Example #1
        public override void Encode(IntField image, Stream output)
            /// Split background from foreground. Anything with low "rectangularity" goes into foreground
            /// - measure the number of "turns" (changes from horz to vert edge) against area.
            /// Background:
            /// - Predictive xform with small radius
            /// - Modified runlengths
            /// - Context-aware arithmetic encoding
            /// Foreground:
            /// - Order colors by how common they are, call them c1,c2,c3
            /// - Flatten all colors into 0 and 1
            /// - Find all rects covering all c2-pixels without covering any c1-pixels.
            /// - Find all rects covering all c3-pixels without covering any c1 or c2 pixels.
            /// - Predictive xform on 0/1 image stopping at vertical letter boundaries. If larger image not in dict, use a smaller one and add all sizes to dict.
            /// - Modified runlengths on the 0/1 xformed
            /// - Context-aware arithmetic encoding
            /// - Rects: optimize by changing 1 pixel rects to pixels; then feed optim ints through arithmetic
            /// Modified runlengths:
            /// - As before, encode only runs of 0's.
            /// - Every run longer than thresh encoded as thresh + a number in a separate optim stream
            /// - Optim stream is fed through arithmetic
            /// Alternative color encoding: a stream of 1's, 2's, 3's, fed through runlength

            AddImageGrayscale(image, 0, 3, "00-original");
            IntField backgr, foregr;

            backgroundSplit(image, out backgr, out foregr);

            // Backgr
            backgr.PredictionEnTransformXor(new FixedSizeForeseer(5, 3, 2, new HorzVertForeseer()));
            AddImageGrayscale(backgr, 0, 3, "20-bkg-xformed");


            // save as much as possible using rects, the rest just dumping as-is

            // Foregr
            IntField foremap = foregr.Clone();

            foremap.Map(pix => pix == 0 ? 0 : 1);
            AddImageGrayscale(foremap, 0, 1, "30-fore-map");
            foremap.PredictionEnTransformXor(new FixedSizeForeseer(7, 7, 3, new HorzVertForeseer()));
            AddImageGrayscale(foremap, 0, 1, "31-fore-map-xformed");

Example #2
        public static int[] FieldcodeRunlengthsEn2(IntField image, SymbolCodec runlengthCodec, Compressor compr)
            compr.AddImageGrayscale(image, 0, 3, "xformed");
            List <int> data = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                IntField temp = image.Clone();
                temp.Map(x => x == i ? 1 : 0);
                compr.AddImageGrayscale(temp, 0, 1, "field" + i);
            var runs = runlengthCodec.Encode(data.ToArray());

            compr.SetCounter("runs", runs.Length);
Example #3
        public static List <int[]> FieldcodeRunlengthsEn(IntField image, SymbolCodec runlengthCodec, Compressor compr)
            compr.AddImageGrayscale(image, 0, 3, "xformed");
            var fields = new List <int[]>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                IntField temp = image.Clone();
                temp.Map(x => x == i ? 1 : 0);
                var field = runlengthCodec.Encode(temp.Data);
                CodecUtil.Shift(field, 1);
                compr.SetCounter("symbols|field-" + i, field.Length);
                compr.AddImageGrayscale(temp, 0, 1, "field" + i);
Example #4
        public override void Encode(IntField image, Stream output)
            // Predictive transform

            // Convert to three fields' runlengths
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                IntField temp = image.Clone();
                temp.Map(x => x == i ? 1 : 0);
                AddImageGrayscale(temp, 0, 1, "field" + i);
                var runs = new RunLength01SplitCodec().EncodeSplit(temp.Data);
                SetCounter("runs|field{0}|0s".Fmt(i), runs.Item1.Count);
                SetCounter("runs|field{0}|1s".Fmt(i), runs.Item2.Count);
                AddIntDump("field{0}-0s".Fmt(i), runs.Item1);
                AddIntDump("field{0}-1s".Fmt(i), runs.Item2);
Example #5
        private void saveColors(IntField foregr)
            var clr = foregr.Data.Where(pix => pix > 0).ToArray();

            Tuple <int, int>[] cc = new Tuple <int, int> [3];
            cc[0] = new Tuple <int, int>(clr.Where(pix => pix == 1).Count(), 1);
            cc[1] = new Tuple <int, int>(clr.Where(pix => pix == 2).Count(), 2);
            cc[2] = new Tuple <int, int>(clr.Where(pix => pix == 3).Count(), 3);
            cc    = cc.OrderBy(tup => - tup.Item1).ToArray();
            int      c1    = cc[0].Item2;
            int      c2    = cc[1].Item2;
            int      c3    = cc[2].Item2;
            IntField cover = foregr.Clone();

            cover.Map(pix => pix == c1 ? 1 : pix == c2 ? 5 : 0);
            AddImageGrayscale(cover, 0, 5, "25-cover-2s");
            cover = foregr.Clone();
            cover.Map(pix => pix == c1 ? 1 : pix == c2 ? 1 : pix == c3 ? 5 : 0);
            AddImageGrayscale(cover, 0, 5, "26-cover-3s");
            AddIntDump("colors", clr);

            List <int>[] runs = new List <int> [4];
            runs[1] = new List <int>();
            runs[2] = new List <int>();
            runs[3] = new List <int>();
            int p = 0;

            while (p < clr.Length)
                for (int c = 1; c <= 3; c++)
                    int pbefore = p;
                    while (p < clr.Length && clr[p] == c)
                    runs[c].Add(p - pbefore);
            AddIntDump("color-runs-1", runs[1]);
            AddIntDump("color-runs-2", runs[2]);
            AddIntDump("color-runs-3", runs[3]);

            List <int>[] leftovers = new List <int> [4];
            leftovers[1] = mrleCutOff(runs[1], 31);
            leftovers[2] = mrleCutOff(runs[2], 31);
            leftovers[3] = mrleCutOff(runs[3], 31);

            ulong[][] probs1 = mrleGetProbs(runs[1].ToArray(), 31);
            ulong[][] probs2 = mrleGetProbs(runs[2].ToArray(), 31);
            ulong[][] probs3 = mrleGetProbs(runs[3].ToArray(), 31);

            SetCounter("bytes|colors|probs", -1);

            SetCounter("bytes|colors|shortruns|1", mrleEncodeShort(runs[1].ToArray(), probs1).Length);
            SetCounter("bytes|colors|shortruns|2", mrleEncodeShort(runs[2].ToArray(), probs2).Length);
            SetCounter("bytes|colors|shortruns|3", mrleEncodeShort(runs[3].ToArray(), probs3).Length);

            SetCounter("bytes|colors|longruns|1", mrleEncodeLong(leftovers[1].ToArray()).Length);
            SetCounter("bytes|colors|longruns|2", mrleEncodeLong(leftovers[2].ToArray()).Length);
            SetCounter("bytes|colors|longruns|3", mrleEncodeLong(leftovers[3].ToArray()).Length);