public void TestConstructors()
     TCODRandom a = new TCODRandom();
     TCODRandom c = new TCODRandom(42);
Example #2
 public void SplitRecursive(TCODRandom randomizer, int nb, int minHSize, int minVSize, float maxHRatio, float maxVRatio)
     if (randomizer == null)
         TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(new IntPtr(m_data), IntPtr.Zero, nb, minHSize, minVSize, maxHRatio, maxVRatio);
         TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(new IntPtr(m_data), randomizer.m_instance, nb, minHSize, minVSize, maxHRatio, maxVRatio);
Example #3
        public void ConstructorTest()
            using (TCODRandom rand = new TCODRandom())
                using (TCODNoise a = new TCODNoise(1, rand))
                    using (TCODNoise b = new TCODNoise(2, .5, 2.0))
                        using (TCODNoise c = new TCODNoise(3, .2, .3, rand))

Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// TCODNameGenerator, and it's unmanaged cousin, both have global scope
 /// </summary>
 static TCODNameGenerator()
     m_random = new TCODRandom();
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Create noise object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimensions">Number of dimensions</param>
 /// <param name="hurst">Hurst</param>
 /// <param name="lacunarity">Lacunarity</param>
 /// <param name="random">Random Generator</param>
 public TCODNoise(int dimensions, double hurst, double lacunarity, TCODRandom random)
     m_dimensions = dimensions;
     m_instance = TCOD_noise_new(dimensions, (float)hurst, (float)lacunarity, random.m_instance);
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create noise object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimensions">Number of dimensions</param>
 /// <param name="random">Random Generator</param>
 public TCODNoise(int dimensions, TCODRandom random)
     m_dimensions = dimensions;
     m_instance = TCOD_noise_new(dimensions, NoiseDefaultHurst, NoiseDefaultLacunarity, random.m_instance);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Create noise object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimensions">Number of dimensions</param>
 /// <param name="hurst">Hurst</param>
 /// <param name="lacunarity">Lacunarity</param>
 /// <param name="random">Random Generator</param>
 public TCODNoise(int dimensions, double hurst, double lacunarity, TCODRandom random)
     m_dimensions = dimensions;
     m_instance   = TCOD_noise_new(dimensions, (float)hurst, (float)lacunarity, random.m_instance);
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Create noise object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimensions">Number of dimensions</param>
 /// <param name="random">Random Generator</param>
 public TCODNoise(int dimensions, TCODRandom random)
     m_dimensions = dimensions;
     m_instance   = TCOD_noise_new(dimensions, NoiseDefaultHurst, NoiseDefaultLacunarity, random.m_instance);
 public void Init()
     r = new TCODRandom();
Example #10
 public void SplitRecursive(TCODRandom randomizer, int nb, int minHSize, int minVSize, float maxHRatio, float maxVRatio)
     if (randomizer == null)
         TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(new IntPtr(m_data), IntPtr.Zero, nb, minHSize, minVSize, maxHRatio, maxVRatio);
         TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(new IntPtr(m_data), randomizer.m_instance, nb, minHSize, minVSize, maxHRatio, maxVRatio);
 /// <summary>
 /// TCODNameGenerator, and it's unmanaged cousin, both have global scope
 /// </summary>
 static TCODNameGenerator()
     m_random = new TCODRandom();
Example #12
        // the class building the dungeon from the bsp nodes
        bool traverse_node(TCODBSP node)
            TCODRandom rnd = new TCODRandom();

            if (node.IsLeaf())
                // calculate the room size
                int minx = node.x + 1;
                int maxx = node.x + node.w - 1;
                int miny = node.y + 1;
                int maxy = node.y + node.h - 1;
                int x, y;
                if (!roomWalls)
                    if (minx > 1) minx--;
                    if (miny > 1) miny--;
                if (maxx == SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1) maxx--;
                if (maxy == SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1) maxy--;
                if (randomRoom)
                    minx = rnd.GetRandomInt(minx, maxx - minRoomSize + 1);
                    miny = rnd.GetRandomInt(miny, maxy - minRoomSize + 1);
                    maxx = rnd.GetRandomInt(minx + minRoomSize - 1, maxx);
                    maxy = rnd.GetRandomInt(miny + minRoomSize - 1, maxy);
                // resize the node to fit the room
                //	printf("node %dx%d %dx%d => room %dx%d %dx%d\n",node->x,node->y,node->w,node->h,minx,miny,maxx-minx+1,maxy-miny+1);
                node.x = minx;
                node.y = miny;
                node.w = maxx - minx + 1;
                node.h = maxy - miny + 1;
                // dig the room
                for (x = minx; x <= maxx; x++)
                    for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y++)
                        bsp_map[x,y] = ' ';
                //	printf("lvl %d %dx%d %dx%d\n",node->level, node->x,node->y,node->w,node->h);
                // resize the node to fit its sons
                TCODBSP left = node.GetLeft();
                TCODBSP right = node.GetRight();

                node.x = System.Math.Min(left.x, right.x);
                node.y = System.Math.Min(left.y, right.y);
                node.w = System.Math.Max(left.x + left.w, right.x + right.w) - node.x;
                node.h = System.Math.Max(left.y + left.h, right.y + right.h) - node.y;
                // create a corridor between the two lower nodes
                if (node.horizontal)
                    // vertical corridor
                    if (left.x + left.w - 1 < right.x || right.x + right.w - 1 < left.x)
                        // no overlapping zone. we need a Z shaped corridor
                        int x1 = rnd.GetRandomInt(left.x, left.x + left.w - 1);
                        int x2 = rnd.GetRandomInt(right.x, right.x + right.w - 1);
                        int y = rnd.GetRandomInt(left.y + left.h, right.y);
                        vline_up(bsp_map, x1, y - 1);
                        hline(bsp_map, x1, y, x2);
                        vline_down(bsp_map, x2, y + 1);
                        // straight vertical corridor
                        int minx = System.Math.Max(left.x, right.x);
                        int maxx = System.Math.Min(left.x + left.w - 1, right.x + right.w - 1);
                        int x = rnd.GetRandomInt(minx, maxx);
                        vline_down(bsp_map, x, right.y);
                        vline_up(bsp_map, x, right.y - 1);
                    // horizontal corridor
                    if (left.y + left.h - 1 < right.y || right.y + right.h - 1 < left.y)
                        // no overlapping zone. we need a Z shaped corridor
                        int y1 = rnd.GetRandomInt(left.y, left.y + left.h - 1);
                        int y2 = rnd.GetRandomInt(right.y, right.y + right.h - 1);
                        int x = rnd.GetRandomInt(left.x + left.w, right.x);
                        hline_left(bsp_map, x - 1, y1);
                        vline(bsp_map, x, y1, y2);
                        hline_right(bsp_map, x + 1, y2);
                        // straight horizontal corridor
                        int miny = System.Math.Max(left.y, right.y);
                        int maxy = System.Math.Min(left.y + left.h - 1, right.y + right.h - 1);
                        int y = rnd.GetRandomInt(miny, maxy);
                        hline_left(bsp_map, right.x - 1, y);
                        hline_right(bsp_map, right.x, y);
            return true;
Example #13
        private void setupStaticData()
            random = new TCODRandom();

            render_cols = new Color[4];
            render_cols[0] = Color.FromRGB(50, 40, 150);
            render_cols[1] = Color.FromRGB(240, 85, 5);
            render_cols[2] = Color.FromRGB(50, 35, 240);
            render_cols[3] = Color.FromRGB(10, 200, 130);

            render_dirr = new int[] { 1, -1, 1, 1 };
            render_dirg = new int[] { 1, -1, -1, 1 };
            render_dirb = new int[] { 1, 1, 1, -1 };

            off_secondary = RootConsole.GetNewConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2);
            off_screenshot = RootConsole.GetNewConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT);
            line_bk = RootConsole.GetNewConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT);
            noise = new TCODNoise(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity);