/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); texturePlayer = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images\john"); texturePong = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images\pong"); bgTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images\background"); buttonTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images\button"); texturePaddleWash = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images\paddleWash"); textureBox = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images\box"); textureColor = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images\boxGrey"); arial = Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Arial"); arialBold = Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Arial Bold"); system = Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\System"); // Creates the player character. player = new Player(new Vector2(100, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight - 50), 2, Keys.W, Keys.S, Keys.A, Keys.D, Keys.Q, Keys.E); // Creates the player animations player.addAnimations(texturePlayer); pongDefaultposition = new Vector2((windowSize.X - texturePong.Width) / 2, ((windowSize.Y - 100 - texturePong.Height) / 2) + 100); paddleLeft = new PaddleLeft(texturePaddleWash, new Vector2(25, (windowSize.Y - texturePaddleWash.Height) / 2), paddleLeftColor, this, Keys.W, Keys.S); paddleRight = new PaddleRight(texturePaddleWash, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 75), (windowSize.Y - texturePaddleWash.Height) / 2), paddleRightColor, this, Keys.None, Keys.None); paddleRightPlayer = new PaddleRight(texturePaddleWash, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 75), (windowSize.Y - texturePaddleWash.Height) / 2), paddleRightColor, this, Keys.Up, Keys.Down); paddleRightPlayer.ai = false; startGameInst = new Label(new Vector2(windowSize.X, 100), system, 0.5f, Color.White, "Press (Space) to start"); pong = new Pong(texturePong, new Vector2((windowSize.X - texturePong.Width) / 2, ((windowSize.Y - 100 - texturePong.Height) / 2) + 100), pongColor, this); debugLabel = new Label(new Vector2(5, 5), arial, 0.5f, Color.White, ""); // Creates the score text score = new Label(new Vector2(windowSize.X, 25), arial, 1.0f, Color.White, scoreLeft.ToString() + " " + scoreRight.ToString()); bgColorRedUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(50, 100), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red +", Color.White); bgColorRedDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(168, 100), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red -", Color.White); bgColorGreenUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(50, 128), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green +", Color.White); bgColorGreenDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(168, 128), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green -", Color.White); bgColorBlueUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(50, 156), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue +", Color.White); bgColorBlueDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(168, 156), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue -", Color.White); pLColorRedUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(278, 100), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red +", Color.White); pLColorRedDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(396, 100), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red -", Color.White); pLColorGreenUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(278, 128), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green +", Color.White); pLColorGreenDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(396, 128), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green -", Color.White); pLColorBlueUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(278, 156), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue +", Color.White); pLColorBlueDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(396, 156), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue -", Color.White); pRColorRedUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(50, 264), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red +", Color.White); pRColorRedDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(168, 264), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red -", Color.White); pRColorGreenUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(50, 292), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green +", Color.White); pRColorGreenDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(168, 292), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green -", Color.White); pRColorBlueUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(50, 320), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue +", Color.White); pRColorBlueDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(168, 320), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue -", Color.White); pColorRedUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(278, 264), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red +", Color.White); pColorRedDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(396, 264), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Red -", Color.White); pColorGreenUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(278, 292), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green +", Color.White); pColorGreenDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(396, 292), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Green -", Color.White); pColorBlueUp = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(278, 320), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue +", Color.White); pColorBlueDown = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(396, 320), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Blue -", Color.White); applyButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(((windowSize.X - buttonTexture.Width) / 2) + 15, windowSize.Y - 28), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Apply", Color.White); cancelButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2(((windowSize.X - buttonTexture.Width) / 2) + ((buttonTexture.Width / 2) + 15), windowSize.Y - 28), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Cancel", Color.White); backgoundLabel = new Label(new Vector2(80, 75), arial, 1.0f, Color.White, "Background"); paddleLeftLabel = new Label(new Vector2(600, 75), arial, 1.0f, Color.White, "Paddle Left"); paddleRightLabel = new Label(new Vector2(80, 239), arial, 1.0f, Color.White, "Paddle Right"); pongLabel = new Label(new Vector2(650, 239), arial, 1.0f, Color.White, "Pong"); endText = new Label(new Vector2(windowSize.X, ((windowSize.Y - 23) / 2) - 28), arial, 1.0f, Color.White, ""); resetButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, (windowSize.Y - 23) / 2), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Reset", Color.White); mainMenuButton2 = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, ((windowSize.Y - 23) / 2) + 28), arial, 1f, Color.Black, "Menu", Color.White); pauseButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, ((windowSize.Y - 23) / 2)), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Resume", Color.White); mainMenuButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, ((windowSize.Y - 23) / 2) + 28), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Menu", Color.White); pausedLabel = new Label(new Vector2(windowSize.X, ((windowSize.Y - 20) / 2) - 48), arial, 1f, Color.White, "Paused"); playButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, 150), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Play", Color.White); pvpPlayButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, 178), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Play PvP", Color.White); optionsButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, 206), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Options", Color.White); exitButton = new Button(buttonTexture, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 85) / 2, 243), arial, 1.0f, Color.Black, "Exit", Color.White); dummyPaddleLeft = new PaddleLeft(texturePaddleWash, new Vector2(25, (windowSize.Y - texturePaddleWash.Height) / 2), new Color(0, 1f, 0), this, Keys.None, Keys.None); dummyPaddleLeft.dummy = true; dummyPaddleRight = new PaddleRight(texturePaddleWash, new Vector2((windowSize.X - 75), (windowSize.Y - texturePaddleWash.Height) / 2), Color.Red, this, Keys.None, Keys.None); dummyPaddleRight.dummy = true; dummyPong = new Pong(texturePong, new Vector2((windowSize.X - texturePong.Width) / 2, ((windowSize.Y - 100 - texturePong.Height) / 2) + 100), new Color(1, 0.80f, 0), this); dummyPong.move = true; dummyPong.dummy = true; // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }