Example #1
        public void doRequest(LocationsData Locations, Socket connection)
        {//this section here sets up a new stream to be able to send it to the client, if it takes longer than a second for either the client or this server it will then cut the connection and timeout
            NetworkStream socketStream;

            socketStream = new NetworkStream(connection);
            Console.WriteLine("Connection to client established.");
            connection.ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
            connection.SendTimeout    = 1000;
            socketStream.ReadTimeout  = 1000;
            socketStream.WriteTimeout = 1000;
                bool         httpActive = false;//this bool is here to see if the server has recieved a HTTP request from the client
                StreamWriter sw         = new StreamWriter(socketStream);
                StreamReader sr         = new StreamReader(socketStream);
                string       input      = sr.ReadLine();                      //this will get the first line of input from the client
                string[]     sections   = input.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2); //this splits that input into two section after a space
                if (input.StartsWith("GET /") || input.StartsWith("PUT /") || input.StartsWith("POST /"))
                {                                                             //this if statement checks if it is a HTTP request or not, this is so it skips the future if statements
                    HTTPRequest(sw, sr, sections, Locations);                 //this then sends the stream reader, stream writer, sections array, and the Locations dictionary so it can insert data
                    httpActive = true;
                else if (sections.Length == 2 & sections[0] == "")//this will check to see what the client has sent to the server and proceed to write it to the console
                    Console.WriteLine("Client sent: Null " + sections[1]);
                else if (sections[0] == "")
                    Console.WriteLine("Client sent: Null");
                else if (sections.Length == 2)
                    if (sections[1] == "")
                        Console.WriteLine("Client sent: " + input + " Null");
                        Console.WriteLine("Client sent: " + input);
                    Console.WriteLine("Client sent: " + input);
                if (sections.Length == 1 && httpActive == false)                   //this will check if the client requested a location check
                    Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a location check. \n"); //this will then write it to the console and ask the LocationsData class to check if it exists
                    string Location = Locations.checkLocation(sections[0]);
                    if (Location == "ERROR: no entries found")                     //if it finds nothing it will then write back to the client that nothing was found
                        sw.WriteLine("ERROR: no entries found");
                        Console.WriteLine("Server response: ERROR: no entries found \n");
                    else//if the server has found something it will then reply to the client with the data that it has found
                        if (Location == "")
                            Console.WriteLine("Server response: Null \n");
                            Console.WriteLine("Server response: " + Location + "\n");
                    sw.Flush();               //this is here to send the packet before it is full as it will not be sent otherwise
                else if (httpActive == false) //if the client has requested a Location Change it will then proceed to change the data stored for the location of that name and send back OK if it has succeeded
                        Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a location change. \n");
                        Locations.addItem(sections[0], sections[1]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Server response: OK \n");
                        Console.WriteLine("Error with adding items to dictionary");//if an error occurs it will then send a message to the client containing that there has been an error
                        sw.WriteLine("An error occured, please try again.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());
                socketStream.Close();//once it has completed this it will close the socket and the connection so the thread can also close
Example #2
 public void HTTPRequest(StreamWriter sw, StreamReader sr, string[] sections, LocationsData Locations) //this method handles all of the HTTP requests
     if (sections[1].EndsWith("HTTP/1.0"))                                                             //these are divided up through using the end containing HTTP/<Ver.Num.>
         if (sections[0].StartsWith("POST"))                                                           //if it starts with POST this means the client wants to do a location change
                 string name   = sections[1].TrimStart('/'); //this will then trim the start of the line to get the name from it
                 string result = "";
                 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)                 //this will then loop until it gets to the line required to get the location data
                     result = sr.ReadLine();
                 Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a http 1.0 location change. \n");
                 Locations.addItem(name, result);//this will then add the data to the dictionary and send back to the user that it has successfully added/changed the data
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 Console.WriteLine("Error with adding items to dictionary");
                 sw.WriteLine("An error occured, please try again.");
             string name = sections[1].Replace("/?", "");     //this is to be able to get the name as it has /? infront of it
             Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a HTTP 1.0 location check. \n");
             string Location = Locations.checkLocation(name); //this sends off the name to the dictionary to get the location of the name
             if (Location == "ERROR: no entries found")       //if there is nothing found it sends a 404
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");//if there is something found the server will then send location in the correct format
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 if (Location == "")
                     Console.WriteLine("Server response: Null \n");
                     Console.WriteLine("Server response: " + Location + "\n");
     else if (sections[1].EndsWith("HTTP/1.1")) //these are divided up through using the end containing HTTP/<Ver.Num.>
         if (sections[0].StartsWith("POST"))    //if it starts with POST this means the client wants to do a location change
                 string result = "";
                 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//this will loop through 4 times to be able to get the location and name information
                     result = sr.ReadLine();
                 string[] resultSections = result.Split(new char[] { '&' }, 2);
                 string   name           = resultSections[0].Replace("name=", "");
                 string   location       = resultSections[1].Replace("location=", "");
                 Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a http 1.1 location change. \n"); //this uses .Replace as it is the most efficient way of being able to remove the name= and location= and extra the information needed
                 Locations.addItem(name, location);
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");                                         //it will then send that it has successfully entered it into the dictionary
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 Console.WriteLine("Error with adding items to dictionary");
                 sw.WriteLine("An error occured, please try again.");
             string name = sections[1].Replace("/?name=", "");//this will extract the name from the message
             name = name.Replace(" HTTP/1.1", "");
             Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a HTTP 1.1 location check. \n");
             string Location = Locations.checkLocation(name); //this will then check the dictionary for the name and anything associated with it
             if (Location == "ERROR: no entries found")       //if nothing is found it will return a 404
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");//if something is found it will then send a message back to the connection with the location attatched to it
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 if (Location == "")
                     Console.WriteLine("Server response: Null \n");
                     Console.WriteLine("Server response: " + Location + "\n");
         string name = sections[1].TrimStart('/');
         if (sections[0].StartsWith("PUT"))//if it starts with PUT this means the client wants to do a location change
                     string result = "";
                     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                         result = sr.ReadLine();
                     Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a http 0.9 location change. \n"); //this will get name from the first line by getting rid of the / and then the location from the final line and send them to the dictionary
                     Locations.addItem(name, result);
                     sw.WriteLine("HTTP/0.9 200 OK");                                         //it will then reply with a 200 message to signify that it has succesfully added it to the dictionary
                     sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                     Console.WriteLine("Error with adding items to dictionary");
                     sw.WriteLine("An error occured, please try again.");
             Console.WriteLine("\n Client requested a HTTP 0.9 location check. \n");
             string Location = Locations.checkLocation(name); //the name is on the first line at the start trimmed from / once again
             if (Location == "ERROR: no entries found")       //If nothing is found it send a 404 message
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/0.9 404 Not Found");
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 sw.WriteLine("HTTP/0.9 200 OK");//if it finds the location in the dictionary it will send a 200 OK message with the location on the end of it
                 sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
                 if (Location == "")
                     Console.WriteLine("Server response: Null \n");
                     Console.WriteLine("Server response: " + Location + "\n");