Example #1
        public override void DrawObjectToMemorize(CairoContextEx gr, int area_width, int area_height, bool rtl)
            string text = string.Empty;

            base.DrawObjectToMemorize (gr, area_width, area_height, rtl);

            for (int i = 0; i < facts.Length; i++)
                text += facts[i].fact;
                text += "\n\n";
            gr.DrawStringWithWrapping (0.3, DrawAreaY + 0.2, text, 0.95 - 0.3);
Example #2
        static void GenerateAnswers(CairoContextEx cr, Game [] games, int columns, int rows)
            int x, y, page;
            string str;
            int column, row;
            const int space_lines = 80;

            x = y = page = 0;
            column = row = 0;

            // Draw solution title
            cr.SetPangoFontSize (20);
            cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (x + margin, y + margin,
                ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Solutions"), width - margin);
            y += space_lines;
            cr.Stroke ();

            cr.SetPangoFontSize (12);
            cr.UseMarkup = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)
                str = String.Format (ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Game #{0}. {1}"), i + 1, games[i].AnswerText);

                // Draw Solution
                cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (x + margin, y + margin, str, width - margin);
                cr.Stroke ();

                y += space_lines;

                // Next lateral page (right)
                if (y + space_lines >= page_height * (row + 1) && x + page_width < page_width * columns) {

                    x = column * page_width;
                    y = row * page_height;
                } else {
                    // No more space (right), new row
                    if (y + space_lines >= page_height * (row + 1) && x + page_width >= page_width * columns) {
                        column = 0;

                        x = column * page_width;
                        y = row * page_height;

                if (page >= rows * columns) {
                    cr.ShowPage ();
                    page = x = y = 0;
                    column = row = 0;

            if (y > 0)
                cr.ShowPage ();
Example #3
        static void GenerateQuestions(CairoContextEx cr, Game [] games, int columns, int rows)
            int x, y, page;
            Game puzzle;
            string str;

            x = y = page = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)
                puzzle = games [i];
                puzzle.Begin ();

                cr.Save ();
                cr.Translate (x, y);
                cr.Rectangle (0, 0, width, height + question_height);
                cr.Clip ();

                // Translators: {0} is the game number and {1} the game question or answer
                // The number is used as reference when looking for the game solution in the PDF
                str = String.Format (ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Game #{0}. {1}"), i + 1, puzzle.Question);

                // Draw question
                cr.SetPangoFontSize (12);
                cr.UseMarkup = true;
                cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (margin, 10, str, width - margin);
                cr.Stroke ();
                cr.UseMarkup = false;

                // Draw from question_height up height since from 0 to question_height is the question
                // Translate adds always to previous matrix's transformation
                cr.Translate (0, question_height);
                puzzle.DrawPreview (cr, width, height, false);
                if (i == 0) {
                    cr.Save ();
                    cr.SetPangoFontSize (0.02);
                    cr.MoveTo (0.05, 0.95);
                    cr.ShowPangoText (String.Format (ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Created by gbrainy {0}"), Defines.VERSION));
                    cr.Stroke ();
                    cr.Restore ();

                x += width + margin;
                if (x > width + margin) {
                    x = 0;
                    y += height + margin + question_height;
                cr.Restore ();
                cr.Stroke ();

                if (page >= columns * rows) {
                    cr.ShowPage ();
                    page = x = y = 0;

            if (y > 0)
                cr.ShowPage ();
Example #4
        public void Draw(CairoContextEx gr, int area_width, int area_height, bool rtl)
            double y = 0.04, x = 0.05;
            const double space_small = 0.02;
            List <PlayerPersonalRecord> records;
            string s, tip, played;
            double width, height;

            gr.Scale (area_width, area_height);
            gr.Color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 1);

            gr.MoveTo (x, y);
            gr.ShowPangoText (Translations.GetString ("Score"), false, -1, 0);
            DrawBand (gr, 0.03, y - 0.01);

            y += 0.08;
            gr.MoveTo (x, y);

            s = session.History.GetResult (Translations);

