public static int Decrypt(string encryptedFile, string outputFile, bool GUI = true) { using (FileStream fileStream1 = new FileStream(encryptedFile, FileMode.Open)) { using (FileStream fileStream2 = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create)) { RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged = new RijndaelManaged(); rijndaelManaged.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; rijndaelManaged.BlockSize = 128; rijndaelManaged.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = rijndaelManaged.CreateDecryptor(Crypto.KEY, Crypto.IV)) { try { Utility.PreventDeepSleep(Utility.PDSMode.Start); using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream((Stream)fileStream1, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; long num = 0; int count; do { Utility.PreventDeepSleep(Utility.PDSMode.Continue); num += (long)(count = cryptoStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); fileStream2.Write(buffer, 0, count); if (GUI) { Crypto.form.SetProgressBar(Utility.GetProgress(num, fileStream1.Length)); } else { CmdLine.SetProgress(Utility.GetProgress(num, fileStream1.Length)); } }while (count > 0); } } catch (CryptographicException ex) { Logger.WriteLog("Error decrypting file: Wrong key.", false); return(3); } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { Logger.WriteLog("Error decrypting file: Please turn off FIPS compliance checking.", false); return(800); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.WriteLog("Error decrypting file: IOException: " + ex.Message, false); return(3); } finally { Utility.PreventDeepSleep(Utility.PDSMode.Stop); } } } } return(0); }
private static int ProcessAction() { int num = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.file)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.region) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.model) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.version)) { num = CmdLine.DoDecrypt(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.logicValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.version)) { num = CmdLine.DoDecrypt(); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.model) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.region)) { num = !CmdLine.checkonly ? CmdLine.DoDownload() : CmdLine.DoCheck(); } if (num == -1) { CmdLine.DisplayUsage(); num = 1; } return(num); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { Thread.Sleep(200); if (CmdLine.InputValidation(args)) { return(CmdLine.ProcessAction()); } CmdLine.DisplayUsage(); return(1); }
private static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Imports.FreeConsole(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run((Form) new Form1()); } else { Utility.run_by_cmd = true; Environment.Exit(CmdLine.Main(args)); } return(0); }
private static int DoDecrypt() { Logger.WriteLog("========== hadesFirm Firmware Decrypter ==========\n", false); Logger.WriteLog("Decrypting file " + CmdLine.file + "...", false); CmdLine.CreateProgressbar(); if (CmdLine.file.EndsWith(".enc2")) { Crypto.SetDecryptKey(CmdLine.region, CmdLine.model, CmdLine.version); } else if (CmdLine.file.EndsWith(".enc4")) { Crypto.SetDecryptKey(CmdLine.version, CmdLine.logicValue); } if (Crypto.Decrypt(CmdLine.file, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CmdLine.file), false) != 0) { Logger.WriteLog("\nError decrypting file", false); Logger.WriteLog("Please make sure the filename is not modified and verify the version / logicValue argument", false); File.Delete(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CmdLine.file)); return(3); } Logger.WriteLog("\nDecrypting successful", false); return(0); }
private static bool InputValidation(string[] args) { if (!CmdLine.ParseArgs(args)) { Logger.WriteLog("Error parsing arguments\n", false); return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.file) && !File.Exists(CmdLine.file)) { Logger.WriteLog("File " + CmdLine.file + " does not exist\n", false); return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.file) && !CmdLine.ParseFileName()) { Logger.WriteLog("Could not parse filename. Make sure the filename was not edited\n", false); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.folder) || Directory.Exists(CmdLine.folder)) { return(true); } Logger.WriteLog("Folder " + CmdLine.folder + " does not exist\n", false); return(false); }
