private static void ZoneRenameHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { World playerWorld = player.World; if (playerWorld == null) { PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld(player); } // make sure that both parameters are given string oldName = cmd.Next(); string newName = cmd.Next(); if (oldName == null || newName == null) { CdZoneRename.PrintUsage(player); return; } // make sure that the new name is valid if (!World.IsValidName(newName)) { player.Message("\"{0}\" is not a valid zone name", newName); return; } // find the old zone var zones = player.WorldMap.Zones; Zone oldZone = zones.Find(oldName); if (oldZone == null) { player.MessageNoZone(oldName); return; } // Check if a zone with "newName" name already exists Zone newZone = zones.FindExact(newName); if (newZone != null && newZone != oldZone) { player.Message("A zone with the name \"{0}\" already exists.", newName); return; } // check if any change is needed string fullOldName = oldZone.Name; if (fullOldName == newName) { player.Message("The zone is already named \"{0}\"", fullOldName); return; } // actually rename the zone zones.Rename(oldZone, newName); // announce the rename playerWorld.Players.Message("&SZone \"{0}\" was renamed to \"{1}&S\" by {2}", fullOldName, oldZone.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "Player {0} renamed zone \"{1}\" to \"{2}\" on world {3}", player.Name, fullOldName, newName, playerWorld.Name); }
/// <summary> Changes the name of the given world. </summary> public static void RenameWorld([NotNull] World world, [NotNull] string newName, bool moveMapFile, bool overwrite) { if (newName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("newName"); } if (world == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("world"); } if (!World.IsValidName(newName)) { throw new WorldOpException(newName, WorldOpExceptionCode.InvalidWorldName); } lock (world.SyncRoot) { string oldName = world.Name; if (oldName == newName) { throw new WorldOpException(world.Name, WorldOpExceptionCode.NoChangeNeeded); } lock ( SyncRoot ) { World newWorld = FindWorldExact(newName); if (newWorld != null && newWorld != world) { if (overwrite) { RemoveWorld(newWorld); } else { throw new WorldOpException(newName, WorldOpExceptionCode.DuplicateWorldName); } } WorldIndex.Remove(world.Name.ToLower()); world.Name = newName; WorldIndex.Add(newName.ToLower(), world); UpdateWorldList(); if (moveMapFile) { string oldMapFile = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, oldName + ".fcm"); string newMapFile = newName + ".fcm"; if (File.Exists(oldMapFile)) { try { Paths.ForceRename(oldMapFile, newMapFile); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorldOpException(world.Name, WorldOpExceptionCode.MapMoveError, ex); } } lock (world.BlockDB.SyncRoot) { string oldBlockDBFile = Path.Combine(Paths.BlockDBDirectory, oldName + ".fbdb"); string newBockDBFile = newName + ".fbdb"; if (File.Exists(oldBlockDBFile)) { try { Paths.ForceRename(oldBlockDBFile, newBockDBFile); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorldOpException(world.Name, WorldOpExceptionCode.MapMoveError, ex); } } } } } } }
private static void ZoneAddHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { World playerWorld = player.World; if (playerWorld == null) { PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld(player); } string givenZoneName = cmd.Next(); if (givenZoneName == null) { CdZoneAdd.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (!player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention) { SecurityCheckResult buildCheck = playerWorld.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(player.Info); switch (buildCheck) { case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message("Cannot add zones to world {0}&S: You are barred from building here.", playerWorld.ClassyName); return; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message("Cannot add zones to world {0}&S: You are not allowed to build here.", playerWorld.ClassyName); return; //case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooHigh: } } Zone newZone = new Zone(); ZoneCollection zoneCollection = player.WorldMap.Zones; if (givenZoneName.StartsWith("+")) { // personal zone (/ZAdd +Name) givenZoneName = givenZoneName.Substring(1); // Find the target player PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches(player, givenZoneName); if (info == null) { return; } // Make sure that the name is not taken already. // If a zone named after the player already exists, try adding a number after the name (e.g. "Notch2") newZone.Name = info.Name; for (int i = 2; zoneCollection.Contains(newZone.Name); i++) { newZone.Name = givenZoneName + i; } newZone.Controller.MinRank = info.Rank.NextRankUp ?? info.Rank; newZone.Controller.Include(info); player.Message("Zone: Creating a {0}+&S zone for player {1}&S.", newZone.Controller.MinRank.ClassyName, info.ClassyName); } else { // Adding an ordinary, rank-restricted zone. if (!World.IsValidName(givenZoneName)) { player.Message("\"{0}\" is not a valid zone name", givenZoneName); return; } if (zoneCollection.Contains(givenZoneName)) { player.Message("A zone with this name already exists. Use &H/ZEdit&S to edit."); return; } newZone.Name = givenZoneName; string rankName = cmd.Next(); if (rankName == null) { player.Message("No rank was specified. See &H/Help zone"); return; } Rank minRank = RankManager.FindRank(rankName); if (minRank != null) { string name; while ((name = cmd.Next()) != null) { if (name.Length == 0) { continue; } if (name.ToLower().StartsWith("msg=")) { newZone.Message = name.Substring(4) + " " + (cmd.NextAll() ?? ""); player.Message("Zone: Custom denied messaged changed to '" + newZone.Message + "'"); break; } PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches(player, name.Substring(1)); if (info == null) { return; } if (name.StartsWith("+")) { newZone.Controller.Include(info); } else if (name.StartsWith("-")) { newZone.Controller.Exclude(info); } } newZone.Controller.MinRank = minRank; } else { player.MessageNoRank(rankName); return; } } player.Message("Zone " + newZone.ClassyName + "&S: Place a block or type &H/Mark&S to use your location."); player.SelectionStart(2, ZoneAddCallback, newZone, CdZoneAdd.Permissions); }
