/// <summary>
        /// Function to Find and Kill Mobs
        /// </summary>
        public void findAndKillMob(WoWUnit Enemy)
            bool CastSuccess = false;

            if (!Enemy.IsDead)
                #region don't kill if
                // Don't kill Pandaria Rares with Low Health
                if ((Enemy.Entry == 50828 || Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50840 || Enemy.Entry == 50823 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50830 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50750 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50768 || Enemy.Entry == 50772 || Enemy.Entry == 50766 || Enemy.Entry == 50769 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50780 || Enemy.Entry == 50776 || Enemy.Entry == 50739 || Enemy.Entry == 50749 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50734 || Enemy.Entry == 50364 || Enemy.Entry == 50363 || Enemy.Entry == 50733 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50388 || Enemy.Entry == 50341 || Enemy.Entry == 50349 || Enemy.Entry == 50340 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50347 || Enemy.Entry == 50338 || Enemy.Entry == 50344 || Enemy.Entry == 50339 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50354 || Enemy.Entry == 50351 || Enemy.Entry == 50355 || Enemy.Entry == 50356 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50350 || Enemy.Entry == 50352 || Enemy.Entry == 50359 || Enemy.Entry == 50821 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50817 || Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50816 || Enemy.Entry == 50811 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50808 || Enemy.Entry == 50820 || Enemy.Entry == 50787 || Enemy.Entry == 50806 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50789 || Enemy.Entry == 50805 || Enemy.Entry == 50783 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50791 || Enemy.Entry == 51059 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 50332 || Enemy.Entry == 50333 || Enemy.Entry == 50336) &&
                    Me.HealthPercent < 80)
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called {0} ID {1}, but don't Kill Pandaria Mob with Health < 80%", Enemy.Name, Enemy.Entry);
                if (Rarekiller.Settings.NotKillTameable && Enemy.IsTameable) // ... I want to tame him :)
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called {0} ID {1}, but kill tameable", Enemy.Name, Enemy.Entry);

                Logging.WriteQuiet(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called {0} ID {1}", Enemy.Name, Enemy.Entry);
                Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Mob Location: {0} / {1} / {2}", Convert.ToString(Enemy.X), Convert.ToString(Enemy.Y), Convert.ToString(Enemy.Z));
                if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                    Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: Find {0} ID {1}')", Enemy.Name, Enemy.Entry);

                #region don't kill if ...
                if (Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter >= Rarekiller.Settings.MaxPullCounter)
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but I pulled him now {1} Times", Enemy.Name, Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist15));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 15 Minutes, MoP Rares will be deactivated");
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                        Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: I pulled now {0} times, blacklist')", Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);
                    Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter     = 0;
                    Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull = 0;
                // Don't kill Pandaria Rares with Level < 90
                if ((Enemy.Entry == 50828 || Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50840 || Enemy.Entry == 50823 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50830 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50750 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50768 || Enemy.Entry == 50772 || Enemy.Entry == 50766 || Enemy.Entry == 50769 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50780 || Enemy.Entry == 50776 || Enemy.Entry == 50739 || Enemy.Entry == 50749 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50734 || Enemy.Entry == 50364 || Enemy.Entry == 50363 || Enemy.Entry == 50733 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50388 || Enemy.Entry == 50341 || Enemy.Entry == 50349 || Enemy.Entry == 50340 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50347 || Enemy.Entry == 50338 || Enemy.Entry == 50344 || Enemy.Entry == 50339 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50354 || Enemy.Entry == 50351 || Enemy.Entry == 50355 || Enemy.Entry == 50356 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50350 || Enemy.Entry == 50352 || Enemy.Entry == 50359 || Enemy.Entry == 50821 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50817 || Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50816 || Enemy.Entry == 50811 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50808 || Enemy.Entry == 50820 || Enemy.Entry == 50787 || Enemy.Entry == 50806 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50789 || Enemy.Entry == 50805 || Enemy.Entry == 50783 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50791 || Enemy.Entry == 51059 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 50332 || Enemy.Entry == 50333 || Enemy.Entry == 50336) &&
                    Me.Level < 90)
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but my level is to Low to kill him", Enemy.Name);
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                        Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: My Level is to low')", Enemy.Name);

