/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CondHclStatus" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Ancestors">Ancestors is an array containing the MO references of the ancestors in the object containment hierarchy. .</param>
 /// <param name="Moid">A unique identifier of this Managed Object instance.  .</param>
 /// <param name="Owners">An array of owners which represent effective ownership of this object.   .</param>
 /// <param name="Parent">The direct ancestor of this managed object in the containment hierarchy. .</param>
 /// <param name="Tags">An array of tags, which allow to add key, value meta-data to managed objects.   .</param>
 /// <param name="Details">a collection of all the HclStatusDetails .</param>
 /// <param name="HclFirmwareVersion">the current CIMC version for the server normalized for querying HCL data  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclModel">the managed object&#39;s model to validate normalized for querying HCL data  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclOsVendor">the OS Vendor for the managed object to validate normalized for querying HCL data. Empty if we are missing this information  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclOsVersion">the OS Version for the managed object to validate normalized for querying HCL data. Empty if we are missing this information  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclProcessor">the managed object&#39;s processor to validate if applicable normalized for querying HCL data. It is left empty if processor is not required for the HCL validation, for example if we are evaluating some other managedObject that is not a server. Currently only server validation is supported.  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvFirmwareVersion">the current CIMC version for the server as received from inventory  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvModel">the managed object&#39;s model to validate as received from the inventory.  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvOsVendor">the OS Vendor for the managed object to validate as received from inventory. Empty if we are missing this information  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvOsVersion">the OS Version for the managed object to validate as received from inventory. Empty if we are missing this information  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvProcessor">the managed object&#39;s processor to validate if applicable as received from inventory. It is left empty if processor is not required for the HCL validation, for example if we are evaluating some other managedObject that is not a server. Currently only server validation is supported.  .</param>
 /// <param name="ManagedObject">specifies the managed object for which this HCLStatus applies .</param>
 /// <param name="Reason">the reason for the HCL status. It will be one of the following \&quot;Missing-Os-Info\&quot; - we are missing os information in the inventory from the device connector \&quot;Incompatible-Components\&quot; - we have 1 or more components with \&quot;Not-Validated\&quot; status \&quot;Compatible\&quot; - all the components have \&quot;Validated\&quot; status   (default to ReasonEnum.MissingOsInfo).</param>
 /// <param name="RegisteredDevice">Relationship to the registered device. We need this in order to correctly set permissions during device claim .</param>
 /// <param name="Status">the status of the managed objects compatibility against HCL. The status can be one of the following \&quot;Unknown\&quot; - we do not have enough information to evaluate against the HCL data \&quot;Validated\&quot; - we have validated all components against the HCL and they all have \&quot;Validated\&quot; status \&quot;Not-Validated\&quot; - we have validated all components against the HCL and 1 or more has \&quot;Not-Validated\&quot; status    (default to StatusEnum.Incomplete).</param>
 public CondHclStatus(List <MoBaseMoRef> Ancestors = default(List <MoBaseMoRef>), string Moid = default(string), List <string> Owners = default(List <string>), MoBaseMoRef Parent = default(MoBaseMoRef), List <MoTag> Tags = default(List <MoTag>), List <CondHclStatusDetailRef> Details = default(List <CondHclStatusDetailRef>), string HclFirmwareVersion = default(string), string HclModel = default(string), string HclOsVendor = default(string), string HclOsVersion = default(string), string HclProcessor = default(string), string InvFirmwareVersion = default(string), string InvModel = default(string), string InvOsVendor = default(string), string InvOsVersion = default(string), string InvProcessor = default(string), InventoryBaseRef ManagedObject = default(InventoryBaseRef), ReasonEnum?Reason = ReasonEnum.MissingOsInfo, AssetDeviceRegistrationRef RegisteredDevice = default(AssetDeviceRegistrationRef), StatusEnum?Status = StatusEnum.Incomplete)
