Example #1
         * static List<ItemTOC> GetAvgDatas(Dictionary<int, List<ItemTOC>> boxes)
         * {
         *  List<ItemTOC> datas = new List<ItemTOC>();
         *  foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<ItemTOC>> box in boxes)
         *  {
         *      int d = box.Key;
         *      int simOpen = 0;
         *      int simCl = 0;
         *      int simCount = 0;
         *      int euclOpen = 0;
         *      int euclCl = 0;
         *      int euclCount = 0;
         *      int lmOpen = 0;
         *      int lmCl = 0;
         *      int lmCount = 0;
         *      int lmOpensev = 0;
         *      int lmClsev = 0;
         *      int lmCountsev = 0;
         *      foreach (ItemTOC item in box.Value)
         *      {
         *          switch (item.type)
         *          {
         *              case ItemTOC.types.simple:
         *                  simOpen = simOpen + item.opened;
         *                  simCl = simCl + item.closed;
         *                  simCount++;
         *                  break;
         *              default:
         *                  lmOpen = lmOpen + item.opened;
         *                  lmCl = lmCl + item.closed;
         *                  lmCount++;
         *                  break;
         *          }
         *      }
         *  ItemTOC simAvg = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.simple, simOpen / simCount, simCl / simCount);
         *  simAvg.d = d;
         *  datas.Add(simAvg);
         *  ItemTOC euclAvg = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.aStarEuclid, euclOpen / euclCount, euclCl / euclCount);
         *  euclAvg.d = d;
         *  datas.Add(euclAvg);
         *  ItemTOC lmAvg = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.aStarLMforty, lmOpen / lmCount, lmCl / lmCount);
         *  lmAvg.d = d;
         *  datas.Add(lmAvg);
         *      if (lmCountsev > 0)
         *      {
         *          ItemTOC lmAvgsev = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.aStarLMseventy, lmOpensev / lmCountsev, lmClsev / lmCountsev);
         *          lmAvgsev.d = d;
         *          datas.Add(lmAvgsev);
         *      }
         * }
         *  return datas;
         * }

        static List <ItemTOC> GetVar(Dictionary <int, List <ItemTOC> > boxes, List <ItemTOC> avgDatas)
            List <ItemTOC>        var      = new List <ItemTOC>();
            Dictionary <int, int> simAvg   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> euclAvg  = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> lmAvg    = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> lmAvgsev = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (ItemTOC item in avgDatas)
                /* if (item.type == ItemTOC.types.simple)
                 *   simAvg.Add((int)item.d, item.opened);
                 * else if (item.type == ItemTOC.types.aStarEuclid)
                 *   euclAvg.Add((int)item.d, item.opened);
                 * else if (item.type == ItemTOC.types.aStarLMseventy)
                 *  lmAvgsev.Add((int)item.d, item.opened);
                 * else
                 *   lmAvg.Add((int)item.d, item.opened); */
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <ItemTOC> > box in boxes)
                int  d      = box.Key;
                long simVar = 0;

                long euclVar      = 0;
                long lmVar        = 0;
                long lmVarsev     = 0;
                int  simAvgOpen   = simAvg[d];
                int  euclAvgOpen  = euclAvg[d];
                int  lmAvgOpen    = lmAvg[d];
                int  lmAvgOpensev = lmAvgsev[d];

                foreach (ItemTOC item in box.Value)
                    switch (item.type)
                    case ItemTOC.types.simple:
                        simVar = simVar + ((item.opened - simAvgOpen) * (item.opened - simAvgOpen));

                    /*    case ItemTOC.types.aStarEuclid:
                     *      euclVar = euclVar + ((item.opened - euclAvgOpen) * (item.opened - euclAvgOpen));
                     *      break;
                     *  case ItemTOC.types.aStarLMseventy:
                     *      lmVarsev = lmVarsev + ((item.opened - lmAvgOpensev) * (item.opened - lmAvgOpensev));
                     *      break;
                        lmVar = lmVar + ((item.opened - lmAvgOpen) * (item.opened - lmAvgOpen));

                simVar = simVar / (box.Value.Count / 4);
                simVar = (long)Math.Sqrt(simVar);

                ItemTOC varsimItem = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.simple, (int)simAvgOpen, (int)simVar);
                varsimItem.d = d;