                if (Enemy.TaggedByOther && !Rarekiller.TaggedMobsList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(Enemy.Entry)))
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but he's tagged by another Player", Enemy.Name);
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                        Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: NPC is tagged')", Enemy.Name);
                //if not known ID of Inhouse Pandaria Rare --> don't kill
                if (!(Enemy.Entry == 50817 || Enemy.Entry == 50768 ||
                      Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 || Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                      Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50769))
                    if (Me.IsFlying && Me.IsOutdoors && Enemy.IsIndoors)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Mob is Indoors and I fly Outdoors, so blacklist him to prevent Problems");
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: You have to place me next to the Spawnpoint, if you want me to hunt this Mob.");
                        Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                        if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                            Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: NPC is Indoors')", Enemy.Name);
                if (Enemy.Level > (Me.Level + 4))                 // ... 4 Levels higher them me
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: His Level is 5 over mine, better not to kill him.");
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
                if (Enemy.IsFriendly)                 // ... is Friendly
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but he's friendly", Enemy.Name);
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                        Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: NPC is friendly')", Enemy.Name);
                if ((Enemy.Entry == 32630) && !Rarekiller.Settings.Vyragosa)                 // ... my Settings say don't kill Vyragosa
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Config says: don't kill Vyragosa.");
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                        Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: don't kill NPC')", Enemy.Name);
                if ((Enemy.Entry == 50057) && !Rarekiller.Settings.Blazewing)                 // ... my Settings say don't kill Blazewing
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Config says: don't kill Blazewing.");
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                        Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: don't kill NPC')", Enemy.Name);
                if ((Enemy.Entry == 596) || (Enemy.Entry == 599) || Me.IsInInstance)
                    // ... Instance Mobs, don't run wild in Instances
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Don't run wild because of RareMobs in Instances.");
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
                if (Rarekiller.BlacklistMobsList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(Enemy.Entry)))
                // ... Mob is Blacklisted in Rarekiller/config/BlacklistedMobs.xml
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: {0} is Member of the BlacklistedMobs.xml", Enemy.Name);
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist15));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 15 Minutes.");
                if (Rarekiller.DontInteract)

                if (Rarekiller.Settings.Alert)

                #region fly to Helperpoint for some Pandaria Rares
                if (Me.IsFlying && (Enemy.Entry == 50817 || Enemy.Entry == 50768 ||
                                    Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 || Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                                    Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50769 ||
                                    Enemy.Entry == 50749 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 50347 || Enemy.Entry == 50811 ||
                                    Enemy.Entry == 50821 || Enemy.Entry == 50808 || Enemy.Entry == 50820))
                    WoWPoint Helperpoint = Enemy.Location;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50817)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50817;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50768)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50768;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50836)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50836;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50782)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50782;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50831)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50831;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50832)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50832;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50769)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50769;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50822)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50822;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50331)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50331;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 51078)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint51078;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50749)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50749;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50334)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50334;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50347)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50347;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50811)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50811;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50821)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50821;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50808)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50808;
                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50820)
                        Helperpoint = LandingPoint50820;

                    if (!Rarekiller.MoveTo(Helperpoint, Enemy, 5, false))

                #region Check PullRange

                string UsedPullRange = Rarekiller.Settings.Range;

                // Range to 27 because of Inhouse Pandaria Mob
                if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell) && (
                        Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 || Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                        Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50768 ||
                        Enemy.Entry == 50749 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 50347 || Enemy.Entry == 50811 ||
                        Enemy.Entry == 50821 || Enemy.Entry == 50808 || Enemy.Entry == 50820))
                    UsedPullRange = "27";
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to 27 because of Inhouse Pandaria Rare");
                // Range to 3 for other Pandaria Mobs
                //else if (o.Entry == 50828 || o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50840 || o.Entry == 50823 ||
                //o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50830 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50750 ||
                //o.Entry == 50768 || o.Entry == 50772 || o.Entry == 50766 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                //o.Entry == 50780 || o.Entry == 50776 || o.Entry == 50739 || o.Entry == 50749 ||
                //o.Entry == 50734 || o.Entry == 50364 || o.Entry == 50363 || o.Entry == 50733 ||
                //o.Entry == 50388 || o.Entry == 50341 || o.Entry == 50349 || o.Entry == 50340 ||
                //o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50338 || o.Entry == 50344 || o.Entry == 50339 ||
                //o.Entry == 50354 || o.Entry == 50351 || o.Entry == 50355 || o.Entry == 50356 ||
                //o.Entry == 50350 || o.Entry == 50352 || o.Entry == 50359 || o.Entry == 50821 ||
                //o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50816 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                //o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820 || o.Entry == 50787 || o.Entry == 50806 ||
                //o.Entry == 50789 || o.Entry == 50805 || o.Entry == 50783 || o.Entry == 50782 ||
                //o.Entry == 50791 || o.Entry == 51059 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                //o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 50332 || o.Entry == 50333 || o.Entry == 50336)
                //    UsedPullRange = "3";
                //    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to 3 because of other Pandaria Rares");

                else if (!Rarekiller.Settings.DefaultPull && (Convert.ToInt64(UsedPullRange) > Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull))))
                    UsedPullRange = Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull);
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to {0} because of Low-Ranged Customized Spell", Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull));

                else if (Rarekiller.Settings.DefaultPull && (Convert.ToInt64(UsedPullRange) > Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell))))
                    UsedPullRange = Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell);
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to {0} because of Low-Ranged Default Spell", Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell));

                #region Move To Mob
                if (Enemy.Entry == 50817 || Enemy.Entry == 50768 ||
                    Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 || Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                    Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50769 ||
                    Enemy.Entry == 50749 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 50347 || Enemy.Entry == 50811 ||
                    Enemy.Entry == 50821 || Enemy.Entry == 50808 || Enemy.Entry == 50820)
                    if (!Rarekiller.MoveTo(Enemy, Convert.ToInt64(UsedPullRange), true))
                    if (!Rarekiller.MoveTo(Enemy, Convert.ToInt64(UsedPullRange), false))

