Example #1
        // this should be more efficient when there are holes...
        public double DistanceSquared(Vector2d p, out int iHoleIndex, out int iNearSeg, out double fNearSegT)
            iNearSeg  = iHoleIndex = -1;
            fNearSegT = double.MaxValue;
            double dist = outer.DistanceSquared(p, out iNearSeg, out fNearSegT);

            for (int i = 0; i < Holes.Count; ++i)
                int    seg; double segt;
                double holedist = Holes[i].DistanceSquared(p, out seg, out segt);
                if (holedist < dist)
                    dist       = holedist;
                    iHoleIndex = i;
                    iNearSeg   = seg;
                    fNearSegT  = segt;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constrained laplacian smoothing of input polygon, alpha X iterations.
        /// vertices are only allowed to move at most max_dist from constraint
        /// if bAllowShrink == false, vertices are kept outside input polygon
        /// if bAllowGrow == false, vertices are kept inside input polygon
        /// max_dist is measured from vertex[i] to original_vertex[i], unless
        /// you set bPerVertexDistances = false, then distance to original polygon
        /// is used (which is much more expensive)
        /// [TODO] this is pretty hacky...could be better in lots of ways...
        /// </summary>
        public static void LaplacianSmoothConstrained(Polygon2d poly, double alpha, int iterations,
                                                      double max_dist, bool bAllowShrink, bool bAllowGrow, bool bPerVertexDistances = true)
            Polygon2d origPoly = new Polygon2d(poly);

            int N = poly.VertexCount;

            Vector2d[] newV = new Vector2d[poly.VertexCount];

            double max_dist_sqr = max_dist * max_dist;

            double beta = 1.0 - alpha;

            for (int ii = 0; ii < iterations; ++ii)
                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                    Vector2d curpos    = poly[i];
                    Vector2d smoothpos = (poly[(i + N - 1) % N] + poly[(i + 1) % N]) * 0.5;

                    bool do_smooth = true;
                    if (bAllowShrink == false || bAllowGrow == false)
                        bool is_inside = origPoly.Contains(smoothpos);
                        if (is_inside == true)
                            do_smooth = bAllowShrink;
                            do_smooth = bAllowGrow;

                    // [RMS] this is old code...I think not correct?
                    //bool contained = true;
                    //if (bAllowShrink == false || bAllowGrow == false)
                    //    contained = origPoly.Contains(smoothpos);
                    //bool do_smooth = true;
                    //if (bAllowShrink && contained == false)
                    //    do_smooth = false;
                    //if (bAllowGrow && contained == true)
                    //    do_smooth = false;

                    if (do_smooth)
                        Vector2d newpos = beta * curpos + alpha * smoothpos;
                        if (bPerVertexDistances)
                            while (origPoly[i].DistanceSquared(newpos) > max_dist_sqr)
                                newpos = (newpos + curpos) * 0.5;
                            while (origPoly.DistanceSquared(newpos) > max_dist_sqr)
                                newpos = (newpos + curpos) * 0.5;
                        newV[i] = newpos;
                        newV[i] = curpos;

                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                    poly[i] = newV[i];