Example #1
        public ActionResult CreateProject(ProjectInfo NewPJ)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var pjsrv = new ProjectService();

                //Check existed Project Name
                var pjcnt = pjsrv.CountProjectbyName(NewPJ.ProjIDs.Name);
                NewPJ.ProjIDs.Name += (pjcnt > 0) ? "_(" + pjcnt + ")" : "";

                ////Try to connect database
                //if (pjsrv.TestConnect(NewPJ.ConnIDs))
                //    return Content("It can attemp the connection");
                //    return Content("Cannot connect to your database");

                //Check existed PIPINGMOD on destinated database and create it on that databse if it is not exist

                //Create project database :: projectname + _DB
                if (pjsrv.CreateProject(NewPJ.ConnIDs))
                    return Content("Created Sucessfull");
                    return Content("Cannot created");
            return View();
Example #2
 // GET: /pjbrowser/
 public ActionResult Index()
     var pjlist = new ProjectService().ProjectList();
     return View(pjlist);