Example #1
        //Funkcja która wydobywa plik excel i nadaje mu nazwę, po czym wrzuca ją do zmiennej publicznej excelname.
        private string ExcelFile()
            LoginDSV        login    = new LoginDSV();
            ExtractResource resource = new ExtractResource();
            DateTime        thisDay  = DateTime.Today;

            DateTimeOffset theTime = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 3, 1, 14, 15, 00, DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset);

            string time = thisDay.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + "_" + theTime.Hour + theTime.Minute + theTime.Second;

            string excelname = "LW_ErrorAnalyze_" + login.Login() + "_" + time + ".xlsx";

            //Wydobywam plik
            resource.Extract("myProactive", @"C:\EDI", "Resources", "LW_ErrorAnalyze.xlsx");

            //Zmieniam nazwę pliku
            if (File.Exists(@"C:\EDI\LW_ErrorAnalyze.xlsx"))
                File.Copy(@"C:\EDI\LW_ErrorAnalyze.xlsx", @"C:\EDI\" + excelname, true);

            //przypisuje nowo utworzony jako plik docelowy
            excelPath = @"C:\EDI\" + excelname;
            richTextBox_savepath.Text = excelPath;

Example #2
        public void LogToFTP() //Metoda zapisujaca logi do pliku log.txt na serwerze FTP
            LoginDSV login = new LoginDSV();

            string date = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
            string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
            string who  = login.Login();
            string name = SystemInformation.UserName;
            string ver  = "v" + Application.ProductVersion;

            string input = "[" + date + "][" + time + "][" + name + "][" + who + "][" + ver + "]\n";

            byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);

                FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("ftp://files.000webhost.com/myproactive/log.txt");
                request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("ediapp", "w8EtQdvNMJ8vXbt");
                request.Method      = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.AppendFile;

                Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Example #3
        public MyProactive()

            LoginDSV  login    = new LoginDSV();
            Resources resource = new Resources();

            groupBox1.Paint += GroupBox_Paint;
            groupBox2.Paint += GroupBox_Paint;

            string userName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;

            ListBox("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "] " + "Logged as: " + userName + " " + "(" + login.Login() + ")");
            ListBox("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "] " + "App is ready to use.");

            ver.Text = "v" + Application.ProductVersion;

            Task.Delay(3000).ContinueWith(t => resource.LogToFTP()); //zapisz log na serwerze z opoźnieniem

            latest_ver.Text = resource.CheckVersion();               //kontrola wersji programu

            textBox1.Enabled = false;
Example #4
        public void ReadMailItems(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            OutlookApp.Application outlookApplication = null;
            OutlookApp.NameSpace   outlookNamespace   = null;
            OutlookApp.MAPIFolder  inboxFolder        = null;
            OutlookApp.Items       mailItems          = null;

            workerThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

            // Obiek + numer zakladki
            Excel excel = new Excel(excelPath, 1);

            // Wykorzystam to do nazwy kategorii w outlooku
            LoginDSV login = new LoginDSV();

            // Licznik maili (wszystkie)
            int i = 0;

            // Licznik maili zapisanych (uwzglednionych)
            int l = 0;

            int k1 = 1;
            int k2 = 1;
            int k3 = 1;
            int k4 = 1;
            int k5 = 1;
            int k6 = 1;
            int k7 = 1;
            int k8 = 1;
            int k9 = 1;

            string content      = string.Empty;
            string content2     = string.Empty;
            string inc          = "waiting to be created";
            string mailCategory = "[myProactive] handled by " + login.Login();

            excel.WriteToCell(2, 0, "");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 1, "DATE");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 2, "WFID");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 3, "BP");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 4, "SourceID");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 5, "DestinationID");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 6, "Error Description");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 7, "Taken action");
            excel.WriteToCell(2, 8, "INC");

            excel.ReadCell(0, 0);

                outlookApplication = new OutlookApp.Application();
                outlookNamespace   = outlookApplication.GetNamespace("MAPI");
                inboxFolder        = outlookNamespace.Folders.Session.PickFolder();
                mailItems          = inboxFolder.Items;

                OutlookApp.Items restrictedItems = mailItems.Restrict(filter);

                for (int j = 0; j <= restrictedItems.Count; j++)
                    foreach (OutlookApp.MailItem item in mailItems)
                        // Licznik maili, zwiększam o 1 za każdym razem gdy obliczam kolejną pozycję mailową
                        i += 1;

                        // Licznik maili uwzblędnionych, zwiększam o 1 za każdym razem gdy pochodzę do kolejnego rekordu
                        l += 1;

                        //Start date
                        string startDate = item.CreationTime.ToString();

                        if ((i <= number)) //wczytaj tyle maili, ile zostalo wybranych w klasie Form1.cs
                            Invoke(        //odpowiedź na: Nieprawidłowa operacja między wątkami.
                                new Action(() =>
                                // Wywołanie metody ReportProgress() wywołuje zdarzenie ProgressChanged
                                // Do tej metody należy przekazać procent przetwarzania, które zostało zakończone

