Example #1
		// CFBundleDisplayName
		// CFBundleName, fewer than 16 characters long

		// CFBundleIdentifier
		// http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/general/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20001431-102070
		// Alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters.
		// The string should also be in reverse-DNS format.

		void ReloadPList()
			string Filename = Config.GetPlistOverrideFilename();
			string SourcePList = ReadOrCreate(Filename);
			Utilities.PListHelper Helper = new Utilities.PListHelper(SourcePList);
			string BundleID;
			string BundleName;
			string BundleDisplayName;
			if (!Helper.GetString("CFBundleIdentifier", out BundleID))
				BundleID = "com.YourCompany.GameNameNoSpaces";
				Helper.SetString("CFBundleIdentifier", BundleID);

			if (!Helper.GetString("CFBundleName", out BundleName))
				BundleName = "MyUDKGame";
				Helper.SetString("CFBundleName", BundleName);

			if (!Helper.GetString("CFBundleDisplayName", out BundleDisplayName))
				BundleDisplayName = "UDK Game";
				Helper.SetString("CFBundleDisplayName", BundleDisplayName);

			BundleIdentifierEdit.Text = BundleID;
			BundleNameEdit.Text = BundleName;
			BundleDisplayNameEdit.Text = BundleDisplayName;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the dict values for the Entitlements key and creates a new full .plist file
        /// from them (with outer plist and dict keys as well as doctype, etc...)
        /// </summary>
        public string GetEntitlementsString(string CFBundleIdentifier, out string TeamIdentifier)
            Utilities.PListHelper XCentPList = null;
            Data.ProcessValueForKey("Entitlements", "dict", delegate(XmlNode ValueNode)
                XCentPList = Utilities.PListHelper.CloneDictionaryRootedAt(ValueNode);

            // Modify the application-identifier to be fully qualified if needed
            string CurrentApplicationIdentifier;

            XCentPList.GetString("application-identifier", out CurrentApplicationIdentifier);
            XCentPList.GetString("com.apple.developer.team-identifier", out TeamIdentifier);

//			if (CurrentApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                // Replace the application identifier
                string NewApplicationIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", ApplicationIdentifierPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                XCentPList.SetString("application-identifier", NewApplicationIdentifier);

                // Replace the keychain access groups
                // Note: This isn't robust, it ignores the existing value in the wildcard and uses the same value for
                // each entry.  If there is a legitimate need for more than one entry in the access group list, then
                // don't use a wildcard!
                List <string> KeyGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("keychain-access-groups", "string");

                for (int i = 0; i < KeyGroups.Count; ++i)
                    string Entry = KeyGroups[i];
                    if (Entry.Contains("*"))
                        Entry = NewApplicationIdentifier;
                    KeyGroups[i] = Entry;

                XCentPList.SetValueForKey("keychain-access-groups", KeyGroups);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the dict values for the Entitlements key and creates a new full .plist file
        /// from them (with outer plist and dict keys as well as doctype, etc...)
        /// </summary>
        public string GetEntitlementsString(string CFBundleIdentifier, out string TeamIdentifier)
            Utilities.PListHelper XCentPList = null;
            Data.ProcessValueForKey("Entitlements", "dict", delegate(XmlNode ValueNode)
                XCentPList = Utilities.PListHelper.CloneDictionaryRootedAt(ValueNode);

            // Modify the application-identifier to be fully qualified if needed
            string CurrentApplicationIdentifier;

            XCentPList.GetString("application-identifier", out CurrentApplicationIdentifier);
            XCentPList.GetString("com.apple.developer.team-identifier", out TeamIdentifier);

            //			if (CurrentApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                // Replace the application identifier
                string NewApplicationIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", ApplicationIdentifierPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                XCentPList.SetString("application-identifier", NewApplicationIdentifier);

                // Replace the keychain access groups
                // Note: This isn't robust, it ignores the existing value in the wildcard and uses the same value for
                // each entry.  If there is a legitimate need for more than one entry in the access group list, then
                // don't use a wildcard!
                List <string> KeyGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("keychain-access-groups", "string");

                for (int i = 0; i < KeyGroups.Count; ++i)
                    string Entry = KeyGroups[i];
                    if (Entry.Contains("*"))
                        Entry = NewApplicationIdentifier;
                    KeyGroups[i] = Entry;

