated with the parameter, apply the paramter to the provider
                        if (parameterComponents.Length == 2)
                            ApplyParameter(parameterComponents[0], parameterComponents[1]);
                        else // Only the parameter name is known, this could be for a boolean parameter
                            ApplyParameter(parameters[param], null);

            /* If we dont get a path passed in as a parameter, we can only assume that our path
             * is in the current appdomain basedirectory, this is the base directory
             * that the assembly resolver uses to probe for assemblies
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.locationOfMSBuildExe))
                this.locationOfMSBuildExe = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            if ((cpuCount - 1) <= 0)

            this.exitCommunicationThreads = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            this.activeNodeCount          = 0;
            this.responseCountChangeEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            this.nodeStateLock = new object();
            this.nodesToLaunch = new Queue <int>();
            this.nodeLoggers   = new List <LoggerDescription>();

            nodeData = new LocalNodeInfo[cpuCount - 1];

            // Initialize the internal state indicating that no nodes have been launched
            int lastUsedNodeNumber = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodeData.Length; i++)
                nodeData[i]        = new LocalNodeInfo(lastUsedNodeNumber);
                lastUsedNodeNumber = nodeData[i].NodeNumber + 1;

            // Set up the callback
            this.engineCallback         = parentEngineCallback;
            this.parentGlobalProperties = parentGlobalPropertyGroup;
            this.toolsetSearchLocations = toolSetSearchLocations;
            this.startupDirectory       = startupDirectory;

            // Default node settings
            centralizedLogging       = false;
            onlyLogCriticalEvents    = false;
            useBreadthFirstTraversal = true;
            shuttingDown             = false;

            // Start the thread that will be processing the calls from the parent engine
            ThreadStart threadState = new ThreadStart(this.SharedMemoryWriterThread);
            Thread      taskThread  = new Thread(threadState);

            taskThread.Name = "MSBuild Parent->Child Writer";
            threadState     = new ThreadStart(this.SharedMemoryReaderThread);
            taskThread      = new Thread(threadState);
            taskThread.Name = "MSBuild Parent<-Child Reader";