public void Dispose()
            var producer = this.kafkaProducer;

            if (producer != null)
                this.kafkaProducer = null;

       private async Task<Producer> CreateKafkaProducerAsync()
            // Note: Currently the Producer does not want the protocol passed in
            var connectionString = string.Join(", ", this.options.Brokers.Select(uri => string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Authority) ? uri.AbsoluteUri : uri.Authority));

           // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer -- Harder to debug lambda
            var producer = new Producer(connectionString, this.producerConfiguration);

            producer.OnPermError = (exception, messages) =>
                this.kafkaProducer = null;

            producer.OnTempError += messages =>
                Contract.Assume(false, "Kafka Message Delilvery Error");

            await producer.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            return producer;
Example #3
        public async void SimulateLongBufferedMessageHandling()
            var count = 2000;
            var topic = "topic11." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 1, 1);

            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic, batchFlushSize: 2));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            var src = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)).Take(count).
                Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)i) }).Publish().RefCount();
            await src;

            await Task.Delay(200);
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            _log.Debug("Start consumer");
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart()));
            var stream = consumer.OnMessageArrived.
                Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), count / 4).
                Where(_ => _.Count > 0).
                Select(i =>
                    _log.Debug("Handling batch {0} ...", i.Count);
                    _log.Debug("Complete batch");
                    return i.Count;
                Scan(0, (i, i1) =>
                    _log.Debug("Scnning {0} {1}", i, i1);
                    return i + i1;
                Do(i => _log.Debug("Do {0}", i)).
                Where(i => i == count).FirstAsync().ToTask();
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            _log.Debug("Awaiting for consumer");
            var count2 = await stream;
            Assert.AreEqual(count, count2);
Example #4
        public async void ProducerSendBufferGrowsAutomatically()

            // now publish messages
            const int count2 = 25000;
            var topic = "part13." + _rnd.Next();
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            _log.Debug("Filling out {0} with {1} messages", topic, count2);
            var sentList = await Enumerable.Range(0, count2)
                .Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) })
                .Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0))

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            _log.Info("Done sending messages. Closing producer.");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            _log.Info("Producer closed, starting consumer subscription.");

            // create a topic with 3 partitions
            var topicName = "part33." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topicName, 3, 3);

            // sender is configured with 50ms batch period
            var receivedSubject = new ReplaySubject<Message>();
            producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses,
                new ProducerConfiguration(topicName, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), sendBuffersInitialSize: 1));
            producer.OnSuccess += ms => ms.ForEach(receivedSubject.OnNext);
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            // send 1000 messages
            const int count = 1000;
            await Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10))
                .Do(l => producer.Send(new Message() {Value = BitConverter.GetBytes((int) l)}))

            var receivedMessages = await receivedSubject.Take(count).TakeUntil(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2)).ToArray();


            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
Example #5
        public async void ConsumerFollowsRebalancingPartitions()

            // create a topic
            var topic = "topic33." + _rnd.Next();

            // Stop two brokers to let leadership shift to broker1.

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // now start back up

            // wait a little for everything to start
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // we should have all of them with leader 1
            var cluster = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            await cluster.ConnectAsync();
            var partitionMeta = await cluster.GetOrFetchMetaForTopicAsync(topic);

            // make sure they're all on a single leader
            Assert.AreEqual(1, partitionMeta.GroupBy(p=>p.Leader).Count());

            // now publish messages
            const int count = 25000;
            var producer = new Producer(cluster, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            _log.Debug("Filling out {0} with {1} messages", topic, count);
            var sentList = await Enumerable.Range(0, count)
                .Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) })
                .Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0))

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            _log.Info("Done sending messages. Closing producer.");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            _log.Info("Producer closed, starting consumer subscription.");

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            var heads = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            var tails = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);

            var messagesInTopic = (int)tails.MessagesSince(heads);
            _log.Info("Topic offsets indicate producer sent {0} messages.", messagesInTopic);

            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart(), maxBytesPerFetch: 4 * 8));
            var current = 0;
            var received = new ReplaySubject<ReceivedMessage>();
            Task rebalanceTask = null;
            var consumerSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived.
                Subscribe(async msg =>
                    if (current == 18)
                        rebalanceTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(VagrantBrokerUtil.RebalanceLeadership, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default);
                    //_log.Info("Got: {0}", BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0));
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            _log.Info("Waiting for receiver complete");
            var receivedList = await received.Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0)).
            if (rebalanceTask != null)
                _log.Info("Waiting for rebalance complete");
                await rebalanceTask;//.TimeoutAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                _log.Info("Rebalance complete");