                /*      euclVar = euclVar / (box.Value.Count / 4);
                 *    euclVar = (long)Math.Sqrt(euclVar);
                 *    ItemTOC vareuclItem = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.aStarEuclid,(int)  euclAvgOpen,(int)euclVar);
                 *    vareuclItem.d = d;
                 *    var.Add(vareuclItem);
                 *    lmVar = lmVar / (box.Value.Count / 4);
                 *    lmVar = (long)Math.Sqrt(lmVar);
                 *    ItemTOC varlmItem = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.aStarLMforty,(int) lmAvgOpen,(int)lmVar);
                 *    varlmItem.d = d;
                 *    var.Add(varlmItem);
                 *    lmVarsev = lmVarsev / (box.Value.Count / 4);
                 *    lmVarsev = (long)Math.Sqrt(lmVarsev);
                 *    ItemTOC varlmItemsev = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.aStarLMseventy, (int)lmAvgOpensev, (int)lmVarsev);
                 *    varlmItemsev.d = d;
                 *    var.Add(varlmItemsev); */
Example #2
        static void GetGraph(List <ItemTOC> function)
            int height = 800;
            int width  = 800;// 1190;
            int tab    = 30;

            max = 0;
                ("<svg width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" style=\"vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;\" stroke=\"null\">", width + 10, height);

            file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\" " +
                           "font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"67\" x=\"25\" fill-opacity=\"null\" " +
                           "stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#000000\">Count of visited nodes</text>");

            file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-family=\"Helvetica\" " +
                           "font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"105\" x=\"25\" " +
                           "fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#000000\">650 000</text>");

            /*  file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
             *   " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"584\" x=\"1152\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
             *   "fill=\"#000000\">Distance</text>");
            foreach (ItemTOC toc in function)
                if (toc.d > max)
                    max = toc.d;
            double unitX = 600 / max;// 1000 / max;

            max = 0;
            foreach (ItemTOC toc in function)
                if (toc.opened > max)
                    max = toc.opened;
                if (toc.closed > max)
                    max = toc.closed;
            max = 650000;

            double unitY = (1500 / max) * 0.3;// (1100 / max)*0.3;

            //  foreach (ItemTOC toc in function)
            //  {
            //    AddLine(50 + tab + unitX * toc.d, 550 - unitY * toc.opened, 50 + tab + unitX * toc.d, 550, "black");
            //    AddLine(50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d + boxRange), 550 - unitY * toc.opened, 50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d + boxRange), 550, "black");
            //   }
            //   ItemTOC to = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.simple,0,0);
            //   to.d = 529;
            //   function.Add(to);
            //    to = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.simple, 650000, 650000);
            //    to.d = 1.5;
            //    function.Add(to);
            //        function.RemoveAt(function.Count - 1);
            ItemTOC tc = null;// = tcs[0]. ;

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                tabs[7][i] = (tabs[8][i] + tabs[9][i] + tabs[7][i]) / 2;// ( tcs[6].Values[i].opened + tcs[7].Values[i].opened + tcs[8].Values[i].opened)/3;
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                foreach (ItemTOC toc  in tcs[i].Values)
                    if (toc.type == ItemTOC.types.l20)  //// forestgreen #228B22
                    if (toc.type == ItemTOC.types.l30)  //// forestgreen #228B22
                    if (tc == null)
                        tc = toc;
                    String color = "#000000";               // , red #8B0000
                    if (toc.type == ItemTOC.types.aStar)    // , darkcyan #008B8B
                        color = "#8B0000";                  // "#000080";
                    else if (toc.type == ItemTOC.types.l25) // midnightblue #191970
                        color = "#191970";
                    else if (toc.type == ItemTOC.types.l50) //// forestgreen #228B22
                        color = "#4682B4";                  //"#B22222";
                    //    else if (toc.type == ItemTOC.types.l30)  //// dimgray #696969,
                    //        color = "#6495ED"; //"#B22222";
                    else if (toc.type == ItemTOC.types.l40) //cornflowerblue #6495ED
                        color = "#008080";                  //"#B22222";
                    //     AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * toc.d, 550 - unitY * toc.opened,color);
                    //     AddRectangle(50 + tab + unitX * toc.d, 50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d+boxRange), 550 - unitY * toc.opened, color,550);
                    //     AddFilledRectangle(50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d), 550 - unitY * (toc.opened + toc.closed), unitX * boxRange, unitY * toc.opened, color);
                        int rr = toc.ord;// tcs[i].IndexOfKey(-toc.opened);
                        int t  = tabs[((int)toc.d / 50) + 1][rr];
                        int t1 = tabs[((int)toc.d / 50)][rr];
                        if (toc.d == 0)
                            AddLine(50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d + 50), 550 - unitY * (t),
                                    50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d + 25), 550 - unitY * (t1),
                        else if (toc.d < 400)
                            AddLine(50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d + 50), 550 - unitY * (t),
                                    50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d), 550 - unitY * (t1),
                            XX = 10 + (50 + tab + unitX * (toc.d));
                            file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
                                           " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"{0}\" x=\"{1}\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
                                           "fill=\"#000000\">{2}</text>", 550 - unitY * (t1), XX, toc.label);

                    //A* Landmarks: count of landmarks
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { };

            AddPoint(50 + tab, 550 - unitY * 650000, "black");
            AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 500, 550, "black");
            AddLine(50 + tab, 550, XX, 550, "black");

            //  AddLine(50 + tab, 550, 1255 + tab, 550, "black");
            AddLine(50 + tab, 550, 50 + tab, 80, "black");
            XX = XX - 20;

            AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 100, 550, "black");
            file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
                           " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"{0}\" x=\"{1}\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
                           "fill=\"#000000\">{2}</text>", 570, 50 + tab + unitX * 100 - 20, "100 km");
            AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 200, 550, "black");
            file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
                           " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"{0}\" x=\"{1}\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
                           "fill=\"#000000\">{2}</text>", 570, 50 + tab + unitX * 200 - 20, "200 km");
            AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 300, 550, "black");
            file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
                           " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"{0}\" x=\"{1}\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
                           "fill=\"#000000\">{2}</text>", 570, 50 + tab + unitX * 300 - 20, "300 km");

            AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 400, 550, "black");
            file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
                           " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"{0}\" x=\"{1}\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
                           "fill=\"#000000\">{2}</text>", 570, XX, "400 km");
            //     AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 2, 585, "#000000");
            //     AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 2, 600, "#4169E1");
            //     AddPoint(50 + tab + unitX * 2, 615, "#B22222");

            /*       AddFilledRectangle(50 + tab + unitX * 2,  585, 50, unitY*10000,"#000000");
             *     AddFilledRectangle(50 + tab + unitX * 2, 600, 50, unitY * 10000, "#000099");
             *     AddFilledRectangle(50 + tab + unitX * 2,615, 50, unitY * 10000, "#45B39D");
             *     AddFilledRectangle(50 + tab + unitX * 2, 615, 50, unitY * 10000, "#000033");
             *     file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
             *        " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"588\" x=\"150\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
             *        "fill=\"#000000\">Dijkstra</text>");
             *     file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
             *        " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"603\" x=\"150\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
             *        "fill=\"#000000\">A* Euclid</text>");
             *     file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
             *        " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"618\" x=\"150\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
             *        "fill=\"#000000\">A* Landmarks: count of landmarks = 40</text>");
             *     file.WriteLine("<text font-weight=\"bold\" stroke=\"#426373\" xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\"" +
             *        " font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"11\" id=\"svg_1\" y=\"618\" x=\"150\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"0\" " +
             *        "fill=\"#000000\">A* Landmarks: count of landmarks = 73</text>");
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // StreamReader r = new StreamReader("C:/Users/L/Desktop/tuples20B.txt");

            List <String> inputs = new List <string>();


            List <ItemTOC> datas = new List <ItemTOC>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                tcs[i] = new SortedList <int, ItemTOC>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                tabs[i] = new int[10];
            foreach (String name in inputs)
                ItemTOC      toc;
                double       op;
                StreamReader r = new StreamReader(name);
                while (!r.EndOfStream)
                    String   s   = r.ReadLine();
                    String[] spl = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        op = double.Parse(spl[i]);
                        int o = (int)Math.Floor(op);
                        toc   = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.simple, o, 0);
                        toc.d = i * 50;
                        tcs[i].Add(-o, toc);
                        tabs[i][toc.ord] = o;
                    s = r.ReadLine();
                    if (s == null)
                    spl = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        op = double.Parse(spl[i]);
                        int o = (int)Math.Floor(op);
                        toc   = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.aStar, o, 0);
                        toc.d = i * 50;
                        tcs[i].Add(-o, toc);
                        tabs[i][toc.ord] = o;
                    s   = r.ReadLine();
                    spl = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        op = double.Parse(spl[i]);
                        int o = (int)Math.Floor(op);
                        toc   = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.l50, o, 0);
                        toc.d = i * 50;
                        tcs[i].Add(-o, toc);
                        tabs[i][toc.ord] = o;
                    s   = r.ReadLine();
                    spl = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        op = double.Parse(spl[i]);
                        int o = (int)Math.Floor(op);
                        toc   = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.l40, o, 0);
                        toc.d = i * 50;
                        tcs[i].Add(-o, toc);
                        tabs[i][toc.ord] = o;
                    s   = r.ReadLine();
                    spl = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        op = double.Parse(spl[i]);
                        int o = (int)Math.Floor(op);
                        toc   = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.l30, o, 0);
                        toc.d = i * 50;
                        tcs[i].Add(-o, toc);
                        tabs[i][toc.ord] = o;
                    s   = r.ReadLine();
                    spl = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        op = double.Parse(spl[i]);
                        int o = (int)Math.Floor(op);
                        toc   = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.l25, o, 0);
                        toc.d = i * 50;
                        tcs[i].Add(-o, toc);
                        tabs[i][toc.ord] = o;
                    s   = r.ReadLine();
                    spl = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        op = double.Parse(spl[i]);
                        int o = (int)Math.Floor(op);
                        toc   = new ItemTOC(ItemTOC.types.l20, o, 0);
                        toc.d = i * 50;
                        tcs[i].Add(-o, toc);
                        tabs[i][toc.ord] = o;

            file = new StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\L\\Desktop\\War.svg");