private void ProbeFinish() { EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; mset.SkyManager skmgr = mset.SkyManager.Get(); foreach (mset.Sky sky in skmgr.SkiesToProbe) { if (sky.SpecularCube as Cubemap) { mset.CubeMipProcessor.CreateSubMips(sky.SpecularCube as Cubemap); mset.SHUtil.projectCube(ref sky.SH, sky.SpecularCube as Cubemap, 3, true); mset.SHUtil.convolve(ref sky.SH); sky.SH.copyToBuffer(); } sky.Dirty = true; } proProbe = null; freeProbe = null; skmgr.SkiesToProbe = null; AssetDatabase.Refresh(); skmgr.ShowSkybox = skmgr.ShowSkybox; skmgr.EditorUpdate(true); skmgr.ProbeExposures =; EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); mset.SkyInspector.forceRefresh(); if (DoneCallback != null) { DoneCallback(); } DoneCallback = null; Close(); }
/// public void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height)); uiScroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(uiScroll, false, false, GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.MaxWidth(position.width)); float rightPad = 23; float minWidth = 315; float sectionWidth = position.width - rightPad; float logoSize = 128; Rect logoRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { GUILayout.Space(32); drawSkyshopLogo(sectionWidth - logoSize, logoRect.y, logoSize); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); uiHideDuringCompute = false; //EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hide UI During Compute",uiHideDuringCompute); if (!uiHideDuringCompute || !ps.isPlaying()) { // INPUT REF EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { inSKY.previewWidth = Mathf.Max(328, (int)sectionWidth - 2); inSKY.drawGUI(); outSIM.inputPath = outSKY.inputPath = inSKY.fullPath; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // OUTPUT REF EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox", GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiRefOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiRefOptions, "Output Cubemaps"); if (uiRefOptions) { outSKY.drawGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); outSIM.drawGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { string newTip = "Create a new cubemap assets for each output slot and adds them to the project."; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("New All ", newTip), GUILayout.Width(70), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.newCube(); outSIM.newCube(); } string findTip = "Search project for all existing output cubemaps by input panorama name."; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Find All", findTip), GUILayout.Width(70), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.find(); outSIM.find(); } string clearTip = "Deselect all target cubemaps from output slots."; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Clear All", clearTip), GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.clear(); outSIM.clear(); } string reloadTip = "Reload all input and output slot textures and generate preview images for them."; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(outSKY.fullPath.Length == 0 && outSIM.fullPath.Length == 0 && inSKY.fullPath.Length == 0); { if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Reload All", reloadTip), GUILayout.Width(85), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.reloadReference(); outSIM.reloadReference(); inSKY.reloadReference(); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { string editLabel = ""; string editTip = ""; mset.Sky editSky = null; if (uiSelectedSky) { editSky = uiSelectedSky; editLabel = "Edit Selected"; editTip = "Select cubemaps from the selected Sky as output targets."; } else { mset.SkyManager mgr = mset.SkyManager.Get(); if (mgr) { editSky = mgr.GlobalSky; } else { editSky = null; } editLabel = "Edit Global"; editTip = "Select cubemaps from the current viewport Sky as output targets."; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(editSky == null); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(editLabel, editTip), GUILayout.Width(95), GUILayout.Height(32))) { if (editSky) { outSKY.HDR = editSky.HDRSky; outSIM.HDR = editSky.HDRSpec; if (editSky.SkyboxCube) { outSKY.setReference(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(editSky.SkyboxCube), false, true); } else { outSKY.clear(); } if (editSky.SpecularCube) { outSIM.setReference(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(editSky.SpecularCube), true, true); } else { outSIM.clear(); } } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); string applyTip = "Change the selected Sky object to use Skyshop's current output cubemaps."; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(uiSelectedSky == null); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Apply to Selected", applyTip), GUILayout.Width(120), GUILayout.Height(32))) { if (uiSelectedSky) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(uiSelectedSky, "Apply to Selected Sky"); uiSelectedSky.SpecularCube = outSIM.cube; uiSelectedSky.SkyboxCube = outSKY.cube; uiSelectedSky.MasterIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.SkyIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.DiffIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.SpecIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.HDRSky = outSKY.HDR; uiSelectedSky.HDRSpec = outSIM.HDR; SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); string addTip = "Create a new Sky object in the scene and assigns Skyshop's current output cubemaps to it."; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Add to Scene", addTip), GUILayout.Width(95), GUILayout.Height(32))) { mset.Sky skyScript = addSky(this.inSKY.skyName); if (skyScript) { skyScript.SpecularCube = outSIM.cube; skyScript.SkyboxCube = outSKY.cube; skyScript.MasterIntensity = 1f; skyScript.SkyIntensity = 1f; skyScript.DiffIntensity = 1f; skyScript.SpecIntensity = 1f; skyScript.HDRSky = outSKY.HDR; skyScript.HDRSpec = outSIM.HDR; skyScript.Apply(); //Add to Scene SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } // end if uiRefOptions } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // BASIC string tipExposure = "A multiplier on all the pixels in the Input Panorama during computation. Use for uniform brightness adjustment of results."; string tipQuality = "Changes some advanced options to balance between image quality and computation speed."; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox", GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiBasicOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiBasicOptions, "Basic Options"); if (uiBasicOptions) { float newExposure = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Baked Exposure", "Baked Exposure -\n" + tipExposure), uiExposure, GUILayout.Width(300)); newExposure = Mathf.Max(0.0f, newExposure); if (newExposure != uiExposure) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Change Exposure"); uiExposure = newExposure; } mset.Quality newQuality = (mset.Quality)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( new GUIContent("Quality", "Quality -\n" + tipQuality), (mset.Quality)uiConvoQuality, GUILayout.Width(300) ); if (newQuality != uiConvoQuality) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Change Quality"); uiConvoQuality = newQuality; switch (uiConvoQuality) { case mset.Quality.ultra: uiConvoSize = 64; break; case mset.Quality.high: uiConvoSize = 32; break; case mset.Quality.medium: uiConvoSize = 16; break; case mset.Quality.low: uiConvoSize = 8; break; } } /* * uiCubeSize = (TexSize)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( * new GUIContent("Output Size (cube)","Output Size -\n"+tipCubeSize), * (CubeSize)uiCubeSize, * GUILayout.Width(300) * );*/ EditorGUILayout.Space(); } // end if uiBasicOptions } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // PRO MOVES string tipConvoSize = "Resolution the input panorama is downsampled to for convolution, must be power of 2.\n\nWarning: High resolutions can lead to VERY long computation times!"; string tipMipChain = "If enabled, different specular gloss exponents are computed and stored in each mipmap level of the Specular Output cube.\n\nThis must be enabled for Gloss Maps to function in Marmoset Shaders."; string tipExponent = "Gloss exponent used in computing the Specular Output cubemap. Value must be a power of 2, lower values result in a blurrier cubemap. Only available when \"Build Mip Chains\" is disabled."; string tipMaxExponent = "Highest gloss exponent use in the specular mip chain. Other exponents in the chain are generated from this value."; string tipExponents = "Displays a list of the specular gloss exponents used in the various mip levels of the Specular Output cube."; string tipResponsiveUI = "Enable if Unity is too unresponsive during computation. Will slow overall computation time."; string tipReflection = "Highest gloss level in the specular mip chain is a polished mirror reflection pulled from the input panorama itself."; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox", GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiAdvancedOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiAdvancedOptions, "Advanced Options"); if (uiAdvancedOptions) { int newConvoSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField( new GUIContent("Convolution Size", "Convolution Size -\n" + tipConvoSize), uiConvoSize, GUILayout.Width(300) ); if (newConvoSize < 2) { newConvoSize = 2; } newConvoSize += newConvoSize % 2; if (newConvoSize != uiConvoSize) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Change Convolution Size"); uiConvoSize = newConvoSize; uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.custom; switch (uiConvoSize) { case 8: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.low; break; case 16: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.medium; break; case 32: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.high; break; case 64: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.ultra; break; } ; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); mset.CubemapGUI.drawStaticGUI(); bool newMipChain = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Build Specular Mip Chain", "Specular Mip Chains -\n" + tipMipChain), uiMipChain); if (newMipChain != uiMipChain) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Toggle Specular Mip Chain"); uiMipChain = newMipChain; } if (uiMipChain) { bool newRefInSIM = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Highest Mip is Reflection", "Highest Mip is Reflection -\n" + tipReflection), uiReflectionInSIM); if (newRefInSIM != uiReflectionInSIM) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Toggle Mip Chain Reflection"); uiReflectionInSIM = newRefInSIM; } int newExponent = EditorGUILayout.IntField( new GUIContent("Max Specular Exponent", "Specular Exponent -\n" + tipMaxExponent), uiExponent, GUILayout.Width(300) ); newExponent = Mathf.Max(1, newExponent); if (newExponent != uiExponent) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Change Specular Exponent"); uiExponent = newExponent; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); string mipString; if (uiReflectionInSIM) { mipString = "mirror"; } else { mipString = uiExponent.ToString(); } for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { if ((1 << i) < uiExponent) { mipString += ", "; mipString += (uiExponent >> i); if (i == 3) { mipString += "..."; } } } EditorGUILayout.TextField(new GUIContent("Specular Exponents", "Specular Exponents -\n" + tipExponents), mipString, GUILayout.Width(300)); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } else { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Highest Mip is Reflection", "Highest Mip is Reflection -\n" + tipReflection), false); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); int newExponent = EditorGUILayout.IntField( new GUIContent("Specular Exponent", "Specular Exponent -\n" + tipExponent), uiExponent, GUILayout.Width(300) ); newExponent = Mathf.Max(1, newExponent); if (newExponent != uiExponent) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Change Specular Exponent"); uiExponent = newExponent; } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); //TODO: Will anyone ever want this? Marmoset shaders need gamma compression as does sRGB sampling. uiGammaCompress = true; /* * uiGammaCompress = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent( * "Gamma-Compress RGBM", * "Gamma-Compress RGBM -\nIf enabled, a gamma of 1/2.2 is applied to HDR data before it is encoded as RGBM. This adds dynamic range but also shader complexity. Leave enabled for Marmoset shaders."), * uiGammaCompress); */ uiResponsiveUI = stepsPerFrame <= 1024 * 16; uiResponsiveUI = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Keep UI Responsive", "Keep UI Responsive -\n" + tipResponsiveUI), uiResponsiveUI); ulong newStepsPerFrame = stepsPerFrame; if (uiResponsiveUI) { newStepsPerFrame = 1024 * 16; } else { newStepsPerFrame = 1024 * 256; } if (newStepsPerFrame != stepsPerFrame) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Toggle Responsive UI"); stepsPerFrame = newStepsPerFrame; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset to Default", GUILayout.Width(120))) { uiConvoSize = Mathf.Min(uiConvoSize, 16); uiMipChain = true; uiReflectionInSIM = true; uiResponsiveUI = false; uiGammaCompress = true; uiExponent = 512; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } //GENERATE bool generateGPU = false; bool generate = false; bool cancel = false; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { bool hasPro = UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.HasPro(); string tipGPUCompute = "Generates skybox and specular cubemaps. Specular convolution is performed on the GPU for greater speed and quality.\n\nNote: a different convolution equation is used, results may vary from CPU compute."; if (hasPro == false) { tipGPUCompute = "Requires Unity Pro :-(\n\n" + tipGPUCompute; } bool playing = ps.isPlaying(); //if( ps.isPlaying() ) { // cancel = GUILayout.Button("Abort", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(50)); //} else { bool valid = true; if (inSKY.input == null) { valid = false; } if (outSKY.cube == null && outSIM.cube == null) { valid = false; } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!valid); generate = GUILayout.Button(playing ? "Cancel" : "Compute", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(50)); if (playing) { cancel = generate; generate = false; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!valid || !hasPro || playing); generateGPU = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("GPU Compute", "GPU Compute -\n" + tipGPUCompute), GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(50)); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if (!valid) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); if (inSKY.input == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Input Panorama is missing.", MessageType.Error); } if (outSKY.cube == null && outSIM.cube == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("An Output Cubemap is needed.", MessageType.Error); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (cancel) { ps.pause(); Repaint(); inSKY.locked = outSKY.locked = outSIM.locked = false; inSKY.updateBuffers(); } progressRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(sectionWidth - 4, 16); progressRect.width = sectionWidth; progressRect.x = 4; progressRect.y += 2; //uiShowPreview = true; if (uiShowPreview) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Convolution Preview"); float previewWidth = position.width - rightPad; float previewHeight = previewWidth * 0.5f; mset.EditorUtil.GUILayout.drawTexture(4, 0, previewWidth, previewHeight, "", uiConvoPreview, false); } if (generate) { startConvo(); ps.repaintMetric.begin(); } if (generateGPU) { this.startConvoGPU(); this.finishSKY(); if (outSIM.cube) { Cubemap tempCube = this.outSKY.cube; if (tempCube == null) { tempCube = new Cubemap(outSIM.cube.width, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); ps.IN.resampleToCube(ref tempCube, 0, outSIM.colorMode, true, uiExposure); tempCube.Apply(false); mset.AssetUtil.setLinear(new SerializedObject(tempCube), false); } mset.SkyProbe p = new mset.SkyProbe(); p.maxExponent = this.uiExponent; p.highestMipIsMirror = this.uiReflectionInSIM; p.generateMipChain = this.uiMipChain; bool linear = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; p.convolve(this.outSIM.cube, tempCube, this.outSIM.HDR, this.outSKY.HDR, linear); outSIM.reloadReference(); if (ps.buildMipChain) { finishSIM(); } } this.finishConvoGPU(); } if (ps.isPlaying()) { if (ps.curr == 0) { finishSKY(); } if (ps.done()) { ps.repaintMetric.end(); finishConvo(); Repaint(); ps.pause(); } else { ps.repaintMetric.end(); //execute a subset of convolution steps, take a break to repaint the gui, then continue convolution stepConvo(); EditorGUI.ProgressBar(progressRect, ps.progress(), "Convolution Progress " + Mathf.Floor(100f * ps.progress()) + "%"); Repaint(); ps.pendingRepaint = false; ps.repaintMetric.begin(); } } if (ps.isPlaying() && !ps.done()) { EditorGUI.ProgressBar(progressRect, ps.progress(), "Convolution Progress " + Mathf.Floor(100f * ps.progress()) + "%"); } //DEBUG OPTIONS /* * EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox", GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { * uiPerfReport = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiPerfReport,"Debug"); * if( uiPerfReport ) { * uiShowPreview = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Preview", uiShowPreview, GUILayout.Height(16)); * EditorGUILayout.Space(); * * string report = "Performance Report\n"; * report += ps.totalMetric.getString("Total",0); * report += ps.initMetric.getString("Init",1); * report += ps.blockMetric.getString("Coroutine Step",1); * report += ps.passWriteMetric.getString("Cube Write",2); * report += ps.repaintMetric.getString("Repaint", 1); * report += ps.finishMetric.getString("Finalize", 1); * EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(report, "HelpBox", GUILayout.Height(360)); * EditorGUILayout.Space(); * selectTest(); * } * }EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); */ EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox", GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiGIOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiGIOptions, "Beast Global Illum Options"); if (uiGIOptions) { mset.BeastConfig.DrawGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); //GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); }
public void freeMem() { if(locked) return; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(preview,false); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(tempTexture,false); preview = null; tempTexture = null; cube = null; input = null; srInput = null; probe = null; }
// REFERENCE public void clear() { if(locked) return; cube = null; input = null; srInput = null; probe = null; dir = ""; skyName = ""; fullPath = ""; prettyPath = ""; assetLinear = false; }
private void renderProbeCallback(object data) { int faceSize = (int)data; if( faceSize == -1 ) return; fullPath = suggestPath(inputPath, true); updatePath(); if( probe == null ) probe = new SkyProbe(); probe.cube = new Cubemap(faceSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, this.mipmapped); probe.capture(Selection.activeTransform, this.HDR); setReference(probe.cube, false, true); mset.Util.setLinear(srInput, false); }
private void ProbeUpdate() { mset.SkyManager skmgr = mset.SkyManager.Get(); if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying && skmgr.SkiesToProbe != null) { if (firstFrame) { if (skmgr.ProbeOnlyStatic) { //hide dynamics Renderer[] rends = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Renderer>(); foreach (Renderer rend in rends) { if (!rend.gameObject.isStatic) { rend.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } firstFrame = false; } if (useCubeRT) { if (proProbe == null) { proProbe = new mset.SkyProbe(); } //Run the whole loop in place and finish bool success = true; int i = 0; foreach (mset.Sky targetSky in skmgr.SkiesToProbe) { i++; SetProgress((float)i / (float)skmgr.SkiesToProbe.Length); //NOTE: we don't allocate new cubemaps at this stage. That's on you, buddy. Cubemap targetCube = targetSky.SpecularCube as Cubemap; if (targetCube == null) { continue; } Transform at = targetSky.transform; proProbe.maxExponent = skmgr.ProbeExponent; proProbe.exposures = skmgr.ProbeExposures; bool linear = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; bool k = proProbe.capture(targetCube, at.position, at.rotation, targetSky.HDRSpec, linear, true); if (!k) { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to capture with RenderTextures, falling back to ReadPixels."); useCubeRT = false; success = false; break; } } if (success) { CueProbeFinish(); } } if (!useCubeRT) { //Create a game object and let the update loop run until DoneCallback gets called if (freeProbe == null) { GameObject go = new GameObject(); = "FreeProbe Object"; go.AddComponent <Camera>(); freeProbe = go.AddComponent <mset.FreeProbe>(); skmgr.GameApplySkies(true); Shader.SetGlobalVector("_UniformOcclusion", skmgr.ProbeExposures); freeProbe.linear = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; freeProbe.maxExponent = skmgr.ProbeExponent; freeProbe.exposures = skmgr.ProbeExposures; freeProbe.QueueSkies(skmgr.SkiesToProbe); freeProbe.ProgressCallback = this.SetProgress; freeProbe.DoneCallback = this.CueProbeFinish; freeProbe.RunQueue(); } } } }