            _log.Info("Receiver complete. Disposing Subscription");
            _log.Info("Consumer subscription disposed. Closing consumer.");
            _log.Info("Consumer closed.");

            tails = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);

            await cluster.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            _log.Info("Sum of offsets: {0}", tails.MessagesSince(heads));
            _log.Info("Offsets: [{0}]", string.Join(",", tails.Partitions.Select(p => string.Format("{0}:{1}", p, tails.NextOffset(p)))));

            if (messagesInTopic != receivedList.Count)
                // log some debug info.
                _log.Error("Did not receive all messages. Messages sent but NOT received: {0}", string.Join(",", sentList.Except(receivedList).OrderBy(i => i)));


            Assert.AreEqual(messagesInTopic, receivedList.Count);

Example #6
        public async void ListenerRecoveryTest()
            const int count = 10000;
            var topic = "part33." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 6, 3);

            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            _log.Debug("Filling out {0} with {1} messages", topic, count);
            var sentList = await Enumerable.Range(0, count)
                .Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) })
                .Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0))

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            var heads = await producer.Cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            var tails = await producer.Cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);

            _log.Info("Done sending messages. Closing producer.");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            _log.Info("Producer closed, starting consumer subscription.");

            var messagesInTopic = (int)tails.MessagesSince(heads);
            _log.Info("Topic offsets indicate producer sent {0} messages.", messagesInTopic);

            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart(), maxBytesPerFetch: 4 * 8));
            var current = 0;
            var received = new ReplaySubject<ReceivedMessage>();
            Task stopBrokerTask = null;
            var consumerSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived.
                Subscribe(async msg =>
                    if (current == 18)
                        stopBrokerTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => VagrantBrokerUtil.StopBrokerLeaderForPartition(consumer.Cluster, consumer.Topic, msg.Partition), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default);
                    //_log.Info("Got: {0}", BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0));
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            _log.Info("Waiting for receiver complete");
            var receivedList = await received.Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0)).Take(messagesInTopic).

            if (stopBrokerTask != null)
                await stopBrokerTask.TimeoutAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

            tails = await consumer.Cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);

            _log.Info("Receiver complete. Disposing Subscription");
            _log.Info("Consumer subscription disposed. Closing consumer.");
            _log.Info("Consumer closed.");

            _log.Info("Sum of offsets: {0}", tails.MessagesSince(heads));
            _log.Info("Offsets: [{0}]", string.Join(",", tails.Partitions.Select(p => string.Format("{0}:{1}", p, tails.NextOffset(p)))));

            if (messagesInTopic != receivedList.Count)
                // log some debug info.
                _log.Error("Did not receive all messages. Messages sent but NOT received: {0}", string.Join(",", sentList.Except(receivedList).OrderBy(i => i)));


            Assert.AreEqual(messagesInTopic, receivedList.Count);
Example #7
        public async void ListenerOnNonExistentTopicWaitsForTopicCreation()
            const int numMessages = 400;
            var topic = "topic." + _rnd.Next();
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart()));
            var cancelSubject = new Subject<bool>();
            var receivedValuesTask = consumer.OnMessageArrived
                .Select(msg=>BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0))
                .Do(val=>_log.Info("Received: {0}", val))
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            // wait a couple seconds for things to "stabilize"
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4));

            // now produce 400 messages
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();
            Enumerable.Range(1, numMessages).
                Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) }).

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // wait another little while, and stop the producer.
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));


            var receivedValues = await receivedValuesTask;
Example #8
        public async void Memory()
            var topic = "topic11." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 1, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
                await producer.ConnectAsync();

                for (int j = 0; j < (int)1e6; j++)
                    var msg = new Message
                        Key = BitConverter.GetBytes(1),
                        Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($@"SomeLongText - {j}")


                await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

            var before = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
            var after = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
            await Task.Delay(3000);
            _log.Info($"Memory: Before: {before}, after: {after}");
Example #9
        public async void TopicIsAutocreatedByProducer()

            var topic ="autocreate.test." + _rnd.Next();
            const int producedCount = 10;
            var lala = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("la-la-la");
            // TODO: set wait to 5sec

            // Produce
            // In order to make sure that topic was created by producer, send and wait for producer
            // completion before performing validation read.
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));

            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            await Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).
                Do(_ => producer.Send(new Message { Value = lala })).
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

            // Validate by reading published messages
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart(), maxWaitTimeMs: 1000, minBytesPerFetch: 1));
            var msgs = consumer.OnMessageArrived.Publish().RefCount();
            var receivedTxt = new List<string>();
            var consumerSubscription = msgs.
                Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)).
                Synchronize(). // protect receivedTxt
                Do(m => _log.Info("Received {0}", m)). 
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            _log.Debug("Waiting for consumer");
            await msgs.Take(producedCount).TakeUntil(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(5)).LastOrDefaultAsync().ToTask();

            Assert.AreEqual(producedCount, receivedTxt.Count, "Did not received all messages");
            Assert.IsTrue(receivedTxt.All(m => m == "la-la-la"), "Unexpected message content");


Example #10
        public async void ReadFromHead()

            const int count = 100;
            var topic = "part32." + _rnd.Next();

            // fill it out with 100 messages
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            _log.Info("Sending data");
            Enumerable.Range(1, count).
                Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) }).

