Example #1
 public VClass(VAssembly assembly, TypeDefinition typeDefinition)
     VAssembly = assembly;
     TypeDefinition = typeDefinition;
     foreach (var method in typeDefinition.Methods)
         VMethods.Add(new VMethod(this, method));
Example #2
        private void loadAssembly(string filename)
            filename = filename.ToLower();

            if (VAssemblies.Any(va => va.Filename == filename))

            if (!File.Exists(filename))

            var vassembly = new VAssembly(this, filename);

            foreach (var m in vassembly.AssemblyDefinition.Modules)
                foreach (var ar in m.AssemblyReferences)
                    loadAssembly(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), ar.Name + ".dll"));
Example #3
        private static CodeIsland createOne(VisionContent vContent, Archipelag archipelag, VAssembly assembly, ref int x, ref int y)
            var t = Matrix.Translation(-y*600, -0.5f, -900 - x*600);
            var codeIsland = new CodeIsland(vContent, archipelag, t, assembly);

            if (x > 4)
                x = 0;

            return codeIsland;
Example #4
        public CodeIsland(
            VisionContent vContent,
            Archipelag archipelag,
            Matrix world,
            VAssembly vassembly)
            : base(vContent)
            Archipelag = archipelag;
            VAssembly = vassembly;
            World = world;

            if (VAssembly.Is3DParty)
                DrawableBox = new DrawableBox(vContent, World, new Vector3(50, 20, 50), 0.01f);
                foreach (var vclass in vassembly.VClasses)
                    var vc = new VisionClass(this, vclass, 75, 75, 5) {Height = 10};
                    Classes.Add(vclass.FullName, vc);

            var rnd = new Random();

            var interfaceClasses = new List<VClass>();
            var implementationClasses = new List<VClass>();
            foreach (var vclass in vassembly.VClasses)
                if (vclass.IsInterface)

            var circleMaster = new CircleMaster<VClass>();
            var q = 0;
            foreach (var vclass in interfaceClasses)
                circleMaster.Drop(q += 10, 0, 10, vclass);

            foreach (var vclass in implementationClasses)
                circleMaster.Drop(q += 5, 0, 4 + (int) Math.Sqrt(vclass.InstructionCount), vclass);

            int left, top, right, bottom;
            circleMaster.GetBounds(out left, out top, out right, out bottom);
            foreach (var c in circleMaster.Circles)
                var vc = new VisionClass(this, c.Tag, ClassSide/2 + c.X - left, ClassSide/2 + c.Y - top, c.R);
                Classes.Add(c.Tag.FullName, vc);

            var surfaceWidth = 1 << (1 + (int) (Math.Log(right - left)/Math.Log(2)));
            var surfaceHeight = 1 << (1 + (int) (Math.Log(bottom - top)/Math.Log(2)));

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("{0}: {1} {2}", vassembly.Name, surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight);

            //var qq = Math.Max(surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight);
            var ground = new GroundMap(surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight);

            BoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(
                world.TranslationVector.X + ground.Width / 2f,
                world.TranslationVector.Z + ground.Height / 2f),
                (float)Math.Sqrt(ground.Width * ground.Width + ground.Height * ground.Height) / 2);

            foreach (var vc in Classes.Values)
                var instructHeight = (vc.VClass.IsInterface ? 40 : 10) + (float) Math.Pow(vc.VClass.InstructionCount, 0.3);
                var maintainabilityFactor = 3*(10 - vc.MaintainabilityIndex/10);
                var radius = vc.R;
                var middleX = vc.X - radius;
                var middleY = vc.Y - radius;
                var bellShapeFactor = 2f/(radius*1.7f);
                    middleX, middleY,
                    radius*2, radius*2,
                    (px, py,  h) =>
                        var dx = px - radius;
                        var dy = py - radius;
                        var d = (dx*dx + dy*dy)*bellShapeFactor*bellShapeFactor;
                        var sharpness = (px & 1) != (py & 1) ? maintainabilityFactor : 0;
                        return h + instructHeight*(float) Math.Exp(-d*d) + sharpness*(float) rnd.NextDouble();

                var height = ground[vc.X, vc.Y];
                vc.Height = height;

            // raise the point where the sign is
            foreach (var vc in Classes.Values)
                ground[vc.X, vc.Y] += 6;

            //...and lower it...

            //make GroundMap slices seamless
            for (var x = 64; x < surfaceWidth; x += TerrainPlane.SquareSize)
                for (var y = 0; y < surfaceHeight; y++)
                    ground[x, y] = ground[x - 1, y] = (ground[x, y] + ground[x - 1, y])/2;
            for (var y = 64; y < surfaceHeight; y += TerrainPlane.SquareSize)
                for (var x = 0; x < surfaceWidth; x++)
                    ground[x, y] = ground[x, y - 1] = (ground[x, y] + ground[x, y - 1])/2;

            foreach (var vc in Classes.Values)
                vc.Height = ground[vc.X, vc.Y];

            var normals = ground.CreateNormalsMap(ref world);

            var signs = new Signs(
                world*Matrix.Translation(0, -0.1f, 0),

            var qqq = world; //*Matrix.Translation(0, 0.05f, 0);
            var ms = new CxBillboard(vContent, Matrix.Identity, vContent.Load<Texture2D>("billboards/grass"), 1, 1, 0.5f);
            foreach (var vc in Classes.Values)
                for (var i = (vc.CyclomaticComplexity - 1)*2; i > 0; i--)
                    var gx = vc.X + ((float) rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5f)*(ClassSide - 3);
                    var gy = vc.Y + ((float) rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5f)*(ClassSide - 3);
                        Vector3.TransformCoordinate(new Vector3(gx, ground.GetExactHeight(gx, gy), gy), qqq),
                        normals.AsVector3(vc.X, vc.Y));

            var weights = ground.CreateWeigthsMap(new[] {0, 0.40f, 0.60f, 0.9f});
            //weights.DrawLine(0, 0, 20, 20, 1, (_, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { I = 100 });
            //weights.AlterValues(20, 20, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) =>
            //    mt.B = 1;
            //    return mt;
            //weights.AlterValues(40, 40, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { C = 100 });
            //weights.AlterValues(60, 60, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { D = 10 });
            //weights.AlterValues(80, 80, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { E = 10 });
            //weights.AlterValues(100, 100, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { F = 10 });
            //weights.AlterValues(120, 120, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { G = 10 });
            //weights.AlterValues(140, 140, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { H = 10 });
            //weights.AlterValues(160, 160, 20, 20, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 { I = 100, A = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y) });

            //foreach (var vc in Classes.Values.Where(_ => !_.CalledClasses.Any()))
            //    weights.AlterValues(vc.X - vc.R, vc.Y - vc.R, vc.R*2, vc.R*2, (x, y, mt) => new Mt9Surface.Mt9 {I = 100});

            initialize(ground, weights, normals);
Example #5
 private static string metricsFilename(string metricsFolder, VAssembly vassembly)
     return Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(metricsFolder, Path.GetFileName(vassembly.Filename)), ".Metrics.txt");