Example #1
        public static void UpdateSpellInfo(this Spell spell)
            spell.currentSpellPosition    = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition();
            spell.currentNegativePosition = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, 0);

            spell.dangerlevel = spell.GetSpellDangerLevel();
            spell.radius      = spell.GetSpellRadius();
Example #2
        public static bool CanHeroEvade(this Spell spell, Obj_AI_Base hero, out float rEvadeTime, out float rSpellHitTime)
            var   heroPos      = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
            float evadeTime    = 0;
            float spellHitTime = 0;

            if (spell.info.spellType == SpellType.Line)
                var projection = heroPos.ProjectOn(spell.startPos, spell.endPos).SegmentPoint;
                evadeTime    = 1000 * (spell.GetSpellRadius() - heroPos.Distance(projection) + hero.BoundingRadius) / hero.MoveSpeed;
                spellHitTime = spell.GetSpellHitTime(projection);
            else if (spell.info.spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                evadeTime    = 1000 * (spell.GetSpellRadius() - heroPos.Distance(spell.endPos) + hero.BoundingRadius) / hero.MoveSpeed;
                spellHitTime = spell.GetSpellHitTime(heroPos);

            rEvadeTime    = evadeTime;
            rSpellHitTime = spellHitTime;

            return(spellHitTime > evadeTime);
Example #3
        public static BoundingBox GetLinearSpellBoundingBox(this Spell spell)
            var myBoundingRadius = Evade.myHero.BoundingRadius;
            var spellDir         = spell.direction;
            var pSpellDir        = spell.direction.Perpendicular();
            var spellRadius      = spell.GetSpellRadius();
            var spellPos         = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition() - spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at back of spell
            var endPos           = spell.endPos + spellDir * myBoundingRadius;                    //leave some space at the front of spell

            var startRightPos = spellPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var endLeftPos    = endPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);

            return(new BoundingBox(new Vector3(endLeftPos.X, endLeftPos.Y, -1), new Vector3(startRightPos.X, startRightPos.Y, 1)));
Example #4
        public static void CreateSpellData(Obj_AI_Base hero, Vector3 spellStartPos, Vector3 spellEndPos,
                                           SpellData spellData, GameObject obj = null, float extraEndTick = 0.0f, bool processSpell = true,
                                           SpellType spellType = SpellType.None, bool checkEndExplosion   = true, float spellRadius = 0)
            if (checkEndExplosion && spellData.hasEndExplosion)
                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos,
                                spellData, obj, extraEndTick, false,
                                spellData.spellType, false);

                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos,
                                spellData, obj, extraEndTick, true,
                                SpellType.Circular, false);


            if (spellStartPos.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000)
                Vector2 startPosition = spellStartPos.To2D();
                Vector2 endPosition   = spellEndPos.To2D();
                Vector2 direction     = (endPosition - startPosition).Normalized();
                float   endTick       = 0;

                if (spellType == SpellType.None)
                    spellType = spellData.spellType;

                if (spellData.fixedRange) //for diana q
                    if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range)
                        //var heroCastPos = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                        //direction = (endPosition - heroCastPos).Normalized();
                        endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                if (spellType == SpellType.Line)
                    endTick     = spellData.spellDelay + (spellData.range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                    endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (spellData.useEndPosition)
                        var range = spellEndPos.To2D().Distance(spellStartPos.To2D());
                        endTick     = spellData.spellDelay + (range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                        endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D();

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                    endTick = spellData.spellDelay;

                    if (spellData.projectileSpeed == 0)
                        endPosition = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                    else if (spellData.projectileSpeed > 0)
                        if (spellData.spellType == SpellType.Line &&
                            spellData.hasEndExplosion &&
                            spellData.useEndPosition == false)
                            endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                        endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Arc)
                    endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Cone)

                endTick += extraEndTick;