            _log.Debug("Closing producer");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // read starting from the head
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart()));
            var count2 = await consumer.OnMessageArrived.TakeUntil(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(5))
                //.Do(val=>_log.Info("received value {0}", BitConverter.ToInt32(val.Value,0)))
            //await consumer.IsConnected;
            Assert.AreEqual(count, count2);

Example #11
        public async void StartAndStopAtExplicitOffset()
            // create new topic with 3 partitions
            var topic = "part33." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 3, 3);

            // fill it out with 10K messages
            const int count = 10 * 1000;
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            var sentMessagesObservable = Observable.FromEvent<Message[]>(evtHandler => producer.OnSuccess += evtHandler, evtHandler => { })
                .SelectMany(msgs => msgs)

            _log.Info("Sending data");
            Enumerable.Range(1, count).
                Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) }).

            var sentMsgs = await sentMessagesObservable;
            _log.Info("Producer sent {0} messages.", sentMsgs.Count);

            _log.Debug("Closing producer");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            var offsetFetchCluster = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            await offsetFetchCluster.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            var offsets = (await offsetFetchCluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd));
            _log.Info("Sum of offsets {0}. Raw: {1}", offsets.Partitions.Sum(p => offsets.NextOffset(p)), offsets);

            // consume first 300 for each partition
            var offsetStarts = new TopicPartitionOffsets(topic, offsets.GetPartitionsOffset.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value > 300 ? 300 : pair.Value));
            var offsetStops = new TopicPartitionOffsets(topic, offsets.GetPartitionsOffset.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value > 600 ? 600 : pair.Value));
            var numMessages = offsetStops.MessagesSince(offsetStarts);
            var startStopProvider = new StartAndStopAtExplicitOffsets(offsetStarts, offsetStops);
            _log.Info("Attempting to consume {0} messages and stop at {1}", numMessages, offsetStops);

            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, startStopProvider, stopPosition: startStopProvider));
            var messages = await consumer.OnMessageArrived.ToList();


            Assert.AreEqual(numMessages, messages.Count);

Example #12
        internal async Task<ProducerResponse> SendBatchAsync(int leader, IEnumerable<Message> batch, Producer producer)
            // TODO: do state checking. Introduce this.Connected task to wait if needed

            var request = new ProduceRequest
                Broker = _metadata.Brokers.First(b => b.NodeId == leader),
                RequiredAcks = producer.Configuration.RequiredAcks,
                Timeout = producer.Configuration.ProduceRequestTimeoutMs,
                TopicData = new[] 
                    new TopicData {
                        TopicName = producer.Topic,
                        PartitionsData = (
                            from msg in batch
                            // group messages belonging to the same partition
                            group msg by msg.PartitionId
                            into partitionGrp
                            select new PartitionData {
                                Pub = producer,
                                OriginalMessages = partitionGrp.ToArray(),
                                Partition = partitionGrp.Key,
                                Messages = (
                                    from msg in partitionGrp
                                    select new MessageData {
                                        Key = msg.Key,
                                        Value = msg.Value

            var response = await _protocol.Produce(request).ConfigureAwait(false);
            _log.Debug("#{0} SendBatchAsync complete", _id);
            return response;
        private async Task<Producer> GetOrCreateKafkaProducerAsync()
            // Use a temp producer variable here beacuase this.kafkaProducer could be reset to null in another thread
            var producer = this.kafkaProducer;

            if (producer == null)
                this.kafkaProducer = producer = await this.CreateKafkaProducerAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            return producer;
Example #14
        public async void ProducerConnectWhenOneBrokerIsDownAndThanUp()
            // Scenario: 1 broker is down, Producer connects. Broker is brought up and forced to become master.
            // See

            var topic = "topic11." + _rnd.Next();

            // Create topic
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 1, 2);
            var cluster = new Cluster(_seed3Addresses);
            await cluster.ConnectAsync();
            await cluster.GetOrFetchMetaForTopicAsync(topic);
            // Stop the leader
            //var partitionDown = cluster.PartitionStateChanges.FirstAsync(_ => _.ErrorCode.IsFailure());
            var preferredBroker = VagrantBrokerUtil.StopBrokerLeaderForPartition(cluster, topic, 0);
            //_log.Info("Waiting for partition to be down");
            //await partitionDown;
            await cluster.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
            await Task.Delay(30 * 1000);