private void ProbeFinish() { EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; mset.SkyManager skmgr = mset.SkyManager.Get(); foreach(mset.Sky sky in skmgr.SkiesToProbe) { if(sky.SpecularCube as Cubemap) { mset.CubeMipProcessor.CreateSubMips(sky.SpecularCube as Cubemap); mset.SHUtil.projectCube(ref sky.SH, sky.SpecularCube as Cubemap, 3, true); mset.SHUtil.convolve( ref sky.SH ); sky.SH.copyToBuffer(); } sky.Dirty = true; } proProbe = null; freeProbe = null; skmgr.SkiesToProbe = null; AssetDatabase.Refresh(); skmgr.ShowSkybox = skmgr.ShowSkybox; skmgr.EditorUpdate(true); skmgr.ProbeExposures =; EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); mset.SkyInspector.forceRefresh(); if(DoneCallback != null) DoneCallback(); DoneCallback = null; Close(); }
private void ProbeUpdate() { mset.SkyManager skmgr = mset.SkyManager.Get(); if(UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying && skmgr.SkiesToProbe != null) { if(firstFrame) { if(skmgr.ProbeOnlyStatic) { //hide dynamics Renderer[] rends = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Renderer>(); foreach(Renderer rend in rends) { if(!rend.gameObject.isStatic) rend.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } firstFrame = false; } if(useCubeRT) { if(proProbe == null) { proProbe = new mset.SkyProbe(); } //Run the whole loop in place and finish bool success = true; int i = 0; foreach( mset.Sky targetSky in skmgr.SkiesToProbe ) { i++; SetProgress((float)i / (float)skmgr.SkiesToProbe.Length); //NOTE: we don't allocate new cubemaps at this stage. That's on you, buddy. Cubemap targetCube = targetSky.SpecularCube as Cubemap; if(targetCube == null) continue; Transform at = targetSky.transform; proProbe.maxExponent = skmgr.ProbeExponent; proProbe.exposures = skmgr.ProbeExposures; bool linear = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; bool k = proProbe.capture(targetCube, at.position, at.rotation, targetSky.HDRSpec, linear, true); if(!k) { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to capture with RenderTextures, falling back to ReadPixels."); useCubeRT = false; success = false; break; } } if(success) { CueProbeFinish(); } } if(!useCubeRT) { //Create a game object and let the update loop run until DoneCallback gets called if(freeProbe == null) { GameObject go = new GameObject(); = "FreeProbe Object"; go.AddComponent<Camera>(); freeProbe = go.AddComponent<mset.FreeProbe>(); skmgr.GameApplySkies(true); Shader.SetGlobalVector("_UniformOcclusion", skmgr.ProbeExposures); freeProbe.linear = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; freeProbe.maxExponent = skmgr.ProbeExponent; freeProbe.exposures = skmgr.ProbeExposures; freeProbe.QueueSkies(skmgr.SkiesToProbe); freeProbe.ProgressCallback = this.SetProgress; freeProbe.DoneCallback = this.CueProbeFinish; freeProbe.RunQueue(); } } } }
/// public void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0,0,position.width,position.height)); uiScroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(uiScroll, false, false,GUILayout.MinWidth(300),GUILayout.MaxWidth(position.width) ); float rightPad = 23; float minWidth = 315; float sectionWidth = position.width - rightPad; float logoSize = 128; Rect logoRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { GUILayout.Space(32); drawSkyshopLogo(sectionWidth - logoSize, logoRect.y, logoSize); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); uiHideDuringCompute = false;//EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hide UI During Compute",uiHideDuringCompute); if( !uiHideDuringCompute || !ps.isPlaying() ) { // INPUT REF EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { inSKY.previewWidth = Mathf.Max(328,(int)sectionWidth-2); inSKY.drawGUI(); outSIM.inputPath = outSKY.inputPath = inSKY.fullPath; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // OUTPUT REF EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox",GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiRefOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiRefOptions,"Output Cubemaps"); if( uiRefOptions ) { outSKY.drawGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); outSIM.drawGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();{ string newTip = "Create a new cubemap assets for each output slot and adds them to the project."; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("New All ", newTip), GUILayout.Width(70), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.newCube(); outSIM.newCube(); } string findTip = "Search project for all existing output cubemaps by input panorama name."; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Find All", findTip), GUILayout.Width(70), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.find(); outSIM.find(); } string clearTip = "Deselect all target