Example #1
        public static int SearchPlayer(TicTacToe[] games, User player, Channel channel)
            int r = -1;                            //if it couldn't find it

            for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++) // iterate through all variables in 'games' by initially setting int 'i' to 0, checking if it's less than the total number of games, then adding one
                TicTacToe game = games[i];
                if (game.channel == channel)                           // checks if the game's channel is the same as the requested channel
                    if (game.cross == player || game.circle == player) // checks if command runner is player 1 or 2 in any active game
                        r = i;                                         // sets 'r' as 'i'
                        break;                                         // ends 'for' loop
            return(r);            // returns 'r' (the index in the array) back to initiating code
Example #2
        public static TicTacToe ToClass(JSON.TicTacToe t, DiscordClient client)
             * Console.WriteLine(t.Circle);
             * Console.WriteLine(t.Channel);*/

            Channel c = client.GetChannel(t.Channel);

            /*if (c != null)
             *      Console.WriteLine(c.Id);
             * else
             *      Console.WriteLine("is null");*/
            TicTacToe ttt = new TicTacToe(c.GetUser(t.Cross), c.GetUser(t.Circle), c);

            ttt.game = t.Game;
Example #3
 public static JSON.TicTacToe ToStruct(TicTacToe t)
Example #4
        public void Start()
            _client.Log.Message += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine($"[{e.Severity}] {e.Source}: {e.Message}");

            _client.MessageReceived += async(s, e) =>
                    if (!e.User.IsBot)
                        string msg    = e.Message.Text;
                        string rawcmd = "no-cmd";                         // Filler command
                        if (msg.StartsWith(prefix))                       // Check if message starts with prefix
                            rawcmd = msg.Replace(prefix, "");             // Set rawcmd to full command (cmd + arguments)
                        string cmd = rawcmd.Split(' ')[0];                // Grab just the command

                        string[] par = msg.Split(' ').Skip(1).ToArray();  // Grabs the arguments used in the command

//						string parContents = null;
//						foreach (string arg in par)
//							parContents += arg + " ";
//						Console.WriteLine(parContents);

                        if (cmd == "help")                         // help command code
                            string greet = "Heya! I'm gamebot, a bot for automating various games. Here's a list of games/commands you can use:";
                            string help  = "`g!help` - displays info about the bot & bot commands";
                            string info  = "`g!info` - displays extra info about the bot";
                            string ttt   = "`g!ttt` - displays help about tic-tac-toe";

                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{greet}\n\n{help}\n{info}\n{ttt}");
                        else if (cmd == "info")                         // info command
                            string contributors = "`Noahkiq` and `Technochips`";
                            string message      = $"Heya! I'm gamebot, a bot for automating various games. I've been created by {contributors}. You can report issues, make suggestions, or examine my source code at <https://github.com/Noahkiq/gamebot/>.";
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage(message);
                        else if (cmd == "ttt")                         // tictactoe command code
                            string helpNew    = $"Type `{prefix}{cmd} new <mention>` to invite someone to play Tic Tac Toe.";
                            string helpPlay   = $"Type `{prefix}{cmd} play <X> <Y>` to place a cross or a circle in a game.";
                            string helpCancel = $"Type `{prefix}{cmd} cancel` to cancel your current game in this channel.";
                            if (par.Length == 1)                             // checks if only one command argument was supplied
                                if (par[0] == "new")
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage(helpNew);                                     // outputs the 'helpNew' string if the argument was 'new'
                                else if (par[0] == "play")
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage(helpPlay);                                     // same as above comment, but with 'helpPlay' string and 'play' arg
                                else if (par[0] == "cancel")
                                    int i = TicTacToe.SearchPlayer(TTTGames.ToArray(), e.User, e.Channel); // searches for a game with command runner and channel
                                    if (i != -1)                                                           //checks if it actually finds a player
                                        TTTGames.RemoveAt(i);                                              // deletes game at 'i', which will be the current game if found
                                        await e.Channel.SendMessage($"The game has successfully been cancelled.");
                                        await e.Channel.SendMessage($"You are currently not in a game in this channel.");
                                else if (par[0] == "save")
                                    List <JSON.TicTacToe> ttts = new List <JSON.TicTacToe>();
                                    foreach (TicTacToe t in TTTGames)
                                    Save.Saves(ttts.ToArray(), "ttt.json");
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{helpNew}\n{helpPlay}\n{helpCancel}");
                            else if (par.Length == 2 || par.Length == 4)                             // checks if two or four arguments were supplied
                                if (par[0] == "play")
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage(helpPlay);                                     // too few requirements were supplied so help is shown
                                else if (par[0] == "cancel")
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage(helpCancel);
                                else if (par[0] == "new")
                                    User[] mentioned = e.Message.MentionedUsers.ToArray();
                                    if (mentioned.Length != 1 || mentioned[0] == null)
                                        await e.Channel.SendMessage(helpNew);                                         // too few (or many) users were mentioned, help is show
                                        var i = TicTacToe.SearchPlayer(TTTGames.ToArray(), e.User, e.Channel);       //search the user
                                        var j = TicTacToe.SearchPlayer(TTTGames.ToArray(), mentioned[0], e.Channel); //search the mentioned user
                                        if (i == -1 && j == -1)                                                      //if it doesn't find anything
                                            if (mentioned[0].IsBot)
                                                await e.Channel.SendMessage($"You cannot play against another bot!");
                                            // else if (mentioned[0].Status.Value == UserStatus.Offline)
                                            //     await e.Channel.SendMessage($"You cannot play against an offline/invisible user!");
                                            else if (mentioned[0] == e.User)
                                                await e.Channel.SendMessage($"You cannot play a game with yourself!");
                                                if (par.Length == 2)
                                                    TTTGames.Add(new TicTacToe(e.User, mentioned[0], e.Channel));                                                     // a new TTT game is added to 'TTTGames' with the command runner, opponent, and channel
                                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage("A new game has started!");
                                                else if (par.Length == 3)
                                                    bool validInts = true;

