Example #1
        private void DisplayAttackBar()
            // HealthBar Y position
            int posY = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(1);

            // Line width
            int width = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(0);

            // Get player's target information
            AMonster targetMonster = Program.Player.CurrentTarget;

            // Declare string builder
            StringBuilder attackBarBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            if (targetMonster != default)
                float  monsterHealth = targetMonster.Health;
                string monsterName   = (string)targetMonster.GetType().GetProperty("Name")?.GetValue(null);
                string targetText    = $"{monsterName}: {targetMonster.Health}/{targetMonster.MaxHealth}";

                // Calculate health position x
                int monsterHealthX = width / 2 - targetText.Length / 2;

                // Calculate monster health in procents
                var monsterHealthProcent = (int)Math.Floor((double)monsterHealth / targetMonster.MaxHealth * 100);

                // Push content to the builder
                for (var ma = 0; ma < width; ++ma)
                    // Chat that will be added during this iteration
                    string current = " ";

                    // Place text char when in the text container area
                    if (ma >= monsterHealthX && ma < monsterHealthX + targetText.Length)
                        current = targetText[ma - monsterHealthX].ToString();

                    // Checks if this position in the healthbar should be filled (health)
                    if (ma < Math.Floor(monsterHealthProcent / 100f * width))
                        current = current.Colorize(ColorizeColor.BGBLUE);

                    // Append char to the output

            // Place cursor at the position
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, posY);

            // Display the health bar rectangle
            string barText = attackBarBuilder.ToString();

Example #2
        private void DisplayHealthBar()
            // HealthBar Y position
            int posY = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(1) - 2;

            // Line width
            int width = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(0);

            // Get player health in %, outputable form
            int    playerHealthProcent = Program.Player.GetHealthProcent();
            string health = Program.Player.HealthToString();

            // Health text position X
            int healthX = width / 2 - health.Length / 2;

            // Health bar (rectangle and the text)
            StringBuilder barTextBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            // Content the barText (rectangles and text)
            for (var ma = 0; ma < width; ++ma)
                // Chat that will be added during this iteration
                string current = " ";

                // Place text char when in the text container area
                if (ma >= healthX && ma < healthX + health.Length)
                    current = health[ma - healthX].ToString();

                // Checks if this position in the healthbar should be filled (health)
                if (ma < Math.Floor(playerHealthProcent / 100f * width))
                    current = current.Colorize(ColorizeColor.BGRED);

                // Append char to the output

            // Place cursor at the position
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, posY);

            // Display the health bar rectangle
            string barText = barTextBuilder.ToString();

Example #3
        private void DisplayLocation()
            // HealthBar Y position
            int posY = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(1) - 6;

            // Line width
            int width = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(0);

            // Declare output content
            string content = $"Village \"{Program.Player.VillagesManager.CurrentVillage.Name.Colorize(ColorizeColor.ITALIC)}\""

            // Set print cursor
            Console.SetCursorPosition(width / 2 - content.Decolorize().Length / 2, posY);

            // Output
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines how big container does array need,
        /// and centers (prints) all the array items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">
        /// May be colorized using ANSI characters.
        /// NOTICE: This project has its own built-in class called Colorize. Use it to change the string style.
        /// </param>
        public static void PrintCenteredText(string[] text)
            int textLines = text.Length;

            int[] windowDimensions = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution();

            // Iterate through all characters in the array.
            for (var ma = 0; ma < text.Length; ++ma)
                string line = text[ma];
                // Calculate X and Y axis for the character
                int x = (windowDimensions[0] / 2 - line.Decolorize().Length / 2);
                int y = (windowDimensions[1] / 2 - textLines / 2 + ma);
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y);
Example #5
        private void DisplayStats()
             * [] 100       [] 200       [] 100

            // Access player instance
            Player player = Program.Player;

            // Access player's village manager. Cache it since we will use it twice
            PlayerVillage villageManager = player.VillagesManager;

            // Stats Y position
            int posY = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(1) - 4;

            // Space gap between elements
            string elementsGap = new string(' ', 4);

            // Declare hud elements
            string[] elements =
                $"Money: ${NumberConvertor.ShortenNumber(player.MoneyManager.Money)}",
                $"Protection:  {player.Stats.DefenseProcent}%",
                $"Speed: {player.Stats.MovementSpeed}",
                $"Reputation: {villageManager.GetReputation()}/{villageManager.CurrentVillage.MaxReputation}"

            // string elements =  string.Join(string.Empty, $"", elementsGap, $"🛡️ 4.1%", elementsGap, $"🧑 35/1500");
            // Convert hud elements array to string
            string elementsString = string.Join(new string(' ', 8), elements);

            // Calculate position (center)
            int posX = ResolutionHandler.GetResolution(0) / 2 - elementsString.Length / 2;

            // Set cursor position
            Console.SetCursorPosition(posX, posY);

            // Output