            // Translator: This will be part of the sentence "Games won: 10 (6 played)"
            played = String.Format (Translations.GetPluralString ("{0} played", "{0} played", session.History.GamesPlayed),

            if (s == string.Empty) {
                gr.ShowPangoText (String.Format (Translations.GetPluralString ("Games won: {0} ({1})",
                    "Games won: {0} ({1})", session.History.GamesWon), session.History.GamesWon, played));
            else {
                gr.ShowPangoText (String.Format (Translations.GetPluralString ("{0}. Games won: {1} ({2})",
                    "{0}. Games won: {1} ({2})", session.History.GamesWon),	s, session.History.GamesWon, played));

            y += 0.06;
            gr.MoveTo (x, y);
            gr.ShowPangoText (String.Format (Translations.GetString ("Time played {0} (average per game {1})"), session.GameTime, session.TimePerGame));

            y += 0.09;
            DrawColumnBarGraphic (gr, x, y);

            y += 0.36;
            gr.MoveTo (x, y);
            gr.SetPangoFontSize (smaller_font);
            // Translators: translated string should not be longer that the English original (space restriction on the UI)
            gr.ShowPangoText (Translations.GetString ("For details on how gbrainy's scoring works refer to the help."));

            y += 0.07;
            gr.SetPangoNormalFontSize ();
            records	= session.PlayerHistory.GetLastGameRecords ();
            gr.MoveTo (x, y);

            if (records.Count == 0) {
                bool caching = cached_sessionid != session.ID;

                gr.ShowPangoText (Translations.GetString ("Tips for your next games"), false, -1, 0);
                DrawBand (gr, 0.03, y - 0.01);

                y += 0.08;

                if (caching)
                    tips.Clear ();

                for (int i = 0; i < tips_shown; i++)
                    if (caching)
                        tips.Add (game_tips.Tip);

                    tip = "- " + tips [i];

                    gr.MeasureString (tip, 1.0 - x, true, out width, out height);

                    if (y + height > 0.98)

                    gr.DrawStringWithWrapping (x, y, tip , 1.0 - x);
                    y += height + space_small;

                if (caching)
                    cached_sessionid = session.ID;
            else  {
                gr.ShowPangoText (Translations.GetString ("Congratulations! New personal record"), false, -1, 0);
                DrawBand (gr, 0.03, y - 0.01);

                y += 0.08;

                for (int i = 0; i < records.Count; i++)
                    switch (records[i].GameType) {
                    case GameTypes.LogicPuzzle:
                        s = String.Format (Translations.
                            GetString ("By scoring {0} in logic puzzle games you have established a new personal record. Your previous record was {1}."),
                    case GameTypes.Calculation:
                        s = String.Format (Translations.
                            GetString ("By scoring {0} in calculation games you have established a new personal record. Your previous record was {1}."),
                    case GameTypes.Memory:
                        s = String.Format (Translations.
                            GetString ("By scoring {0} in memory games you have established a new personal record. Your previous record was {1}."),
                    case GameTypes.VerbalAnalogy:
                        s = String.Format (Translations.
                            GetString ("By scoring {0} in verbal analogies you have established a new personal record. Your previous record was {1}."),

                    tip = "- " + s;

                    gr.MeasureString (tip, 1.0 - x, true, out width, out height);

                    if (y + height > 0.98)

                    gr.DrawStringWithWrapping (x, y, tip , 1.0 - x);
                    y += height + space_small;

            gr.Stroke ();
Example #5
        void GenerateQuestions(CairoContextEx cr, Game [] games, int columns, int rows)
            int    x, y, page;
            Game   puzzle;
            string str;

            x = y = page = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)
                puzzle = games [i];

                cr.Translate(x, y);
                cr.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height + question_height);

                // Translators: {0} is the game number and {1} the game question or answer
                // The number is used as reference when looking for the game solution in the PDF
                str = String.Format(Translations.GetString("Game #{0}. {1}"), i + 1, puzzle.Question);

                // Draw question
                cr.UseMarkup = true;
                cr.DrawStringWithWrapping(margin, 10, str, width - margin);
                cr.UseMarkup = false;

                // Draw from question_height up height since from 0 to question_height is the question
                // Translate adds always to previous matrix's transformation
                cr.Translate(0, question_height);
                puzzle.DrawPreview(cr, width, height, false);
                if (i == 0)
                    cr.MoveTo(0.05, 0.95);
                    cr.ShowPangoText(String.Format(Translations.GetString("Created by gbrainy {0}"), Defines.VERSION));

                x += width + margin;
                if (x > width + margin)
                    x  = 0;
                    y += height + margin + question_height;

                if (page >= columns * rows)
                    page = x = y = 0;

            if (y > 0)
Example #6
        void GenerateAnswers(CairoContextEx cr, Game [] games, int columns, int rows)
            int       x, y, page;
            string    str;
            int       column, row;
            const int space_lines = 80;

            x      = y = page = 0;
            column = row = 0;