                Spell newSpell = new Spell();

                newSpell.startTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount;
                newSpell.endTime   = EvadeUtils.TickCount + endTick;
                newSpell.startPos  = startPosition;
                newSpell.endPos    = endPosition;
                newSpell.height    = spellEndPos.Z + spellData.extraDrawHeight;
                newSpell.direction = direction;
                newSpell.heroID    = hero.NetworkId;
                newSpell.info      = spellData;
                newSpell.spellType = spellType;
                newSpell.radius    = spellRadius > 0 ? spellRadius : newSpell.GetSpellRadius();

                if (obj != null)
                    newSpell.spellObject  = obj;
                    newSpell.projectileID = obj.NetworkId;

                int spellID = CreateSpell(newSpell, processSpell);

                DelayAction.Add((int)(endTick + spellData.extraEndTime), () => DeleteSpell(spellID));
Example #5
        public static void CreateSpellData(Obj_AI_Base hero, Vector3 spellStartPos, Vector3 spellEndPos,
                                           SpellData spellData, GameObject obj = null, float extraEndTick = 0.0f, bool processSpell = true,
                                           SpellType spellType = SpellType.None, bool checkEndExplosion   = true, float spellRadius = 0)
            if (checkEndExplosion && spellData.hasEndExplosion)
                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData,
                                obj, extraEndTick, false, spellData.spellType, false);

                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData,
                                obj, extraEndTick, true, SpellType.Circular, false);


            if (spellStartPos.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000)
                var startPosition = spellStartPos.To2D();
                var endPosition   = spellEndPos.To2D();
                var direction     = (endPosition - startPosition).Normalized();
                var endTick       = 0f;

                if (spellType == SpellType.None)
                    spellType = spellData.spellType;

                if (spellData.fixedRange) //for diana q
                    if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range)
                        endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                if (spellType == SpellType.Line)
                    endTick     = spellData.spellDelay + (spellData.range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                    endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (spellData.fixedRange) // for all lines
                        if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) < spellData.range)
                            endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range)
                        endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (spellData.useEndPosition)
                        var range = endPosition.Distance(startPosition);
                        endTick = spellData.spellDelay + (range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                    endTick = spellData.spellDelay;

                    if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range)
                        endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (spellData.projectileSpeed == 0 && hero != null)
                        endPosition = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                    else if (spellData.projectileSpeed > 0)
                        endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;

                        if (spellData.spellType == SpellType.Line && spellData.hasEndExplosion)
                            if (!spellData.useEndPosition)
                                endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Arc)
                    endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Cone)
                    endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;
                    endTick     = spellData.spellDelay;

                    if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range)
                        endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (spellData.projectileSpeed == 0 && hero != null)
                        endPosition = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                    else if (spellData.projectileSpeed > 0)
                        endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;

                if (spellData.invert)
                    var dir = (startPosition - endPosition).Normalized();
                    endPosition = startPosition + dir * startPosition.Distance(endPosition);

                if (spellData.isPerpendicular)
                    startPosition = spellEndPos.To2D() - direction.Perpendicular() * spellData.secondaryRadius;
                    endPosition   = spellEndPos.To2D() + direction.Perpendicular() * spellData.secondaryRadius;

                endTick += extraEndTick;

                Spell newSpell = new Spell();
                newSpell.startTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount;
                newSpell.endTime   = EvadeUtils.TickCount + endTick;
                newSpell.startPos  = startPosition;
                newSpell.endPos    = endPosition;
                newSpell.height    = spellEndPos.Z + spellData.extraDrawHeight;
                newSpell.direction = direction;
                newSpell.info      = spellData;
                newSpell.spellType = spellType;
                newSpell.radius    = spellRadius > 0 ? spellRadius : newSpell.GetSpellRadius();

                if (spellType == SpellType.Cone)
                    newSpell.radius  = 100 + (newSpell.radius * 3); // for now.. eh
                    newSpell.cnStart = startPosition + direction;
                    newSpell.cnLeft  = endPosition + direction.Perpendicular() * newSpell.radius;
                    newSpell.cnRight = endPosition - direction.Perpendicular() * newSpell.radius;

                if (hero != null)
                    newSpell.heroID = hero.NetworkId;

                if (obj != null)
                    newSpell.spellObject  = obj;
                    newSpell.projectileID = obj.NetworkId;

                int spellID = CreateSpell(newSpell, processSpell);

                if (extraEndTick != 1337f) // traps
                    DelayAction.Add((int)(endTick + spellData.extraEndTime), () => DeleteSpell(spellID));
        private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args)


