Example #1
        public void Intersect(idScreenRect rect)
            if (rect.X1 > this.X1)
                this.X1 = rect.X1;

            if (rect.X2 < this.X2)
                this.X2 = rect.X2;

            if (rect.Y1 > this.Y1)
                this.Y1 = rect.Y1;

            if (rect.Y2 < this.Y2)
                this.Y2 = rect.Y2;
Example #2
        public void Union(idScreenRect rect)
            if (rect.X1 < this.X1)
                this.X1 = rect.X1;

            if (rect.X2 > this.X2)
                this.X2 = rect.X2;

            if (rect.Y1 < this.Y1)
                this.Y1 = rect.Y1;

            if (rect.Y2 > this.Y2)
                this.Y2 = rect.Y2;
Example #3
		public void Intersect(idScreenRect rect)
			if(rect.X1 > this.X1)
				this.X1 = rect.X1;

			if(rect.X2 < this.X2)
				this.X2 = rect.X2;

			if(rect.Y1 > this.Y1)
				this.Y1 = rect.Y1;

			if(rect.Y2 < this.Y2)
				this.Y2 = rect.Y2;
Example #4
		public void Union(idScreenRect rect)
			if(rect.X1 < this.X1)
				this.X1 = rect.X1;

			if(rect.X2 > this.X2)
				this.X2 = rect.X2;

			if(rect.Y1 < this.Y1)
				this.Y1 = rect.Y1;

			if(rect.Y2 > this.Y2)
				this.Y2 = rect.Y2;
Example #5
		private idScreenRect ScreenRectangleFromWinding(idWinding winding, ViewEntity space)
			idScreenRect rect = new idScreenRect();
			Vector3 v, ndc;

			View viewDef = idE.RenderSystem.ViewDefinition;

			for(int i = 0; i < winding.PointCount; i++)
				idHelper.LocalPointToGlobal(space.ModelMatrix, winding[i], out v);
				idHelper.GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(v, out ndc);

				float windowX = 0.5f * (1.0f + ndc.X) * (viewDef.ViewPort.X2 - viewDef.ViewPort.X1);
				float windowY = 0.5f * (1.0f + ndc.Y) * (viewDef.ViewPort.Y2 - viewDef.ViewPort.Y1);

				rect.AddPoint(windowX, windowY);

			return rect;
Example #6
		private void ParseInterAreaPortals(idLexer lexer)

			_portalAreaCount = lexer.ParseInt();

			if(_portalAreaCount < 0)
				lexer.Error("ParseInterAreaPortals: bad portalAreaCount");

			_portalAreas = new PortalArea[_portalAreaCount];
			_areaScreenRect = new idScreenRect[_portalAreaCount];

			for(int i = 0; i < _portalAreaCount; i++)
				_portalAreas[i] = new PortalArea();
				_areaScreenRect[i] = new idScreenRect();

			// set the doubly linked lists

			_interAreaPortalCount = lexer.ParseInt();

			if(_interAreaPortalCount < 0)
				lexer.Error("ParseInterAreaPortals: bad interAreaPortalCount");

			_doublePortals = new DoublePortal[_interAreaPortalCount];

			for(int i = 0; i < _interAreaPortalCount; i++)
				_doublePortals[i] = new DoublePortal();

				int pointCount = lexer.ParseInt();
				int a1 = lexer.ParseInt();
				int a2 = lexer.ParseInt();

				idWinding w = new idWinding(pointCount);

				for(int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++)
					float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3);

					w[j,0] = tmp[0];
					w[j,1] = tmp[1];
					w[j,2] = tmp[2];

					// no texture coordinates
					w[j,3] = 0;
					w[j,4] = 0;

				// add the portal to a1
				Portal p = new Portal();
				p.IntoArea = a2;
				p.DoublePortal = _doublePortals[i];
				p.Winding = w;
				p.Plane = w.GetPlane();
				p.Next = _portalAreas[a1].Portals;

				_portalAreas[a1].Portals = p;
				_doublePortals[i].Portals[0] = p;