                XCentPList.SetValueForKey("keychain-access-groups", KeyGroups);

            // must have CloudKit and CloudDocuments for com.apple.developer.icloud-services
            // otherwise the game will not be listed in the Settings->iCloud apps menu on the device
                // iOS only
                if (Platform == "IOS" && XCentPList.HasKey("com.apple.developer.icloud-services"))
                    List <string> ServicesGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("com.apple.developer.icloud-services", "string");

                    XCentPList.SetValueForKey("com.apple.developer.icloud-services", ServicesGroups);

                // For distribution builds, the entitlements from mobileprovisioning have a modified syntax
                if (Config.bForDistribution)
                    // remove the wildcards from the ubiquity-kvstore-identifier string
                    if (XCentPList.HasKey("com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier"))
                        string UbiquityKvstoreString;
                        XCentPList.GetString("com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier", out UbiquityKvstoreString);

                        int DotPosition = UbiquityKvstoreString.LastIndexOf("*");
                        if (DotPosition >= 0)
                            string TeamPrefix = DotPosition > 1 ? UbiquityKvstoreString.Substring(0, DotPosition - 1) : TeamIdentifier;
                            string NewUbiquityKvstoreIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", TeamPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                            XCentPList.SetValueForKey("com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier", NewUbiquityKvstoreIdentifier);

                    // remove the wildcards from the ubiquity-container-identifiers array
                    if (XCentPList.HasKey("com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers"))
                        List <string> UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups = XCentPList.GetArray("com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers", "string");

                        for (int i = 0; i < UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups.Count; i++)
                            int DotPosition = UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups[i].LastIndexOf("*");
                            if (DotPosition >= 0)
                                string TeamPrefix = DotPosition > 1 ? UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups[i].Substring(0, DotPosition - 1) : TeamIdentifier;
                                string NewUbiquityContainerIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", TeamPrefix, CFBundleIdentifier);
                                UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups[i] = NewUbiquityContainerIdentifier;

                        if (UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups.Count == 0)
                            string NewUbiquityKvstoreIdentifier = String.Format("{0}.{1}", TeamIdentifier, CFBundleIdentifier);

                        XCentPList.SetValueForKey("com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers", UbiquityContainerIdentifiersGroups);

                    // remove the wildcards from the developer.associated-domains array or string
                    if (XCentPList.HasKey("com.apple.developer.associated-domains"))
                        string AssociatedDomainsString;
                        XCentPList.GetString("com.apple.developer.associated-domains", out AssociatedDomainsString);

                        //check if the value is string
                        if (AssociatedDomainsString != null && AssociatedDomainsString.Contains("*"))
                            //check if the value is an array
                            List <string> AssociatedDomainsGroup = XCentPList.GetArray("com.apple.developer.associated-domains", "string");

                            if (AssociatedDomainsGroup.Count == 1 && AssociatedDomainsGroup[0].Contains("*"))

                    // remove development keys - generated when the cloudkit container is in development mode

                // set the icloud-container-environment according to the project settings
                if (XCentPList.HasKey("com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment"))
                    List <string> ContainerEnvironmentGroup = XCentPList.GetArray("com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment", "string");

                    if (ContainerEnvironmentGroup.Count != 0)

                        // The new value is a string, not an array
                        string NewContainerEnvironment = Config.bForDistribution ? "Production" : "Development";
                        XCentPList.SetValueForKey("com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment", NewContainerEnvironment);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the actual work of signing the application
        ///   Modifies the following files:
        ///	 Info.plist
        ///	 [Executable] (file name derived from CFBundleExecutable in the Info.plist, e.g., UDKGame)
        ///	 _CodeSignature/CodeResources
        ///	 [ResourceRules] (file name derived from CFBundleResourceSpecification, e.g., CustomResourceRules.plist)
        /// </summary>
        public void PerformSigning()
            DateTime SigningTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Get the name of the executable file
            string CFBundleExecutable;

            if (!Info.GetString("CFBundleExecutable", out CFBundleExecutable))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Info.plist must contain the key CFBundleExecutable");

