Example #1
        public static void loadJBX(ref JASystem JAS, ref byte[] data)
            var ldr      = new JA_BXLoader();
            var sections = ldr.load(ref data);
            var stm      = new System.IO.MemoryStream(data); // Create a stream for it
            var read     = new Be.IO.BeBinaryReader(stm);    // Create a reader around the stream

#pragma warning disable CS0219                               // Variable is assigned but its value is never used
            var wscount = 0;
#pragma warning restore CS0219                               // Variable is assigned but its value is never used
            var inscount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Length; i++)                    // Loop through the AAF
                var current_section = sections[i];                       // Select current section
                switch (current_section.type)                            // Get the type
                case JAIInitSectionType.IBNK:                            // Instrument bank
                    stm.Position = current_section.start;                // Seek to start
                    var vx   = new JA_IBankLoader_V1();                  // Make a loader
                    var ibnk = vx.loadIBNK(read, current_section.start); // Load it
                    JAS.Banks[ibnk.id] = ibnk;                           //Push into bank array.
                    JAS.Banks[inscount] = ibnk;         //Push into bank array.

                case JAIInitSectionType.WSYS:                          // Wave System
                    stm.Position = current_section.start;              // Seek to start
                    var vx = new JA_WSYSLoader_V1();                   // Create loader
                    var ws = vx.loadWSYS(read, current_section.start); // load
                    JAS.WaveBanks[wscount] = ws;                       // Push to wavebanks
                    JAS.WaveBanks[ws.id] = ws;

                    throw new FormatException("libjAudio failed to load bx file, bx file contains more sections than just WSYS/IBNK. Even though we (somehow) loaded the BX properly, we got a section other than just the two that are possible by the format.\n Hah. This is probably the most descriptive error you've ever seen. Which is ironic because the condition to meet it should never be met. I mean, technically its possible. Cosmic ray errors exist, and those things are weird.");
Example #2
        /* AAF is safe, we know it's always going to be a V1 instrument format. */
        public static void loadJV0(ref JASystem JAS, ref byte[] data)
            var ldr      = new JA_AAFLoader();                           // Create the loader for the AAF.
            var sections = ldr.load(ref data);                           // Load the AAF
            var stm      = new System.IO.MemoryStream(data);             // Create a stream for it
            var read     = new Be.IO.BeBinaryReader(stm);                // Create a reader around the stream

            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Length; i++)                    // Loop through the AAF
                var current_section = sections[i];                       // Select current section
                switch (current_section.type)                            // Get the type
                case JAIInitSectionType.IBNK:                            // Instrument bank
                    stm.Position = current_section.start;                // Seek to start
                    var vx   = new JA_IBankLoader_V1();                  // Make a loader
                    var ibnk = vx.loadIBNK(read, current_section.start); // Load it
                    JAS.Banks[ibnk.id] = ibnk;                           //Push into bank array.

                case JAIInitSectionType.WSYS:                          // Wave System
                    stm.Position = current_section.start;              // Seek to start
                    var vx = new JA_WSYSLoader_V1();                   // Create loader
                    var ws = vx.loadWSYS(read, current_section.start); // load
                    JAS.WaveBanks[ws.id] = ws;                         // Push to wavebanks

                case JAIInitSectionType.SEQUENCE_COLLECTION:
Example #3
        public static void loadJV2(ref JASystem JAS, ref byte[] data)
            var ldr      = new JA_BAALoader();                    // Create the loader for the AAF.
            var sections = ldr.load(ref data);                    // Load the AAF
            var stm      = new System.IO.MemoryStream(data);      // Create a stream for it
            var read     = new Be.IO.BeBinaryReader(stm);         // Create a reader around the stream

            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Length; i++)             // Loop through the AAF
                var current_section = sections[i];                // Select current section
                switch (current_section.type)                     // Get the type
                case JAIInitSectionType.IBNK:                     // Instrument bank -- alright seriously f**k these they can be either v1 or v2 in baa, sometimes mixed.
                    stm.Position = current_section.start;         // Seek to start
                    stm.Seek(0x20, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current); // have to detect the type.
                    var secondChunkID = read.ReadInt32();

                    JIBank ibnk;
                    if (secondChunkID == 0x42414E4B)                      // V1 type banks always have literal `BANK` after them.
                        var v1L = new JA_IBankLoader_V1();                // Make a loader
                        ibnk = v1L.loadIBNK(read, current_section.start); // Load it
                        JAS.Banks[ibnk.id] = ibnk;                        //Push into bank array.

                    stm.Position = current_section.start;             // Reset stream position to section base.
                    // Though V2 has 'ENVT' just after it, don't check for it. It's either v1 or v2.
                    var v2L = new JA_IBankLoader_V2();                // Make a loader
                    ibnk = v2L.loadIBNK(read, current_section.start); // Load it
                    JAS.Banks[ibnk.id] = ibnk;                        //Push into bank array.

                case JAIInitSectionType.WSYS:                          // Wave System -- the same as jaiv1?
                    stm.Position = current_section.start;              // Seek to start
                    var vx = new JA_WSYSLoader_V1();                   // Create loader
                    var ws = vx.loadWSYS(read, current_section.start); // load
                    if (JAS.WaveBanks[ws.id] != null)
                        var ows = JAS.WaveBanks[ws.id];         // Merge duplicate wavetable ID's.
                        foreach (int k in ws.WaveTable.Keys)
                            ows.WaveTable[k] = ws.WaveTable[k];
                        JAS.WaveBanks[ws.id] = ws;         // Push to wavebanks

                case JAIInitSectionType.SEQUENCE_COLLECTION: