getInstance() public static method

public static getInstance ( ) : DataLoader
return DataLoader
Example #1
        public void processAbility(ref byte[] packet)
            byte[] ability    = { packet[0], packet[1] };
            byte[] targetView = { packet[2], packet[3] };
            UInt16 AbilityID  = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(ability, 1);

            UInt16 viewId = 0;

            currentTargetViewId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(targetView, 1);

            // load the ability name from a list to see if we match the right ability
            DataLoader AbilityLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();

            this.currentAbility = AbilityLoader.getAbilityByID(AbilityID);

            // lets create a message for the client - we will later execute the right AbilityScript for it
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

                                      "Ability ID is " + AbilityID.ToString() + " and the name is " + currentAbility.getAbilityName() +
                                      " and Target ViewId Is " + currentTargetViewId, "BROADCAST");

            // ToDo: do something with the entity (or queue a fx hit animation or something lol)
        public void processVendorOpen(ref byte[] objectID)
            // ToDo: Dynamic Shop Vendors
            PacketContent pak = new PacketContent();

            Vendor vendor = DataLoader.getInstance().getVendorByGoIDandMetrId(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1), 1);

            if (vendor != null)
                // ToDo: send the Packet (and give it the items ?)
                ServerPackets serverPacket = new ServerPackets();
                serverPacket.sendVendorWindow(Store.currentClient, vendor);

Example #3
        public void sendEmotePerform(WorldClient client, UInt32 emoteID)
            double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0;

            byte[] Ltvector3d = Store.currentClient.playerInstance.Position.getValue();
            NumericalUtils.LtVector3dToDoubles(Ltvector3d, ref x, ref y, ref z);
            int   rotation = (int)Store.currentClient.playerInstance.YawInterval.getValue()[0];
            float xPos     = (float)x;
            float yPos     = (float)y;
            float zPos     = (float)z;

             * byte sampleEmoteMsg[] =
             * {
             *  0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x28, 0xAA, 0x40, 0x00, 0x25, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xBB,
             *  0xBB, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0x2A, 0x9F, 0x1E, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00,
             * };*/

            // Example REsponse for /rolldice  02 03 02 00 01 28 01 40 00 25 <ID> 00 00 10 cd a7 65 c7 00 00 be 42 33 ff 72 46 b9 51 32 22 00 00
            // Example REsponse for /rolldice  02 03 02 00 01 28 01 40 00 25 5c 00 00 10 cd a7 65 c7 00 00 be 42 33 ff 72 46 b9 51 32 22 00 00
            // Example Response for ClapEmote: 02 03 02 00 01 28 06 40 00 25 04 00 00 10 34 49 84 c7 00 00 be 42 27 a4 7f 46 b3 a6 5e 18 00 00
            // Python Example self.emotePacket="\x02\x03\x02\x00\x01\x28<emoteNum>\x40\x00\x25<emoteID>\x00\x00\x10<coordX><coordY><coordZ>\x2a\x9f\x1e\x20\x00\x00"
            //                                 02 03 02 00 01 28 01 40 00 25 01 00 00 ea 33 47 00 00 be 42 80 55 bd c7 b9 51 32 22 00 00

            // ToDo: parse list and get the f*****g id from uint
            DataLoader objectLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();
            byte       emoteByte    = new byte();

            emoteByte = objectLoader.findEmoteByLongId(emoteID);

            if (emoteByte > 0)
                byte[]        emotePak = { 0x01, 0x28, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, 0x25, emoteByte, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10 };
                PacketContent pak      = new PacketContent();
                pak.addUint16(2, 1);
                pak.addFloatLtVector3f(xPos, yPos, zPos);
                pak.addHexBytes("b9513222"); // We dont know what they are - maybe rotation ?
                client.messageQueue.addObjectMessage(pak.returnFinalPacket(), false);
        public void processObjectStatic(ref byte[] packet)
            byte[] objectID = new byte[4];
            byte[] sectorID = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 0, objectID, 0, 4);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(objectID, 2, sectorID, 0, 2);

            UInt32 numericObjectId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1);

            // Ok sector Bytes are something like 30 39 (reversed but the result must be 39 03)
            UInt16 numericSectorId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sectorID, 1);
            // strip out object id
            string id = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID);

            // get the type
            byte[] objectType = new byte[1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 4, objectType, 0, 1);
            int objectTypeID = packet[4];

            DataLoader        objectLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();
            StaticWorldObject objectValues = objectLoader.getObjectValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1));

