Example #1
        void DisplayElements(SerializedProperty serSelection, Exporter.LayerData layerData, Color defaultContentColor, bool clean, List <GameObject> newList, List <GameObject> allowedObjects, Color match)
            bool atLeastOne = false;

            if (serSelection.arraySize != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < serSelection.arraySize; ++i)
                    SerializedProperty serSelected = serSelection.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
                    //GameObject selected = layerData.selection[i];
                    // the object might have been deleted
                    if (serSelected.objectReferenceValue != null)
                        bool toRemove = false;

                        GUI.contentColor = defaultContentColor;
                        // if in recursive mode and has a parent
                        if (layerData.recursive && ((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).transform.parent)
                            // check that the parent is not already in the list
                            if (layerData.Contains(((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).transform.parent.gameObject))
                                GUI.contentColor = noParent;
                                toRemove         = true;
                        if (!toRemove)
                            bool    hasTerrain = false;
                            Terrain ter        = ((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).GetComponent <Terrain>();
                            if (ter && ter.enabled && ter.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                                hasTerrain = true;
                            if (!hasTerrain && layerData.recursive)
                                Terrain[] ters = ((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).GetComponentsInChildren <Terrain>();
                                foreach (Terrain subter in ters)
                                    if (subter.enabled && subter.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                                        hasTerrain = true;

                            // has a mesh component ?
                            bool         hasMesh = false;
                            MeshRenderer mr      = ((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                            if (mr && mr.enabled && mr.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                                hasMesh = true;
                            // or if recursive, has a mesh at least in children
                            if (!hasMesh && layerData.recursive)
                                MeshRenderer[] mrs = ((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
                                foreach (MeshRenderer submr in mrs)
                                    if (submr.enabled && submr.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                                        hasMesh = true;
                            // no mesh found, nothing to export
                            if (!hasMesh && !hasTerrain)
                                GUI.contentColor = noMesh;
                                toRemove         = true;
                            // check if the mesh belong to a static mesh
                            else if (layerData.staticOnly)
                                // if recursive export, check if the gameobject of at least one mesh is static
                                if (layerData.recursive)
                                    bool hasStatic = false;
                                    if (hasTerrain)
                                        Terrain[] ters = ((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).GetComponentsInChildren <Terrain>();
                                        foreach (Terrain terrain in ters)
                                            if (terrain.gameObject.activeInHierarchy && terrain.gameObject.isStatic)
                                                hasStatic = true;
                                    if (hasMesh)
                                        MeshRenderer[] renderers = ((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
                                        foreach (MeshRenderer render in renderers)
                                            if (render.gameObject.activeInHierarchy && render.gameObject.isStatic)
                                                hasStatic = true;
                                    // no gameobject in the children ( or itself ) marked as static so nothing to export
                                    if (!hasStatic)
                                        GUI.contentColor = noStatic;
                                        toRemove         = true;
                                    // just check that the current gameObject is static
                                    if (!((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue)).isStatic)
                                        GUI.contentColor = noStatic;
                                        toRemove         = true;

                        // allow a drag&drop of object
                        if (match == GUI.contentColor)
                            atLeastOne       = true;
                            GUI.contentColor = defaultContentColor;;
                            GameObject newObj = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField((GameObject)(serSelected.objectReferenceValue), typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
                            if (!(clean && toRemove))
                            // filtered for export
                            if (!toRemove)
                        GUI.contentColor = defaultContentColor;
            if (!atLeastOne)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));
Example #2
        public void ExportOneLayer(Exporter exporter, Exporter.LayerData layerData)
            exportNumber = 0;
            // will hold all gameobject with a rendermesh component or terrain compoennt
            List <GameObject> allValidGameObjects = new List <GameObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < layerData.allowedObjects.Length; ++i)
                GameObject selected = layerData.allowedObjects[i];
                if (!selected.activeInHierarchy)

                // has a  MeshRenderer so ok  ( no need to check static or not as allowed is already filtered
                if (selected.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>() != null && selected.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() != null && selected.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled)
                if (selected.GetComponent <Terrain>() != null && selected.GetComponent <Terrain>() != null && selected.GetComponent <Terrain>().enabled)

                // if recursive
                if (layerData.recursive)
                    // need to find out which gameObjects are ok
                    MeshRenderer[] renderers = selected.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
                    foreach (MeshRenderer renderer in renderers)
                        // do not re add the parent
                        if (renderer.gameObject == selected)
                        if (!renderer.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                        if (!renderer.enabled)
                        // make sure it has a MeshFilter
                        if (renderer.GetComponent <MeshFilter>())
                            // is it static or not and is it needed ?
                            if (!layerData.staticOnly || (layerData.staticOnly && renderer.gameObject.isStatic))
                                // just in case
                                if (!allValidGameObjects.Contains(renderer.gameObject))
                    Terrain[] terrains = selected.GetComponentsInChildren <Terrain>();
                    foreach (Terrain terrain in terrains)
                        // do not re add the parent
                        if (terrain.gameObject == selected)
                        if (!terrain.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                        if (!terrain.enabled)
                        // make sure it has a MeshFilter
                        // is it static or not and is it needed ?
                        if (!layerData.staticOnly || (layerData.staticOnly && terrain.gameObject.isStatic))
                            // just in case
                            if (!allValidGameObjects.Contains(terrain.gameObject))

            // create the file
            string       path = Path.GetDirectoryName(exporter.dotSceneExporterPath) + "/" + layerData.layerName + ".obj";
            StreamWriter tw   = new StreamWriter(path);

