internal static double Evaluate(List<WordsearchImage> wordsearchImages, Classifier classifier)
            DefaultLog.Info("Evaluating Wordsearch Image Rotation Correction . . .");

            int numCorrect = 0;
            int numTotal = 0;

            //Test the algorithm on each Wordsearch Image
            foreach(WordsearchImage wordsearchImage in wordsearchImages)
                //Register an interest in the Bitmap of the wordsearch Image

                //Test the system on each posisble rotation of the wordsearch image
                int[] angles = new int[] { 0, 90, 180, 270 };

                Parallel.ForEach(angles, angle =>
                    WordsearchRotation rotation = new WordsearchRotation(wordsearchImage.Bitmap.DeepCopy(), (int)wordsearchImage.Rows, (int)wordsearchImage.Cols);

                    //Rotate the image for the wordsearch back to the correct orientation so that we know the correct answer
                    WordsearchRotation correctRotation = rotation.DeepCopy();
                    correctRotation.Rotate((360 - angle) % 360); //Angles must be EXACTLY the same as the ones used in the correction in order to yield the same result (i.e. 0, 90, 180, 270)

                    WordsearchRotation proposedRotation = WordsearchRotationCorrection.CorrectOrientation(rotation, classifier);

                    //Keep track of the number correct & total number
                    if (proposedRotation.Bitmap.DataEquals(correctRotation.Bitmap))

                    //Clean up

                //Clean up

            DefaultLog.Info("Returned {0}/{1} Wordsearch Rotations Correctly", numCorrect, numTotal);

            DefaultLog.Info("Wordsearch Image Rotation Evaluation Completed");

            return (double)numCorrect / numTotal;
        public static WordsearchRotation CorrectOrientation(WordsearchRotation wordsearchRotation, Classifier classifier) //Classifier MUST be probablistic
            //Rotate the Bitmap through the 4 possible rotations
            WordsearchRotation[] rotations = new WordsearchRotation[4];

            for(int i = 0; i < rotations.Length; i++)
                int angle = i * 90;

                rotations[i] = wordsearchRotation.DeepCopy();

            //Calculate how likely wach rotation is to be correct
            double bestScore = double.MinValue;
            int bestIdx = -1;
            for(int i = 0; i < rotations.Length; i++)
                double score = scoreBitmap(rotations[i], classifier);

                if(score > bestScore)
                    bestScore = score;
                    bestIdx = i;

            //Dispose of the Wordsearch Rotations that weren't the best
            for(int i = 0; i < rotations.Length; i++)
                if(i != bestIdx)

            return rotations[bestIdx];