public static void simple_error(Websvc w, string msg) { Web.any_header(w, "text/plain", "200 Ok"); Web.wp(w, "{0}\n", (object)msg); w.body_send(); w.chan.EndConnection(); }
public static void show_all_menu(Websvc w, bool isadmin) { Web.wp(w, "<p>"); Web.wp(w, "<table class=\"menutable\">"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_browse", "Files", "Browse Files"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_options", "Preferences", "Preferences"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_logout", "Logout", "Logout"); Web.wp(w, "</table>"); if (isadmin) { Web.wp(w, "<hr>"); Web.wp(w, "<p>Admin Config"); Web.wp(w, "<table class=\"menutable\">"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_users", "Users", "Manage local users"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_profile", "Profiles", "Manager profiles (path mappings)"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_config", "Config", "Change configuration settings"); if (clib.canBuy()) { Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_register", "Buy/Activate", "Load license key"); } Web.wp(w, "</table>"); Web.wp(w, "<hr>"); Web.wp(w, "<p>Admin Manage"); Web.wp(w, "<table class=\"menutable\">"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_log", "Log", "Show main log file"); Web.web_cmd_button_trtd(w, "cmd_status", "Status", "Server Status"); Web.wp(w, "<tr><td>"); Web.web_href_button(w, "Help", ""); Web.wp(w, "</table>"); } Web.wp(w, "<hr>"); Web.wp(w, "</div>\n"); Web.web_end_form(w); }
public static void show_menu(Websvc w, bool isadmin) { Web.web_start_form(w, "aafrm1"); Web.wp(w, "<div id=\"leftcontent\">\n"); Web.show_all_menu(w, isadmin); Web.wp(w, "</div>\n"); }
private void body_end(string whence) { this.imsg("websvc: body_end called {0}", (object)whence); if (this.isgzip) { byte[] bf = Websvc.ungzip(this.mem_body.inbf, this.mem_body.Length); this.mem_body = new MyBuffer(); this.mem_body.add(bf, bf.Length); } ++Websvc.nrequests; try { this.wmod.do_body_end(this); } catch (Exception ex) { this.imsg("crash in do_body_end() {0} {1}", (object)ex.Message, (object)ex.ToString()); Web.simple_error(this, "crash in do_body_end() " + ex.Message); } clib.imsg("body_end setting wmod to null"); this.wmod = (WebModule)null; if (this.query != null) { this.query.Clear(); } if (this.form != null) { this.form.Clear(); } this.inbody = false; this.content_len = 0; this.in_chunked = false; this.imsg("mystery body_end called {0}", (object)this.content_len); }
private static bool send_file_headers(Websvc w, SimpleStream ss) { w.chan.write(string.Format("Date: {0}\r\n", (object)ss.lastmodified().ToHttpDate())); w.chan.write(string.Format("ETag: {0}\r\n", (object)ss.etag())); w.chan.write(string.Format("Last-Modified: {0}\r\n", (object)ss.lastmodified().ToHttpDate())); return(true); }
public static bool send_file(Websvc w, string fname, bool attached) { SimpleStream ss = new SimpleStream();, true, false, out string _); return(WebFile.send_file(w, ss, fname, attached, true)); }
public static void web_cmd_button( Websvc w, string name, string value, string help, string extra) { Web.wp(w, "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"{0}\" class=\"btnnormal\" {3} value=\"{1}\" title=\"{2}\">\n", (object)name, (object)value, (object)help, (object)extra); }
public static void web_select_text(Websvc w, string var, string list, string cur) { Web.wp(w, "<select name=\"{0}\">", (object)var); foreach (string str in list.Split(",".ToCharArray())) { Web.wp(w, "<option {0} value=\"{1}\">{2}</option>", cur == str ? (object)"Selected" : (object)"", (object)str, (object)str); } Web.wp(w, "</select>\n"); }
public static void web_cmd_buttonw( Websvc w, string name, string value, string help, string extra) { Web.web_cmd_buttonw(w, name, value, help, extra, false); }
public static void web_cmd_buttonw(Websvc w, string name, string value, string help) { bool isdown = false; if (WebForm.form_get(w, name).Length > 0) { isdown = true; } Web.web_cmd_buttonw(w, name, value, help, "", isdown); }
public static void web_cmd_buttonw( Websvc w, string name, string value, string help, string extra, bool isdown) { Web.wp(w, "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"{0}\" class=\"btnmenu{4}\" {3} value=\"{1}\" title=\"{2}\">\n", (object)name, (object)value, (object)help, (object)extra, isdown ? (object)"_down" : (object)""); }
public static void top(Websvc w, string product, string version, string cuser) { Web.wp(w, "<div id=\"banner\">\n"); Web.wp(w, "<center>\n"); Web.wp(w, "<div>"); Web.wp(w, "<span class=\"topbutton\"> {0} {1}</span>", (object)clib.Product_Name(), (object)version); Web.wp(w, "</div>"); Web.wp(w, "</center>\n"); Web.wp(w, "</div>\n"); }
public override bool do_headers(Websvc w) { string fname = "." + w.url; if (fname == "./favicon.ico") { fname = "img/favicon.ico"; } return(WebFile.send_file(w,, false)); }
public static void web_radio_i( Websvc w, string name, string value, string text, bool check, int i) { Web.wp(w, "<input {0} type=\"radio\" name=\"{1}_{2}\" value=\"{3}\"/>{4} ", check ? (object)"checked" : (object)"", (object)name, (object)i, (object)value, (object)text); }
public static void web_checkbox_i( Websvc w, string name, string value, string text, bool check, int i) { Web.wp(w, "<input {2} type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{0}_{4}\" value=\"{3}\"/>{1} ", (object)name, (object)text, check ? (object)"checked" : (object)"", (object)value, (object)i); }
public static bool send_file( Websvc w, SimpleStream ss, string fname, bool attached, bool andbody) { if (ss == null || !ss.isopen) { string x = "Send:File not found " + fname; w.chan.write(string.Format("HTTP/1.1 500 FILE NOT FOUND\r\nContent-Length: {0}\r\n\r\n", (object)x.Length)); w.chan.write(x); return(false); } if (!andbody) { Web.any_header(w, clib.content_type(fname), "200 Ok", 0, false); WebFile.send_file_headers(w, ss); w.body_send(); return(true); } if (w.ifmodified == ss.lastmodified().ToHttpDate()) { Web.any_header(w, clib.content_type(fname), "304 Not modified", 0, false); w.body_send(); return(true); } Web.any_header(w, clib.content_type(fname), "200 Ok", -1, true); WebFile.send_file_headers(w, ss); if (attached) { w.chan.write(string.Format("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{0}\"\r\n", (object)clib.fileonly(fname))); } w.chan.write("\r\n"); while (true) { int sz = 10000; byte[] numArray = new byte[sz]; int count =, 0, sz); if (count > 0) { w.chan.write(string.Format("{0:x}\r\n", (object)count)); w.chan.Write(numArray, 0, count); w.chan.write("\r\n"); } else { break; } } w.chan.write("0\r\n\r\n"); return(true); }
public static string cookie_get(Websvc w, string name) { if (w.cookie == null || w.cookie == "") { return(""); } string[] strArray = w.cookie.Split("; =".ToArray <char>()); for (int index = 0; index < ((IEnumerable <string>)strArray).Count <string>(); ++index) { if (strArray[index] == name) { int num; return(strArray[num = index + 1]); } } return(""); }
public static void any_header( Websvc w, string content, string reason, int content_len, bool ischunked) { w.out_chunked = false; w.need_length = false; if (Ini.istrue(En.debug_http)) { clib.imsg("http: response: {0}", (object)reason); } Web.imsg("http: response: {0}", (object)reason); Web.wh(w, string.Format("HTTP/1.{0} {1}\r\n", (object)w.httpversion, (object)reason)); Web.wh(w, "Server: DManager\r\n"); Web.wh(w, "MIME-version: 1.0\r\n"); if (w.isdav) { Web.wh(w, "DAV: 1,2\r\n"); Web.wh(w, "Allow: GET, PUT, DELETE, MKCOL, OPTIONS, COPY, MOVE, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, LOCK, UNLOCK\r\n"); Web.wh(w, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"); Web.wh(w, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); Web.wh(w, "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0\r\n"); } if (content.Contains("text/html")) { content += "; charset=utf-8"; } Web.wh(w, "Content-Type: {0}\r\n", (object)content); w.need_length = true; w.need_blank = true; if (content_len >= 0) { Web.wh(w, "Content-Length: {0}\r\n", (object)content_len); w.need_length = false; } else if (w.httpversion == 1 && ischunked) { Web.wh(w, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"); w.out_chunked = true; } }
public static void start(Websvc w) { Web.any_header(w, "text/html", "200 Ok"); Web.wp(w, "<HTML>\n"); Web.wp(w, "<HEAD>\n"); Web.wp(w, "<LINK REL=\"shortcut icon\" HREF=\"/img/favicon.ico\">"); Web.wp(w, "<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"/web/free.css\">"); Web.wp(w, "<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"/web/all.css\">"); if (!w.isie) { Web.wp(w, "<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"/web/buttons.css\">"); } else { Web.wp(w, "<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"/web/buttons_ie.css\">"); } Web.wp(w, "<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"/web/files.css\">"); Web.wp(w, "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/web/all.js\"></script>"); }