            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.drawSpells)
                Spell spell = entry.Value;

                if (spell.info.spellType == SpellType.Line)
                    Vector2 spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition();

                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), spell.info.radius, Color.White, 3);

                    /*spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed * (60 / 1000); //move the spellPos by 50 miliseconds forwards
                     * spellPos = spellPos + spell.direction * 200; //move the spellPos by 50 units forwards
                     * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), spell.info.radius, Color.White, 3);*/


            if (testMenu.Item("TestHeroPos").GetValue <bool>())
                var path = myHero.Path;
                if (path.Length > 0)
                    var heroPos2 = EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos(Game.Ping + 50);// path[path.Length - 1].To2D();
                    var heroPos1 = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D();

                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(heroPos2.X, heroPos2.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.Red, 3);
                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.White, 3);

                    var heroPos   = Drawing.WorldToScreen(ObjectManager.Player.Position);
                    var dimension = Drawing.GetTextExtent("Evade: ON");
                    Drawing.DrawText(heroPos.X - dimension.Width / 2, heroPos.Y, Color.Red, "" + (int)(heroPos2.Distance(heroPos1)));

                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(circleRenderPos.X, circleRenderPos.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), 10, Color.Red, 3);

            if (testMenu.Item("DrawHeroPos").GetValue <bool>())
                Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.White, 3);

            if (testMenu.Item("TestMoveTo").GetValue <KeyBind>().Active)
                var keyBind = testMenu.Item("TestMoveTo").GetValue <KeyBind>();
                testMenu.Item("TestMoveTo").SetValue(new KeyBind(keyBind.Key, KeyBindType.Toggle, false));

                myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, Game.CursorPos);

                var dir  = (Game.CursorPos - myHero.Position).Normalized();
                var pos2 = myHero.Position - dir * Game.CursorPos.Distance(myHero.Position);

                Utility.DelayAction.Add(1, () => myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, pos2));

            if (testMenu.Item("TestPath").GetValue <bool>())
                var     tPath     = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos);
                Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero;

                foreach (Vector3 point in tPath)
                    var point2D = point.To2D();
                    //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3);

                    lastPoint = point2D;

            if (testMenu.Item("TestPath").GetValue <bool>())
                var     tPath     = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos);
                Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero;

                foreach (Vector3 point in tPath)
                    var point2D = point.To2D();
                    //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3);

                    lastPoint = point2D;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells)
                    Spell spell = entry.Value;

                    Vector2 to = Game.CursorPos.To2D();
                    var     dir = (to - myHero.Position.To2D()).Normalized();
                    Vector2 cPos1, cPos2;

                    var cpa     = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(myHero.Position.To2D(), dir * myHero.MoveSpeed, spell.endPos, spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed, to, spell.endPos);
                    var cpaTime = MathUtilsCPA.CPATime(myHero.Position.To2D(), dir * myHero.MoveSpeed, spell.endPos, spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed);

                    //Game.PrintChat("" + cpaTime);
                    //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(cPos1.To3D(), myHero.BoundingRadius, Color.Red, 3);

                    if (cpa < myHero.BoundingRadius + spell.GetSpellRadius())

            if (testMenu.Item("ShowBuffs").GetValue <bool>())
                var target = myHero;

                foreach (var hero in HeroManager.Enemies)
                    target = hero;

                var buffs = target.Buffs;


                //    Game.PrintChat("dead");

                if (!target.IsTargetable)
                    Game.PrintChat("invul" + Evade.GetTickCount());

                int height = 20;

                foreach (var buff in buffs)
                    if (buff.IsValidBuff())
                        Drawing.DrawText(10, height, Color.White, buff.Name);
                        height += 20;


            if (testMenu.Item("TestTracker").GetValue <bool>())
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ObjectTrackerInfo> entry in SpecialSpells.objTracker)
                    var info = entry.Value;

                    Vector3 endPos2;
                    if (info.usePosition == false)
                        endPos2 = info.obj.Position;
                        endPos2 = info.position;

                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(endPos2.X, endPos2.Y, myHero.Position.Z), 50, Color.Green, 3);

            if (testMenu.Item("TestWall").GetValue <bool>())
                foreach (var posInfo in sortedBestPos)
                    var posOnScreen = Drawing.WorldToScreen(posInfo.position.To3D());
                    //Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance);

                     * if (!posInfo.rejectPosition)
                     * {
                     *  Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance);
                     * }*/

                    Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance);

                    /*if (posInfo.posDangerCount <= 0)
                     * {
                     *  var pos = posInfo.position;
                     *  Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float)25, Color.White, 3);
                     * }*/
        private void Game_OnIssueOrder(Obj_AI_Base hero, GameObjectIssueOrderEventArgs args)
            if (!hero.IsMe)

            if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.HoldPosition)
                var path      = myHero.Path;
                var heroPoint = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D();

                if (path.Length > 0)
                    var movePos = path[path.Length - 1].To2D();
                    var walkDir = (movePos - heroPoint).Normalized();

                    //circleRenderPos = EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos();
                    //heroPoint;// +walkDir * myHero.MoveSpeed * (((float)Game.Ping) / 1000);

             * if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.MoveTo)
             * {
             *  if (testingCollision)
             *  {
             *      if (args.TargetPosition.To2D().Distance(testCollisionPos) < 3)
             *      {
             *          //var path = myHero.GetPath();
             *          //circleRenderPos
             *          args.Process = false;
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/

            if (args.Order == GameObjectOrder.MoveTo)
                Vector2 heroPos = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                Vector2 pos     = args.TargetPosition.To2D();
                float   speed   = myHero.MoveSpeed;

                startWalkPos  = heroPos;
                startWalkTime = Evade.GetTickCount();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells)
                    Spell spell    = entry.Value;
                    var   spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition();
                    var   walkDir  = (pos - heroPos).Normalized();

                    float spellTime = (Evade.GetTickCount() - spell.startTime) - spell.info.spellDelay;
                    spellPos = spell.startPos + spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed * (spellTime / 1000);
                    //Game.PrintChat("aaaa" + spellTime);

                    bool  isCollision         = false;
                    float movingCollisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(heroPos, spellPos, walkDir * (speed - 25), spell.direction * (spell.info.projectileSpeed - 200), myHero.BoundingRadius, spell.GetSpellRadius(), out isCollision);
                    if (isCollision)
                        //Game.PrintChat("aaaa" + spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / spell.info.projectileSpeed);
                        if (true)//spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / spell.info.projectileSpeed > movingCollisionTime)
                            Game.PrintChat("movingCollisionTime: " + movingCollisionTime);
                            //circleRenderPos = heroPos + walkDir * speed * movingCollisionTime;
Example #8
        public static void CreateSpellData(Obj_AI_Base hero, Vector3 spellStartPos, Vector3 spellEndPos,
                                           SpellData spellData, GameObject obj = null, float extraEndTick = 0.0f, bool processSpell = true,
                                           SpellType spellType = SpellType.None, bool checkEndExplosion   = true, bool onUpdate     = false, float spellRadius = 0)
            var activeSpells = detectedSpells.Select(entry => entry.Value);

            if (activeSpells.Count(spell => spell.info.spellName == spellData.spellName) > 1 && onUpdate)

            var checkEndCollision = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["CheckSpellCollision"].GetValue <bool>();

            if (checkEndExplosion && spellData.hasEndExplosion)
                if (checkEndCollision)
                    var predictedEndTime = spellData.spellDelay + (spellData.range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                    if (!collisionObjs.ContainsKey(spellIDCount))
                                          new CollisionCandidate(hero, spellStartPos.To2D(), spellIDCount, EvadeUtils.TickCount, spellStartPos.To2D(),
                                                                 spellEndPos.To2D(), spellData, predictedEndTime));

