public API() { AuthToken = string.Empty; IsDesktopApplication = true; InstalledCulture = CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture; _auth = new auth(this); _marketplace = new marketplace(this); _admin = new admin(this); _photos = new photos(this); _friends = new friends(this); _users = new users(this); _events = new events(this); _groups = new groups(this); _notifications = new notifications(this); _profile = new profile(this); _fbml = new fbml(this); _feed = new feed(this); _fql = new fql(this); _liveMessage = new liveMessage(this); _batch = new batch(this); _pages = new pages(this); _application = new application(this); _data = new data(this); _permissions = new permissions(this); }
public void createObjectTypeTest() { dropObjectTypeTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestType; target.createObjectType(name); var existingTypes = target.getObjectTypes(); foreach (var typ in existingTypes) { Assert.AreEqual(,name); } }
public void createObjectTest() { defineObjectPropertyTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; var properties = new Dictionary<string, string> { { Constants.TestObjectPropertyName, Constants.TestPropertyValue } }; var ret = target.createObject(obj_type, null); Assert.IsNotNull(ret); ret = target.createObject(obj_type, properties); _objectID = ret; Assert.IsNotNull(ret); }
public void defineAssociationTest() { DropAssociations(); createObjectTypeTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestAssociationDefName; int assoc_type = 2; assoc_object_type assoc_info1 = new assoc_object_type { alias = Constants.TestAssociationDefAlias1, object_type = Constants.TestType }; assoc_object_type assoc_info2 = new assoc_object_type { alias = Constants.TestAssociationDefAlias2, object_type = Constants.TestType }; bool? inverse = null; target.defineAssociation(name, assoc_type, assoc_info1, assoc_info2, inverse); }
public void setAssociationsTest() { //Does't work right now: //Invalid parameter: associations. Get2ObjectIDs(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); List<DataAssociation> assocs = new List<DataAssociation> { new DataAssociation { assoc_time = DateTime.Now, data = Constants.TestAssociationData1, id1 = _id1, id2 = _id2, name = Constants.TestAssociationDefName }, new DataAssociation { assoc_time = DateTime.Now, data = Constants.TestAssociationData2, id1 = _id1, id2 = _id2, name = Constants.TestAssociationDefName } }; string name = Constants.TestAssociationName; target.setAssociations(assocs, name); }
public void renameObjectTypeTest() { createObjectTypeTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; string new_name = Constants.TestTypeRename; target.renameObjectType(obj_type, new_name); var types =; foreach(var typ in types) { Assert.AreEqual(,new_name); } }
public void getHashValueTest() { setHashValueTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; string key = Constants.TestHashKey; string prop_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName; string expected = Constants.TestHashValue; string actual; actual = target.getHashValue(obj_type, key, prop_name); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void undefineAssociationTest() { defineAssociationTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestAssociationDefName; target.undefineAssociation(name); try { target.getAssociationDefinition(name); } catch (Utility.FacebookException e) { //If it's not there, the we've we've succesfully removed the assn. if (e.ErrorCode != 803) throw e; //Return since we've passed return; } Assert.Fail("An exception should have been caught since the assn should have been removed"); }
public void getObjectsTest() { //Currently get the following exception: //A database error occurred. Please try again: unable to fetch all objects. API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); createObjectTest(); long id1 = _objectID; createObjectTest(); long id2 = _objectID; List<long> obj_ids = new List<long> {id1, id2}; target.getObjects(obj_ids, null); }
public void setHashValueTest() { createObjectTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; string key = Constants.TestHashKey; string value = Constants.TestHashValue; string prop_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName; long actual = target.setHashValue(obj_type, key, value, prop_name); _hashID = actual; //Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(long)); Assert.IsTrue(actual>0); var ret = target.getHashValue(Constants.TestType, Constants.TestHashKey, Constants.TestObjectPropertyName); Assert.AreEqual(ret, Constants.TestHashValue); }
public void setUserPreferencesTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); List<string> values = new List<string> { Constants.TestString2, Constants.TestString3}; bool replace = true; target.setUserPreferences(values, replace); //TODO: Figure out why there is no data coming back. Could be a problem with the facebook api //for (int i = 0; i < 202; i++) //{ // var res = target.getUserPreference(i); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString()+ ": "+ res); //} string result1 = target.getUserPreference(0); Assert.AreEqual(Constants.TestString2, result1); string result2 = target.getUserPreference(1); Assert.AreEqual(Constants.TestString3, result2); }
public void removeAssociationsTest() { //No DataAssociation object is provided by the XSD, so this will not work. API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); List<DataAssociation> assocs = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string name = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.removeAssociations(assocs, name); //Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void removeAssociationTest() { setAssociationTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestType; target.removeAssociation(name, _id1, _id2); }