cubemaps from output slots."; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Clear All", clearTip), GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.clear(); outSIM.clear(); } string reloadTip = "Reload all input and output slot textures and generate preview images for them."; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(outSKY.fullPath.Length == 0 && outSIM.fullPath.Length == 0 && inSKY.fullPath.Length == 0); { if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Reload All", reloadTip), GUILayout.Width(85), GUILayout.Height(18))) { outSKY.reloadReference(); outSIM.reloadReference(); inSKY.reloadReference(); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();{ string editLabel = ""; string editTip = ""; mset.Sky editSky = null; if( uiSelectedSky ) { editSky = uiSelectedSky; editLabel = "Edit Selected"; editTip = "Select cubemaps from the selected Sky as output targets."; } else { mset.SkyManager mgr = mset.SkyManager.Get(); if(mgr) editSky = mgr.GlobalSky; else editSky = null; editLabel = "Edit Global"; editTip = "Select cubemaps from the current viewport Sky as output targets."; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(editSky == null); if( GUILayout.Button( new GUIContent(editLabel, editTip), GUILayout.Width(95), GUILayout.Height(32) ) ) { if( editSky ) { outSKY.HDR = editSky.HDRSky; outSIM.HDR = editSky.HDRSpec; outSKY.setReference( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(editSky.SkyboxCube), false, true ); outSIM.setReference( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(editSky.SpecularCube), true, true ); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); string applyTip = "Change the selected Sky object to use Skyshop's current output cubemaps."; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(uiSelectedSky == null); if( GUILayout.Button( new GUIContent("Apply to Selected", applyTip), GUILayout.Width(120), GUILayout.Height(32) ) ) { if( uiSelectedSky ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(uiSelectedSky, "Apply to Selected Sky"); uiSelectedSky.SpecularCube = outSIM.cube; uiSelectedSky.SkyboxCube = outSKY.cube; uiSelectedSky.MasterIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.SkyIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.DiffIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.SpecIntensity = 1f; uiSelectedSky.HDRSky = outSKY.HDR; uiSelectedSky.HDRSpec = outSIM.HDR; SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); string addTip = "Create a new Sky object in the scene and assigns Skyshop's current output cubemaps to it."; if( GUILayout.Button( new GUIContent("Add to Scene", addTip), GUILayout.Width(95), GUILayout.Height(32) ) ){ mset.Sky skyScript = addSky(this.inSKY.skyName); if( skyScript ) { skyScript.SpecularCube = outSIM.cube; skyScript.SkyboxCube = outSKY.cube; skyScript.MasterIntensity = 1f; skyScript.SkyIntensity = 1f; skyScript.DiffIntensity = 1f; skyScript.SpecIntensity = 1f; skyScript.HDRSky = outSKY.HDR; skyScript.HDRSpec = outSIM.HDR; skyScript.Apply(); //Add to Scene SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } }EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); }// end if uiRefOptions }EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // BASIC string tipExposure = "A multiplier on all the pixels in the Input Panorama during computation. Use for uniform brightness adjustment of results."; string tipQuality = "Changes some advanced options to balance between image quality and computation speed."; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox",GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiBasicOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiBasicOptions,"Basic Options"); if( uiBasicOptions ) { float newExposure = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Baked Exposure","Baked Exposure -\n"+tipExposure), uiExposure, GUILayout.Width(300)); newExposure = Mathf.Max(0.0f, newExposure); if( newExposure != uiExposure ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this,"Change Exposure"); uiExposure = newExposure; } mset.Quality newQuality = (mset.Quality)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( new GUIContent("Quality","Quality -\n"+tipQuality), (mset.Quality)uiConvoQuality, GUILayout.Width(300) ); if( newQuality != uiConvoQuality ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this,"Change Quality"); uiConvoQuality = newQuality; switch(uiConvoQuality) { case mset.Quality.ultra: uiConvoSize = 64; break; case mset.Quality.high: uiConvoSize = 32; break; case mset.Quality.medium: uiConvoSize = 16; break; case mset.Quality.low: uiConvoSize = 8; break; } } /* uiCubeSize = (TexSize)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( new GUIContent("Output Size (cube)","Output Size -\n"+tipCubeSize), (CubeSize)uiCubeSize, GUILayout.Width(300) );*/ EditorGUILayout.Space(); }// end if uiBasicOptions }EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // PRO MOVES string tipConvoSize = "Resolution the input panorama is downsampled to for convolution, must be power of 2.\n\nWarning: High resolutions can lead to VERY long computation times!"; string tipMipChain = "If enabled, different specular gloss exponents are computed and stored in each mipmap level of the Specular Output cube.