                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData,
                                obj, extraEndTick, false, spellData.spellType, false);

                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos, spellData,
                                obj, extraEndTick, true, SpellType.Circular, false);


            if (spellStartPos.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000)
                Vector2 startPosition = spellStartPos.To2D();
                Vector2 endPosition   = spellEndPos.To2D();
                Vector2 direction     = (endPosition - startPosition).Normalized();
                float   endTick       = 0;

                if (spellType == SpellType.None)
                    spellType = spellData.spellType;

                if (spellData.fixedRange) //for diana q
                    if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range)
                        endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                if (spellType == SpellType.Line)
                    endTick     = spellData.spellDelay + (spellData.range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                    endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (spellData.useEndPosition)
                        var range = spellEndPos.To2D().Distance(spellStartPos.To2D());
                        endTick     = spellData.spellDelay + (range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                        endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D();

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                    endTick = spellData.spellDelay;

                    if (spellData.projectileSpeed == 0)
                        endPosition = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                    else if (spellData.projectileSpeed > 0)
                        endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;

                        if (spellData.spellType == SpellType.Line && spellData.hasEndExplosion && !spellData.useEndPosition)
                            if (checkEndCollision)
                                if (!onUpdate)
                                    endPosition = Vector2.Zero;
                                    endTick     = 0;
                                    endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                                endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Arc)
                    endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Cone)

                if (spellData.invert)
                    var dir = (startPosition - endPosition).Normalized();
                    endPosition = startPosition + dir * startPosition.Distance(endPosition);

                if (spellData.isPerpendicular)
                    startPosition = spellEndPos.To2D() - direction.Perpendicular() * spellData.secondaryRadius;
                    endPosition   = spellEndPos.To2D() + direction.Perpendicular() * spellData.secondaryRadius;

                endTick += extraEndTick;

                Spell newSpell = new Spell();

                newSpell.startTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount;
                newSpell.endTime   = EvadeUtils.TickCount + endTick;
                newSpell.startPos  = startPosition;
                newSpell.endPos    = endPosition;
                newSpell.height    = spellEndPos.Z + spellData.extraDrawHeight;
                newSpell.direction = direction;
                newSpell.heroID    = hero.NetworkId;
                newSpell.info      = spellData;
                newSpell.spellType = spellType;
                newSpell.radius    = spellRadius > 0 ? spellRadius : newSpell.GetSpellRadius();

                if (obj != null)
                    newSpell.spellObject  = obj;
                    newSpell.projectileID = obj.NetworkId;

                int spellID = CreateSpell(newSpell, processSpell);

                DelayAction.Add((int)(endTick + spellData.extraEndTime), () => DeleteSpell(spellID));
        public static void CreateSpellData(Obj_AI_Base hero, Vector3 spellStartPos, Vector3 spellEndPos,
            SpellData spellData, GameObject obj = null, float extraEndTick = 0.0f, bool processSpell = true,
            SpellType spellType = SpellType.None, bool checkEndExplosion = true, float spellRadius = 0)
            if (checkEndExplosion && spellData.hasEndExplosion)
                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos,
            spellData, obj, extraEndTick, false,
            spellData.spellType, false);

                CreateSpellData(hero, spellStartPos, spellEndPos,
            spellData, obj, extraEndTick, true,
            SpellType.Circular, false);


            if (spellStartPos.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000)
                Vector2 startPosition = spellStartPos.To2D();
                Vector2 endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D();
                Vector2 direction = (endPosition - startPosition).Normalized();
                float endTick = 0;

                if (spellType == SpellType.None)
                    spellType = spellData.spellType;

                if (spellData.fixedRange) //for diana q
                    if (endPosition.Distance(startPosition) > spellData.range)
                        //var heroCastPos = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                        //direction = (endPosition - heroCastPos).Normalized();
                        endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                if (spellType == SpellType.Line)
                    endTick = spellData.spellDelay + (spellData.range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                    endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                    if (spellData.useEndPosition)
                        var range = spellEndPos.To2D().Distance(spellStartPos.To2D());
                        endTick = spellData.spellDelay + (range / spellData.projectileSpeed) * 1000;
                        endPosition = spellEndPos.To2D();