            // Create new cluster and publisher, while preferred leader is down
            cluster = new Cluster(_seed3Addresses);
            cluster.NewBrokers.Subscribe(b => _log.Info("Discovered new broker: {0}", b));
            _log.Info("Connecting cluster");
            await cluster.ConnectAsync();
            var producer = new Producer(cluster, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            _log.Info("Connecting producer");
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            // Start preferred leader up
            _log.Info("Starting preferred broker");
            _log.Info("Waiting for preferred broker ({0}) to start up", preferredBroker);
            await Task.Delay(30 * 1000);
            _log.Info("Stopping 2nd leader broker");
            VagrantBrokerUtil.StopBrokerLeaderForPartition(cluster, topic, 0);
            _log.Info("Producer Send data");
            producer.Send(new Message() { Value = new byte[]{0,0,0,0}});
            _log.Info("Waiting for producer to complete");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

Example #15
        public async void SaveOffsetsAndResumeConsuming()

            var sentEvents = new Subject<Message>();
            var topic = "part12." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 5, 2);

            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            producer.OnSuccess += e => e.ForEach(sentEvents.OnNext);
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            // send 100 messages
            Enumerable.Range(1, 100).
                Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) }).
            _log.Info("Waiting for 100 sent messages");
            sentEvents.Subscribe(msg => _log.Debug("Sent {0}", BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0)));
            await sentEvents.Take(100).ToTask();

            var offsets1 = await producer.Cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);

            _log.Info("Closing producer");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // now consume the "first" 50. Stop, save offsets, and restart.
            var consumer1 = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, offsets1));
            var receivedEvents = new List<int>(100);

            _log.Info("Consuming first half of messages.");

            await consumer1.OnMessageArrived
                .Do(msg =>
                    var value = BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0);
                    _log.Info("Consumer1 Received value {0} from partition {1} at offset {2}", value, msg.Partition, msg.Offset);
                    offsets1.UpdateOffset(msg.Partition, msg.Offset);
            //await consumer1.IsConnected;

            _log.Info("Closing first consumer");

            // now serialize the offsets.
            var offsetBytes = offsets1.WriteOffsets();

            // load a new set of offsets, and a new consumer
            var offsets2 = new TopicPartitionOffsets(offsetBytes);

            var consumer2 = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, offsets2.Topic, offsets2));

            await consumer2.OnMessageArrived
                .Do(msg =>
                    var value = BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0);
                    _log.Info("Consumer2 Received value {0} from partition {1} at offset {2}", value, msg.Partition, msg.Offset);
                    offsets2.UpdateOffset(msg.Partition, msg.Offset);
            //await consumer2.IsConnected;

            _log.Info("Closing second consumer");

            Assert.AreEqual(100, receivedEvents.Distinct().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(100, receivedEvents.Count);

Example #16
        public async void ProducerTestWhenPartitionReassignmentOccurs()
            // Scenario: Broker gives away it's topic to another broker
            // See

            var topic = "topic11." + _rnd.Next();

            // Create topic
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 1, 1);

            // Create cluster and producer
            var cluster = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            //await cluster.ConnectAsync();
            //await cluster.GetOrFetchMetaForTopicAsync(topic);
            var producer = new Producer(cluster, new ProducerConfiguration(topic, batchFlushSize: 1));
            var ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current;
            producer.OnPermError += (exception, messages) => ctx.Post(d => { throw exception; }, null);
            int successfullySent = 0;
            producer.OnSuccess += messages => successfullySent++;

            _log.Info("Connecting producer");
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            _log.Info("Producer Send data before reassignment");
            producer.Send(new Message { Value = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 } });

            // Run the reassignment
            VagrantBrokerUtil.ReassignPartitions(cluster, topic, 0);
            _log.Info("Waiting for reassignment completion");
            await Task.Delay(5 * 1000);


            _log.Info("Producer Send data after reassignment");
            producer.Send(new Message { Value = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 } });

            _log.Info("Waiting for producer to complete");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

            Assert.That(successfullySent, Is.EqualTo(2));
Example #17
        public async void ReadOffsets()

            var sentEvents = new Subject<Message>();
            var topic = "part12." + _rnd.Next();

            var cluster = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            await cluster.ConnectAsync();
            var producer = new Producer(cluster, new ProducerConfiguration(topic, maxMessageSetSizeInBytes: 1024*1024));
            producer.OnSuccess += e => e.ForEach(sentEvents.OnNext);

            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            // read offsets of empty queue
            var heads = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            var tails = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, heads.Partitions.Count(), "Expected just one head partition");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tails.Partitions.Count(), "Expected just one tail partition");
            Assert.AreEqual(0L, heads.NextOffset(heads.Partitions.First()), "Expected start at 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0L, tails.NextOffset(tails.Partitions.First()), "Expected end at 0");

            // log the broker selected as master
            var brokerMeta = cluster.FindBrokerMetaForPartitionId(topic, heads.Partitions.First());
            _log.Info("Partition Leader is {0}", brokerMeta);

            // saw some inconsistency, so run this a few times.
            const int count = 1100;
            const int loops = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
                // NOTE that the configuration for the test machines through vagrant are set to 1MB rolling file segments
                // so we need to generate large messages to force multiple segments to be created.

                // send count messages
                var t = sentEvents.Take(count).ToTask();
                Enumerable.Range(1, count).
                    Select(_ => new Message { Value = new byte[1024] }).
                _log.Info("Waiting for {0} sent messages", count);
                await t;

                // re-read offsets after messages published
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // NOTE: There seems to be a race condition on the Kafka broker that the offsets are not immediately available after getting a successful produce response 
                tails = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);
                _log.Info("2:After loop {0} of {1} messages, Next Offset is {2}", i + 1, count, tails.NextOffset(tails.Partitions.First()));
                Assert.AreEqual(count * (i + 1), tails.NextOffset(tails.Partitions.First()), "Expected end at " + count * (i + 1));


            _log.Info("Closing producer");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // re-read offsets after messages published
            heads = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            tails = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, heads.Partitions.Count(), "Expected just one head partition");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tails.Partitions.Count(), "Expected just one tail partition");
            Assert.AreEqual(0L, heads.NextOffset(heads.Partitions.First()), "Expected start at 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(count*loops, tails.NextOffset(tails.Partitions.First()), "Expected end at " + count);

Example #18
        public async void LeaderDownProducerAndConsumerRecovery()
            string topic = "part32." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 3, 2);

            var sent = new List<string>();
            var confirmedSent1 = new List<string>();

            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            producer.OnSuccess += msgs =>
                msgs.ForEach(msg => confirmedSent1.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Value)));
                _log.Debug("Sent {0} messages", msgs.Length);
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicEnd()));

            const int postCount = 100;
            const int postCount2 = 50;

            // Read messages
            var received = new List<ReceivedMessage>();
            var receivedEvents = new ReplaySubject<ReceivedMessage>();
            var consumerSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived.
                Subscribe(msg =>
                    _log.Debug("Received {0}/{1}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Value), received.Count);
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            // Send #1
            _log.Info("Start sender");
                    i => {
                        var msg = "msg " + i;
                        producer.Send(new Message { Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg) });
                        sent.Add("msg " + i);
                    () => _log.Info("Producer complete")

            // wait for first 50 messages to arrive
            _log.Info("Waiting for first {0} messages to arrive", postCount2);
            await receivedEvents.Take(postCount2).Count().ToTask();
            Assert.AreEqual(postCount2, received.Count);

            _log.Info("Stopping broker");
            var stoppedBroker = VagrantBrokerUtil.StopBrokerLeaderForPartition(producer.Cluster, topic, 0);
            _log.Debug("Stopped broker {0}", stoppedBroker);

            // post another 50 messages
            _log.Info("Sending another {0} messages", postCount2);
            var sender2 = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)).

            // Send #2
                    i => {
                        var msg = "msg #2 " + i;
                        producer.Send(new Message { Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg) });
                        _log.Debug("Sent msg #2 {0}", i);
                    () => _log.Info("Producer #2 complete")

            _log.Info("Waiting for #2 sender to complete");
            await sender2.ToTask();
            _log.Info("Waiting for producer.Close");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

            _log.Info("Waiting 4sec for remaining messages");
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)); // if unexpected messages arrive, let them in to detect failure

            _log.Info("Waiting for consumer.CloseAsync");

            if (postCount + postCount2 != received.Count)
                var receivedStr = received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)).ToArray();

                var diff = sent.Except(received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value))).OrderBy(s => s);
                _log.Info("Not received {0}: \n {1}", diff.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff));

                var diff2 = sent.Except(confirmedSent1).OrderBy(s => s);
                _log.Info("Not confirmed {0}: \n {1}", diff2.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff2));

                var diff3 = received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)).Except(sent).OrderBy(s => s);
                _log.Info("Received extra: {0}: \n {1}", diff3.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff3));

                var diff4 = confirmedSent1.Except(sent).OrderBy(s => s);
                _log.Info("Confirmed extra {0}: \n {1}", diff4.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff4));

                var dups = receivedStr.GroupBy(s => s).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).Select(g => string.Format("{0}: {1}", g.Count(), g.Key));
                _log.Info("Receved dups: \n {0}", string.Join("\n ", dups));