            // create a new System message but fill it in the switch block
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            switch (objectTypeID)
            // Case 03 is not only a staticWorldObject ...
            case (int)objectTypesStatic.DOOR:

                Output.writeToLogForConsole("[OI HELPER] INTERACT WITH DOOR | Object ID :" + id + " Sector ID : " + numericSectorId);

                // just a test

                if (objectValues != null && objectValues.type != null)
                    GameObjectItem item = objectLoader.getGameObjectItemById(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1));
                    //Store.currentClient.messageQueue.addRpcMessage(PacketsUtils.createSystemMessage("[OI HELPER] Door StrType: !" + item.getName() + " with Type ID " + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectValues.type), Store.currentClient));
                    this.processObjectInteraction(objectValues, item);


            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_SYNC:

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Hardline Interaction(not done yet)!", "MODAL");

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_UPLOAD:
                Output.writeToLogForConsole("[OBJECT HELPER] Upload Hardline will be used for combat tests");
                Store.currentClient.playerData.lastClickedObjectId = numericObjectId;
                new TestUnitHandler().processTestCombat(ref packet);

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_LAEXIT:
                // Exit LA
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Exit to LA Dialog should popup", "MODAL");
                new TeleportHandler().processHardlineExitRequest();

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HUMAN_NPC:
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Open Vendor Dialog for Object ID" + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID), "MODAL");
                this.processVendorOpen(ref objectID);

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.COLLECTOR:
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Collector Interaction (not done yet)!", "MODAL");

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.ENVIROMENT:
                GameObjectItem enviromentItem   = objectLoader.getGameObjectItemById(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1));
                UInt16         enviromentTypeID = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1);
                switch (enviromentTypeID)
                case 6952:
                    // ToDo: implement Elevator Panel
                    pak.sendElevatorPanel(Store.currentClient, objectValues);

                    pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Enviroment Type ID " + objectValues.type + " name " + enviromentItem.getName(), "MODAL");
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Enviroment Type ID " + objectValues.type + " name " + enviromentItem.getName(), "MODAL");

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "[OI HELPER] Unknown Object Type : " + objectTypeID.ToString() + "| Object ID :" + id, "MODAL");
Example #5
        public void processUnmountItem(ref byte[] rpcData)
            byte sourceSlot = rpcData[0];
            byte destSlot   = rpcData[1];

            UInt32       clothingItemId = Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.GetItemGOIDAtInventorySlot(rpcData[0]);
            DataLoader   dataLoader     = DataLoader.getInstance();
            ClothingItem item           = dataLoader.getItemValues(clothingItemId);

            // Update Appeareance as we know which appeareance to update (as we unmount item it should be ok to set zeros for the values)
            string partModel = null;
            string partColor = null;

            switch (item.getClothesType())
            case "1950892361":
            case "FEMALE HAT":
            case "MALE HAT":
                partModel = "hat";

            case "2001027401":
            case "FEMALE GLASSES":
            case "MALE GLASSES":
                partModel = "glasses";
                partColor = "glassescolor";

            case "1750286665":     // New Way but lets stay old values there
            case "FEMALE SHIRT":
            case "MALE SHIRT":
                partModel = "shirt";
                partColor = "shirtcolor";

            case "1816609097":
            case "FEMALE GLOVES":
            case "MALE GLOVES":
                partModel = "gloves";

            case "2001682761":
            case "FEMALE COAT":
            case "MALE COAT":
                partModel = "coat";
                partColor = "coatcolor";

            case "1397768521":
            case "MALE PANTS":
            case "FEMALE PANTS":
                partModel = "pants";
                partColor = "pantscolor";

            case "1733050697":
            case "FEMALE LEGGINGS":
                partModel = "leggins";

            case "2001092937":
            case "FEMALE SHOES":
            case "MALE SHOES":
                partModel = "shoes";
                partColor = "shoecolor";

            if (partModel != null)
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateRsiPartValue(partModel, 0);

            if (partColor != null && item.getColorId() > 0)
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateRsiPartValue(partColor, 0);
            // Move slot
            UInt16 newSlotId = Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.getFirstNewSlot();

            Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateInventorySlot(sourceSlot, newSlotId);

            // Send move packet
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            pak.sendInventoryItemMove(sourceSlot, newSlotId, Store.currentClient);


            int[] current = Store.currentClient.playerData.getRsiValues();
            byte[] rsiData = PacketsUtils.getRSIBytes(current);
            pak.sendAppeareanceUpdate(Store.currentClient, rsiData);
Example #6
        public void processMountItem(ref byte[] rpcData)
            byte sourceSlot = rpcData[0];
            byte destSlot   = rpcData[1];

