public bool add(RequestObject obj)
Example #2
        //this will call by others
        public String requestAddPermission(String requesterId, int requesterLogicalClock, String requesterHostUrl, int requesterHostPort)
            //the clock will manage here too

            //this will call by others to send [req<id,clock>] to this host
            //By receiving a req message we will send a true that mean we receive your message
            //if we want to accept the request at time we will send a OK instead
            //we must implement this pseudocode
            // *********************************************
            //   if (not accessing resource and do not want to access it)
            //		send OK
            //   else if (currently using resource)
            //		queue request
            //   else if (want to access resource too)
            //		if (timestamp of request is smaller)
            //				send OK
            //		else //own timestamp is smaller
            //				queue request
            // *********************************************
                if (!ServerStatus.getServerStatus())

                long          id            = Convert.ToInt64(requesterId);
                HostUrl       hostUrl       = new HostUrl(requesterHostUrl, requesterHostPort);
                RequestObject requestObject = new RequestObject(id, requesterLogicalClock, hostUrl);
                //the clock will correct in the constructor of ExternalLampartClock class based on following rule
                //LC = Max(LC, LCsender) + 1
                String response = null;
                if (currentAddRequest == null)                                         //if not accessing resource and do not want to access it --> send OK
                    ExtendedLamportClockObject ELC = new ExtendedLamportClockObject(); //for increasing clock before send
                    response  = "true" + "\n";                                         //Send 'OK'
                    response += " ID:&@[" + ELC.getIdString() + "]#! ";
                    response += " LC:&@[" + ELC.getLogicalClock() + "]#! ";
                else if (!currentAddRequest.isWaiting())                //if currently using resource
                    response = "false" + "\n";                  //Send 'NOKEY'//means 'you have to wait for me'
                else                                                                       //if want to access resource too [(currentAddRequest != null) && (currentAddRequest.isWaiting() == true)]
                    if (requestObject.getELCO().compare(currentAddRequest.getELCO()) < 0)  //if timestamp of requester is smaller
                        ExtendedLamportClockObject ELC = new ExtendedLamportClockObject(); //for increasing clock before send
                        response  = "true" + "\n";                                         //Send 'OK'
                        response += " ID:&@[" + ELC.getIdString() + "]#! ";
                        response += " LC:&@[" + ELC.getLogicalClock() + "]#! ";
                    else                     //if own timestamp is smaller
                        response = "false" + "\n";                      //Send 'OK'//means 'you have to wait for me'
            }catch (Exception) { return(null); }