public static void need_auth(Websvc w) { Random random = new Random(); byte[] numArray = new byte[10]; random.NextBytes(numArray); Web.any_header(w, "text/plain", "401 Authorization required"); Web.wh(w, "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"{0}\"\r\n", (object)MyMain.realm()); Web.wh(w, "WWW-Authenticate: Digest"); Web.wh(w, " realm=\"{0}\",", (object)MyMain.realm()); Web.wh(w, " qop=\"auth\","); Web.wh(w, " nonce=\"{0}\",", (object)clib.byte_to_hex(numArray, ((IEnumerable <byte>)numArray).Count <byte>())); Web.wh(w, " opaque=\"placeholder\"\r\n"); Web.wp(w, "Authorization required"); w.body_send(); if (!Ini.istrue(En.debug_http)) { return; } clib.imsg("http: requesting authentication"); }
public static void page_end(Websvc w) { Web.wp(w, "<hr>\n"); if ( != null) { Web.wp(w, "<p>WEBDAV:\n"); string str1 = clib.make_url("http",, Ini.getint(En.webdav_port), "/"); Web.wp(w, "<a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>", (object)str1); Web.wp(w, " or "); string str2 = clib.make_url("https",, Ini.getint(En.webdav_port_ssl), "/"); Web.wp(w, "<a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>", (object)str2); Web.wp(w, "<BR>FTP:\n"); string str3 = string.Format("ftp://{0}:{1}", (object), (object)Ini.getint(En.ftp_port)); Web.wp(w, "<a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>", (object)str3); Web.wp(w, "<BR> Web Browser: "); string str4 = Ini.url_browse(); Web.wp(w, "<a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>", (object)str4); Web.wp(w, " or "); string str5 = clib.make_url("https",, Ini.getint(En.web_port_ssl), "/"); Web.wp(w, "<a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>", (object)str5); Web.wp(w, "<BR> <a href=\"\">Guide to free WebDav/FTP Clients</a>"); } Web.wp(w, "</div>"); }
public static void startListeners() { clib.imsg("Creating tcpserver's..."); MyMain.s_websvc = new Websvc(); MyMain.s_WebServer = new TcpServer((TcpServiceProvider)MyMain.s_websvc, Ini.getstring(En.bind), Ini.getint(En.web_port_ssl), true); MyMain.s_WebServer.Start(); MyMain.webdavsvc = new Websvc(); MyMain.webdavsvc.iswebdav = true; MyMain.WebDavServer = new TcpServer((TcpServiceProvider)MyMain.webdavsvc, Ini.getstring(En.bind), Ini.getint(En.webdav_port), false); MyMain.WebDavServer.Start(); MyMain.s_webdavsvc = new Websvc(); MyMain.s_webdavsvc.iswebdav = true; MyMain.s_WebDavServer = new TcpServer((TcpServiceProvider)MyMain.s_webdavsvc, Ini.getstring(En.bind), Ini.getint(En.webdav_port_ssl), true); if (!MyMain.s_WebDavServer.Start()) { return; } MyMain.ftpservice = new FtpService(); MyMain.ftpServer = new TcpServer((TcpServiceProvider)MyMain.ftpservice, Ini.getstring(En.bind), Ini.getint(En.ftp_port), false); MyMain.ftpServer.Start(); clib.imsg("Going to listeon on port {0} for http admin connections", (object)Ini.getint(En.web_port)); MyMain.websvc = new Websvc(); MyMain.WebServer = new TcpServer((TcpServiceProvider)MyMain.websvc, Ini.getstring(En.bind), Ini.getint(En.web_port), false); if (!MyMain.WebServer.Start()) { MyMain.WebServer = new TcpServer((TcpServiceProvider)MyMain.websvc, Ini.getstring(En.bind), Ini.getint(En.web_port) + 1, false); if (MyMain.WebServer.Start()) { clib.imsg("Listing on next port worked. So changing setting..."); Ini.do_set(En.web_port, clib.int_to_string(Ini.getint(En.web_port) + 1)); } } MyMain.websvc2 = new Websvc(); MyMain.WebServer2 = new TcpServer((TcpServiceProvider)MyMain.websvc2, Ini.getstring(En.bind), 6080, false); MyMain.WebServer2.Start(); }
public static void web_start_form(Websvc w, string id) { Web.wp(w, "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\n"); Web.wp(w, "<form ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" name=\"form\" id='{0}' action=\"/cgi/admin.cgi\"><p>\n", (object)id); }
public abstract bool do_body_end(Websvc w);
public abstract void dropconnection(Websvc w);
public abstract bool do_body(Websvc w, byte[] inbf, int len);
public abstract bool do_headers(Websvc w);
public static void any_header(Websvc w, string content, string reason) { Web.any_header(w, content, reason, -1, false); }
public static void cookie_set(Websvc w, string var, string val) { Web.wh(w, "Set-Cookie: {0}={1};\r\n", (object)var, (object)val); }
public static void send_file(Websvc w, string fname) { string str = File.ReadAllText("web/" + fname)); Web.wp(w, "{0}", (object)str); }