                #region Special Behavior Nal'lak
                //if (Me.Combat && o.Entry == 50364) //Nal'lak
                //    WoWMovement.MoveStop();
                //    Thread.Sleep(100);
                //    if (Me.IsFlying)
                //    {
                //        WoWUnit GroundUnit = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Where(u => (!u.IsFlying)).OrderBy(u => u.Distance).FirstOrDefault(); ;
                //        if (!Rarekiller.DescendToLand(GroundUnit)) return;
                //    }
                //    Rarekiller.Dismount();

                #region Special Behavior Clean up Area
                if (Enemy.Entry == 50749 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 50347)
                    List <WoWUnit> AddList = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>().Where(Add => !Add.IsDead && Add.IsHostile && (Add != Enemy) && Add.Location.Distance(Enemy.Location) < 27 && Add.Location.Distance(Me.Location) < 27).OrderBy(Add => Add.Distance).ToList();
                    foreach (WoWUnit Add in AddList)
                        if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell))
                            CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell, Add, true);
                            Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Clean up Area, pull Add: {0}", Add.Name);

                #region Pull Mob
                Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pull at Mob Location: {0} / {1} / {2}", Convert.ToString(Enemy.X), Convert.ToString(Enemy.Y), Convert.ToString(Enemy.Z));
                Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: ... my Location: {0} / {1} / {2}", Convert.ToString(Me.X), Convert.ToString(Me.Y), Convert.ToString(Me.Z));
                Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Target is Flying - {0}", Enemy.IsFlying);

                if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell) &&
                    (Enemy.Entry == 50817 || Enemy.Entry == 50768 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 || Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50769 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50749 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 50347 || Enemy.Entry == 50811 ||
                     Enemy.Entry == 50821 || Enemy.Entry == 50808 || Enemy.Entry == 50820))
                    CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell, Enemy, true);

                else if (!(Rarekiller.Settings.DefaultPull) && SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull))
                    CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull, Enemy, false);
                else if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell))
                    CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell, Enemy, false);
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: I have no valid Pullspell - sorry");

                if (Me.CurrentTarget != Enemy)

                #region Quick Slowfall for known flying Mobs
                if (Rarekiller.Settings.UseSlowfall && ((Enemy.Entry == 29753) || (Enemy.Entry == 32491) || (Enemy.Entry == 32630) || (Enemy.Entry == 33687) || (Enemy.Entry == 50364)))
                    if (Me.IsFalling)
                Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Use Quick Slowfall: {0} Mob: {1}", Me.IsFalling, Enemy.Name);

                #region Pulltimer and Pullcounter
                while (WaitAfterPullTimer.IsRunning && !Rarekiller.ToonInvalidCombat && WaitAfterPullTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 2000)
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Wait for Combat now {0} ms", WaitAfterPullTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                if (CastSuccess && Me.Combat)
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Successfully pulled {0}", Enemy.Name);

                if (Enemy.Entry != 32491 && Enemy.Entry != 50005 && (Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull != Enemy.Guid) && Me.Combat)
                    Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter     = 1;
                    Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull = Enemy.Guid;
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pulled {0} now first time", Enemy.Name);
                else if (Me.Combat)
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pulled {0} now {1} times", Enemy.Name, Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);

                    if ((Enemy.Entry == 50828 || Enemy.Entry == 50836 || Enemy.Entry == 50840 || Enemy.Entry == 50823 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50831 || Enemy.Entry == 50830 || Enemy.Entry == 50832 || Enemy.Entry == 50750 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50768 || Enemy.Entry == 50772 || Enemy.Entry == 50766 || Enemy.Entry == 50769 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50780 || Enemy.Entry == 50776 || Enemy.Entry == 50739 || Enemy.Entry == 50749 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50734 || Enemy.Entry == 50364 || Enemy.Entry == 50363 || Enemy.Entry == 50733 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50388 || Enemy.Entry == 50341 || Enemy.Entry == 50349 || Enemy.Entry == 50340 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50347 || Enemy.Entry == 50338 || Enemy.Entry == 50344 || Enemy.Entry == 50339 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50354 || Enemy.Entry == 50351 || Enemy.Entry == 50355 || Enemy.Entry == 50356 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50350 || Enemy.Entry == 50352 || Enemy.Entry == 50359 || Enemy.Entry == 50821 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50817 || Enemy.Entry == 50822 || Enemy.Entry == 50816 || Enemy.Entry == 50811 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50808 || Enemy.Entry == 50820 || Enemy.Entry == 50787 || Enemy.Entry == 50806 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50789 || Enemy.Entry == 50805 || Enemy.Entry == 50783 || Enemy.Entry == 50782 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50791 || Enemy.Entry == 51059 || Enemy.Entry == 50334 || Enemy.Entry == 51078 ||
                         Enemy.Entry == 50331 || Enemy.Entry == 50332 || Enemy.Entry == 50333 || Enemy.Entry == 50336) &&
                        Me.Level < 90)