     this.Ancestors          = Ancestors;
     this.Moid               = Moid;
     this.Owners             = Owners;
     this.Parent             = Parent;
     this.Tags               = Tags;
     this.Details            = Details;
     this.HclFirmwareVersion = HclFirmwareVersion;
     this.HclModel           = HclModel;
     this.HclOsVendor        = HclOsVendor;
     this.HclOsVersion       = HclOsVersion;
     this.HclProcessor       = HclProcessor;
     this.InvFirmwareVersion = InvFirmwareVersion;
     this.InvModel           = InvModel;
     this.InvOsVendor        = InvOsVendor;
     this.InvOsVersion       = InvOsVersion;
     this.InvProcessor       = InvProcessor;
     this.ManagedObject      = ManagedObject;
     // use default value if no "Reason" provided
     if (Reason == null)
         this.Reason = ReasonEnum.MissingOsInfo;
         this.Reason = Reason;
     this.RegisteredDevice = RegisteredDevice;
     // use default value if no "Status" provided
     if (Status == null)
         this.Status = StatusEnum.Incomplete;
         this.Status = Status;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CondHclStatusJob" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Ancestors">Ancestors is an array containing the MO references of the ancestors in the object containment hierarchy. .</param>
 /// <param name="Moid">A unique identifier of this Managed Object instance.  .</param>
 /// <param name="Owners">An array of owners which represent effective ownership of this object.   .</param>
 /// <param name="Parent">The direct ancestor of this managed object in the containment hierarchy. .</param>
 /// <param name="Tags">An array of tags, which allow to add key, value meta-data to managed objects.  .</param>
 /// <param name="VersionContext">The versioning info for this managed object   .</param>
 /// <param name="ManagedObject">specifies the managed object for which this HCLStatus applies .</param>
 /// <param name="RegisteredDevice">Relationship to set to the registered device associated with this job. We also need this to correctly inherit permissions. .</param>
 public CondHclStatusJob(List <MoBaseMoRef> Ancestors = default(List <MoBaseMoRef>), string Moid = default(string), List <string> Owners = default(List <string>), MoBaseMoRef Parent = default(MoBaseMoRef), List <MoTag> Tags = default(List <MoTag>), MoVersionContext VersionContext = default(MoVersionContext), InventoryBaseRef ManagedObject = default(InventoryBaseRef), AssetDeviceRegistrationRef RegisteredDevice = default(AssetDeviceRegistrationRef))
     this.Ancestors        = Ancestors;
     this.Moid             = Moid;
     this.Owners           = Owners;
     this.Parent           = Parent;
     this.Tags             = Tags;
     this.VersionContext   = VersionContext;
     this.ManagedObject    = ManagedObject;
     this.RegisteredDevice = RegisteredDevice;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CondHclStatusDetail" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Ancestors">Ancestors is an array containing the MO references of the ancestors in the object containment hierarchy. .</param>
 /// <param name="Moid">A unique identifier of this Managed Object instance.  .</param>
 /// <param name="Owners">An array of owners which represent effective ownership of this object.   .</param>
 /// <param name="Parent">The direct ancestor of this managed object in the containment hierarchy. .</param>
 /// <param name="Tags">An array of tags, which allow to add key, value meta-data to managed objects.  .</param>
 /// <param name="VersionContext">The versioning info for this managed object   .</param>
 /// <param name="Component">specifies the component associated to this status detail HclStatusDetail (adapter or storage controller) .</param>
 /// <param name="HclCimcVersion">the current CIMC version for the server normalized for querying HCL data  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclDriverName">the current driver name of the component we are validating normalized for querying HCL data  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclDriverVersion">the current driver version of the component we are validating normalized for querying HCL data  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclFirmwareVersion">the current firmware version of the component model normalized for querying HCL data  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclModel">The component model we are trying to validate normalized for querying HCL data  .</param>
 /// <param name="HclStatus">HclStatus.</param>