            // Get the name of the bundle
            string CFBundleIdentifier;

            if (!Info.GetString("CFBundleIdentifier", out CFBundleIdentifier))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Info.plist must contain the key CFBundleIdentifier");

            // Verify there is a resource rules file and make a dummy one if needed.
            // If it's missing, CreateCodeResourceDirectory can't proceed (the Info.plist is already written to disk at that point)
            if (!Info.HasKey("CFBundleResourceSpecification"))
                // Couldn't find the key, create a dummy one
                string CFBundleResourceSpecification = "CustomResourceRules.plist";
                Info.SetString("CFBundleResourceSpecification", CFBundleResourceSpecification);

                Program.Warning("Info.plist was missing the key CFBundleResourceSpecification, creating a new resource rules file '{0}'.", CFBundleResourceSpecification);

            // Save the Info.plist out
            byte[] RawInfoPList = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Info.SaveToString());
            FileSystem.WriteAllBytes("Info.plist", RawInfoPList);
            Program.Log(" ... Writing updated Info.plist");

            // Create the code resources file and load it
            byte[] ResourceDirBytes = CreateCodeResourcesDirectory(CFBundleExecutable);

            // Open the executable
            Program.Log("Opening source executable...");
            byte[] SourceExeData = FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(CFBundleExecutable);

            FatBinaryFile FatBinary = new FatBinaryFile();


            //@TODO: Verify it's an executable (not an object file, etc...)
            ulong CurrentStreamOffset = 0;

            byte[] FinalExeData = new byte[SourceExeData.Length + 1024 * 1024];
            int    ArchIndex    = 0;

            foreach (MachObjectFile Exe in FatBinary.MachObjectFiles)
                Program.Log("... Processing one mach object (binary is {0})", FatBinary.bIsFatBinary ? "fat" : "thin");

                // Pad the memory stream with extra room to handle any possible growth in the code signing data
                int          OverSize        = 1024 * 1024;
                int          ExeSize         = (FatBinary.bIsFatBinary ? (int)FatBinary.Archs[ArchIndex].Size : SourceExeData.Length);
                MemoryStream OutputExeStream = new MemoryStream(ExeSize + OverSize);

                // Copy the data up to the executable into the final stream
                if (FatBinary.bIsFatBinary)
                    if (ArchIndex == 0)
                        OutputExeStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        OutputExeStream.Write(SourceExeData, (int)CurrentStreamOffset, (int)FatBinary.Archs[ArchIndex].Offset - (int)CurrentStreamOffset);
                        OutputExeStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        byte[] HeaderData = OutputExeStream.ToArray();
                        HeaderData.CopyTo(FinalExeData, (long)CurrentStreamOffset);
                        CurrentStreamOffset += (ulong)HeaderData.Length;
                        byte[] ZeroData = new byte[(int)FatBinary.Archs[ArchIndex].Offset - (int)CurrentStreamOffset];
                        ZeroData.CopyTo(FinalExeData, (long)CurrentStreamOffset);
                        CurrentStreamOffset += (ulong)ZeroData.Length;

                // Copy the executable into the stream
                int ExeOffset = (FatBinary.bIsFatBinary ? (int)FatBinary.Archs[ArchIndex].Offset : 0);
                OutputExeStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                OutputExeStream.Write(SourceExeData, ExeOffset, ExeSize);
                OutputExeStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                long Length = OutputExeStream.Length;

                // Find out if there was an existing code sign blob and find the linkedit segment command
                MachLoadCommandCodeSignature CodeSigningBlobLC = null;
                MachLoadCommandSegment       LinkEditSegmentLC = null;
                foreach (MachLoadCommand Command in Exe.Commands)
                    if (CodeSigningBlobLC == null)
                        CodeSigningBlobLC = Command as MachLoadCommandCodeSignature;

                    if (LinkEditSegmentLC == null)
                        LinkEditSegmentLC = Command as MachLoadCommandSegment;
                        if (LinkEditSegmentLC.SegmentName != "__LINKEDIT")
                            LinkEditSegmentLC = null;

                if (LinkEditSegmentLC == null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Did not find a Mach segment load command for the __LINKEDIT segment");