                #region Move to a Save Fighting Area after Pull for some Pandaria Rares
                if ((Enemy.Entry == 50768 || Enemy.Entry == 50832) && Me.Combat)
                    WoWPoint SaveHelperpoint = Enemy.Location;
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Move to Save Fighting Point", Enemy.Entry);

                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50768)
                        SaveHelperpoint = SavePoint50768;

                    if (Enemy.Entry == 50832)
                        SaveHelperpoint = SavePoint50832;

                    if (Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, SaveHelperpoint))
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Move to Save Fighting Point");
                        while (Me.Location.Distance(SaveHelperpoint) > 5)
                            if (Me.IsSwimming)
                            if (Rarekiller.ToonInvalid)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Wasn't able to Move to Save Fighting Point", Enemy.Entry);

                if (Enemy.Guid == Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull)
                    Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter     = 0;
                    Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull = 0;
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set PullCounter to {0}", Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);

                if (Enemy.CanLoot)
                    if (!Rarekiller.Loothelper(Enemy))

                if (!Blacklist.Contains(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags))
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but sadly he's dead", Enemy.Name);
                    Blacklist.Add(Enemy.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
        public static WoWPoint SavePoint50832 = new WoWPoint(1749.258, 3209.693, 316.2377);  // The Yowler

        /// <summary>
        /// Function to Find and Kill Mobs
        /// </summary>
        public void findAndKillMob()
            bool CastSuccess = false;

            #region create List of Mobs in Reach
            // ----------------- Generate a List with all wanted Rares found in Object Manager ---------------------
            List <WoWUnit> objList = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>()
                                     .Where(o => (!Blacklist.Contains(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags) && (
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.CATA && (Rarekiller.CataRaresList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(o.Entry)))) ||
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.Poseidus && ((o.Entry == 50005) || // Poseidus
                                                                                        (o.Entry == 9999999))) || // Platzhalter
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.TLPD && ((o.Entry == 32491) ||         // Timelost Protodrake
                                                                                    (o.Entry == 32630))) ||       // Vyragosa
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.WOTLK && (Rarekiller.FrostbittenList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(o.Entry)))) ||
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.BC && (Rarekiller.BloodyRareList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(o.Entry)))) ||
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.KillList && (Rarekiller.KillMobsList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(o.Entry)))) || //Kill Mobs from List
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.KillList && o.TaggedByOther && (Rarekiller.TaggedMobsList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(o.Entry)))) || //Kill Tagged Mobs from List
                                                      ((o.Level < Rarekiller.Settings.Level) && Rarekiller.Settings.LowRAR && (o.CreatureRank == Styx.WoWUnitClassificationType.Rare)) || // every single Rare Mob < Level 61 is hunted
                                                      (Rarekiller.Settings.HUNTbyID && (o.Entry == Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Settings.MobID))) // Hunt special IDs
                                                      // Pandaria Rares
                                                      || (Rarekiller.Settings.MOP && (
                                                              (o.Entry == 50828 && Rarekiller.Settings.Bonobos50828) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50836 && Rarekiller.Settings.IkIk50836) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50840 && Rarekiller.Settings.Nanners50840) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50823 && Rarekiller.Settings.Ferocious50823) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50831 && Rarekiller.Settings.Scritch50831) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50830 && Rarekiller.Settings.Spriggin50830) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50832 && Rarekiller.Settings.Yowler50832) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50750 && Rarekiller.Settings.Aethis50750) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50768 && Rarekiller.Settings.Cournith50768) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50772 && Rarekiller.Settings.Eshelon50772) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50766 && Rarekiller.Settings.Selena50766) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50769 && Rarekiller.Settings.Zai50769) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50780 && Rarekiller.Settings.Sahn50780) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50776 && Rarekiller.Settings.Nalash50776) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50739 && Rarekiller.Settings.Garlok50739) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50749 && Rarekiller.Settings.Kaltik50749) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50734 && Rarekiller.Settings.Lithik50734) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50364 && Rarekiller.Settings.Nallak50364) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50363 && Rarekiller.Settings.Kraxik50363) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50733 && Rarekiller.Settings.Skithik50733) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50388 && Rarekiller.Settings.Torik50388) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50341 && Rarekiller.Settings.Borginn50341) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50349 && Rarekiller.Settings.Kang50349) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50340 && Rarekiller.Settings.Gaarn50340) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50347 && Rarekiller.Settings.Karr50347) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50338 && Rarekiller.Settings.Kornas50338) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50344 && Rarekiller.Settings.Norlaxx50344) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50339 && Rarekiller.Settings.Sulikshor50339) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50354 && Rarekiller.Settings.Havak50354) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50351 && Rarekiller.Settings.JonnDar50351) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50355 && Rarekiller.Settings.Kahtir50355) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50356 && Rarekiller.Settings.Krol50356) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50350 && Rarekiller.Settings.Morgrinn50350) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50352 && Rarekiller.Settings.Qunas50352) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50359 && Rarekiller.Settings.Urgolax50359) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50821 && Rarekiller.Settings.AiLi50821) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50817 && Rarekiller.Settings.Ahone50817) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50822 && Rarekiller.Settings.AiRan50822) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50816 && Rarekiller.Settings.Ruun50816) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50811 && Rarekiller.Settings.Nasra50811) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50808 && Rarekiller.Settings.Urobi50808) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50820 && Rarekiller.Settings.Yul50820) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50787 && Rarekiller.Settings.Arness50787) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50806 && Rarekiller.Settings.Moldo50806) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50789 && Rarekiller.Settings.Nessos50789) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50805 && Rarekiller.Settings.Omnis50805) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50783 && Rarekiller.Settings.Salyin50783) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50782 && Rarekiller.Settings.Sarnak50782) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50791 && Rarekiller.Settings.Siltriss50791) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 51059 && Rarekiller.Settings.Blackhoof51059) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50334 && Rarekiller.Settings.Dak50334) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 51078 && Rarekiller.Settings.Ferdinand51078) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50331 && Rarekiller.Settings.GoKan50331) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50332 && Rarekiller.Settings.Korda50332) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50333 && Rarekiller.Settings.Lon50333) || //
                                                              (o.Entry == 50336 && Rarekiller.Settings.Yorik50336) //
                                     .OrderBy(o => o.Distance).ToList();