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                    endTick = spellData.spellDelay;

                    if (spellData.projectileSpeed == 0)
                        endPosition = hero.ServerPosition.To2D();
                    else if (spellData.projectileSpeed > 0)
                        if (spellData.spellType == SpellType.Line &&
                            spellData.hasEndExplosion &&
                            spellData.useEndPosition == false)
                            endPosition = startPosition + direction * spellData.range;

                        endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Arc)
                    endTick = endTick + 1000 * startPosition.Distance(endPosition) / spellData.projectileSpeed;

                    if (obj != null)
                        endTick -= spellData.spellDelay;
                else if (spellType == SpellType.Cone)

                endTick += extraEndTick;

                Spell newSpell = new Spell();

                newSpell.startTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount;
                newSpell.endTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount + endTick;
                newSpell.startPos = startPosition;
                newSpell.endPos = endPosition;
                newSpell.height = spellEndPos.Z + spellData.extraDrawHeight;
                newSpell.direction = direction;
                newSpell.heroID = hero.NetworkId;
                newSpell.info = spellData;
                newSpell.spellType = spellType;
                newSpell.radius = spellRadius > 0 ? spellRadius : newSpell.GetSpellRadius();

                if (obj != null)
                    newSpell.spellObject = obj;
                    newSpell.projectileID = obj.NetworkId;

                int spellID = CreateSpell(newSpell, processSpell);

                DelayAction.Add((int)(endTick + spellData.extraEndTime), () => DeleteSpell(spellID));
Example #10
        private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args)
            if (menu.SubMenu("Draw").Item("DrawSkillShots").GetValue <bool>() == false)

            if (menu.SubMenu("Draw").Item("DrawEvadePosition").GetValue <bool>())
                if (Evade.lastPosInfo != null)
                    var pos = Evade.lastPosInfo.position;
                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), 65, Color.Red, 10);


            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.drawSpells)
                Spell spell = entry.Value;

                var dangerStr          = spell.GetSpellDangerString();
                var spellDrawingConfig = Evade.menu.SubMenu("Draw").SubMenu("DangerLevelDrawings")
                                         .SubMenu(dangerStr + "Drawing").Item(dangerStr + "Color").GetValue <Circle>();
                var spellDrawingWidth = Evade.menu.SubMenu("Draw").SubMenu("DangerLevelDrawings")
                                        .SubMenu(dangerStr + "Drawing").Item(dangerStr + "Width").GetValue <Slider>().Value;

                if (Evade.menu.SubMenu("Spells").SubMenu(spell.info.charName + spell.info.spellName + "Settings")
                    .Item(spell.info.spellName + "DrawSpell").GetValue <bool>() &&
                    if (spell.info.spellType == SpellType.Line)
                        Vector2 spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition();
                        DrawLineRectangle(spellPos, spell.endPos, (int)spell.GetSpellRadius(), spellDrawingWidth, spellDrawingConfig.Color);

                        /*foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Hero>())
                         * {
                         *  Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(hero.ServerPosition.X, hero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.GetSpellRadius(), Color.Red, 5);
                         * }*/

                        if (menu.SubMenu("Draw").Item("DrawSpellPos").GetValue <bool>())// && spell.spellObject != null)
                            //spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell, true, Game.Ping);

                            /*if (true)
                             * {
                             *  var spellPos2 = spell.startPos + spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed * (Evade.GetTickCount() - spell.startTime - spell.info.spellDelay) / 1000 + spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed * ((float)Game.Ping / 1000);
                             *  Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos2.X, spellPos2.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.GetSpellRadius(), Color.Red, 8);
                             * }*/

                            Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.GetSpellRadius(), spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth);
                    else if (spell.info.spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                        Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.endPos.X, spell.endPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.GetSpellRadius(), spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth);
                    else if (spell.info.spellType == SpellType.Cone)