            UInt32       clothingItemId = Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.GetItemGOIDAtInventorySlot(rpcData[0]);
            DataLoader   dataLoader     = DataLoader.getInstance();
            ClothingItem item           = dataLoader.getItemValues(clothingItemId);

            string partModel = null;
            string partColor = null;

            UInt16 toRealSlotId = 0;

            switch (item.getClothesType())
            case "1950892361":
            case "FEMALE HAT":
            case "MALE HAT":
                toRealSlotId = 0x61;
                partModel    = "hat";

            case "2001027401":
            case "FEMALE GLASSES":
            case "MALE GLASSES":
                toRealSlotId = 0x62;
                partModel    = "glasses";
                partColor    = "glassescolor";

            case "1750286665":     // New Way but lets stay old values there
            case "FEMALE SHIRT":
            case "MALE SHIRT":
                toRealSlotId = 0x63;
                partModel    = "shirt";
                partColor    = "shirtcolor";

            case "1816609097":
            case "FEMALE GLOVES":
            case "MALE GLOVES":
                toRealSlotId = 0x64;
                partModel    = "gloves";

            case "2001682761":
            case "FEMALE COAT":
            case "MALE COAT":
                toRealSlotId = 0x65;
                partModel    = "coat";
                partColor    = "coatcolor";

            case "1397768521":
            case "MALE PANTS":
            case "FEMALE PANTS":
                toRealSlotId = 0x66;
                partModel    = "pants";
                partColor    = "pantscolor";

            case "1733050697":
            case "FEMALE LEGGINGS":
                toRealSlotId = 0x67;
                partModel    = "leggins";

            case "2001092937":
            case "FEMALE SHOES":
            case "MALE SHOES":
                toRealSlotId = 0x68;
                partModel    = "shoes";
                partColor    = "shoecolor";

            if (partModel != null)
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateRsiPartValue(partModel, item.getModelId());

            if (partColor != null)
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateRsiPartValue(partColor, item.getColorId());

            int[] current = Store.currentClient.playerData.getRsiValues();
            byte[] rsiData = PacketsUtils.getRSIBytes(current);

            // Move the wear item from the wearing slot to the next new slot (but maybe doesnt work if inventory is full)

            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            if (Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.isSlotinUseByItem(toRealSlotId))
                UInt16 newSlotId = Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.getFirstNewSlot();
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateInventorySlot(toRealSlotId, newSlotId);
                pak.sendInventoryItemMove(toRealSlotId, newSlotId, Store.currentClient);
            pak.sendAppeareanceUpdate(Store.currentClient, rsiData);
            Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateInventorySlot(sourceSlot, toRealSlotId);
            pak.sendInventoryItemMove(sourceSlot, toRealSlotId, Store.currentClient);
Example #7
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var customCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone();

            customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator    = ".";
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;
            HealthCheck hc = new HealthCheck();

            if (hc.doTests())
                Output.WriteLine("\nHealth checks OK. Proceeding.\n");
                // Create
                Store.auth         = new AuthSocket();
                Store.margin       = new MarginSocket();
              = new WorldSocket();
                Store.worldThreads = new WorldThreads();

                Store.config = new ServerConfig("Config.xml");

                Store.worldConfig = new WorldConfig("WorldConfig.xml");

                /* Load Game Data */

                /* Initialize DB Stuff */

                Store.dbManager = new databases.DatabaseManager();

                if (Store.config.dbParams.DbType == "mysql")
                    Store.dbManager.AuthDbHandler   = new databases.MyAuthDBAccess();
                    Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler = new databases.MyMarginDBAccess();
                    Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler  = new databases.MyWorldDbAccess();

                /* Initialize the MPM object */
                Store.Mpm = new MultiProtocolManager();

                /* Initialize the scripting server */
                Store.rpcScriptManager = new ScriptManager();
                var scrLoader = new ScriptLoader();
                scrLoader.LoadScripts(); //<<-- This does

                /* External console */
                if (Store.config.serverParams.AdminConsoleEnabled)
                    ConsoleSocket adminConsole = new ConsoleSocket();

                // Now everything should be loaded - START THE ENGINES!!!

