private static void ProcessGitHubAPIResponse(GitStubProject project, HttpResponseMessage response) { (string code, string msg)err = (null, null); switch (response.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Created: //SUCCESS!! If only it was so easy in the rest of your life... Console.WriteLine($"****GitHub Repository Created:{project.User}/{project.RepoName}"); break; case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: err = ("404", "Not Found. In this context, it probably means a problem with your username or password"); break; case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: err = ("403", "Forbidden. Too many failed login attempts"); break; case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: err = ("401", "Unauthorized. Check username and password"); break; default: err = (response.StatusCode.ToString(), "Not sure what happened here..."); break; } if (err.code != null) { Console.WriteLine($"GitHub API Error, returned ({err.code}) while trying to create the repository. {err.msg}"); Environment.Exit(2); } }
private static void CreateProjectStructure(GitStubProject project) { if (!project.UseExisting) { Console.WriteLine("**Create Project Structure**"); if (project.UseSolution) //if solution was specified, make a simple structure { Console.WriteLine($"****Use Solution: {project.Solution}"); //Create the folder structure =>src/Proj/ var projSubDir = $"src\\{project.Project}"; Directory.CreateDirectory(projSubDir); RunDotnetNew($"sln -n {project.Solution}"); //Create the solution file //Create the project in src/project Console.WriteLine($"****Create Project in src/: {project.Project}"); RunDotnetNew(string.Join(" ", project.NewArgs), $"\\{projSubDir}"); RunDotnetSln($"add {projSubDir}"); //Add the new project to the solution //TODO add tests/testProject and any other structure scaffolding } else { Console.WriteLine($"****Create Project: {project.Project}"); RunDotnetNew(string.Join(" ", project.NewArgs)); } } Console.WriteLine("****Add .gitignore"); //Add .gitignore //Thank you: File.WriteAllText(".gitignore", gitIgnores(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); }
private static void AddCommitPush(GitStubProject project) { Console.WriteLine("**Add Files**"); RunGit("add -A"); //Add all the files in the directory Console.WriteLine($"**Commit Local : {project.CommitMessage}**"); RunGit($"commit -m \"{project.CommitMessage}\""); Console.WriteLine("**Push to Github**"); RunGit("push --set-upstream origin master"); }
private static GitStubProject ProcessArgsArray(string[] args) { GitStubProject project = new GitStubProject(); try { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { switch (args[i].ToLower()) { case "-gsu": project.User = args[++i]; break; case "-gsp": project.Pass = args[++i]; break; case "-gsr": project.Project = args[++i]; break; case "-gss": project.Solution = args[++i]; project.UseSolution = true; break; case "-gsd": project.Desc = args[++i]; break; case "-gsc": project.CommitMessage = args[++i]; break; case "--private": project.AccessPrivate = true; break; case "--existing": project.UseExisting = true; break; case "--sln": project.UseSolution = true; break; default: project.NewArgs.Add(args[i]); break; } } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException outofRange) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Parameters. It's not you baby, it's just the params."); Environment.Exit(2); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(project.ToString()); #endif return(project); }
private static void InitializeLocalRepository(GitStubProject project) { Console.WriteLine("**Git Init**"); //Initialize the local git repo var gitArgs = "init"; RunGit(gitArgs); Console.WriteLine("****Remote add origin"); //Point the repository to github location RunGit($"remote add origin https://{project.Auth}{project.User}/{project.RepoName}.git"); }
private static HttpResponseMessage CreateGitHubRepository(GitStubProject project, StringContent apiContent, HttpClient client) { //Thank you: var gitHubApiUrl = ""; //Thank you: client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(project.Auth))); //Thank you: client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", $"{project.User}/{project.RepoName}"); var response = client.PostAsync(gitHubApiUrl, apiContent).Result; return(response); }
private static void ValidateParameters(GitStubProject project) { List <(string field, string param)> errs = new List <(string, string)>(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.User)) { errs.Add(("your GitHub username", "-gsa <username>")); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.Pass)) { errs.Add(("your GitHub password", "-gsp <password>")); } if (errs.Count > 0) { errs.ForEach(err => Console.WriteLine($"Error: missing parameter, need {err.field}, please specify it with {err.param}")); Environment.Exit(1); } }
private static void CreateGitHubRepository(GitStubProject project) { Console.WriteLine("**Create Github Repository**"); //// This can be extended to provide more parameters to creation, in addition to name and description //Thank you: var apiValues = $"{{\"name\":\"{project.RepoName}\", \"description\":\"{project.Desc}\"{(project.AccessPrivate ? $", \"private\":\"{project.AccessPrivate}\"": "")}}}"; var apiContent = new StringContent(apiValues, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { try { Console.WriteLine("****Post to Github API"); HttpResponseMessage response = CreateGitHubRepository(project, apiContent, client); ProcessGitHubAPIResponse(project, response); } catch (HttpRequestException reqEx) { Console.WriteLine($"HttpRequestException while trying to create the repository on GitHub. The exception says: {reqEx.Message}"); } } }