            foreach (WoWUnit o in objList)
                if (!o.IsDead && !o.IsPet)
                    #region don't kill if
                    // Don't kill Pandaria Rares with Low Health
                    if ((o.Entry == 50828 || o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50840 || o.Entry == 50823 ||
                         o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50830 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50750 ||
                         o.Entry == 50768 || o.Entry == 50772 || o.Entry == 50766 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                         o.Entry == 50780 || o.Entry == 50776 || o.Entry == 50739 || o.Entry == 50749 ||
                         o.Entry == 50734 || o.Entry == 50364 || o.Entry == 50363 || o.Entry == 50733 ||
                         o.Entry == 50388 || o.Entry == 50341 || o.Entry == 50349 || o.Entry == 50340 ||
                         o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50338 || o.Entry == 50344 || o.Entry == 50339 ||
                         o.Entry == 50354 || o.Entry == 50351 || o.Entry == 50355 || o.Entry == 50356 ||
                         o.Entry == 50350 || o.Entry == 50352 || o.Entry == 50359 || o.Entry == 50821 ||
                         o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50816 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                         o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820 || o.Entry == 50787 || o.Entry == 50806 ||
                         o.Entry == 50789 || o.Entry == 50805 || o.Entry == 50783 || o.Entry == 50782 ||
                         o.Entry == 50791 || o.Entry == 51059 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                         o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 50332 || o.Entry == 50333 || o.Entry == 50336) &&
                        Me.HealthPercent < 80)
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called {0} ID {1}, but don't Kill Pandaria Mob with Health < 80%", o.Name, o.Entry);
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.NotKillTameable && o.IsTameable) // ... I want to tame him :)
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called {0} ID {1}, but kill tameable", o.Name, o.Entry);

                    Logging.WriteQuiet(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called {0} ID {1}", o.Name, o.Entry);
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Mob Location: {0} / {1} / {2}", Convert.ToString(o.X), Convert.ToString(o.Y), Convert.ToString(o.Z));
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                        Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: Find {0} ID {1}')", o.Name, o.Entry);

                    #region don't kill if ...
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter >= Rarekiller.Settings.MaxPullCounter)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but I pulled him now {1} Times", o.Name, Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist15));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 15 Minutes, MoP Rares will be deactivated");
                        if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                            Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: I pulled now {0} times, blacklist')", Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);
                        Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter     = 0;
                        Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull = 0;
                    // Don't kill Pandaria Rares with Level < 90
                    if ((o.Entry == 50828 || o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50840 || o.Entry == 50823 ||
                         o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50830 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50750 ||
                         o.Entry == 50768 || o.Entry == 50772 || o.Entry == 50766 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                         o.Entry == 50780 || o.Entry == 50776 || o.Entry == 50739 || o.Entry == 50749 ||
                         o.Entry == 50734 || o.Entry == 50364 || o.Entry == 50363 || o.Entry == 50733 ||
                         o.Entry == 50388 || o.Entry == 50341 || o.Entry == 50349 || o.Entry == 50340 ||
                         o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50338 || o.Entry == 50344 || o.Entry == 50339 ||
                         o.Entry == 50354 || o.Entry == 50351 || o.Entry == 50355 || o.Entry == 50356 ||
                         o.Entry == 50350 || o.Entry == 50352 || o.Entry == 50359 || o.Entry == 50821 ||
                         o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50816 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                         o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820 || o.Entry == 50787 || o.Entry == 50806 ||
                         o.Entry == 50789 || o.Entry == 50805 || o.Entry == 50783 || o.Entry == 50782 ||
                         o.Entry == 50791 || o.Entry == 51059 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                         o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 50332 || o.Entry == 50333 || o.Entry == 50336) &&
                        Me.Level < 90)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but my level is to Low to kill him", o.Name);
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                        if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                            Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: My Level is to low')", o.Name);