public void incHashValueTest() { setHashValueTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; string key = Constants.TestHashKey; string prop_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName; int increment = 2; long expected = long.Parse(Constants.TestHashValue) + increment; long actual; actual = target.incHashValue(obj_type, key, prop_name,increment); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void removeAssociatedObjectsTest() { setAssociationTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestType; long obj_id = _id1; target.removeAssociatedObjects(name, obj_id); }
public void getUserPreferenceTest() { setUserPreferenceTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); int pref_id = 0; string expected = Constants.TestString1; string actual; actual = target.getUserPreference(pref_id); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void getObjectTypeTest() { defineObjectPropertyTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; IList<object_property_info> expected = new List<object_property_info> { new object_property_info { name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName, data_type = 2, index_type = 0 } }; IList<object_property_info> actual; actual = target.getObjectType(obj_type); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].name, actual[0].name); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].data_type, actual[0].data_type); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0].index_type, actual[0].index_type); }
public void getObjectTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); createObjectTest(); long obj_id = _objectID; List<string> prop_names = null; data_getObject_response expected = null; data_getObject_response actual; }
public void setAssociationTest() { Get2ObjectIDs(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestType; string data = Constants.TestAssociationData1; DateTime assoc_time = DateTime.Now; target.setAssociation(name, _id1, _id2, data, assoc_time); }
public void removeHashKeysTest() { //test currently fails with the error: //A database error occurred. Please try again: unable to lookup hash keys. removeHashKeysTest setHashValueTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; List<string> keys = new List<string>{_hashID.ToString()}; target.removeHashKeys(obj_type, keys); var ret = target.getHashValue(Constants.TestType, Constants.TestHashKey, Constants.TestObjectPropertyName); Assert.AreEqual(ret, string.Empty); }
public void setCookieTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); long uid = Constants.FBSamples_UserId; string cookieName = Constants.TestString1; string value = Constants.TestString2; Nullable<DateTime> expires = null; string path = string.Empty; bool expected = true; bool actual; actual = target.setCookie(uid, cookieName, value, expires, path); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void undefineObjectPropertyTest() { defineObjectPropertyTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; string prop_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName; //Check to make sure we've got just one from out setup var types =; Assert.AreEqual(types.Count, 1); //Should have been dropped at this point. target.undefineObjectProperty(obj_type, prop_name); types =; Assert.AreEqual(types.Count,0); }
public void setObjectPropertyTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); createObjectTest(); long obj_id = _objectID; string prop_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName; string prop_value = Constants.TestPropertyValue; target.setObjectProperty(obj_id, prop_name, prop_value); var typ = target.getObject(_objectID,null); Assert.IsTrue(typ.Untyped.Value.IndexOf(prop_value) > 0); }
public void getCookiesTest2() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); long uid = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IList<cookie> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value IList<cookie> actual; actual = target.getCookies(uid); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void setUserPreferenceTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); int pref_id = 0; string value = Constants.TestString1; target.setUserPreference(pref_id, value); Assert.IsTrue(1 == 1); }
public void renameObjectPropertyTest() { defineObjectPropertyTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; string prop_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName; string new_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyNewName; target.renameObjectProperty(obj_type, prop_name, new_name); var typ = target.getObjectType(obj_type); Assert.AreEqual(typ[0].name, Constants.TestObjectPropertyNewName); }
public void removeHashKeyTest() { setHashValueTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string obj_type = Constants.TestType; string key = Constants.TestHashKey; target.removeHashKey(obj_type, key); var ret = target.getHashValue(Constants.TestType, Constants.TestHashKey, Constants.TestObjectPropertyName); Assert.AreEqual(ret, string.Empty); }
public void getObjectPropertyTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); createObjectTest(); long obj_id = _objectID; string prop_name = Constants.TestObjectPropertyName; string expected = Constants.TestPropertyValue; string actual; actual = target.getObjectProperty(obj_id, prop_name); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void updateObjectTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); createObjectTest(); long obj_id = _objectID; var properties = new Dictionary<string, string> { { Constants.TestObjectPropertyName, Constants.TestObjectPropertyNewName } }; bool replace = true; target.updateObject(obj_id, properties, replace); var newObject = target.getObject(obj_id, null); Assert.IsTrue(newObject.Untyped.Value.IndexOf(Constants.TestObjectPropertyNewName) > 0); }
public void renameAssociationTest() { API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string new_name = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string new_alias1 = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string new_alias2 = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.renameAssociation(name, new_name, new_alias1, new_alias2); //Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }