public static int quit(handleClient hc, string[] param, bool linefeed) { //hc.Send(Protocol.StrToByteArray("221 2.0.0 Bye\n")); hc.Write("221 2.0.0 Bye\r\n"); hc.exit(); return(0); }
public static void execute(handleClient hc, string command, bool lastLineFeed) { char[] splitTab = new char[2]; splitTab[0] = ' '; splitTab[1] = ' '; if (command.StartsWith("MAIL FROM:") || command.StartsWith("RCPT TO:")) { command = command.Replace("<", " ").Replace(">", " "); Console.WriteLine(command); } var commandTab = command.Split(splitTab); if ( { data_body(hc, new string[] { command }, lastLineFeed); return; } if (Protocol.commands.Contains(commandTab[0].ToUpper())) { var index = Array.IndexOf(Protocol.commands, commandTab[0].ToUpper()); try { funcPtr[index](hc, commandTab, lastLineFeed); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Server Parse Error"); } } else { hc.Write("500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: \"" + command + "\"\n"); } }
public static int data_body(handleClient hc, string[] param, bool linefeed) { hc.READ_MAIL_DATA_COUNT++; if (hc.currentMessage.from == string.Empty || == string.Empty) { // var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.data_need_mail); // hc.Send(tosend); hc.Write(Protocol.data_need_mail); return(0); } if (hc.currentMessage.subject == string.Empty) { String[] temp_ = param[0].Split('\n'); foreach (String s in temp_) { if (s.StartsWith("Subject:")) { hc.currentMessage.subject = s.Substring(8); break; } else { Console.WriteLine(s); } } } if (param[0] == ".") //|| (param[0].Length > 3 && param[0][param[0].Length - 3] == '.')) { dot(hc, param, false); return(0); } if ( == false) { hc.Write("354 Enter mail, end with \".\" on a line by itself\r\n"); } //hc.Send(Protocol.StrToByteArray("354 Enter mail, end with \".\" on a line by itself\n")); = true; //desplit params string o = String.Join(" ", param); if (param[0] != "DATA") { hc.currentMessage.body += (o + "\n"); if ((param[0].Length > 3 && param[0][param[0].Length - 3] == '.')) { dot(hc, param, false); return(0); } } /* * foreach (string s in param) * hc.currentMessage.body = hc.currentMessage.body + s + "\n"; */ return(0); }
public static int rcpt_to(handleClient hc, string[] param, bool linefeed) { foreach (string s in param) { Console.Write("[" + s + "]"); } Console.WriteLine(); if (hc.currentMessage.from == string.Empty) { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.rcpt_need_mail); hc.Write(Protocol.rcpt_need_mail); //hc.Send(tosend); return(0); } if (param.Length < 3) { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.rcpt_error501_noparam); hc.Write(Protocol.rcpt_error501_noparam); //hc.Send(tosend); return(0); }//A CHANGER else if (Settings.users.Contains(param[2]) || Settings.users.Contains(param[2] + "@" + Settings.domain)) { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.rcpt_accept250.Replace("%1", param[2])); if ( != string.Empty) { += ";" + param[2]; } else { = param[2]; } hc.Send(tosend); } else if (param.Length > 3 && Settings.users.Contains(param[3])) { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.rcpt_accept250.Replace("%1", param[3])); if ( != string.Empty) { += ";" + param[3]; } else { = param[3]; } hc.Send(tosend); } else { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.rcpt_error550_relaydenied.Replace("%1", param[2])); //hc.Send(tosend); hc.Write(Protocol.rcpt_error550_relaydenied.Replace("%1", param[2])); } return(0); }
public void run() { while (true) { var client = this._masterSocket.AcceptTcpClient(); handleClient handle = new handleClient(client); if (handle.init()) { handle.start(); } } }
public static int helo_command(handleClient hc, string[] param, bool linefeed) { if (param.Length <= 1) { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.helo_error501); //hc.Send(tosend); hc.Write(Protocol.helo_error501); } else { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.helo_accept250.Replace("%1", hc.getIpAddress())); // hc.Send(tosend); hc.Write(Protocol.helo_accept250.Replace("%1", hc.getIpAddress())); } return(0); }
public static int dot(handleClient hc, string[] param, bool linefeed) { = false; //hc.Send(Protocol.StrToByteArray("250 2.0.0 Message accepted for delivery\n")); if (hc.currentMessage.getSize() > 4194304) { hc.Write("501 data bigger then 2 mb !\r\n"); } else { hc.Write("250 2.0.0 Message accepted for delivery\r\n"); messageManager.push(hc.currentMessage); } hc.currentMessage = new Message(); return(0); }
public static int mail_from(handleClient hc, string[] param, bool linefeed) { foreach (string s in param) { Console.Write("[" + s + "]"); } Console.WriteLine(); if (param.Length <= 2) { var tab = param[1].Split(':'); if (param[1].Substring(0, 5).ToUpper() != "FROM:") { hc.Write(Protocol.mail_error501); // var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.mail_error501); // hc.Send(tosend); return(0); } if (tab.Length == 0) { hc.Write(Protocol.mail_error501); // var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.mail_error501); // hc.Send(tosend); return(0); } if (tab.Length > 0 && Protocol.IsValidEmail(tab[1])) { var tosend2 = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.mail_accept250.Replace("%1", tab[1])); hc.currentMessage.from = tab[1]; hc.Write(Protocol.mail_accept250.Replace("%1", tab[1])); //hc.Send(tosend2); } else { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.mail_error501); hc.Write(Protocol.mail_error501); // hc.Send(tosend); } return(0); } string mailfrom = null; if (param.Length > 2 && Protocol.IsValidEmail(param[2])) { mailfrom = param[2]; } if (param.Length > 3 && Protocol.IsValidEmail(param[3])) { mailfrom = param[3]; } if (param.Length > 2) { if (mailfrom == null || param[1].Length < 5 || (param[1].Substring(0, 5).ToUpper() != "FROM:")) { var tosend = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.mail_error501_wrongparam.Replace("%1", param[2])); //hc.Send(tosend); hc.Write(Protocol.mail_error501_wrongparam.Replace("%1", param[2])); return(0); } var tosend2 = Protocol.StrToByteArray(Protocol.mail_accept250.Replace("%1", mailfrom)); hc.currentMessage.from = mailfrom; hc.Write(Protocol.mail_accept250.Replace("%1", mailfrom)); //hc.Send(tosend2); } return(0); }