                _log.Debug("Received: \n{0}", string.Join("\n ", received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value))));
            Assert.AreEqual(postCount + postCount2, received.Count, "Received.Count");

Example #19
        public async void MultipleProducersOneCluster()

            var cluster = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            var topic1 = "topic." + _rnd.Next();
            var topic2 = "topic." + _rnd.Next();

            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic1, 6, 3);
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic2, 6, 3);

            // declare two producers
            var producer1 = new Producer(cluster, new ProducerConfiguration(topic1));
            await producer1.ConnectAsync();

            var producer2 = new Producer(cluster, new ProducerConfiguration(topic2));
            await producer2.ConnectAsync();

            // run them both for a little while (~10 seconds)
            var msgs = await Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))
                .Do(l =>
                producer1.Send(new Message {Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(l)});
                producer2.Send(new Message {Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(l)});


            _log.Info("Done Sending, await on producer close.");

            // now stop them.
            await Task.WhenAll(new [] { producer1.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)), producer2.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) });

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));

            // check we got all 100 on each topic.
            _log.Info("Closed Producers. Checking Offsets");
            var topic1Heads = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic1, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            var topic2Heads = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic2, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            var topic1Tails = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic1, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);
            var topic2Tails = await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic2, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);

            Assert.AreEqual(100, topic1Tails.MessagesSince(topic1Heads));
            Assert.AreEqual(100, topic2Tails.MessagesSince(topic2Heads));
Example #20
        public async void ProducerRecoveryTest()

            const int count = 200;
            var topic = "part62." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 6, 2);

            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));

            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            _log.Debug("Filling out {0}", topic);
            // when we get a confirm back, add to list actually sent.
            var actuallySentList = new List<int>(count);
            producer.OnSuccess += msgs => actuallySentList.AddRange(msgs.Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0)));

            Task stopBrokerTask = null;
            var sentList = await Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))
                .Select(l => (int)l)
                .Do(l => { if (l == 20) stopBrokerTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => VagrantBrokerUtil.StopBroker("broker2"), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default); })
                .Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) })
                .Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0))

            _log.Info("Done waiting for sending. Closing producer.");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
            _log.Info("Producer closed.");

            if (stopBrokerTask != null)
                await stopBrokerTask.TimeoutAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

            // Check length of result topic
            var c2 = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            await c2.ConnectAsync();
            var heads = await c2.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            var tails = await c2.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd);

            _log.Info("Sum of offsets: {0}", tails.MessagesSince(heads));
            _log.Info("Offsets: [{0}]", string.Join(",", tails.Partitions.Select(p => string.Format("{0}:{1}", p, tails.NextOffset(p)))));

            if (sentList.Count != actuallySentList.Count)
                // log some debug info.
                _log.Error("Did not send all messages. Messages sent but NOT acknowledged: {0}", string.Join(",", sentList.Except(actuallySentList).OrderBy(i => i)));

            Assert.AreEqual(sentList.Count, actuallySentList.Count, "Actually sent");
            Assert.AreEqual(sentList.Count, tails.MessagesSince(heads), "Offsets");
Example #21
        public async void SchedulerThreadIsIsolatedFromUserCode()

            const string threadName = "kafka-scheduler";
            _log.Info("Test Runner is using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            var topic = "topic." + _rnd.Next();

            var cluster = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            await cluster.ConnectAsync();
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            await cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            var topics = await cluster.GetAllTopicsAsync();
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            // now create a producer
            var producer = new Producer(cluster, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            // create a producer that also creates a cluster
            var producerWithCluster = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producerWithCluster.ConnectAsync();
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            // TODO: Subscribe and check thread on notification observables!

            // run them both for a little while (~5 seconds)
            var msgs = await Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))
                .Do(l =>
                    producer.Send(new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(l) });
                    producerWithCluster.Send(new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(l) });
                    _log.Debug("After Producer Send using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            // now consumer(s)
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart()));
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            var msgsRcv = new List<long>();
            var messageSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived
                .Do(msg => Assert.AreEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name), exception => Assert.AreEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name), () => Assert.AreEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name))
                .Do(msg => Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name), exception => Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name), () => Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name))
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
                        _log.Debug("In Consumer Subscribe OnNext using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
                    }, exception =>
                        _log.Debug("In Consumer Subscribe OnError using thread {0} Error: {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, exception.Message);
                        throw exception;
                    }, () =>
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
                        _log.Debug("In Consumer Subscribe OnComplete using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            _log.Info("Waitng for consumer to read");
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6));
            _log.Debug("After Consumer Subscribe using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            Assert.AreEqual(msgs.Length, msgsRcv.Count);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            // now close down
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            _log.Debug("After Consumer Close using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            await producerWithCluster.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            _log.Debug("After Producer Subscribe using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

            await cluster.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            _log.Debug("After Cluster Close using thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(threadName, Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