                // Check if execution keeps going after starting
                Output.WriteLine("Im'running :D");

                // Capture Ctrl C key to clean and then end the program
                Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate
                    Output.WriteLine("Closing Auth server and threads");

                    Output.WriteLine("Closing Margin server and threads");

                    Output.WriteLine("Closing World server and threads");

                    Output.WriteLine("Server exited");
                Output.WriteLine("\nHealth checks not passed. Aborting launch.");
                Output.WriteLine("Please check the errors above or press Enter to close the window.");
Example #8
        private void createCharacterRSI(byte[] packet, NetworkStream client)
            // Instance the Data Loader
            DataLoader ItemLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();

            isNewCreatedChar = true;

            string debugHexPacket = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(packet);

            // lets read the values
            // the IDs for the Appeareance is always uint16 goID
            byte[] bodyTypeIDByte         = new byte[4];
            byte[] professionByte         = new byte[4];
            byte[] facialdetailBytes      = new byte[4];
            byte[] facialdetailColorBytes = new byte[4];
            byte[] hairBytes      = new byte[4];
            byte[] hairColorBytes = new byte[4];
            byte[] skintoneBytes  = new byte[4];
            byte[] tatooBytes     = new byte[4];
            byte[] headIDBytes    = new byte[4];

            // Clothing
            byte[] shirtIDBytes     = new byte[4];
            byte[] pantsIDBytes     = new byte[4];
            byte[] outerwearIDBytes = new byte[4];
            byte[] hatIDBytes       = new byte[4];
            byte[] eyewearIDBytes   = new byte[4];
            byte[] footwearIDBytes  = new byte[4];
            byte[] glovesIDBytes    = new byte[4];
            //byte[] legginsIDBytes           = new byte[4];

            // RSI
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 3, skintoneBytes, 0, 2);        // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 7, bodyTypeIDByte, 0, 2);       // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 15, hairBytes, 0, 2);           // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 19, hairColorBytes, 0, 2);      // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 23, tatooBytes, 0, 2);          // Done!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 27, headIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 31, facialdetailBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 35, facialdetailColorBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 67, professionByte, 0, 2);

            UInt16 body       = 0;
            UInt16 gender     = 0;
            UInt32 bodyTypeId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(bodyTypeIDByte, 1);

            UInt16 hairId            = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(hairBytes, 1);
            UInt16 haircolor         = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(hairColorBytes, 1);
            UInt16 tattoo            = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(tatooBytes, 1);
            UInt16 facialDetailColor = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(facialdetailColorBytes, 1);
            UInt16 skintone          = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(skintoneBytes, 1);
            UInt16 headID            = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(headIDBytes, 1);

            // Get Values by "NewRSI" IDs
            NewRSIItem hairItem = ItemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HAIR", hairId);
            NewRSIItem bodyItem = ItemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("BODY", (ushort)bodyTypeId);
            NewRSIItem headItem = ItemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HEAD", headID);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("body", bodyItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("sex", bodyItem.gender.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("face", headItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);              // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hair", hairItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("haircolor", haircolor.ToString(), newCharID);                   // ToDo: check if it is correct
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("tattoo", tattoo.ToString(), newCharID);                         // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("facialdetailcolor", facialDetailColor.ToString(), newCharID);   // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("skintone", skintone.ToString(), newCharID);
            // Clothing Items
            // ToDo: GLOVES ARE MISSING!
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 43, shirtIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 47, glovesIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 55, pantsIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 51, outerwearIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 34, hatIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 39, eyewearIDBytes, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 63, footwearIDBytes, 0, 2);

            ClothingItem shirt     = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(shirtIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem pants     = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(pantsIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem outerwear = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(outerwearIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem hat       = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(hatIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem eyewear   = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(eyewearIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem footwear  = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(footwearIDBytes, 1));
            ClothingItem gloves    = ItemLoader.getItemValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(glovesIDBytes, 1));

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hat", hat.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirt", shirt.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirtcolor", shirt.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coat", outerwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coatcolor", outerwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pants", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pantscolor", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoes", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoecolor", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glasses", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glassescolor", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);

            // ToDO: Figre out the ITem Slots for "currentlyWearing" Items and add the ITems correctly to the Inventory

            // FirstName
            UInt16 currentOffset = 79;

            byte[] firstNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 firstNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] firstNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameBytes, 0, firstNameLen - 1);
            string firstNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(firstNameBytes);

            currentOffset += firstNameLen;

            // LastName
            byte[] lastNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 lastNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] lastNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameBytes, 0, lastNameLen - 1);
            string lastNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(lastNameBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Description
            byte[] descriptionLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 descriptionLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] descriptionBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionBytes, 0, descriptionLen - 1);
            string descriptionString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(descriptionBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Update Characters values
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateCharacter(firstNameString, lastNameString, descriptionString, newCharID);

