public void GoShopping(Store store) { if (Shopping.GetInput($"{name} would you like to visit the store for supplies? <yes/no>", "yes/no") == "yes") { Shopping.GoShopping(this, store); } }
private void SetupHumanPlayers() { int playerCount; playerCount = int.Parse(Shopping.GetInput("select number of players?", "integer greater than 0")); for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { players.Add(new Human(store)); players[i].SetPlayerName($"Player {i + 1}"); } }
public void SimulateDay() { for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) { Player player = players[i]; player.DailyReports.Insert(dayNumber, new DailyReport()); player.DailyReports[dayNumber].InitialBalance = player.Balance; player.DailyReports[dayNumber].EndingBalance = player.Balance; player.DailyReports[dayNumber].PotentialCustomerCount = customers.Count; SimulateCustomers(player, i); player.Balance = player.DailyReports[dayNumber].EndingBalance; Shopping.DisplayPlayerDayResults(player, dayNumber); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string Instructions = "Lemonade Stand instructions:\n"; Instructions = Instructions + " it is multi player game\n"; Instructions = Instructions + " The basic objective of this game is to buy the materials needed to make lemonade, and then sell it to customers as they walk by during the day. \n"; Instructions = Instructions + "You are to manage the whole lemonade stand business. \n"; Instructions = Instructions + "Your job is to first buy the materials such as cups, lemons, cups of sugar and ice. \n"; Instructions = Instructions + "Secondly, you will need to set the cost per cup of lemonade and the number of lemons, cups of sugar, and ice that will be needed per cup of lemonade..\n"; Instructions = Instructions + " Then you start the game and people will start to come. \n"; Instructions = Instructions + " Feel free to set your prices higher on those hot, muggy days too, as you’ll make more profit, even if you sell a bit less lemonade.\n"; Instructions = Instructions + "These are changes you might want to consider for the next day of selling your lemonade.\n"; Instructions = Instructions + "This is just the basic summary of the game; but now lets go in-depth a bit more on each step.\n\n"; Console.WriteLine(Instructions); Game game = new Game(); do { game.RunGame(); }while (Shopping.GetInput("Would you like to play again? <yes/no>", "yes/no") == "yes"); }
public void RunGame() { SetupPlayers(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDaysToPlay; i++) { if (i != 0) { days.Add(new Day(random, players, days[i - 1].Forecast, i)); } else { days.Add(new Day(random, players, i)); } Shopping.DisplayForecast(days[i].Forecast); SendPlayersToStore(); days[i].SetPlayerRecipes(store.Products); days[i].SimulateDay(); } GetFinalScores(); Shopping.DisplayFinalScores(players, finalScores); }
public void DisplayProducts() { Shopping.DisplayStoreProducts(this); }
public void SetRecipe(string playerName) { Shopping.SetRecipe(this, playerName); }
public void DisplayBalance() { Shopping.DisplayBalance(this); }
public void SetPlayerName(string playerLabel) { Name = Shopping.GetInput($"Enter {playerLabel}'s name:", "string"); }