				// reverse it for a2
				p = new Portal();
				p.IntoArea = a1;
				p.DoublePortal = _doublePortals[i];
				p.Winding = w.Reverse();
				p.Plane = w.GetPlane();
				p.Next = _portalAreas[a2].Portals;

				_portalAreas[a2].Portals = p;
				_doublePortals[i].Portals[1] = p;

Example #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds viewLights and viewEntities by flowing from an origin through the visible portals.
		/// origin point can see into.  The planes array defines a volume (positive
		/// sides facing in) that should contain the origin, such as a view frustum or a point light box.
		/// Zero planes assumes an unbounded volume.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="origin"></param>
		/// <param name="planes"></param>
		private void FlowViewThroughPortals(Vector3 origin, int planeCount, Plane[] planes)
			View viewDef = idE.RenderSystem.ViewDefinition;

			PortalStack portalStack = new PortalStack();
			portalStack.Rectangle = viewDef.Scissor;
			portalStack.PortalPlaneCount = planeCount;

			for(int i = 0; i < planeCount; i++)
				portalStack.PortalPlanes[i] = planes[i];

			if(viewDef.AreaNumber < 0)
				for(int i = 0; i < _portalAreaCount; i++)
					_areaScreenRect[i] = viewDef.Scissor;

				// if outside the world, mark everything
				for(int i = 0; i < _portalAreaCount; i++)
					AddAreaReferences(i, portalStack);
				for(int i = 0; i < _portalAreaCount; i++)
					_areaScreenRect[i] = new idScreenRect();

				// flood out through portals, setting area viewCount
				FloodViewThroughArea(origin, viewDef.AreaNumber, portalStack);
Example #8
		public void AddDrawSurface(Surface surface, ViewEntity space, RenderEntityComponent renderEntity, idMaterial material, idScreenRect scissor)
			float[] materialParameters;
			float[] referenceRegisters = new float[idE.MaxExpressionRegisters];
			float[] generatedMaterialParameters = new float[idE.MaxEntityMaterialParameters];

			DrawSurface drawSurface = new DrawSurface();
			drawSurface.Geometry = surface;
			drawSurface.Space = space;
			drawSurface.Material = material;
			drawSurface.ScissorRectangle = scissor;
			drawSurface.Sort = (float) material.Sort + _sortOffset;

			// bumping this offset each time causes surfaces with equal sort orders to still
			// deterministically draw in the order they are added
			_sortOffset += 0.000001f;

			// process the shader expressions for conditionals / color / texcoords
			float[] constantRegisters = material.ConstantRegisters;

			if(constantRegisters != null)
				// shader only uses constant values
				drawSurface.MaterialRegisters = constantRegisters;
				drawSurface.MaterialRegisters = new float[material.RegisterCount];

				// a reference shader will take the calculated stage color value from another shader
				// and use that for the parm0-parm3 of the current shader, which allows a stage of
				// a light model and light flares to pick up different flashing tables from
				// different light shaders				
				if(renderEntity.ReferenceMaterial != null)
					// evaluate the reference shader to find our shader parms
					//renderEntity.ReferenceMaterial.EvaluateRegisters(ref referenceRegisters, renderEntity.MaterialParameters, this.ViewDefinition, renderEntity.ReferenceSound);

					idConsole.Warning("TODO: ref material");
					/*MaterialStage stage = renderEntity.ReferenceMaterial.GetStage(0);

					memcpy( generatedShaderParms, renderEntity->shaderParms, sizeof( generatedShaderParms ) );
					generatedShaderParms[0] = refRegs[ pStage->color.registers[0] ];
					generatedShaderParms[1] = refRegs[ pStage->color.registers[1] ];
					generatedShaderParms[2] = refRegs[ pStage->color.registers[2] ];*/

					materialParameters = generatedMaterialParameters;
					// evaluate with the entityDef's shader parms
					materialParameters = renderEntity.MaterialParameters;

				float oldFloatTime = 0;
				int oldTime = 0;

