Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan all tracks in the given playlist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list"></param>

        private void ScanTracks(PersistentIDCollection pids)
            var tagger = new Tagger();
            int total  = pids.Count;
            int count  = 0;

            foreach (PersistentID persistentID in pids)
                if (!base.isActive)
                    Logger.WriteLine(base.name, "Information scanner cancelled while scanning");

                using (Track track = libraryPlaylist.GetTrack(persistentID))
                    if ((track != null) && (track.Kind == TrackKind.File))
                        Logger.WriteLine(base.name, String.Format(
                                             "Fetching tag information for '{0}' ({1})",
                                             track.MakeKey(), track.UniqueID));

                            // store into a temporary TrackFile so we can decide which
                            // properties to update...

                            var buffer = new TrackFile(track);

                            Reconcile(track, buffer);
                        catch (Exception exc)
                                             String.Format("Error fetching information {0}, {1}, {2}",
                                                           track.Artist, track.Name, track.Album), exc);

                base.ProgressPercentage = (int)((double)count / (double)total * 100.0);

            tagger = null;
Example #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Compare the suspect track to existing candidates with the same key
            /// to determine which is most likely the better to preserve, if not both.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="key"></param>
            /// <param name="suspect"></param>
            /// <returns>
            /// The track to add to the duplicates list; this may be either the given suspect
            /// or one of the demoted candidates - in this latter case, the suspect would have
            /// swapped places with the demoted candidate in the collection. Or <b>null</b>
            /// if the given suspect is a valid candidate; in this case, the caller need not do
            /// aything further since we add it to the collection here.
            /// </returns>

            public Track Reconcile(Track suspect)
                bool   isTernary;
                string key = suspect.MakeKey(out isTernary);

                // promote first suspect to candidate
                if (!base.ContainsKey(key))
                    Add(key, suspect);

                int    i = 0;
                Track  candidate;
                Track  demoted = null;
                Tracks tracks  = base[key];

                while ((i < tracks.Count) && (demoted == null))
                    candidate = tracks[i];
                    if (isTernary)
                        // SIMPLE CASE: duplicates matching all indexes require
                        // only simple comparison heuristics

                        if (suspect.Duration == candidate.Duration)
                            if (suspect.IsBetterThan(candidate))
                                // replace candidate with our preferred suspect
                                tracks[i] = suspect;
                                demoted   = candidate;
                                // consider the suspect as our duplicate
                                demoted = suspect;

                            // if both Tracks reference the same file then mark demoted as a
                            // dead track so we remove it from library do not delete the file
                            if (demoted.Location.Equals(tracks[i].Location))
                                demoted.Location = null;
                        // COMPLEX CASE: update ID3 tags from online providers
                        // and compare using PUIDs and other details

                        if (tagger == null)
                            tagger = new Tagger();

                        if (!candidate.IsAnalyzed)

                        if (!suspect.IsAnalyzed)

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(suspect.UniqueID) &&
                            if (suspect.UniqueID.Equals(candidate.UniqueID))
                                if (suspect.IsBetterThan(candidate))
                                    // replace candidate with our preferred suspect
                                    tracks[i] = suspect;
                                    demoted   = candidate;
                                    // consider the suspect as our duplicate
                                    demoted = suspect;

                                // if both Tracks reference the same file then mark demoted as a
                                // dead track so we remove it from library do not delete the file
                                if (demoted.Location.Equals(tracks[i].Location))
                                    demoted.Location = null;
                            // else we'll move suspect into a new candidate slot
                            // for later comparison, which is done below...
                            // meanwhile, we'll just log here

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(suspect.UniqueID))
                                Logger.WriteLine(Resx.I_ScanDuplicates, String.Format(
                                                     "No tags found for suspect '{0}'", suspect.MakeKey()));

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(candidate.UniqueID))
                                Logger.WriteLine(Resx.I_ScanDuplicates, String.Format(
                                                     "No tags found for candidate '{0}'", candidate.MakeKey()));


                if (demoted == null)
                    // similar track not found so add suspect for later comparison

                    // last chance to promote; apply buffered tags and reassess key
                    if (suspect.IsAnalyzed && suspect.IsBuffered)
                        key = suspect.MakeKey(out isTernary);
                        Add(key, suspect);

Example #3
        public void RetrieveEmbeddedTags()
            Tagger tagger = new Tagger();
            Track track = new Track(null);
            track.Location = @"C:\iTuner\Research\genpuid\09-Little Martha.mp3";
            track.IsBuffered = true;