            // Draw solution title
            cr.DrawStringWithWrapping(x + margin, y + margin, Translations.GetString("Solutions"), width - margin);
            y += space_lines;

            cr.UseMarkup = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)
                str = String.Format(Translations.GetString("Game #{0}. {1}"), i + 1, games[i].AnswerText);

                // Draw Solution
                cr.DrawStringWithWrapping(x + margin, y + margin, str, width - margin);

                y += space_lines;

                // Next lateral page (right)
                if (y + space_lines >= page_height * (row + 1) && x + page_width < page_width * columns)

                    x = column * page_width;
                    y = row * page_height;
                    // No more space (right), new row
                    if (y + space_lines >= page_height * (row + 1) && x + page_width >= page_width * columns)
                        column = 0;

                        x = column * page_width;
                        y = row * page_height;

                if (page >= rows * columns)
                    page   = x = y = 0;
                    column = row = 0;

            if (y > 0)
        void DrawSolution(CairoContextEx cr, int height, double max_width)
            if (UseSolutionArea == false || String.IsNullOrEmpty (Solution) == true)

            double width_str, height_str, x_text, icon_x, icon_w, icon_h, box_height_scaled;

            cr.Save ();
            cr.LineWidth = 0.001;

            icon_w = icon_size * (cr.Matrix.Xx > cr.Matrix.Yy ? cr.Matrix.Yy / cr.Matrix.Xx : 1);
            icon_h = icon_size * (cr.Matrix.Yy > cr.Matrix.Xx ? cr.Matrix.Xx / cr.Matrix.Yy : 1);

            cr.MeasureString (Solution, max_width - icon_w, true, out width_str, out height_str);

            // In case that the string to show is longer than the space reserved (long translations for example)
            // allow the box to grow taking part of the lower part of the graphic
            box_height_scaled = Math.Max (height_str, (double) solution_high / (double) height);

            // Draw black box
            cr.Color = new Color (0.1, 0.1, 0.1);

            cr.Rectangle (text_margin,
                1 - box_height_scaled - text_margin,
            cr.Fill ();
            cr.Stroke ();

            // Draw text and icon
            cr.Color = new Color (1, 1, 1);

            if (Direction == Gtk.TextDirection.Rtl)
                x_text = 0;
                icon_x = max_width - icon_w;
                x_text =  icon_w + text_margin;
                icon_x = 0;

            cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (x_text,
                (1 - box_height_scaled - text_margin) + ((box_height_scaled - height_str) / 2),
                Solution, max_width - icon_w);
            cr.Stroke ();

            DrawSolutionIcon (cr, icon_x,
                (1 - box_height_scaled - text_margin) + ((box_height_scaled - icon_h) / 2),
                icon_w, icon_h);
            cr.Restore ();
        void DrawQuestion(CairoContextEx cr, int height, double max_width)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Question) == true)

            cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (text_margin, text_margin, Question, max_width);
            cr.Stroke ();

            double w, h, question_high_scaled;
            cr.MeasureString (Question, max_width, true, out w, out h);

            // We use a minimum hight, but if the text is longer (L10 versions) move the line as needed
            question_high_scaled = Math.Max (question_high / (double) height, h);
            cr.LineWidth = 0.002;
            cr.MoveTo (0.01, question_high_scaled + 0.01);
            cr.LineTo (0.99, question_high_scaled + 0.01);
            cr.Stroke ();
Example #9
        public void Draw(CairoContextEx gr, int area_width, int area_height, bool rtl)
            double y = 0.03;

            gr.Scale (area_width, area_height);
            gr.LineWidth = 0.005;

            gr.Color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 1);

            gr.MoveTo (0.05, y);
            // Translators: {0} is the version number of the program
            gr.ShowPangoText (String.Format (ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Welcome to gbrainy {0}"), Defines.VERSION), true, -1, 0);
            gr.Stroke ();

            gr.DrawStringWithWrapping (0.05, y + 0.07,
                ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained. It includes:"),
                1 - 0.05);

            y = 0.22 + space * 3;
            gr.DrawStringWithWrapping (0.05, y + 0.17,  ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Use the Settings to adjust the difficulty level of the game."),
                1 - 0.05);
            gr.Stroke ();

            foreach (Toolkit.Container container in containers)
                container.Draw (gr, area_width, area_height, rtl);