				if((space.EntityDef != null) && (space.EntityDef.Parameters.TimeGroup != 0))
					oldFloatTime = this.ViewDefinition.FloatTime;
					oldTime = this.ViewDefinition.RenderView.Time;

					this.ViewDefinition.FloatTime = idE.Game.GetTimeGroupTime(space.EntityDef.Parameters.TimeGroup) * 0.001f;
					this.ViewDefinition.RenderView.Time = idE.Game.GetTimeGroupTime(space.EntityDef.Parameters.TimeGroup);

				material.EvaluateRegisters(ref drawSurface.MaterialRegisters, materialParameters, idE.RenderSystem.ViewDefinition /* TODO: ,renderEntity->referenceSound*/);

				if((space.EntityDef != null) && (space.EntityDef.Parameters.TimeGroup != 0))
					this.ViewDefinition.FloatTime = oldFloatTime;
					this.ViewDefinition.RenderView.Time = oldTime;

			// check for deformations
			// TODO: R_DeformDrawSurf( drawSurf );

			// skybox surfaces need a dynamic texgen
			// TODO: skybox
			/*switch( shader->Texgen() ) {
				case TG_SKYBOX_CUBE:
					R_SkyboxTexGen( drawSurf, tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg );
					R_WobbleskyTexGen( drawSurf, tr.viewDef->renderView.vieworg );

			// check for gui surfaces
			// TODO: gui surface
			idUserInterface	gui = null;

			if(space.EntityDef == null)
				gui = material.GlobalInterface;
				idConsole.Warning("TODO: global gui");
				/*int guiNum = shader->GetEntityGui() - 1;
				if ( guiNum >= 0 && guiNum < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI ) {
					gui = renderEntity->gui[ guiNum ];
				if ( gui == NULL ) {
					gui = shader->GlobalGui();

			if(gui != null)
				// force guis on the fast time
				float oldFloatTime = this.ViewDefinition.FloatTime;
				int oldTime = this.ViewDefinition.RenderView.Time;

				this.ViewDefinition.FloatTime = idE.Game.GetTimeGroupTime(1) * 0.001f;
				this.ViewDefinition.RenderView.Time = idE.Game.GetTimeGroupTime(1);

				idBounds ndcBounds;

				idConsole.Warning("TODO: precise cull + render gui surface");

				/*if ( !R_PreciseCullSurface( drawSurf, ndcBounds ) ) {
					// did we ever use this to forward an entity color to a gui that didn't set color?
		//			memcpy( tr.guiShaderParms, shaderParms, sizeof( tr.guiShaderParms ) );
					R_RenderGuiSurf( gui, drawSurf );

				this.ViewDefinition.FloatTime = oldFloatTime;
				this.ViewDefinition.RenderView.Time = oldTime;


			// we can't add subviews at this point, because that would
			// increment tr.viewCount, messing up the rest of the surface
			// adds for this view
Example #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Converts from SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT coordinates to current cropped pixel coordinates
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="renderView"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public idScreenRect RenderViewToViewPort(idRenderView renderView)
			idRectangle renderCrop = _renderCrops[_currentRenderCrop];

			float widthRatio = (float) renderCrop.Width / idE.VirtualScreenWidth;
			float heightRatio = (float) renderCrop.Height / idE.VirtualScreenHeight;

			idScreenRect viewPort = new idScreenRect();
			viewPort.X1 = (short) (renderCrop.X + renderView.X * widthRatio);
			viewPort.X2 = (short) ((renderCrop.X + idMath.Floor(renderView.X + renderView.Width) * widthRatio + 0.5f) - 1);
			viewPort.Y1 = (short) ((renderCrop.Y + renderCrop.Height) - idMath.Floor((renderView.Y + renderView.Height) * heightRatio + 0.5f));
			viewPort.Y2 = (short) ((renderCrop.Y + renderCrop.Height) - idMath.Floor(renderView.Y * heightRatio + 0.5f) - 1);

			return viewPort;