            // Add the Basic Abilitys...
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147481600, 0, newCharID, 1, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147367936, 1, newCharID, 1, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147294208, 2, newCharID, 0, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147281920, 3, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147280896, 4, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147437568, 5, newCharID, 1, 1);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147425280, 6, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147404800, 7, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2147445760, 8, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2146493440, 9, newCharID, 0, 0);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.addAbility(-2146453504, 10, newCharID, 1, 0);

            // we have all created - lets load the charData
            loadCharacter(packet, client, this.newCharID);
Example #9
        private void createCharacterRSI(byte[] packet, NetworkStream client)
            // Instance the Data Loader
            DataLoader itemLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();

            isNewCreatedChar = true;
            string debugHexPacket = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(packet);

            // ToDo: Replace all with Packet Reader Instance
            PacketReader reader = new PacketReader(packet);


            UInt16 body   = 0;
            UInt16 gender = 0;

            UInt16 skintone = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 bodyTypeId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 hairId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 haircolor = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 tattoo = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 headId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 facialDetail = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // ToDo: it has a bug - figure out correct position
            UInt16 facialDetailColor = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // ToDo: Remove this when facialDetailColor is parsed properly
            facialDetailColor = 0;
            UInt16 profession = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // lets read the values
            // the IDs for the Appeareance is always uint16 goID
            // Extra Hint: there are no leggins in Char Creation Process
            UInt16 hatId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 eyewearId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 shirtId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 glovesId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 outerwearId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 pantsId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            UInt16 footwearId = reader.readUInt16(1);

            // Get Values by "NewRSI" IDs
            NewRSIItem hairItem = itemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HAIR", hairId);
            NewRSIItem bodyItem = itemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("BODY", (ushort)bodyTypeId);
            NewRSIItem headItem = itemLoader.getNewRSIItemByTypeAndID("HEAD", headId);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("body", bodyItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("sex", bodyItem.gender.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("face", headItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);              // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hair", hairItem.internalId.ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("haircolor", haircolor.ToString(), newCharID);                   // ToDo: check if it is correct
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("tattoo", tattoo.ToString(), newCharID);                         // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("facialdetail", facialDetail.ToString(), newCharID);             // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("facialdetailcolor", facialDetailColor.ToString(), newCharID);   // ToDo:
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("skintone", skintone.ToString(), newCharID);

            // Clothing Items
            ClothingItem shirt     = itemLoader.getItemValues(shirtId);
            ClothingItem pants     = itemLoader.getItemValues(pantsId);
            ClothingItem outerwear = itemLoader.getItemValues(outerwearId);
            ClothingItem hat       = itemLoader.getItemValues(hatId);
            ClothingItem eyewear   = itemLoader.getItemValues(eyewearId);
            ClothingItem footwear  = itemLoader.getItemValues(footwearId);
            ClothingItem gloves    = itemLoader.getItemValues(glovesId);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("hat", hat.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirt", shirt.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shirtcolor", shirt.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coat", outerwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("coatcolor", outerwear.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pants", pants.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("pantscolor", pants.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoes", footwear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("shoecolor", footwear.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glasses", eyewear.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("glassescolor", eyewear.getColorId().ToString(), newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateRSIValue("gloves", gloves.getModelId().ToString(), newCharID);

            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(hatId, 0x61, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(eyewearId, 0x62, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(shirtId, 0x63, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(glovesId, 0x64, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(outerwearId, 0x65, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(pantsId, 0x66, newCharID);
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.AddItemToSlot(footwearId, 0x68, newCharID);

            // FirstName
            UInt16 currentOffset = 79;

            byte[] firstNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 firstNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] firstNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(firstNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, firstNameBytes, 0, firstNameLen - 1);
            string firstNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(firstNameBytes);

            currentOffset += firstNameLen;

            // LastName
            byte[] lastNameLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 lastNameLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] lastNameBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(lastNameLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, lastNameBytes, 0, lastNameLen - 1);
            string lastNameString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(lastNameBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Description
            byte[] descriptionLenBytes = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionLenBytes, 0, 2);
            UInt16 descriptionLen = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1);

            currentOffset += 2;

            byte[] descriptionBytes = new byte[NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(descriptionLenBytes, 1) - 1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, currentOffset, descriptionBytes, 0, descriptionLen - 1);
            string descriptionString = StringUtils.charBytesToString(descriptionBytes);

            currentOffset += lastNameLen;

            // Update Characters values
            Store.dbManager.MarginDbHandler.updateCharacter(firstNameString, lastNameString, descriptionString, newCharID);

            // Add the Basic Abilitys...

            // we have all created - lets load the charData
            loadCharacter(packet, client, this.newCharID);