                // If the existing code signing blob command is missing, make sure there is enough space to add it
                // Insert the code signing blob if it isn't present
                //@TODO: Insert the code signing blob if it isn't present
                if (CodeSigningBlobLC == null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Did not find a Code Signing LC.  Injecting one into a fresh executable is not currently supported.");

                // Verify that the code signing blob is at the end of the linkedit segment (and thus can be expanded if needed)
                if ((CodeSigningBlobLC.BlobFileOffset + CodeSigningBlobLC.BlobFileSize) != (LinkEditSegmentLC.FileOffset + LinkEditSegmentLC.FileSize))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Code Signing LC was present but not at the end of the __LINKEDIT segment, unable to replace it");

                int SignedFileLength = (int)CodeSigningBlobLC.BlobFileOffset;

                // Create the code directory blob
                CodeDirectoryBlob FinalCodeDirectoryBlob = CodeDirectoryBlob.Create(CFBundleIdentifier, SignedFileLength);

                // Create the entitlements blob
                string           EntitlementsText      = BuildEntitlementString(CFBundleIdentifier);
                EntitlementsBlob FinalEntitlementsBlob = EntitlementsBlob.Create(EntitlementsText);

                // Create or preserve the requirements blob
                RequirementsBlob FinalRequirementsBlob = null;
                if ((CodeSigningBlobLC != null) && Config.bMaintainExistingRequirementsWhenCodeSigning)
                    RequirementsBlob OldRequirements = CodeSigningBlobLC.Payload.GetBlobByMagic(AbstractBlob.CSMAGIC_REQUIREMENTS_TABLE) as RequirementsBlob;
                    FinalRequirementsBlob = OldRequirements;

                if (FinalRequirementsBlob == null)
                    FinalRequirementsBlob = RequirementsBlob.CreateEmpty();

                // Create the code signature blob (which actually signs the code directory)
                CodeDirectorySignatureBlob CodeSignatureBlob = CodeDirectorySignatureBlob.Create();

                // Create the code signature superblob (which contains all of the other signature-related blobs)
                CodeSigningTableBlob CodeSignPayload = CodeSigningTableBlob.Create();
                CodeSignPayload.Add(0x00000, FinalCodeDirectoryBlob);
                CodeSignPayload.Add(0x00002, FinalRequirementsBlob);
                CodeSignPayload.Add(0x00005, FinalEntitlementsBlob);
                CodeSignPayload.Add(0x10000, CodeSignatureBlob);

                // The ordering of the following steps (and doing the signature twice below) must be preserved.
                // The reason is there are some chicken-and-egg issues here:
                //   The code directory stores a hash of the header, but
                //   The header stores the size of the __LINKEDIT section, which is where the signature blobs go, but
                //   The CMS signature blob signs the code directory
                // So, we need to know the size of a signature blob in order to write a header that is itself hashed
                // and signed by the signature blob

                // Do an initial signature just to get the size
                Program.Log("... Initial signature step ({0:0.00} s elapsed so far)", (DateTime.Now - SigningTime).TotalSeconds);
                CodeSignatureBlob.SignCodeDirectory(SigningCert, SigningTime, FinalCodeDirectoryBlob);

                // Compute the size of everything, and push it into the EXE header
                byte[] DummyPayload = CodeSignPayload.GetBlobBytes();

                // Adjust the header and load command to have the correct size for the code sign blob
                WritingContext OutputExeContext = new WritingContext(new BinaryWriter(OutputExeStream));

                long BlobLength = DummyPayload.Length;

                long NonCodeSigSize    = (long)LinkEditSegmentLC.FileSize - CodeSigningBlobLC.BlobFileSize;
                long BlobStartPosition = NonCodeSigSize + (long)LinkEditSegmentLC.FileOffset;

                LinkEditSegmentLC.PatchFileLength(OutputExeContext, (uint)(NonCodeSigSize + BlobLength));
                CodeSigningBlobLC.PatchPositionAndSize(OutputExeContext, (uint)BlobStartPosition, (uint)BlobLength);

                // Now that the executable loader command has been inserted and the appropriate section modified, compute all the hashes
                Program.Log("... Computing hashes ({0:0.00} s elapsed so far)", (DateTime.Now - SigningTime).TotalSeconds);

