public List<ExamEntity> getAllExam() { List<ExamEntity> list = new List<ExamEntity>(); OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand("select * from examination order by id desc", connection); command.Prepare(); OdbcDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ExamEntity exam = new ExamEntity(); = reader.GetInt32(0); exam.time = reader.GetInt32(1); exam.sNumber = reader.GetInt32(2); exam.mNumber = reader.GetInt32(3); exam.tNumber = reader.GetInt32(4); exam.sScore = reader.GetFloat(5); exam.mScore = reader.GetFloat(6); exam.tScore = reader.GetFloat(7); exam.ready = reader.GetInt32(8); = reader.GetString(9); list.Add(exam); } return list; }
public ExamEntity getExamById(int id) { var cmd = buildCommand("select * from examination where id =? limit 1"); cmd.AddIntParam("id", id); var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.HasRows) { return null; } reader.Read(); ExamEntity exam = new ExamEntity(); = reader.GetInt32(0); exam.time = reader.GetInt32(1); exam.sNumber = reader.GetInt32(2); exam.mNumber = reader.GetInt32(3); exam.tNumber = reader.GetInt32(4); exam.sScore = reader.GetFloat(5); exam.mScore = reader.GetFloat(6); exam.tScore = reader.GetFloat(7); exam.ready = reader.GetInt32(8); = reader.GetString(9); return exam; }
public ExamEntity praseFromDoc(String filePath) { ExamEntity exam = new ExamEntity(); Document doc = new Document(filePath); QuestionEntity currentQuestion=null; foreach(Section section in doc.Sections) { foreach(Paragraph paragraph in section.Paragraphs) { var text = paragraph.Text.Trim(); if(text.StartsWith("##"))//Configration { var list = text.Substring(3, text.Length - 4).Split(':'); if(list[0] == "time") { exam.time = int.Parse(list[1]); } else if(list[0] == "TF") { exam.tNumber = int.Parse(list[1]); exam.tScore = float.Parse(list[2]); } else if (list[0] == "SC") { exam.sNumber = int.Parse(list[1]); exam.sScore = float.Parse(list[2]); } else if (list[0] == "MC") { exam.mNumber = int.Parse(list[1]); exam.mScore = float.Parse(list[2]); } } else if(text.StartsWith("$$"))//Start of a question { var list = text.Substring(3, text.Length - 4).Split(':'); string problemType = list[0]; string ans = list[2]; currentQuestion = new QuestionEntity(); currentQuestion.type = problemType; currentQuestion.ans = ans; } else if(text.Length==0) //End of a question { DocPicture pic = null; foreach (DocumentObject docObject in paragraph.ChildObjects) { if (docObject.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.Picture) { pic = docObject as DocPicture; } } if(pic != null ) // a line with picture but no text { currentQuestion.image = pic.Image; } else // end of a question { if (currentQuestion != null) { if (currentQuestion.type.Equals("TF")) {; } else if (currentQuestion.type.Equals("SC")) {; } else// MC {; } } currentQuestion = null; } } else { if( currentQuestion.type=="TF") { foreach (DocumentObject docObject in paragraph.ChildObjects) { if (docObject.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.TextRange) { TextRange info = docObject as TextRange; currentQuestion.statement += info.Text; } else if(docObject.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.Picture) { DocPicture picture = docObject as DocPicture; currentQuestion.image = picture.Image; } } } else// SC && MC { if (text.StartsWith("A:") && text.Split(';').Length >=4) //at least 4 choices { var choiceList = text.Split(';'); currentQuestion.choices.AddRange(choiceList); } else { foreach (DocumentObject docObject in paragraph.ChildObjects) { if (docObject.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.TextRange) { var info = (docObject as TextRange).Text; currentQuestion.statement += info; } else if (docObject.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.Picture) { DocPicture picture = docObject as DocPicture; currentQuestion.image = picture.Image; } } } } } } } return exam; }