                    if (o.TaggedByOther && !Rarekiller.TaggedMobsList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(o.Entry)))
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but he's tagged by another Player", o.Name);
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                        if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                            Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: NPC is tagged')", o.Name);
                    //if not known ID of Inhouse Pandaria Rare --> don't kill
                    if (!(o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50768 ||
                          o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50782 || o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                          o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50769))
                        if (Me.IsFlying && Me.IsOutdoors && o.IsIndoors)
                            Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Mob is Indoors and I fly Outdoors, so blacklist him to prevent Problems");
                            Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: You have to place me next to the Spawnpoint, if you want me to hunt this Mob.");
                            Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                            Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                            if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                                Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: NPC is Indoors')", o.Name);
                    if (o.Level > (Me.Level + 4))                     // ... 4 Levels higher them me
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: His Level is 5 over mine, better not to kill him.");
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
                    if (o.IsFriendly)                     // ... is Friendly
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but he's friendly", o.Name);
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
                        if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                            Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: NPC is friendly')", o.Name);
                    if ((o.Entry == 32630) && !Rarekiller.Settings.Vyragosa)                     // ... my Settings say don't kill Vyragosa
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Config says: don't kill Vyragosa.");
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                        if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                            Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: don't kill NPC')", o.Name);
                    if ((o.Entry == 50057) && !Rarekiller.Settings.Blazewing)                     // ... my Settings say don't kill Blazewing
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Config says: don't kill Blazewing.");
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist5));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 5 Minutes.");
                        if (Rarekiller.Settings.LUAoutput)
                            Lua.DoString("print('NPCScan: don't kill NPC')", o.Name);
                    if ((o.Entry == 596) || (o.Entry == 599) || Me.IsInInstance)
                        // ... Instance Mobs, don't run wild in Instances
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Don't run wild because of RareMobs in Instances.");
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
                    if (Rarekiller.BlacklistMobsList.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(o.Entry)))
                    // ... Mob is Blacklisted in Rarekiller/config/BlacklistedMobs.xml
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: {0} is Member of the BlacklistedMobs.xml", o.Name);
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist15));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 15 Minutes.");
                    if (Rarekiller.DontInteract)

                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.Alert)

                    #region fly to Helperpoint for some Pandaria Rares
                    if (Me.IsFlying && (o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50768 ||
                                        o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50782 || o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                                        o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                                        o.Entry == 50749 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                                        o.Entry == 50821 || o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820))
                        WoWPoint Helperpoint = o.Location;
                        if (o.Entry == 50817)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50817;
                        if (o.Entry == 50768)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50768;
                        if (o.Entry == 50836)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50836;
                        if (o.Entry == 50782)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50782;
                        if (o.Entry == 50831)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50831;
                        if (o.Entry == 50832)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50832;
                        if (o.Entry == 50769)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50769;
                        if (o.Entry == 50822)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50822;
                        if (o.Entry == 50331)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50331;
                        if (o.Entry == 51078)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint51078;
                        if (o.Entry == 50749)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50749;
                        if (o.Entry == 50334)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50334;
                        if (o.Entry == 50347)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50347;
                        if (o.Entry == 50811)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50811;
                        if (o.Entry == 50821)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50821;
                        if (o.Entry == 50808)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50808;
                        if (o.Entry == 50820)
                            Helperpoint = LandingPoint50820;

                        if (!Rarekiller.MoveTo(Helperpoint, o, 5, false))

                    #region Check PullRange
                    if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell) && (
                            o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50782 || o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                            o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50768 ||
                            o.Entry == 50749 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                            o.Entry == 50821 || o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820))
                        Rarekiller.Settings.Range = "27";
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to 27 because of Inhouse Pandaria Rare");
                    else if (o.Entry == 50828 || o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50840 || o.Entry == 50823 ||
                             o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50830 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50750 ||
                             o.Entry == 50768 || o.Entry == 50772 || o.Entry == 50766 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                             o.Entry == 50780 || o.Entry == 50776 || o.Entry == 50739 || o.Entry == 50749 ||
                             o.Entry == 50734 || o.Entry == 50364 || o.Entry == 50363 || o.Entry == 50733 ||
                             o.Entry == 50388 || o.Entry == 50341 || o.Entry == 50349 || o.Entry == 50340 ||
                             o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50338 || o.Entry == 50344 || o.Entry == 50339 ||
                             o.Entry == 50354 || o.Entry == 50351 || o.Entry == 50355 || o.Entry == 50356 ||
                             o.Entry == 50350 || o.Entry == 50352 || o.Entry == 50359 || o.Entry == 50821 ||
                             o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50816 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                             o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820 || o.Entry == 50787 || o.Entry == 50806 ||
                             o.Entry == 50789 || o.Entry == 50805 || o.Entry == 50783 || o.Entry == 50782 ||
                             o.Entry == 50791 || o.Entry == 51059 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                             o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 50332 || o.Entry == 50333 || o.Entry == 50336)
                        Rarekiller.Settings.Range = "3";
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to 3 because of other Pandaria Rares");

                    else if (!Rarekiller.Settings.DefaultPull && (Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Settings.Range) > Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull))))
                        Rarekiller.Settings.Range = Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull);
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to {0} because of Low-Ranged Customized Spell", Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull));

                    else if (Rarekiller.Settings.DefaultPull && (Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Settings.Range) > Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell))))
                        Rarekiller.Settings.Range = Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell);
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set Range to {0} because of Low-Ranged Default Spell", Rarekiller.Spells.RangeCheck(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell));