                                                        validInts = false;

                                                    if (validInts)
                                                        TTTGames.Add(new TicTacToe(e.User, mentioned[0], e.Channel, int.Parse(par[2]), int.Parse(par[3])));                                                         // a new TTT game is added to 'TTTGames' with the command runner, opponent, channel, and board size
                                                        await e.Channel.SendMessage($"A new game has started with a board size of {int.Parse(par[2])} x {int.Parse(par[3])}!");
                                                        await e.Channel.SendMessage($"**Error:** Invalid integers were supplied for the board size.");
                                        else if (i != -1)                                                               //if it has found the user
                                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("You are already in a game in this channel.");  //the user cannot play two game in a channel
                                        else if (j != -1)                                                               //if it has found the mentioned user
                                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("They are already in a game in this channel."); //the user cannot play with another user playing another game
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{helpNew}\n{helpPlay}\n{helpCancel}");                                     // send default help message if no valid commands were detected
                            else if (par.Length == 3)
                                if (par[0] == "new")
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage(helpNew);                                     // too many requirements were supplied so help is shown
                                else if (par[0] == "cancel")
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage(helpCancel);
                                else if (par[0] == "play")
                                    int i = TicTacToe.SearchPlayer(TTTGames.ToArray(), e.User, e.Channel);
                                    if (i != -1)                                                                       //checks if it actually finds a player
                                        bool?isc = TTTGames[i].TakeTurn(e.User, int.Parse(par[1]), int.Parse(par[2])); //check the turn
                                        if (isc == true)                                                               //if the turn was successful
                                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("```\n" + TTTGames[i].DrawGame() + "```");     //write down the game

                                            var c = TTTGames[i].CheckGame();                                           //check if someone wins
                                            if (c == TicTacToe.GameStat.CircleWin || c == TicTacToe.GameStat.CrossWin) //if someone wins
                                                await e.Channel.SendMessage($"Congratulation, <@{e.User.Id}>, you won!");

                                                TTTGames.RemoveAt(i);                                                 //delete the game
                                            else if (c == TicTacToe.GameStat.Tie)                                     //if there is a tie
                                                await e.Channel.SendMessage("You are both stuck, there is a tie. The game has ended.");

                                                TTTGames.RemoveAt(i);                                                 //delete the game
                                            //otherwise well the game continues
                                        else if (isc == false)
                                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("It's not your turn.");                                             //the user cannot play if it's not his turn
                                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("You can't place a shape onto another shape.");                                             //the user cannot cheat by replacing a shape
                                        await e.Channel.SendMessage("You are currently not in a game in this channel.");                                         //the user cannot play if he's not playing
                                    await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{helpNew}\n{helpPlay}\n{helpCancel}");                                     // invalid arguments given, help displayed
                                await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{helpNew}\n{helpPlay}\n{helpCancel}");
//						else if (cmd == "hangman") // hangman command code
//						{
//							if (par.Length == 1) // checks if only one command argument was supplied
//							{
//								if (par[0] == "new") {
//									await e.Channel.SendMessage("Setting up game..."); // outputs string
//								}
//							}
//						}
                        else if (cmd == "crash")
                            throw new Exception("Manual crash tester.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await e.Channel.SendMessage("**Error:** A unexcepted error happened.\nIf you think this bug should be fixed, go here: <https://github.com/Noahkiq/gamebot/issues>");

                    if (ex.ToString().Length < 2000)
                        await e.Channel.SendMessage($"```\n{ex}```");
            string token = File.ReadAllText("bot-token.txt");

            _client.ExecuteAndWait(async() =>
                await _client.Connect(token, TokenType.Bot);
            _client.Ready += (s, e) =>
                if (File.Exists(Save.path + "ttt.json"))
                    JSON.TicTacToe[] gamej = Save.Load <JSON.TicTacToe[]>("ttt.json");
                    foreach (JSON.TicTacToe j in gamej)
                        TTTGames.Add(TicTacToe.ToClass(j, _client));