\n\nThis must be enabled for Gloss Maps to function in Marmoset Shaders."; string tipExponent = "Gloss exponent used in computing the Specular Output cubemap. Value must be a power of 2, lower values result in a blurrier cubemap. Only available when \"Build Mip Chains\" is disabled."; string tipMaxExponent = "Highest gloss exponent use in the specular mip chain. Other exponents in the chain are generated from this value."; string tipExponents = "Displays a list of the specular gloss exponents used in the various mip levels of the Specular Output cube."; string tipResponsiveUI = "Enable if Unity is too unresponsive during computation. Will slow overall computation time."; string tipReflection = "Highest gloss level in the specular mip chain is a polished mirror reflection pulled from the input panorama itself."; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox",GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiAdvancedOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiAdvancedOptions,"Advanced Options"); if( uiAdvancedOptions ) { int newConvoSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField( new GUIContent("Convolution Size", "Convolution Size -\n" + tipConvoSize), uiConvoSize, GUILayout.Width(300) ); if( newConvoSize < 2 ) newConvoSize = 2; newConvoSize += newConvoSize % 2; if( newConvoSize != uiConvoSize ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this,"Change Convolution Size"); uiConvoSize = newConvoSize; uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.custom; switch( uiConvoSize ) { case 8: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.low; break; case 16: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.medium; break; case 32: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.high; break; case 64: uiConvoQuality = mset.Quality.ultra; break; }; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); mset.CubemapGUI.drawStaticGUI(); bool newMipChain = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Build Specular Mip Chain","Specular Mip Chains -\n" + tipMipChain),uiMipChain); if( newMipChain != uiMipChain ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this,"Toggle Specular Mip Chain"); uiMipChain = newMipChain; } if(uiMipChain) { bool newRefInSIM = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Highest Mip is Reflection","Highest Mip is Reflection -\n" + tipReflection),uiReflectionInSIM); if( newRefInSIM != uiReflectionInSIM ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this,"Toggle Mip Chain Reflection"); uiReflectionInSIM = newRefInSIM; } int newExponent = EditorGUILayout.IntField( new GUIContent("Max Specular Exponent","Specular Exponent -\n" + tipMaxExponent), uiExponent, GUILayout.Width(300) ); newExponent = Mathf.Max(1, newExponent); if( newExponent != uiExponent ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Change Specular Exponent"); uiExponent = newExponent; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); string mipString; if( uiReflectionInSIM ) mipString = "mirror"; else mipString = uiExponent.ToString(); for(int i=1; i<4; ++i) { if((1<<i) < uiExponent){ mipString += ", "; mipString += (uiExponent >> i); if(i==3) mipString += "..."; } } EditorGUILayout.TextField(new GUIContent("Specular Exponents","Specular Exponents -\n"+tipExponents), mipString, GUILayout.Width(300)); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } else { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Highest Mip is Reflection","Highest Mip is Reflection -\n" + tipReflection),false); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); int newExponent = EditorGUILayout.IntField( new GUIContent("Specular Exponent","Specular Exponent -\n" + tipExponent), uiExponent, GUILayout.Width(300) ); newExponent = Mathf.Max(1, newExponent); if( newExponent != uiExponent ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this, "Change Specular Exponent"); uiExponent = newExponent; } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); //TODO: Will anyone ever want this? Marmoset shaders need gamma compression as does sRGB sampling. uiGammaCompress = true; /* uiGammaCompress = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent( "Gamma-Compress RGBM", "Gamma-Compress RGBM -\nIf enabled, a gamma of 1/2.2 is applied to HDR data before it is encoded as RGBM. This adds dynamic range but also shader complexity. Leave enabled for Marmoset shaders."), uiGammaCompress); */ uiResponsiveUI = stepsPerFrame <= 1024*16; uiResponsiveUI = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Keep UI Responsive","Keep UI Responsive -\n"+tipResponsiveUI), uiResponsiveUI); ulong newStepsPerFrame = stepsPerFrame; if( uiResponsiveUI ) newStepsPerFrame = 1024*16; else newStepsPerFrame = 1024*256; if( newStepsPerFrame != stepsPerFrame ) { mset.EditorUtil.RegisterUndo(this,"Toggle Responsive UI"); stepsPerFrame = newStepsPerFrame; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if( GUILayout.Button("Reset to Default", GUILayout.Width(120)) ) { uiConvoSize = Mathf.Min(uiConvoSize, 16); uiMipChain = true; uiReflectionInSIM = true; uiResponsiveUI = false; uiGammaCompress = true; uiExponent = 512; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } }EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } //GENERATE bool generateGPU = false; bool generate = false; bool cancel = false; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { bool hasPro = UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.HasPro(); string tipGPUCompute = "Generates skybox and specular cubemaps. Specular convolution is performed on the GPU for greater speed and quality.