public static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine(" usage: addingEvidenceCodes_2 <input-filename> <output-filename>"); Console.WriteLine(" Adds controlled vocabulary term to a species"); Console.WriteLine(); return 2; } SBMLDocument d = libsbml.readSBML(args[0]); long errors = d.getNumErrors(); if (errors > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Read Error(s):"); d.printErrors(); Console.WriteLine("Correct the above and re-run."); } else { long n = d.getModel().getNumSpecies(); if (n <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Model has no species.\n Cannot add CV terms\n"); } else { Species s = d.getModel().getSpecies(0); /* check that the species has a metaid * no CVTerms will be added if there is no metaid to reference */ if (!s.isSetMetaId()) s.setMetaId("metaid_0000052"); CVTerm cv1 = new CVTerm(libsbml.BIOLOGICAL_QUALIFIER); cv1.setBiologicalQualifierType(libsbml.BQB_OCCURS_IN); cv1.addResource("urn:miriam:obo.go:GO%3A0005764"); s.addCVTerm(cv1); // now create the additional annotation //<rdf:Statement> // <rdf:subject rdf:resource="#metaid_0000052"/> // <rdf:predicate rdf:resource=""/> // <rdf:object rdf:resource="urn:miriam:obo.go:GO%3A0005764"/> // <bqbiol:isDescribedBy> // <rdf:Bag> // <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> // <rdf:li rdf:resource="urn:miriam:pubmed:7017716"/> // </rdf:Bag> // </bqbiol:isDescribedBy> //</rdf:Statement> /* attributes */ XMLAttributes blank_att = new XMLAttributes(); XMLAttributes resource_att = new XMLAttributes(); /* create the outer statement node */ XMLTriple statement_triple = new XMLTriple("Statement", "", "rdf"); XMLToken statement_token = new XMLToken(statement_triple, blank_att); XMLNode statement = new XMLNode(statement_token); /*create the subject node */ XMLTriple subject_triple = new XMLTriple("subject", "", "rdf"); resource_att.clear(); resource_att.add("rdf:resource", "#" + s.getMetaId()); XMLToken subject_token = new XMLToken(subject_triple, resource_att); XMLNode subject = new XMLNode(subject_token); /*create the predicate node */ XMLTriple predicate_triple = new XMLTriple("predicate", "", "rdf"); resource_att.clear(); resource_att.add("rdf:resource", ""); XMLToken predicate_token = new XMLToken(predicate_triple, resource_att); XMLNode predicate = new XMLNode(predicate_token); /*create the object node */ XMLTriple object_triple = new XMLTriple("object", "", "rdf"); resource_att.clear(); resource_att.add("rdf:resource", "urn:miriam:obo.go:GO%3A0005764"); XMLToken object_token = new XMLToken(object_triple, resource_att); XMLNode object_ = new XMLNode(object_token); /* create the bqbiol node */ XMLTriple bqbiol_triple = new XMLTriple("isDescribedBy", "", "bqbiol"); XMLToken bqbiol_token = new XMLToken(bqbiol_triple, blank_att); XMLNode bqbiol = new XMLNode(bqbiol_token); /* create the bag node */ XMLTriple bag_triple = new XMLTriple("Bag", "", "rdf"); XMLToken bag_token = new XMLToken(bag_triple, blank_att); XMLNode bag = new XMLNode(bag_token); /* create each li node and add to the bag */ XMLTriple li_triple = new XMLTriple("li", "", "rdf"); resource_att.clear(); resource_att.add("rdf:resource", ""); XMLToken li_token = new XMLToken(li_triple, resource_att); li_token.setEnd(); XMLNode li = new XMLNode(li_token); bag.addChild(li); resource_att.clear(); resource_att.add("rdf:resource", "urn:miriam:pubmed:7017716"); li_token = new XMLToken(li_triple, resource_att); li_token.setEnd(); li = new XMLNode(li_token); bag.addChild(li); /* add the bag to bqbiol */ bqbiol.addChild(bag); /* add subject, predicate, object and bqbiol to statement */ statement.addChild(subject); statement.addChild(predicate); statement.addChild(object_); statement.addChild(bqbiol); /* create a top-level RDF element * this will ensure correct merging */ XMLNamespaces xmlns = new XMLNamespaces(); xmlns.add("", "rdf"); xmlns.add("", "dc"); xmlns.add("", "dcterms"); xmlns.add("", "vCard"); xmlns.add("", "bqbiol"); xmlns.add("", "bqmodel"); XMLTriple RDF_triple = new XMLTriple("RDF", "", "rdf"); XMLToken RDF_token = new XMLToken(RDF_triple, blank_att, xmlns); XMLNode annotation = new XMLNode(RDF_token); /* add the staement node to the RDF node */ annotation.addChild(statement); s.appendAnnotation(annotation); libsbml.writeSBML(d, args[1]); } } return (int)errors; }
public void test_XMLToken_newSetters_setEnd() { XMLToken token = new XMLToken(); assertTrue( token.isEnd() == false ); int i = token.setEnd(); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); assertTrue( token.isEnd() == true ); i = token.unsetEnd(); assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS ); assertTrue( token.isEnd() == false ); token = null; }