 /// <param name="InvCimcVersion">the current CIMC version for the server as received from inventory  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvDriverName">the current driver name of the component we are validating as received from inventory  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvDriverVersion">the current driver version of the component we are validating as received from inventory  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvFirmwareVersion">the current firmware version of the component model as received from inventory  .</param>
 /// <param name="InvModel">The component model we are trying to validate as received from inventory  .</param>
 /// <param name="Reason">the reason for the status. The reason can be one of \&quot;Incompatible-Server-With-Component\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the server model is not validated with this component \&quot;Incompatible-Processor\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the processor is not validated with this component \&quot;Incompatible-Os-Info\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the os vendor and version is not validated with this component \&quot;Incompatible-Component-Model\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the component model is not validated \&quot;Incompatible-Firmware\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the firmware version is not validated \&quot;Incompatible-Driver\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the driver version is not validated \&quot;Incompatible-Firmware-Driver\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the firmware version and driver version is not validated \&quot;Incompatible-Cimc-Version\&quot; - HCL validation has failed because the CIMC version is not validated with this component \&quot;Missing-Os-Driver-Info\&quot; - HCL validation was not performed because we are missing os driver information form device \&quot;Service-Unavailable\&quot; - HCL data service is unavailable at the moment (try again later). This could be due to HCL data updating \&quot;Service-Error\&quot; - HCL data service is available but an error occured when making the request or parsing the response. \&quot;Unrecognized-Protocol\&quot; - HCL service does not recognize the given driver protocol for this component. HCL data may need to be updated \&quot;Compatible\&quot; - this component&#39;s inventory data has \&quot;Validated\&quot; status with the HCL   (default to ReasonEnum.MissingOsDriverInfo).</param>
 /// <param name="Status">The status for the component model, firmware version, driver name, and driver version after validating against the HCL. The status can be one of the following \&quot;Unknown\&quot; - we do not have enough information to evaluate against the HCL data \&quot;Validated\&quot; - we have validated this component against the HCL and it has \&quot;Validated\&quot; status \&quot;Not-Validated\&quot; - we have validated this component against the HCL and it has \&quot;Not-Validated\&quot; status    (default to StatusEnum.Incomplete).</param>
 public CondHclStatusDetail(List <MoBaseMoRef> Ancestors = default(List <MoBaseMoRef>), string Moid = default(string), List <string> Owners = default(List <string>), MoBaseMoRef Parent = default(MoBaseMoRef), List <MoTag> Tags = default(List <MoTag>), MoVersionContext VersionContext = default(MoVersionContext), InventoryBaseRef Component = default(InventoryBaseRef), string HclCimcVersion = default(string), string HclDriverName = default(string), string HclDriverVersion = default(string), string HclFirmwareVersion = default(string), string HclModel = default(string), CondHclStatusRef HclStatus = default(CondHclStatusRef), string InvCimcVersion = default(string), string InvDriverName = default(string), string InvDriverVersion = default(string), string InvFirmwareVersion = default(string), string InvModel = default(string), ReasonEnum?Reason = ReasonEnum.MissingOsDriverInfo, StatusEnum?Status = StatusEnum.Incomplete)
     this.Ancestors          = Ancestors;
     this.Moid               = Moid;
     this.Owners             = Owners;
     this.Parent             = Parent;
     this.Tags               = Tags;
     this.VersionContext     = VersionContext;
     this.Component          = Component;
     this.HclCimcVersion     = HclCimcVersion;
     this.HclDriverName      = HclDriverName;
     this.HclDriverVersion   = HclDriverVersion;
     this.HclFirmwareVersion = HclFirmwareVersion;
     this.HclModel           = HclModel;
     this.HclStatus          = HclStatus;
     this.InvCimcVersion     = InvCimcVersion;
     this.InvDriverName      = InvDriverName;
     this.InvDriverVersion   = InvDriverVersion;
     this.InvFirmwareVersion = InvFirmwareVersion;
     this.InvModel           = InvModel;
     // use default value if no "Reason" provided
     if (Reason == null)
         this.Reason = ReasonEnum.MissingOsDriverInfo;
         this.Reason = Reason;
     // use default value if no "Status" provided
     if (Status == null)
         this.Status = StatusEnum.Incomplete;
         this.Status = Status;