\n\nNote: a different convolution equation is used, results may vary from CPU compute."; if( hasPro == false ) tipGPUCompute = "Requires Unity Pro :-(\n\n" + tipGPUCompute; bool playing = ps.isPlaying(); //if( ps.isPlaying() ) { // cancel = GUILayout.Button("Abort", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(50)); //} else { bool valid = true; if( inSKY.input == null ) { valid = false; } if( outSKY.cube == null && outSIM.cube == null ) { valid = false; } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!valid); generate = GUILayout.Button(playing ? "Cancel" : "Compute", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(50)); if(playing) {cancel = generate; generate = false; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!valid || !hasPro || playing); generateGPU = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("GPU Compute","GPU Compute -\n" + tipGPUCompute), GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(50)); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if( !valid ) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); if( inSKY.input == null ) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Input Panorama is missing.", MessageType.Error); } if( outSKY.cube == null && outSIM.cube == null ) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("An Output Cubemap is needed.", MessageType.Error); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } } }EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if( cancel ) { ps.pause(); Repaint(); inSKY.locked = outSKY.locked = outSIM.locked = false; inSKY.updateBuffers(); } progressRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(sectionWidth - 4,16); progressRect.width = sectionWidth; progressRect.x = 4; progressRect.y += 2; //uiShowPreview = true; if( uiShowPreview ) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Convolution Preview"); float previewWidth = position.width - rightPad; float previewHeight = previewWidth*0.5f; mset.EditorUtil.GUILayout.drawTexture( 4, 0, previewWidth, previewHeight, "", uiConvoPreview, false); } if( generate ) { startConvo(); ps.repaintMetric.begin(); } if( generateGPU ) { this.startConvoGPU(); this.finishSKY(); if(outSIM.cube) { Cubemap tempCube = this.outSKY.cube; if(tempCube == null) { tempCube = new Cubemap(outSIM.cube.width, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); ps.IN.resampleToCube(ref tempCube, 0, outSIM.colorMode, true, uiExposure); tempCube.Apply(false); mset.AssetUtil.setLinear(new SerializedObject(tempCube), false); } mset.SkyProbe p = new mset.SkyProbe(); p.maxExponent = this.uiExponent; p.highestMipIsMirror = this.uiReflectionInSIM; p.generateMipChain = this.uiMipChain; bool linear = UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; p.convolve(this.outSIM.cube, tempCube, this.outSIM.HDR, this.outSKY.HDR, linear); outSIM.reloadReference(); if( ps.buildMipChain ) { finishSIM(); } } this.finishConvoGPU(); } if( ps.isPlaying() ) { if( ps.curr == 0 ) { finishSKY(); } if( ps.done() ) { ps.repaintMetric.end(); finishConvo(); Repaint(); ps.pause(); } else { ps.repaintMetric.end(); //execute a subset of convolution steps, take a break to repaint the gui, then continue convolution stepConvo(); EditorGUI.ProgressBar(progressRect, ps.progress(), "Convolution Progress " + Mathf.Floor(100f * ps.progress()) + "%"); Repaint(); ps.pendingRepaint = false; ps.repaintMetric.begin(); } } if( ps.isPlaying() && !ps.done() ) { EditorGUI.ProgressBar(progressRect, ps.progress(), "Convolution Progress " + Mathf.Floor(100f * ps.progress()) + "%"); } //DEBUG OPTIONS /* EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox", GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiPerfReport = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiPerfReport,"Debug"); if( uiPerfReport ) { uiShowPreview = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Preview", uiShowPreview, GUILayout.Height(16)); EditorGUILayout.Space(); string report = "Performance Report\n"; report += ps.totalMetric.getString("Total",0); report += ps.initMetric.getString("Init",1); report += ps.blockMetric.getString("Coroutine Step",1); report += ps.passWriteMetric.getString("Cube Write",2); report += ps.repaintMetric.getString("Repaint", 1); report += ps.finishMetric.getString("Finalize", 1); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(report, "HelpBox", GUILayout.Height(360)); EditorGUILayout.Space(); selectTest(); } }EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); */ EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox",GUILayout.Width(sectionWidth), GUILayout.MinWidth(minWidth)); { uiGIOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(uiGIOptions,"Beast Global Illum Options"); if( uiGIOptions ) { mset.BeastConfig.DrawGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } }EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); //GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); }