            // write all objects merged
            ExportObjects(exporter, tw, allValidGameObjects, path);
Example #3
        bool LayerUI(Exporter owner, Exporter.LayerData layerData, SerializedObject serializedExport, SerializedProperty serializedLayerData)
            Color defaultColor        = GUI.color;
            Color defaultBackColor    = GUI.backgroundColor;
            Color defaultContentColor = GUI.contentColor;

            GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUI.skin.box, GUILayout.MaxWidth(150), GUILayout.MinWidth(150), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));


            SerializedProperty serEnabled = serializedLayerData.FindPropertyRelative("enabled");

            serEnabled.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("", serEnabled.boolValue, GUILayout.Width(20));
            enableExport         = true;
            // force unique name
            if (owner.ExistingName(layerData.layerName) > 1)
                GUI.backgroundColor = noExport;
                enableExport        = false;
                enableGlobalExport  = false;
            // valid file?
            if (layerData.layerName == string.Empty ||
                layerData.layerName[0] == '.' ||
                layerData.layerName[0] == ' ' ||
                layerData.layerName[layerData.layerName.Length - 1] == '.' ||
                GUI.backgroundColor = noExport;
                enableExport        = false;
                enableGlobalExport  = false;

            SerializedProperty serLayerName = serializedLayerData.FindPropertyRelative("layerName");

            serLayerName.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextField(serLayerName.stringValue, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            GUI.backgroundColor = defaultBackColor;
            GUI.backgroundColor = noExport;
            if (GUILayout.Button("x", GUILayout.Width(24)))
                GUI.backgroundColor = defaultBackColor;
                GUI.enabled         = true;
            GUI.backgroundColor = defaultBackColor;
            GUI.enabled         = layerData.enabled;

            SerializedProperty serSelection = serializedLayerData.FindPropertyRelative("selection");

            // add all root objects ( ie all that have transform.parent == null )
            if (GUILayout.Button("Add root objects"))
                Transform[]       all  = FindObjectsOfType <Transform>();
                List <GameObject> list = layerData.selection == null ? new List <GameObject>() : new List <GameObject>(layerData.selection);
                foreach (Transform trans in all)
                    if (trans.parent == null && !list.Contains(trans.gameObject))
                CopyArrayToSerialized(serSelection, list.ToArray());
            // enable the next button if there is somthing selected
            GUI.enabled = serEnabled.boolValue && Selection.gameObjects.Length != 0;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Add selection"))
                List <GameObject> list = layerData.selection == null ? new List <GameObject>() : new List <GameObject>(layerData.selection);
                foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
                    if (!list.Contains(go))
                CopyArrayToSerialized(serSelection, list.ToArray());
            if (GUILayout.Button("Remove selection"))
                List <GameObject> list = layerData.selection == null ? new List <GameObject>() : new List <GameObject>(layerData.selection);
                foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
                    if (list.Contains(go))
                CopyArrayToSerialized(serSelection, list.ToArray());
            GUI.enabled = serEnabled.boolValue;
            bool clean = false;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Remove unneeded"))
                clean = true;

            // configuration settings
            SerializedProperty serRecursive  = serializedLayerData.FindPropertyRelative("recursive");
            SerializedProperty serStaticOnly = serializedLayerData.FindPropertyRelative("staticOnly");

            serRecursive.boolValue  = GUILayout.Toggle(serRecursive.boolValue, "Recursive export");
            serStaticOnly.boolValue = GUILayout.Toggle(serStaticOnly.boolValue, "Static only");

            GUI.contentColor = defaultContentColor;

            // display the selection
            List <GameObject> newList        = new List <GameObject>();
            List <GameObject> allowedObjects = new List <GameObject>();

            GUI.enabled = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < serSelection.arraySize; ++i)
                if (serSelection.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue != null)
                    newList.Add(serSelection.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue as GameObject);

            Rect drop_area = DropAreaGUI();


            GUI.enabled = enableExport && layerData.selection != null && layerData.selection.Length > 0;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Export to .obj"))
                ExportOneLayer(owner, layerData);
                ShowNotification(new GUIContent("OBJ File exported!"));

            GUI.enabled      = true;
            GUI.contentColor = noMesh;
            GUILayout.BeginVertical("No mesh found", GUI.skin.window, GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));
            GUI.contentColor = defaultBackColor;
            DisplayElements(serSelection, layerData, defaultContentColor, clean, newList, allowedObjects, noMesh);

            GUI.contentColor = noMesh;
            GUILayout.BeginVertical("No static found", GUI.skin.window, GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));
            GUI.contentColor = defaultBackColor;
            DisplayElements(serSelection, layerData, defaultContentColor, clean, newList, allowedObjects, noStatic);

            GUI.contentColor = noMesh;
            GUILayout.BeginVertical("Parent included", GUI.skin.window, GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));
            GUI.contentColor = defaultBackColor;
            DisplayElements(serSelection, layerData, defaultContentColor, clean, newList, allowedObjects, noParent);

            GUI.contentColor = defaultBackColor;
            GUILayout.BeginVertical("Exported", GUI.skin.window, GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));
            DisplayElements(serSelection, layerData, defaultContentColor, clean, newList, allowedObjects, defaultContentColor);
            GUI.contentColor = defaultContentColor;

            DropAreaPerform(drop_area, serSelection, newList);

            // save any change to the exporter
            CopyArrayToSerialized(serSelection, newList.ToArray());
            SerializedProperty serAllowedObject = serializedLayerData.FindPropertyRelative("allowedObjects");

            CopyArrayToSerialized(serAllowedObject, allowedObjects.ToArray());

            GUI.enabled = true;