private static int DoDownload() { Logger.WriteLog("========== hadesFirm Firmware Downloader ==========\n", false); Command.Firmware fw; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.version)) { fw = Command.UpdateCheckAuto(CmdLine.model, CmdLine.region, CmdLine.binary); if (fw.FetchAttempts == 0) { return(5); } } else { fw = Command.UpdateCheck(CmdLine.model, CmdLine.region, CmdLine.version, CmdLine.binary, false); } if (fw.Version == null) { return(2); } string str = Path.Combine(CmdLine.folder, fw.Filename); Logger.WriteLog("Downloading...\n", false); CmdLine.CreateProgressbar(); int num1; do { Utility.ReconnectCmdLine(); Utility.ReconnectDownload = false; num1 = Command.Download(fw.Path, fw.Filename, fw.Version, fw.Region, fw.Model_Type, str, fw.Size, false); }while (Utility.ReconnectDownload); if (num1 != 200 && num1 != 206) { Logger.WriteLog("Error: " + (object)num1, false); return(4); } if (CmdLine.autodecrypt) { if (str.EndsWith(".enc2")) { Crypto.SetDecryptKey(fw.Region, fw.Model, fw.Version); } else if (str.EndsWith(".enc4")) { if (fw.BinaryNature == 1) { Crypto.SetDecryptKey(fw.Version, fw.LogicValueFactory); } else { Crypto.SetDecryptKey(fw.Version, fw.LogicValueHome); } } Logger.WriteLog("\nDecrypting...\n", false); CmdLine.CreateProgressbar(); CmdLine.fwdest = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(str), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fw.Filename)); int num2 = Crypto.Decrypt(str, CmdLine.fwdest, false); File.Delete(str); if (num2 != 0) { File.Delete(CmdLine.fwdest); return(3); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdLine.metafile)) { CmdLine.SaveMeta(fw); } Logger.WriteLog("\nFinished", false); return(0); }
public static int DownloadBinary( string path, string file, string saveTo, string size, bool GUI = true) { long num = 0; HttpWebRequest wr = KiesRequest.Create("" + path + file); wr.Method = "GET"; wr.Headers["Authorization"] = Imports.GetAuthorization(Web.Nonce).Replace("Authorization: ", "").Replace("nonce=\"", "nonce=\"" + Web.Nonce); wr.Timeout = 25000; wr.ReadWriteTimeout = 25000; if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveTo)) { long length = new FileInfo(saveTo).Length; if (long.Parse(size) == length) { Logger.WriteLog("File already downloaded.", false); return(200); } Logger.WriteLog("File exists. Resuming download...", false); wr.AddRange((int)length); num = length; } using (HttpWebResponse responseFus = (HttpWebResponse)wr.GetResponseFUS()) { if (responseFus == null) { Logger.WriteLog("Error downloading: response is null", false); return(901); } if (responseFus.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK && responseFus.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.PartialContent) { Logger.WriteLog("Error downloading: " + (object)(int)responseFus.StatusCode, false); } else { long total = long.Parse(responseFus.GetResponseHeader("content-length")) + num; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(saveTo) || new FileInfo(saveTo).Length != total) { byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); Utility.ResetSpeed(num); try { Utility.PreventDeepSleep(Utility.PDSMode.Start); using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter((Stream) new FileStream(saveTo, FileMode.Append))) { int count; do { Utility.PreventDeepSleep(Utility.PDSMode.Continue); if (GUI) { if (Web.form.PauseDownload) { break; } } num += (long)(count = responseFus.GetResponseStream().Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)); if (count > 0) { binaryWriter.Write(buffer, 0, count); if (GUI) { int dlspeed = Utility.DownloadSpeed(num, sw); if (dlspeed != -1) { Web.form.lbl_speed.Invoke((Delegate)((Action)(() => Web.form.lbl_speed.Text = dlspeed.ToString() + "kB/s"))); } } } if (GUI) { Web.form.SetProgressBar(Utility.GetProgress(num, total)); } else { CmdLine.SetProgress(Utility.GetProgress(num, total)); } }while (count > 0); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.WriteLog("Error: Can't access output file " + saveTo, false); if (GUI) { Web.form.PauseDownload = true; } Logger.WriteLog(ex.ToString(), false); return(-1); } catch (WebException ex) { Logger.WriteLog("Error: Connection interrupted", false); Web.SetReconnect(); } finally { Utility.PreventDeepSleep(Utility.PDSMode.Stop); if (GUI) { Web.form.lbl_speed.Invoke((Delegate)((Action)(() => Web.form.lbl_speed.Text = "0kB/s"))); } } } } return((int)responseFus.StatusCode); } }