public void attack(object obj) { if (obj is Humans) { Humans trg = obj as Humans; System.Console.WriteLine(this.Name + " attacks " + trg.Name + "!"); int dmg = 5 * this.Strength; trg.Health -= dmg; System.Console.WriteLine(trg.Name + " was hit for " + dmg + " hp! They have " + trg.Health + " remaining"); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("you can't attack that, doofus"); } }
public void fireball(object obj) { if (obj is Humans) { Humans trg = obj as Humans; System.Console.WriteLine(this.Name + " attacks " + trg.Name + "!"); Random rand = new Random(); int dmg = rand.Next(20, 51); trg.Health -= dmg; System.Console.WriteLine(trg.Name + " was blasted for " + dmg + " hp! They have " + trg.Health + " remaining"); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Woops! Looks like " + this.Name + "'s old age is catching up with him again... he's attacking things at random!"); } }
public void death_blow(object obj) { if (obj is Humans) { Humans trg = obj as Humans; if (trg.Health < 50) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{this.Name} feels the weakness in {trg.Name}, and makes the Death Blow."); System.Console.WriteLine($"{trg.Name} is struck for {trg.Health} hp, and keels over ded!"); trg.Health = 0; } else { System.Console.WriteLine($"{trg.Name} is still too strong for a Death Blow, so {this.Name} attacks instead."); attack(trg); } } }