//[DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Insert,false)] it is only for view, e.g: listview....
        public void AddToCart(string currentUserName, int stockItemID, int quantity)
            using (eToolContext context = new eToolContext())
                    var currentCustomer = context.OnlineCustomers.FirstOrDefault( x => x.UserName == currentUserName);
                    if (currentCustomer == null)
                        OnlineCustomer newCustomer = new OnlineCustomer();
                        newCustomer.UserName = currentUserName;
                        newCustomer.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                        // Or
                        //OnlineCustomer currentCustomer = new OnlineCustomer()
                        //    UserName = user.Identity.Name,
                        //    CreatedOn = DateTime.Now
                        currentCustomer = context.OnlineCustomers.Add(newCustomer);

                    var currentShoppingCart = context.ShoppingCarts.FirstOrDefault( x => x.OnlineCustomer.UserName == currentUserName);
                    if (currentShoppingCart == null)
                        ShoppingCart newShoppingCart = new ShoppingCart()
                            OnlineCustomerID = currentCustomer.OnlineCustomerID,
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now

                        currentShoppingCart = context.ShoppingCarts.Add(newShoppingCart);

                    ShoppingCartItem currentCartItem = new ShoppingCartItem()
                        ShoppingCartID = currentShoppingCart.ShoppingCartID,
                        StockItemID = stockItemID,
                        Quantity = quantity

                    foreach (ShoppingCartItem cartItem in context.ShoppingCartItems)
                        if(cartItem.ShoppingCartID == currentShoppingCart.ShoppingCartID
                            && cartItem.StockItemID == stockItemID)
                                = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                        else if(cartItem.ShoppingCartID == currentShoppingCart.ShoppingCartID
                            && cartItem.StockItemID != stockItemID)

                            currentCartItem = context.ShoppingCartItems.Add(currentCartItem);


                    //??? should be another way to update
                    var currentStockItem = from skItem in context.StockItems
                                           where skItem.StockItemID == stockItemID
                                           select new StockItem
                                               StockItemID = skItem.StockItemID,
                                               Description = skItem.Description,
                                               SellingPrice = skItem.PurchasePrice,
                                               PurchasePrice = skItem.PurchasePrice,
                                               QuantityOnHand = skItem.QuantityOnHand - quantity,
                                               QuantityOnOrder = skItem.QuantityOnOrder,//??? is this for customer or for vendor
                                               ReOrderLevel = skItem.ReOrderLevel,
                                               Discontinued = skItem.Discontinued,
                                               VendorID = skItem.VendorID,
                                               VendorStockNumber = skItem.VendorStockNumber,
                                               CategoryID = skItem.CategoryID

                                = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;


      public void AddToOnlineCustomer(Guid TrC ,string Name)
           using(var context = new eToolDBContext())
                  var Customer = context.OnlineCustomers.SingleOrDefault(x =>  x.TrackingCookie == TrC );
                  if (Customer == null)
                      Customer = new OnlineCustomer
                          //OnlineCustomerID = ID,
                          UserName = Name,
                          CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,