                // Fill out the special hashes
                FinalCodeDirectoryBlob.GenerateSpecialSlotHash(CodeDirectoryBlob.cdInfoSlot, RawInfoPList);
                FinalCodeDirectoryBlob.GenerateSpecialSlotHash(CodeDirectoryBlob.cdRequirementsSlot, FinalRequirementsBlob.GetBlobBytes());
                FinalCodeDirectoryBlob.GenerateSpecialSlotHash(CodeDirectoryBlob.cdResourceDirSlot, ResourceDirBytes);
                FinalCodeDirectoryBlob.GenerateSpecialSlotHash(CodeDirectoryBlob.cdEntitlementSlot, FinalEntitlementsBlob.GetBlobBytes());

                // Fill out the regular hashes

                // And compute the final signature
                Program.Log("... Final signature step ({0:0.00} s elapsed so far)", (DateTime.Now - SigningTime).TotalSeconds);
                CodeSignatureBlob.SignCodeDirectory(SigningCert, SigningTime, FinalCodeDirectoryBlob);

                // Generate the signing blob and place it in the output (verifying it didn't change in size)
                byte[] FinalPayload = CodeSignPayload.GetBlobBytes();

                if (DummyPayload.Length != FinalPayload.Length)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("CMS signature blob changed size between practice run and final run, unable to create useful code signing data");


                // Truncate the data so the __LINKEDIT section extends right to the end
                Program.Log("... Committing all edits ({0:0.00} s elapsed so far)", (DateTime.Now - SigningTime).TotalSeconds);

                Program.Log("... Truncating/copying final binary", DateTime.Now - SigningTime);
                ulong DesiredExecutableLength = LinkEditSegmentLC.FileSize + LinkEditSegmentLC.FileOffset;

                if ((ulong)Length < DesiredExecutableLength)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Data written is smaller than expected, unable to finish signing process");
                byte[] Data = OutputExeStream.ToArray();
                Data.CopyTo(FinalExeData, (long)CurrentStreamOffset);
                CurrentStreamOffset += DesiredExecutableLength;

                // update the header if it is a fat binary
                if (FatBinary.bIsFatBinary)
                    FatBinary.Archs[ArchIndex].Size = (uint)DesiredExecutableLength;

                // increment the architecture index

            // re-write the header
            FatBinary.WriteHeader(ref FinalExeData, 0);

            // resize to the finale size
            Array.Resize(ref FinalExeData, (int)CurrentStreamOffset);             //@todo: Extend the file system interface so we don't have to copy 20 MB just to truncate a few hundred bytes

            // Save the patched and signed executable
            Program.Log("Saving signed executable... ({0:0.00} s elapsed so far)", (DateTime.Now - SigningTime).TotalSeconds);
            FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(CFBundleExecutable, FinalExeData);

            Program.Log("Finished code signing, which took {0:0.00} s", (DateTime.Now - SigningTime).TotalSeconds);
Example #5
		private void SaveChanges()
			// Development settings
				// Open the existing plist override file
				string DevFilename = Config.GetPlistOverrideFilename(false);
				string SourcePList = ReadOrCreate(DevFilename);
				Utilities.PListHelper Helper = new Utilities.PListHelper(SourcePList);

				// Jam the edited values in
				if (!Helper.HasKey("UIFileSharingEnabled"))
					Helper.SetValueForKey("UIFileSharingEnabled", true);

				Helper.SetString("CFBundleIdentifier", BundleIdentifierEdit.Text);
				Helper.SetString("CFBundleName", BundleNameEdit.Text);
				Helper.SetString("CFBundleDisplayName", BundleDisplayNameEdit.Text);

				// Save the modified plist
				SavePList(Helper, DevFilename);

			// Distribution settings
				// Open the existing plist override file
				string DistFilename = Config.GetPlistOverrideFilename(true);
				string SourcePList = ReadOrCreate(DistFilename);
				Utilities.PListHelper Helper = new Utilities.PListHelper(SourcePList);

				// Jam the edited values in
				if (!Helper.HasKey("UIFileSharingEnabled"))
					Helper.SetValueForKey("UIFileSharingEnabled", false);

				// Save the modified plist
				SavePList(Helper, DistFilename);