                                // Przypisuje kategorie do obsłużonego maila
                                if (checkBoxTagYes.Checked)
                                    string existingCategories = item.Categories;

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingCategories))
                                        item.Categories = mailCategory;
                                        if (item.Categories.Contains(mailCategory) == false)
                                            item.Categories = mailCategory;
                                    // Zapisuje maila po dodaniu kategorii
                                var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                                string CreationTime = item.CreationTime.ToString();
                                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Subject: " + item.Subject);
                                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Body: " + item.Body);

                                string body = item.Body.ToString();

                                string sPattern = "LOCK";

                                if (Regex.IsMatch(body, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                    listBox1.Items.Add("Item: " + i + " || " + "Skipping, found: Error description 'LOCK: Lock exists'");

                                    // Odejmuje z licznika pozycje z LOCK w opisie bledu, w dalszej czesci nie zapisuje i przechodze dalej.
                                    l -= 1;
                                    //////////// extract WFID
                                    content   = stringBuilder.ToString();
                                    int first = content.IndexOf(" = ") + " : ".Length;

                                    int last    = content.LastIndexOf(" : ");
                                    string str2 = content.Substring(first, last - first);

                                    string wfid = string.Empty;

                                    Regex wyrazenie_wfid = new Regex(@"\d+");

                                    Match wfidTry = wyrazenie_wfid.Match(str2);

                                    if (wfidTry.Success)
                                        wfid = wfidTry.Value;
                                        wfid = "myProactive_error";

                                    //////////// extract BP
                                    string content_BP = stringBuilder.ToString();
                                    int first_bp      = content_BP.IndexOf(" : ") + ": ".Length;
                                    int last_bp       = content_BP.LastIndexOf("Body");

                                    string bp_part1 = content_BP.Substring(first_bp, last_bp - first_bp);
                                    int first_bp1   = bp_part1.IndexOf(" ");
                                    int last_bp1    = bp_part1.LastIndexOf(" :");

                                    string bp = bp_part1.Substring(first_bp1, last_bp1 - first_bp1);

                                    //////////// extract SOURCE ID
                                    string content_sourceID = stringBuilder.ToString();

                                    int first2       = content_sourceID.IndexOf("(Name)"); //+ " : ".Length;
                                    int last2        = content_sourceID.LastIndexOf("(Name)");
                                    string source_id = content_sourceID.Substring(first2 + 7, last2 - 26 - first2);

                                    string sourceIDpattern = "()";

                                    if (source_id.Length > 100)
                                        source_id = "()";
                                    else    // jezeli wystpuje w stringu () to utnij spacje
                                        if (Regex.IsMatch(source_id, sourceIDpattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                            source_id = source_id.Trim();

                                    //////////// extract DESTINATION ID
                                    string content_destID = stringBuilder.ToString();

                                    int first_destID     = content_destID.IndexOf("Destination"); //+ " : ".Length;
                                    int last_destID      = content_destID.LastIndexOf("Type");
                                    string source_destID = content_destID.Substring(first_destID + 22, last_destID - 35 - first_destID);

                                    string destIDpattern = "()";

                                    if (source_destID.Length > 100)
                                        source_destID = "()";
                                    else    //jezeli wystepuje w stringu () to utnij spacje
                                        if (Regex.IsMatch(source_destID, destIDpattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                            source_destID = source_destID.Trim();

                                    //////////// extract ERROR
                                    string content_error = stringBuilder.ToString();
                                    int first_error      = content_error.IndexOf(" : ") + " : ".Length;
                                    int last_error       = content_error.LastIndexOf("Body:");

                                    string error_part1 = content_error.Substring(first_error, last_error - first_error);
                                    int error_first1   = error_part1.IndexOf(": ") + " ".Length + 1;
                                    int error_last1    = error_part1.LastIndexOf("");

                                    string source_error = error_part1.Substring(error_first1, error_last1 - error_first1);

                                    excel.ReadCell(1, 1);

                                    excel.WriteToCell(k1++, 0, l.ToString());
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k2++, 1, CreationTime);
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k3++, 2, wfid);
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k4++, 3, bp);
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k5++, 4, source_id);
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k6++, 5, source_destID);
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k7++, 6, source_error);
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k8++, 7, "no");
                                    excel.WriteToCell(k9++, 8, inc);

                                    ListBox("Item: " + i + " || " + "Date: " + CreationTime + " || " + "WFID: " + wfid + " || " +
                                            "BP: " + bp + " || " + "SourceID: " + source_id + " || " + "DestinationID: " + source_destID + " || " + source_error);

                                    // AktualizujProgres(i, number);

                                    // Przewijam wraz z dodana pozycja
                                    listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - 1;

                                    // Sprawdź, czy zażądano anulowania
                                    if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)
                                        // Ustaw właściwość Cancel obiektu DoWorkEventArgs na true
                                        e.Cancel = true;

                                        // Zresetuj procent postępu do ZERA


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                label5.Text = "Completed.";
                //Zapobiega propagacji ThreadAbortException

            if (workerThread != null)
                e.Result = i;