Example #22
        public async void CleanShutdownTest()
            const string topic = "shutdown.test";

            // set producer long batching period, 20 sec
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), int.MaxValue));

            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            // start listener at the end of queue and accumulate received messages
            var received = new HashSet<string>();
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicEnd(), maxWaitTimeMs: 30 * 1000));
            _log.Info("Subscribing to consumer");
            var consumerSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived
                                        .Select(msg => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Value))
                                        .Subscribe(m => received.Add(m));
            _log.Info("Connecting consumer");
            await consumer.IsConnected;
            _log.Info("Subscribed to consumer");

            _log.Info("Starting sender");
            // send data, 5 msg/sec, for 5 seconds
            var sent = new HashSet<string>();
            var sender = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0 / 5)).
                Select(i => string.Format("msg {0} {1}", i, Guid.NewGuid())).
                Do(m => sent.Add(m)).
                Select(msg => new Message
                    Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg)

            _log.Debug("Waiting for sender");
            await sender;
            _log.Debug("Waiting for producer complete");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4));

            // how to make sure nothing is sent after shutdown? listen to logger?  have connection events?

            // wait for 5sec for receiver to get all the messages
            _log.Info("Waiting for consumer to fetch");
            await Task.Delay(5000);
            _log.Info("Disposing consumer subscription");
            _log.Info("Closing consumer");
            _log.Info("Closed consumer");

            // assert we received all the messages

            Assert.AreEqual(sent.Count, received.Count, string.Format("Sent and Receved size differs. Sent: {0} Recevied: {1}", sent.Count, received.Count));
            // compare sets and not lists, because of 2 partitions, send order and receive orser are not the same
            Assert.True(received.SetEquals(sent), "Sent and Received set differs");

Example #23
        private async Task FillOutQueue(string topic, int count)
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)));

            _log.Debug("Connecting producer");
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            _log.Info("Starting sender");
            var sender = Observable.Range(1, count).
                Select(i => string.Format("msg {0} {1}", i, Guid.NewGuid())).
                Select(msg => new Message
                    Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg)

            _log.Debug("Waiting for sender");
            await sender.LastOrDefaultAsync().ToTask();
            _log.Debug("Waiting for producer complete");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4));
            _log.Debug("Producer complete");
Example #24
        public async void KeyedMessagesPreserveOrder()
            // create a topic with 3 partitions
            var topicName = "part33." + _rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topicName, 3, 3);
            // create listener in a separate connection/broker
            var receivedMsgs = new List<ReceivedMessage>();
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topicName, new StartPositionTopicEnd()));
            var consumerSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived.Synchronize().Subscribe(msg =>
                lock (receivedMsgs)
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            // sender is configured with 50ms batch period
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topicName, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            // generate messages with 100ms interval in 10 threads
            var sentMsgs = new List<Message>();
            _log.Info("Start sending");
            var senders = Enumerable.Range(1, 1).
                Select(thread => Observable.
                    Synchronize(). // protect adding to sentMsgs
                    Select(i =>
                        var str = "msg " + i + " thread " + thread + " " + Guid.NewGuid();
                        var bin = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
                        var msg = new Message
                            Key = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)(i + thread) % 10),
                            Value = bin
                        return Tuple.Create(msg, i, str);
                    Subscribe(msg =>
                        lock (sentMsgs)
                            Assert.AreEqual(msg.Item2, sentMsgs.Count-1);

            // wait for around 10K messages (10K/(10*10) = 100sec) and close producer
            _log.Info("Waiting for producer to produce enough...");
            await Task.Delay(100*1000);
            _log.Info("Closing senders intervals");
            senders.ForEach(s => s.Dispose());
            _log.Info("Closing producer");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            _log.Info("Waiting for additional 10sec");
            await Task.Delay(10*1000);

            _log.Info("Disposing consumer");
            _log.Info("Closing consumer");
            _log.Info("Done with networking");

            // compare sent and received messages
            // TODO: for some reason preformance is not what I'd expect it to be and only 6K is generated.
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(sentMsgs.Count, 4000, "Expected around 10K messages to be sent");

