Example #1
        private void CreateSprites()
            int zOrder = settings.Psd.Layers.Count;

            // Find scaling factor
            float posScale = 1f;

            switch (settings.ScaleBy)
            case 1:
                posScale = 0.5f;

            case 2:
                posScale = 0.25f;

            GameObject root = new GameObject(settings.Filename);

            // Create the offset vector
            Vector3 createOffset = Vector3.zero;

            if (createPivot != PivotPos.TopLeft)
                Vector2 docSize = new Vector2(settings.Psd.ColumnCount, settings.Psd.RowCount);
                docSize *= posScale;

                if (createPivot == PivotPos.Center || createPivot == PivotPos.Left || createPivot == PivotPos.Right)
                    createOffset.y = (docSize.y / 2) / settings.PixelsToUnitSize;
                if (createPivot == PivotPos.Bottom || createPivot == PivotPos.BottomLeft || createPivot == PivotPos.BottomRight)
                    createOffset.y = docSize.y / settings.PixelsToUnitSize;

                if (createPivot == PivotPos.Center || createPivot == PivotPos.Top || createPivot == PivotPos.Bottom)
                    createOffset.x = -(docSize.x / 2) / settings.PixelsToUnitSize;
                if (createPivot == PivotPos.Right || createPivot == PivotPos.TopRight || createPivot == PivotPos.BottomRight)
                    createOffset.x = -(docSize.x) / settings.PixelsToUnitSize;

            // Loop through the layers
            Dictionary <LayerGroupInfo, GameObject> groupHeaders = new Dictionary <LayerGroupInfo, GameObject>();
            GameObject lastParent = root;

            for (int i = settings.Psd.Layers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var groupInfo = fileInfo.GetGroupByLayerIndex(i);
                if (groupInfo != null && !groupInfo.visible)

                if (!fileInfo.LayerVisibility[i])

                Layer layer = settings.Psd.Layers[i];

                bool inGroup = groupInfo != null;

                if (inGroup)
                    bool startGroup = groupInfo.end == i;
                    bool closeGroup = groupInfo.start == i;

                    if (startGroup)
                        GameObject groupRoot = new GameObject(layer.Name);
                        groupRoot.transform.parent        = lastParent.transform;
                        groupRoot.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        groupRoot.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;

                        lastParent = groupRoot;
                        groupHeaders.Add(groupInfo, groupRoot);
                    if (closeGroup)
                        lastParent = groupHeaders[groupInfo].transform.parent.gameObject;

                // Try to get the sprite from the asset database first
                string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(image);
                string path      = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath),
                                                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath) + "_" + layer.Name + ".png");

                // Sprites doesn't exist, create it
                Sprite spr = (Sprite)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(Sprite));
                if (spr == null)
                    spr = PSDExporter.CreateSprite(settings, layer);

                // Get the pivot settings for the sprite
                TextureImporter spriteSettings = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path);

                GameObject     go = new GameObject(layer.Name);
                SpriteRenderer sr = go.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                sr.sprite       = spr;
                sr.sortingOrder = zOrder--;
                if (_sortingLayerNames != null)
                    sr.sortingLayerName = _sortingLayerNames[createSortLayer];

                Vector3 goPos = Vector3.zero;
                goPos.x  = ((layer.Rect.width * spriteSettings.spritePivot.x) + layer.Rect.x) / settings.PixelsToUnitSize;
                goPos.y  = (-(layer.Rect.height * (1 - spriteSettings.spritePivot.y)) - layer.Rect.y) / settings.PixelsToUnitSize;
                goPos.x *= posScale;
                goPos.y *= posScale;

                goPos += createOffset;

                go.transform.parent        = lastParent.transform;
                go.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
                go.transform.localPosition = goPos;

                if (createAtSelection && Selection.activeGameObject != null)
                    go.layer = Selection.activeGameObject.layer;

            if (createAtSelection && Selection.activeGameObject != null)
                root.transform.parent        = Selection.activeGameObject.transform;
                root.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
                root.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                root.layer = Selection.activeGameObject.layer;
Example #2
 private void ExportLayers()
     PSDExporter.Export(settings, fileInfo);