                    #region Move To Mob
                    if (o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50768 ||
                        o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50782 || o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                        o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                        o.Entry == 50749 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                        o.Entry == 50821 || o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820)
                        if (!Rarekiller.MoveTo(o, Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Settings.Range), true))
                        if (!Rarekiller.MoveTo(o, Convert.ToInt64(Rarekiller.Settings.Range), false))

                    #region Special Behavior Nal'lak
                    //if (Me.Combat && o.Entry == 50364) //Nal'lak
                    //    WoWMovement.MoveStop();
                    //    Thread.Sleep(100);
                    //    if (Me.IsFlying)
                    //    {
                    //        WoWUnit GroundUnit = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Where(u => (!u.IsFlying)).OrderBy(u => u.Distance).FirstOrDefault(); ;
                    //        if (!Rarekiller.DescendToLand(GroundUnit)) return;
                    //    }
                    //    Rarekiller.Dismount();

                    #region Special Behavior Clean up Area
                    if (o.Entry == 50749 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 50347)
                        List <WoWUnit> AddList = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>().Where(Add => !Add.IsDead && Add.IsHostile && (Add != o) && Add.Location.Distance(o.Location) < 27 && Add.Location.Distance(Me.Location) < 27).OrderBy(Add => Add.Distance).ToList();
                        foreach (WoWUnit Add in AddList)
                            if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell))
                                CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell, Add, true);
                                Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Clean up Area, pull Add: {0}", Add.Name);

                    #region Pull Mob
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pull at Mob Location: {0} / {1} / {2}", Convert.ToString(o.X), Convert.ToString(o.Y), Convert.ToString(o.Z));
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: ... my Location: {0} / {1} / {2}", Convert.ToString(Me.X), Convert.ToString(Me.Y), Convert.ToString(Me.Z));
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Target is Flying - {0}", o.IsFlying);

                    if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell) &&
                        (o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50768 ||
                         o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50782 || o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                         o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                         o.Entry == 50749 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                         o.Entry == 50821 || o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820))
                        CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Spells.RangedPullspell, o, true);

                    else if (!(Rarekiller.Settings.DefaultPull) && SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull))
                        CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull, o, false);
                    else if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell))
                        CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell, o, false);
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: I have no valid Pullspell - sorry");

                    if (Me.CurrentTarget != o)

                    #region Quick Slowfall for known flying Mobs
                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.UseSlowfall && ((o.Entry == 29753) || (o.Entry == 32491) || (o.Entry == 32630) || (o.Entry == 33687) || (o.Entry == 50364)))
                        if (Me.IsFalling)
                    Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Use Quick Slowfall: {0} Mob: {1}", Me.IsFalling, o.Name);

                    #region Pulltimer and Pullcounter
                    while (WaitAfterPullTimer.IsRunning && !Rarekiller.ToonInvalidCombat && WaitAfterPullTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 2000)
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Wait for Combat now {0} ms", WaitAfterPullTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                    if (CastSuccess && Me.Combat)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Successfully pulled {0}", o.Name);

                    if (o.Entry != 32491 && o.Entry != 50005 && (Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull != o.Guid) && Me.Combat)
                        Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter     = 1;
                        Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull = o.Guid;
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pulled {0} now first time", o.Name);
                    else if (Me.Combat)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pulled {0} now {1} times", o.Name, Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);

                        if ((o.Entry == 50828 || o.Entry == 50836 || o.Entry == 50840 || o.Entry == 50823 ||
                             o.Entry == 50831 || o.Entry == 50830 || o.Entry == 50832 || o.Entry == 50750 ||
                             o.Entry == 50768 || o.Entry == 50772 || o.Entry == 50766 || o.Entry == 50769 ||
                             o.Entry == 50780 || o.Entry == 50776 || o.Entry == 50739 || o.Entry == 50749 ||
                             o.Entry == 50734 || o.Entry == 50364 || o.Entry == 50363 || o.Entry == 50733 ||
                             o.Entry == 50388 || o.Entry == 50341 || o.Entry == 50349 || o.Entry == 50340 ||
                             o.Entry == 50347 || o.Entry == 50338 || o.Entry == 50344 || o.Entry == 50339 ||
                             o.Entry == 50354 || o.Entry == 50351 || o.Entry == 50355 || o.Entry == 50356 ||
                             o.Entry == 50350 || o.Entry == 50352 || o.Entry == 50359 || o.Entry == 50821 ||
                             o.Entry == 50817 || o.Entry == 50822 || o.Entry == 50816 || o.Entry == 50811 ||
                             o.Entry == 50808 || o.Entry == 50820 || o.Entry == 50787 || o.Entry == 50806 ||
                             o.Entry == 50789 || o.Entry == 50805 || o.Entry == 50783 || o.Entry == 50782 ||
                             o.Entry == 50791 || o.Entry == 51059 || o.Entry == 50334 || o.Entry == 51078 ||
                             o.Entry == 50331 || o.Entry == 50332 || o.Entry == 50333 || o.Entry == 50336) &&
                            Me.Level < 90)