            if (sentMsgs.Count != receivedMsgs.Count)
                var sentStr = sentMsgs.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)).ToArray();
                var receivedStr = receivedMsgs.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)).ToArray();
                    ForEach(m => _log.Error("Not received: '{0}'", m));
                    ForEach(m => _log.Error("Not sent but received: '{0}'", m));
            Assert.AreEqual(sentMsgs.Count, receivedMsgs.Count, "Sent and received messages count differs");
            // group messages by key and compare lists in each key to be the same (order should be preserved within key)
            var keysSent = sentMsgs.GroupBy(m => BitConverter.ToInt32(m.Key, 0), m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value), (i, mm) => new { Key = i, Msgs = mm.ToArray() }).ToArray();
            var keysReceived = receivedMsgs.GroupBy(m => BitConverter.ToInt32(m.Key, 0), m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value), (i, mm) => new { Key = i, Msgs = mm.ToArray() }).ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(10, keysSent.Count(), "Expected 10 unique keys 0-9");
            Assert.AreEqual(keysSent.Count(), keysReceived.Count(), "Keys count does not match");
            // compare order within each key
            var notInOrder = keysSent
                .OrderBy(k => k.Key)
                .Zip(keysReceived.OrderBy(k => k.Key), (s, r) => new { s, r, ok = s.Msgs.SequenceEqual(r.Msgs) }).Where(_ => !_.ok).ToArray();

            if (notInOrder.Any())
                _log.Error("{0} keys are out of order", notInOrder.Count());
                notInOrder.ForEach(_ => _log.Error("Failed order in:\n{0}", 
                    string.Join(" \n", DumpOutOfOrder(_.s.Msgs, _.r.Msgs))));
            Assert.IsTrue(!notInOrder.Any(), "Detected out of order messages");

Example #25
        public async void SimulateSchedulerHanging()
            var topic = "topic11."+_rnd.Next();
            VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 1, 1);

            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic, batchFlushSize: 2));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();
            // hung upon 1st confirmation
            int c = 0;
            producer.OnSuccess += messages =>
                if(c++ == 1)
                    new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne();

            var ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current;
            producer.OnPermError += (exception, messages) => ctx.Post(d => { throw exception; }, null);

            var source = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Take(1000).Publish();
            source.//Do(i => {if(i == 2) producer.DebugHangScheduler();}).
            Select(i => new Message{Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i)}).

            await source;
Example #26
        public async void ExplicitOffset()
            // create new topic with 3 partitions
            var topic = "part33." + _rnd.Next();

            // fill it out with 10K messages
            const int count = 10*1000;
            var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic));
            await producer.ConnectAsync();

            var sentMessagesObservable = Observable.FromEvent<Message[]>(evtHandler => producer.OnSuccess += evtHandler, evtHandler => { })

            _log.Info("Sending data");
            Enumerable.Range(1, count).
                Select(i => new Message { Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i) }).

            var sentMsgs = await sentMessagesObservable;
            _log.Info("Producer sent {0} messages.", sentMsgs.Count);

            _log.Debug("Closing producer");
            await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            var offsetFetchCluster = new Cluster(_seed2Addresses);
            await offsetFetchCluster.ConnectAsync();

            // consume tail-300 for each partition
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            var offsets = new TopicPartitionOffsets(
                                topic, (await offsetFetchCluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd))
                                        .GetPartitionsOffset.Select(kv=>new KeyValuePair<int,long>(kv.Key,kv.Value-300)));
            _log.Info("Sum of offsets {0}. Raw: {1}",offsets.Partitions.Sum(p=>offsets.NextOffset(p)), offsets);
            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, offsets));
            var messages = consumer.OnMessageArrived.
                GroupBy(m => m.Partition).Replay();
            await consumer.IsConnected;

            var consumerSubscription = messages.Subscribe(p => p.Take(10).Subscribe(
                m => _log.Debug("Got message {0}/{1}", m.Partition, BitConverter.ToInt32(m.Value, 0)),
                e => _log.Error("Error", e),
                () => _log.Debug("Complete part {0}", p.Key)

            // wait for 3 partitions to arrrive and every partition to read at least 100 messages
            await messages.Select(g => g.Take(100)).Take(3).ToTask();


Example #27
        internal async Task <ProducerResponse> SendBatchAsync(int leader, IEnumerable <Message> batch, Producer producer)
            // TODO: do state checking. Introduce this.Connected task to wait if needed

            var request = new ProduceRequest
                Broker       = _metadata.Brokers.First(b => b.NodeId == leader),
                RequiredAcks = producer.Configuration.RequiredAcks,
                Timeout      = producer.Configuration.ProduceRequestTimeoutMs,
                TopicData    = new[]
                    new TopicData {
                        TopicName      = producer.Topic,
                        PartitionsData = (
                            from msg in batch
                            // group messages belonging to the same partition
                            group msg by msg.PartitionId
                            into partitionGrp
                            select new PartitionData {
                            Pub = producer,
                            OriginalMessages = partitionGrp.ToArray(),
                            Partition = partitionGrp.Key,
                            Messages = (
                                from msg in partitionGrp
                                select new MessageData {
                                Key = msg.Key,
                                Value = msg.Value

            var response = await _protocol.Produce(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            _log.Debug("#{0} SendBatchAsync complete", _id);