Example #1
        // Runs several mTSP instances for several set of parameters. For each instance,
        // the set of parameters that provided the best solution is stored along with the number
        // of times it provided the best solution.
        private static void calibrateGA(bool fitnessConsidersPartitions, int numberOfGenerations)
            double bestCost = double.MaxValue;
            int bestPop = -1;
            double bestMut = -1.0, bestCross = -1.0;
            int currPop;
            double currMut, currCross;

            var results = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, double, double>, int>();

            string outputFile = !fitnessConsidersPartitions ? "output_strat1.txt" : "output_strat2.txt";

            // Initializing the dictionary with the results stored from previous simulations.
            results = Utils.getStoredResults(outputFile);

            // Running the instances.
            for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TEST_CASES_CALIBRATION; i++)
                // Initializing values for costs and generating cities.
                bestCost = double.MaxValue;
                CITIES = Utils.CreateCities().ToList();

                // Generating a random value between 2 and 7 for the number of drones.
                Random rnd = new Random();
                NUMBER_OF_DRONES = rnd.Next(2, 8);

                // j is the step multiplier for the mutation values.
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    currMut = j * 0.05;
                    //k is the step multiplier for the crossover values.
                    for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                        currCross = k * 0.2;
                        // m is the step multiplier for the population values.
                        for (int m = 1; m <= 4; m++)
                            currPop = m * 50;

                            // With the parameters already set, we finally run the GA.
                            Console.WriteLine("Running test case {0}", i + 1);
                            AlgorithmExecutor executor = new AlgorithmExecutor(
                                CITIES, DEPOT, NUMBER_OF_DRONES, numberOfGenerations,
                                    currPop, currCross, currMut, fitnessConsidersPartitions, true /* isCalibration */);

                            // Since the operation above is synchronous, we can access here the solution.
                            double currCost = AlgorithmExecutor.getSolution();

                            // If the current set of parameters provided the best solution so far,
                            // we keep it stored.
                            if (currCost < bestCost)
                                bestCost = currCost;
                                bestMut = currMut;
                                bestCross = currCross;
                                bestPop = currPop;

                // Assigning the best solution found for the current instance to its
                // corresponding set of parameters.
                Tuple<int, double, double> currKey = new Tuple<int, double, double>(bestPop, bestCross, bestMut);
                if (!results.ContainsKey(currKey))
                    results[currKey] = 1;
                else results[currKey]++;

                // Updating the calibration output file with the newfound result.
                Utils.updateCalibrationOutputFile(outputFile, results);

            // After the calibration, print the results to the console.
Example #2
        // Runs the GA with the given parameters.
        private static void runGAWithParams(
            string fileName,
            int numberOfDrones,
            bool fitnessConsidersPartitions,
            int population,
            double crossover,
            double mutation,
            int numberOfGenerations)
            NUMBER_OF_DRONES = numberOfDrones;
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName + ".txt");
            foreach (var line in lines)
                string[] coords = line.Split(' ');
                if (coords[0].Equals("1"))
                    DEPOT = new City("Depot", double.Parse(coords[1]), double.Parse(coords[2]));
                    CITIES.Add(new City("City " + coords[0], double.Parse(coords[1]), double.Parse(coords[2])));

            AlgorithmExecutor executor = new AlgorithmExecutor(
                CITIES, DEPOT, NUMBER_OF_DRONES, numberOfGenerations, population, crossover, mutation,
                    fitnessConsidersPartitions, false /* isCalibration */);

            // Write the results from the simulation with the given number of drones
            // to the specified file.
            Utils.writeResultsToFile(fileName, numberOfDrones);