                    #region Move to a Save Fighting Area after Pull for some Pandaria Rares
                    if ((o.Entry == 50768 || o.Entry == 50832) && Me.Combat)
                        WoWPoint SaveHelperpoint = o.Location;
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Move to Save Fighting Point", o.Entry);

                        if (o.Entry == 50768)
                            SaveHelperpoint = SavePoint50768;

                        if (o.Entry == 50832)
                            SaveHelperpoint = SavePoint50832;

                        if (Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, SaveHelperpoint))
                            Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Move to Save Fighting Point");
                            while (Me.Location.Distance(SaveHelperpoint) > 5)
                                if (Me.IsSwimming)
                                if (Rarekiller.ToonInvalid)
                            Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Wasn't able to Move to Save Fighting Point", o.Entry);

                else if (o.IsDead)
                    if (o.Guid == Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull)
                        Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter     = 0;
                        Rarekiller.Settings.GuidCurrentPull = 0;
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Set PullCounter to {0}", Rarekiller.Settings.PullCounter);

                    if (o.CanLoot)
                        if (!Rarekiller.Loothelper(o))

                    if (!Blacklist.Contains(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags))
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but sadly he's dead", o.Name);
                        Blacklist.Add(o.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to Find and Kill Dormus
        /// </summary>
        public void findAndKillDormus()
            bool CastSuccess = false;
            //Testcases --> 51756 = Blutelfenjunge --> 52008 = Resortangestellter --> 50245 = Dormus
            int IDDormus = 50245;
            //Testcases --> 6346 = Fear Ward --> 974 = Earthsschild --> Dormus' Rage = 93269
            int IDDormusAura = 93269;

            WoWUnit Dormus = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>().Where(u => u.Entry == IDDormus).OrderBy(u => u.Distance).FirstOrDefault();

            #region Move to Dormus Helperpoint
            while (Me.HasAura(IDDormusAura) && Dormus == null && !Me.Combat && Me.Location.Distance(DormusPoint) > 5 && Me.Location.Distance(DormusPoint) < 500)
                Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Dormus not in sight, Swim to Dormus Helper Point");

                Dormus = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>().Where(u => u.Entry == IDDormus).OrderBy(u => u.Distance).FirstOrDefault();

            if (Dormus != null)
                if (!Dormus.IsDead)
                    Logging.WriteQuiet(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}", Dormus.Name);

                    if (Rarekiller.Settings.Alert)


                    #region Move to Dormus
                    // ------------- Move to Dormus with Klick to Move -------------------

                    while (DormusPoint.Distance(Me.Location) > 5 && Me.HasAura(IDDormusAura) && !Dormus.IsDead && !Rarekiller.Settings.ReachedDormusHelperpoint)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Move out of Water to Helperpoint");
                        if (Rarekiller.ToonInvalidCombat)
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Reached Dormus Helperpoint");
                    Rarekiller.Settings.ReachedDormusHelperpoint = true;

                    while (Dormus.Location.Distance(Me.Location) > 3 && Me.HasAura(IDDormusAura) && !Dormus.IsDead)
                        if (Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, Dormus.Location))
                            Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Navigation Issue, use Click to Move");
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Move to Dormus");
                        if (Rarekiller.ToonInvalidCombat)

                    #region Pull Dormus
                    // ------------- pull Dormus  -------------------
                    Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Distance: {0}", Dormus.Location.Distance(Me.Location));

                    if (!(Rarekiller.Settings.DefaultPull) && SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull))
                        CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull, Dormus, false);
                    //CastSuccess = SpellManager.Cast(Rarekiller.Settings.Pull, Dormus);
                    else if (SpellManager.HasSpell(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell))
                        CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell, Dormus, false);
                    //CastSuccess = SpellManager.Cast(Rarekiller.Spells.FastPullspell, Dormus);
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: I have no Pullspell");
                    if (!CastSuccess && SpellManager.HasSpell("Shoot"))
                        CastSuccess = RarekillerSpells.CastSafe("Shoot", Dormus, true);
                    //CastSuccess = SpellManager.Cast("Shoot", Dormus);
                    if (CastSuccess)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: successfully pulled Dormus");
                        Logging.WriteDiagnostic(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pull Distance: {0}", Dormus.Location.Distance(Me.Location));
                    else if (!CastSuccess && Me.Combat)
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: got Aggro");
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Pull Fails --> next try");
                else if (!Blacklist.Contains(Dormus.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags))
                    if (Dormus.CanLoot)
                        if (!Rarekiller.Loothelper(Dormus))

                    if (!Blacklist.Contains(Dormus.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags))
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Find {0}, but sadly he's dead", Dormus.Name);
                        Blacklist.Add(Dormus.Guid, Rarekiller.Settings.Flags, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Rarekiller.Settings.Blacklist60));
                        Logging.Write(Colors.MediumPurple, "Rarekiller: Blacklist Unit for 60 Minutes.");