public static void RealmLoad(Player player, Command cmd, string fileName, string worldName, string buildRankName, string accessRankName) { if (worldName == null && player.World == null) { player.Message("When using /realm from console, you must specify the realm name."); return; } if (fileName == null) { // No params given at all return; } string fullFileName = WorldManager.FindMapFile(player, fileName); if (fullFileName == null) { return; } // Loading map into current realm if (worldName == null) { if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "About to replace THIS REALM with \"{0}\".", fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World realm = player.World; // Loading to current realm realm.MapChangedBy = player.Name; realm.ChangeMap(map); realm.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for this realm.", player.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map loaded for the realm {0}", realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for realm \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, realm.Name, fileName); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } else { // Loading to some other (or new) realm if (!World.IsValidName(worldName)) { player.MessageInvalidWorldName(worldName); return; } Rank buildRank = RankManager.DefaultBuildRank; Rank accessRank = null; if (buildRankName != null) { buildRank = RankManager.FindRank(buildRankName); if (buildRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(buildRankName); return; } if (accessRankName != null) { accessRank = RankManager.FindRank(accessRankName); if (accessRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(accessRankName); return; } } } // Retype realm name, if needed if (worldName == "-") { if (player.LastUsedWorldName != null) { worldName = player.LastUsedWorldName; } else { player.Message("Cannot repeat realm name: you haven't used any names yet."); return; } } lock (WorldManager.SyncRoot) { World realm = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(worldName); if (realm != null) { player.LastUsedWorldName = realm.Name; // Replacing existing realm's map if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "About to replace realm map for {0}&S with \"{1}\".", realm.ClassyName, fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } try { realm.MapChangedBy = player.Name; realm.ChangeMap(map); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "Could not complete RealmLoad operation: {0}", ex.Message); player.Message("&WRealmLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } realm.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for the realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map for the realm {0}&S has been loaded.", realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for realm \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, realm.Name, fullFileName); } else { // Adding a new realm string targetFullFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, worldName + ".fcm"); if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && File.Exists(targetFullFileName) && // target file already exists !Paths.Compare(targetFullFileName, fullFileName)) { // and is different from sourceFile player.Confirm(cmd, "A map named \"{0}\" already exists, and will be overwritten with \"{1}\".", Path.GetFileName(targetFullFileName), Path.GetFileName(fullFileName)); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); //realm.IsHidden = false; //realm.IsRealm = true; //WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load \"{0}\": {1}: {2}", fileName, ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World newWorld; try { newWorld = WorldManager.AddWorld(player, worldName, map, false); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { player.Message("RealmLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } player.LastUsedWorldName = worldName; newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank = buildRank; if (accessRank == null) { newWorld.AccessSecurity.ResetMinRank(); } else { newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank = accessRank; } newWorld.BlockDB.AutoToggleIfNeeded(); if (BlockDB.IsEnabledGlobally && newWorld.BlockDB.IsEnabled) { player.Message("BlockDB is now auto-enabled on realm {0}", newWorld.ClassyName); } newWorld.LoadedBy = player.Name; newWorld.LoadedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; Server.Message("{0}&S created a new realm named {1}", player.ClassyName, newWorld.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} created a new realm named \"{1}\" (loaded from \"{2}\")", player.Name, worldName, fileName); newWorld.IsHidden = false; newWorld.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.MessageNow("Access permission is {0}+&S, and build permission is {1}+", newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName); } } } Server.RequestGc(); }