Example #1
        public static void *InternalInvoke(void *mptr, object[] args, void *rtype, uint flags)
            int p_length = (args == null) ? 0 : args.Length;

            // See InternalStrCpy for the rationale here
            int     max_stack_alloc = p_length > 512 ? 512 : p_length;
            IntPtr *pstack          = stackalloc IntPtr[max_stack_alloc];
            IntPtr *tstack          = stackalloc IntPtr[max_stack_alloc];

            void **ps, ts;

            if (max_stack_alloc <= 512)
                ps = (void **)pstack;
                ts = (void **)tstack;
                ps = (void **)MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(p_length * sizeof(void *));
                ts = (void **)MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(p_length * sizeof(void *));

            // Build a new params array and a tysos type array
            if (args != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    var cp = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(args[i]);
                    ps[i] = cp;
                    ts[i] = *(void **)cp;

            return(InternalInvoke(mptr, args.Length, ps, ts, rtype, flags));
Example #2
        static unsafe object to_object(TysosType enum_type, object value)
            /* Convert value (of an integral type) to an enum of type 'enum_type'
             * and return its boxed value

            if (enum_type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("enumType");
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("value");

            /* The incoming value type 'value' is already boxed.
             * We can therefore just copy its data to a new enum object

            void *value_obj   = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(value);
            void *value_vtbl  = *(void **)value_obj;
            int   value_csize = *(int *)((byte *)value_vtbl + ClassOperations.GetVtblTypeSizeOffset());

            void *ret_obj = MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(value_csize);

            MemoryOperations.MemCpy(ret_obj, value_obj, value_csize);

            void *ret_vtbl = *(void **)((byte *)CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(enum_type) + ClassOperations.GetSystemTypeImplOffset());

            *(void **)ret_obj = ret_vtbl;
            *(void **)((byte *)ret_obj + ClassOperations.GetMutexLockOffset()) = null;

Example #3
        static void ModuleHandle_GetModuleType(TysosModule mod, ObjectHandleOnStack oh)
            // Get the <Module> type name for the current module.  This is always defined as tdrow 1.
            var ts = (TysosType)mod.m.GetTypeSpec(metadata.MetadataStream.tid_TypeDef, 1);

            *oh.ptr = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(ts);
Example #4
        static unsafe void AssemblyName_nInit(byte *obj, out TysosAssembly assembly, bool forIntrospection, bool raiseResolveEvent)
            string name = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsString(*(void **)(obj + ClassOperations.GetFieldOffset("_ZW19System#2EReflection12AssemblyName", "_Name")));

            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "AssemblyName_nInit(" + name + ", out TysosAssembly, bool, bool) called");

            // split assembly name off from other fields
            int    comma = name.IndexOf(',');
            string Name;

            if (comma != -1)
                Name = name.Substring(0, comma);
                Name = name;

            if (Name.Equals("System.Private.CoreLib"))
                Name = "mscorlib";

            *(void **)(obj + ClassOperations.GetFieldOffset("_ZW19System#2EReflection12AssemblyName", "_Name")) =

            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "AssemblyName_nInit - setting _Name to " + Name);

            assembly = null;
Example #5
        static internal TysosModule GetModule(void *aptr, string ass_name)
            var mfile = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsUlong(CastOperations.ReinterpretAsObject(aptr));

            lock (mod_cache)
                if (!mod_cache.TryGetValue(mfile, out var ret))
                    ret = new TysosModule(aptr, ass_name);
                    mod_cache[mfile] = ret;

                    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosType: building new TysosModule for " + ass_name);
Example #6
        static unsafe void get_enum_values_and_names(TysosType enum_type, HandleOnStack values_ptr, HandleOnStack names_ptr, bool getNames)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "get_enum_values_and_names: enum_type: " + ((ulong)enum_vtbl).ToString("X16"));
            //var enum_type = TysosType.internal_from_vtbl(enum_vtbl);
            MonoEnumInfo info;

            get_enum_info(enum_type, out info);

            ulong[] values = new ulong[info.values.Length];
            int[]   v      = info.values as int[];
            for (int i = 0; i < info.values.Length; i++)
                values[i] = (ulong)v[i];
            *values_ptr.ptr = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(values);

            if (getNames)
                *names_ptr.ptr = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(info.names);
Example #7
        /* Build an array of a particular type */
        public static unsafe T[] CreateSZArray <T>(int nitems, void *data_addr)
            TysosType arrtt  = (TysosType)typeof(T[]);
            TysosType elemtt = (TysosType)typeof(T);

            int elemsize;

            if (elemtt.IsValueType)
                elemsize = elemtt.GetClassSize() - ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset();
                elemsize = OtherOperations.GetPointerSize();

            if (data_addr == null)
                data_addr = MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(elemsize * nitems);

            byte *ret = (byte *)MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize() + 8);     // extra space for lobounds and length array

            void *vtbl = *(void **)((byte *)CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(arrtt) + ClassOperations.GetSystemTypeImplOffset());

            *(void **)(ret + ClassOperations.GetVtblFieldOffset()) = vtbl;
            *(ulong *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetMutexLockOffset()) = 0;

            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset())   = *(void **)((byte *)CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(elemtt) + ClassOperations.GetSystemTypeImplOffset());
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetElemSizeOffset())     = elemsize;
            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset()) = data_addr;
            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetLoboundsOffset())   = ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize();
            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetSizesOffset())      = ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize() + 4;
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetRankOffset())         = 1;
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize())     = 0;      // lobounds[0]
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize() + 4) = nitems; // sizes[0]

Example #8
        internal static unsafe metadata.TypeSpec GetTypeSpec(RuntimeTypeHandle rth)
            void *ptr = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(rth.Value);

Example #9
        public override object Invoke(object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            uint flags = 0;

            if (MethodAddress == null)
                var mangled_name = mspec.MangleMethod();
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosMethod.Invoke: requesting run-time address for " + mangled_name);
                MethodAddress = JitOperations.GetAddressOfObject(mspec.MangleMethod());
                if (MethodAddress == null)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosMethod.Invoke: jit compiling method");
                    MethodAddress = JitOperations.JitCompile(this.mspec);
            if (MethodAddress == null)
                throw new System.Reflection.TargetException("Method does not have a defined implementation (" + OwningType.FullName + "." + Name + "())");
            if (!IsStatic && (obj == null))
                throw new System.Reflection.TargetException("Instance method and obj is null (" + OwningType.FullName + "." + Name + "())");

            // TODO: check number and type of parameters is what the method expects

            // Get total number of parameters
            int p_length = 0;

            if (parameters != null)
                p_length = parameters.Length;
            if (!IsStatic)

            // See InternalStrCpy for the rationale here
            int     max_stack_alloc = p_length > 512 ? 512 : p_length;
            IntPtr *pstack          = stackalloc IntPtr[max_stack_alloc];
            IntPtr *tstack          = stackalloc IntPtr[max_stack_alloc];

            void **ps, ts;

            if (max_stack_alloc <= 512)
                ps = (void **)pstack;
                ts = (void **)tstack;
                ps = (void **)MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(p_length * sizeof(void *));
                ts = (void **)MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(p_length * sizeof(void *));

            // Build a new params array to include obj if necessary, and a tysos type array
            int curptr = 0;

            if (!IsStatic)
                ps[0] = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(obj);
                ts[0] = OtherOperations.GetStaticObjectAddress("_Zu1O");
            if (parameters != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++, curptr++)
                    var cp = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(parameters[i]);
                    ps[curptr] = cp;
                    ts[curptr] = *(void **)cp;

            if (!IsStatic)
                flags |= invoke_flag_instance;
            if (OwningType.IsValueType)
                flags |= invoke_flag_vt;
            if (ReturnType != null && ReturnType.IsValueType)
                flags |= invoke_flag_vt_ret;

            return(CastOperations.ReinterpretAsObject(InternalInvoke(MethodAddress, p_length, ps, ts,
                                                                     (ReturnType != null) ? TysosType.ReinterpretAsType(ReturnType)._impl : null, flags)));
Example #10
        internal static unsafe char *GetChars(string s)
            byte *s2 = (byte *)CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(s);

            return((char *)(s2 + GetDataOffset()));
Example #11
        static void GetExecutingAssembly(StackCrawlMarkHandle scmh, TysosModule.ObjectHandleOnStack ret)
            int scm = *(int *)scmh.ptr;

            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: scm: " + scm.ToString());

            Unwinder u = OtherOperations.GetUnwinder();

            u.UnwindOne();      // we are double-nested within coreclr so unwind this and calling method (GetExecutingAssembly(ref StackMarkHandle)) first

            switch (scm)
            case 0:

            case 1:

            case 2:

                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: unsupported scm: " + scm.ToString());
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: requested pc " + ((ulong)u.GetInstructionPointer()).ToString("X"));

            void *offset;
            var   name = JitOperations.GetNameOfAddress((void *)u.GetInstructionPointer(), out offset);

            if (name == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: symbol not found");
                *ret.ptr = null;

            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: found method " + name);

            var ts = Metadata.MSCorlib.DemangleObject(name);

            if (ts == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: demangler returned null");
                *ret.ptr = null;
            var m = ts.Metadata;

            if (m == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: returned ts had no assembly");
                *ret.ptr = null;
            var aptr = (m.file as Metadata.BinaryInterface).b;
            var retm = TysosModule.GetModule(aptr, m.AssemblyName);

            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "TysosAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly: returning " + retm.ass.assemblyName);
            *ret.ptr = CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(retm.ass);