// Code to execute when the application is activated (brought to foreground) // This code will not execute when the application is first launched private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e) { if (puzzleAdapter == null) { puzzleAdapter = new PuzzleAdapter(); puzzleAdapter.load(null); } if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey("selectedPuzzleId")) { puzzleAdapter.selectedPuzzle = (int)PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["selectedPuzzleId"]; } else { puzzleAdapter.selectedPuzzle = puzzleAdapter.puzzle[0].id; } if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey("selectedPuzzleDiff")) { puzzleAdapter.selectedDifficulty = (Difficulty)PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["selectedPuzzleDiff"]; } else { puzzleAdapter.selectedDifficulty = Difficulty.EASY; } }
public ScoresPage() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(ScoresPage_Loaded); puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; restService = new RestService(); }
// Code to execute when the application is launching (eg, from Start) // This code will not execute when the application is reactivated private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e) { if (puzzleAdapter == null) { puzzleAdapter = new PuzzleAdapter(); puzzleAdapter.load(null); } }
public SettingsPage() { InitializeComponent(); restService = new RestService(); puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(SettingsPage_Loaded); nicknameDialog.username.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(username_KeyDown); nicknameDialog.buttonOk.Click += onNicknameOk; nicknameDialog.buttonCancel.Click += onNicknameCancel; }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; puzzleId = puzzleAdapter.selectedPuzzle; curPuzzle = puzzleAdapter.puzzleDic[puzzleId]; ImageBrush ib = new ImageBrush(); Uri imageUri = new Uri(curPuzzle.puzzleThumbnail, UriKind.Relative); puzzleThumbnail.Source = new BitmapImage(imageUri); }
public GamePortraitPage() { InitializeComponent(); puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; dtimer = new DispatcherTimer(); dtimer.Tick += new EventHandler(uploadingOnTimer); dtimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 600); restService = new RestService(); nicknameDialog = new NicknameDialog(); nicknameDialog.username.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(username_KeyDown); nicknameDialog.buttonOk.Click += onNicknameOk; nicknameDialog.buttonCancel.Click += onNicknameCancel; nicknameDialog.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
// Code to execute when the application is activated (brought to foreground) // This code will not execute when the application is first launched private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e) { if (puzzleAdapter == null) { puzzleAdapter = new PuzzleAdapter(); puzzleAdapter.load(null); } if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey("selectedPuzzleId")) puzzleAdapter.selectedPuzzle = (int)PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["selectedPuzzleId"]; else puzzleAdapter.selectedPuzzle = puzzleAdapter.puzzle[0].id; if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey("selectedPuzzleDiff")) puzzleAdapter.selectedDifficulty = (Difficulty)PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["selectedPuzzleDiff"]; else puzzleAdapter.selectedDifficulty = Difficulty.EASY; }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); reload = State.ContainsKey("assembled"); // reload puzzles and page state if (reload) { itime = (long)State["itime"]; imoves = (int)State["imoves"]; nextPuzzleOpened = (bool)State["nextPuzzleOpened"]; time = Utils.formatTime(itime); moves = imoves.ToString(); assembled = (bool)State["assembled"]; if (assembled) { prevTime = (long)State["prevTime"]; prevMoves = (int)State["prevMoves"]; uploaded = (bool)State["uploaded"]; if (uploaded) { internetBestMoves = (int)State["internetBestMoves"]; internetBestTime = (long)State["internetBestTime"]; internetPlace = (int)State["internetPlace"]; } } } puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; puzzle = puzzleAdapter.puzzleDic[puzzleAdapter.selectedPuzzle]; diff = puzzleAdapter.selectedDifficulty; gameViewController = new GameViewController(3 + (int)diff, 5 + (int)diff, gameCanvas, Dispatcher); gameController = new GameController(3 + (int)diff, 5 + (int)diff, puzzle, gameViewController, this); if (reload) { gameViewController.digout(this.State); gameController.digout(this.State); if (assembled) { if (uploaded) { scorePanelInternet.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; resPlace.Text = internetPlace.ToString(); res4.Text = " Time: " + Utils.formatTime(internetBestTime) + "; Moves: " + internetBestMoves; scorePanelInternet.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { buttonUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } bool betterScore = (imoves < prevMoves) || (imoves == prevMoves && itime < prevTime) || (prevMoves == 0 && prevTime == 0); if (betterScore) beterScoreText.Text = " Better score achieved!"; else beterScoreText.Text = " "; res1.Text = " Time: " + time + "; Moves: " + moves; res2.Text = " Time: " + Utils.formatTime(prevTime) + "; Moves: " + prevMoves; scorePanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (nextPuzzleOpened) buttonNextPuzzle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; buttonPause.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } movesText.Text = moves; timeText.Text = time; } Uri bitmapUri = new Uri(puzzle.puzzleImage, UriKind.Relative); BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(bitmapUri); bitmap.ImageOpened += new EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>(bitmap_Loaded); gameViewController.setBitmap(bitmap); }
public ScoreUserListPage() { InitializeComponent(); puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(ScoreUserListPage_Loaded); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); reload = State.ContainsKey("assembled"); // reload puzzles and page state if (reload) { itime = (long)State["itime"]; imoves = (int)State["imoves"]; nextPuzzleOpened = (bool)State["nextPuzzleOpened"]; time = Utils.formatTime(itime); moves = imoves.ToString(); assembled = (bool)State["assembled"]; if (assembled) { prevTime = (long)State["prevTime"]; prevMoves = (int)State["prevMoves"]; uploaded = (bool)State["uploaded"]; if (uploaded) { internetBestMoves = (int)State["internetBestMoves"]; internetBestTime = (long)State["internetBestTime"]; internetPlace = (int)State["internetPlace"]; } } } puzzleAdapter = (Application.Current as mPuzzle.App).puzzleAdapter; puzzle = puzzleAdapter.puzzleDic[puzzleAdapter.selectedPuzzle]; diff = puzzleAdapter.selectedDifficulty; gameViewController = new GameViewController(3 + (int)diff, 5 + (int)diff, gameCanvas, Dispatcher); gameController = new GameController(3 + (int)diff, 5 + (int)diff, puzzle, gameViewController, this); if (reload) { gameViewController.digout(this.State); gameController.digout(this.State); if (assembled) { if (uploaded) { scorePanelInternet.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; resPlace.Text = internetPlace.ToString(); res4.Text = " Time: " + Utils.formatTime(internetBestTime) + "; Moves: " + internetBestMoves; scorePanelInternet.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { buttonUpload.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } bool betterScore = (imoves < prevMoves) || (imoves == prevMoves && itime < prevTime) || (prevMoves == 0 && prevTime == 0); if (betterScore) { beterScoreText.Text = " Better score achieved!"; } else { beterScoreText.Text = " "; } res1.Text = " Time: " + time + "; Moves: " + moves; res2.Text = " Time: " + Utils.formatTime(prevTime) + "; Moves: " + prevMoves; scorePanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (nextPuzzleOpened) { buttonNextPuzzle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } buttonPause.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } movesText.Text = moves; timeText.Text = time; } Uri bitmapUri = new Uri(puzzle.puzzleImage, UriKind.Relative); BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(bitmapUri); bitmap.ImageOpened += new EventHandler <RoutedEventArgs>(bitmap_Loaded); gameViewController.setBitmap(bitmap); }