public List<DailyReservation> ListUpcomingReservations(string eventCode)
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
         // step1 will be an object that generates SQL to run on the database
         var step1 = from eachRow in context.Reservations
                       where eachRow.ReservationStatus == "B"
                       // TBA - && eachRow has the correct EventCode...
                       orderby eachRow.ReservationDate
                       // select eachRow
                       group eachRow by new { eachRow.ReservationDate.Month, eachRow.ReservationDate.Day };
         // by calling step1.ToList() , the results of step1 are brought back into RAM(memory)
         // for us to query as LINQ-to-Objects.
         var result = from dailyReservation in step1.ToList()
                           select new DailyReservation() // Create a DTO class called DailyReservation
                               Month = dailyReservation.Key.Month,
                               Day = dailyReservation.Key.Day,
                               Reservations = from booking in dailyReservation
                                              select new Booking() // Create a Booking POCO class
                                                  Name = booking.CustomerName,
                                                  Time = booking.ReservationDate.TimeOfDay,
                                                  NumberInParty = booking.NumberInParty,
                                                  Phone = booking.ContactPhone,
                                                  Event = booking.SpecialEvent == null
                                                         ? (string)null
                                                         : booking.SpecialEvent.Description
         return result.ToList();
 public List<CategoryDTO> ListMenuItems()
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var data = from cat in context.MenuCategories
                    orderby cat.Description
                    select new CategoryDTO() // use the DTO
                        Description = cat.Description,
                        MenuItems = from item in cat.Items
                                    where item.Active
                                    orderby item.Description
                                    select new MenuItemDTO
                                        Description = item.Description,
                                        Price = item.CurrentPrice,
                                        Calories = item.Calories,
                                        Comment = item.Comment
         return data.ToList();
         // Note: To use the Lamba or Method style of Include(),
         // you need to have the following namespace reference:
         // use System.Data.Entity;
         // The Include() method on the DbSet<T> class performs
         // "eager loading" of the data.
       //  return context.Items.Include(it => it.MenuCategory).ToList();
 public List<ReservationCollection> ReservationsForDate(DateTime date)
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var result = from eachRow in context.Reservations
                      where eachRow.ReservationDate.Year == date.Year
                         && eachRow.ReservationDate.Month == date.Month
                         && eachRow.ReservationDate.Day == date.Day
                         && eachRow.ReservationStatus == Reservation.Booked
                      select new ReservationSummary() //DTOs
                          Name = eachRow.CustomerName,
                          Date = eachRow.ReservationDate,
                          NumberInParty = eachRow.NumberInParty,
                          Status = eachRow.ReservationStatus.ToString(),
                          Event = eachRow.SpecialEvent.Description,
                          Contact = eachRow.ContactPhone
         var finalResult = from eachItem in result
                           group eachItem by eachItem.Date.Hour into itemGroup
                           select new ReservationCollection()
                               Hour = itemGroup.Key,
                               Reservations = itemGroup.ToList()
         return finalResult.ToList();
        public List<CategoryDTO> ListMenuItem()
            using(var context = new RestaurantContext())
                //return context.Items.ToList();

                var data = from cat in context.MenuCategories
                           orderby cat.Description
                           select new CategoryDTO() // use the DTO
                               Description = cat.Description,
                               MenuItems = from item in cat.Items
                                          where item.Active
                                          orderby item.Description
                                          select new MenuItemDTO() //use the DTO
                                              Description = item.Description,
                                              Price = item.CurrentPrice,
                                              Calories = item.Calories,
                                              Comment = item.Comment

                return data.ToList();
 public void getSpecialEvent(int ID)
     using (RestaurantContext specialEventDBContext = new RestaurantContext())
        public List<DailyReservation> ListUpcomingReservations(string eventCode)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                //Step 1 will be an object that generates SQL to run on the database
                var step1 = from eachRow in context.Reservations
                             where eachRow.ReservationStatus == "B"
                             orderby eachRow.ReservationDate
                             group eachRow by new { eachRow.ReservationDate.Month,     eachRow.ReservationDate.Day };

                             //By calling step1.ToList(), the results are brought into RAM (memory) for us to query as LINQ-To-Objects
                             var result = from dailyReservation in step1.ToList()
                             select new DailyReservation()
                                     Month = dailyReservation.Key.Month,
                                     Day = dailyReservation.Key.Day,
                                     Reservations = from booking in dailyReservation
                                                    select new Booking()
                                                        Name = booking.CustomerName,
                                                        NumberInParty = booking.NumberInParty,
                                                        Time =  booking.ReservationDate.TimeOfDay,
                                                        Phone = booking.ContactPhone,
                                                        Event = booking.SpecialEvent == null ? (string)null : booking.SpecialEvent.Description //we are doing it in memory
                return result.ToList();
 public List<ReservationCollection> ReservationsByTime(DateTime date)
     using(var context = new RestaurantContext())
        var result = (from data in context.Reservations
        where data.ReservationDate.Year == date.Year
                  && data.ReservationDate.Month == date.Month
                  && data.ReservationDate.Day == date.Day
                  &&  data.ReservationStatus == Reservation.Booked
        select new ReservationSummary()
        ID = data.ReservationID,
        Name = data.CustomerName,
        Date = data.ReservationDate,
        NumberInParty = data.NumberinParty,
        Status = data.ReservationStatus,
        Event = data.SpecialEvent.Description,
        Contact = data.ContactPhone
        var finalResult = from item in result
                          orderby item.NumberInParty
                          group item by item.Date.Hour into itemGroup
                          select new ReservationCollection()
                              Hour = itemGroup.Key,
                              Reservations = itemGroup.ToList()
        return finalResult.OrderBy(x => x.Hour).ToList();
       // return finalResult.ToList<dynamic>();
        public List<DailyReservation> ListUpcomingReservations(string eventCode)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                var step1 = from eachRow in context.Reservations
                             where eachRow.ReservationStatus == "B"
                             // TBA - && eachRow has the correct EventCode...
                             orderby eachRow.ReservationDate
                             //select eachRow
                             group eachRow by new { eachRow.ReservationDate.Month, eachRow.ReservationDate.Day };
                                 var result = from dailyReservation in step1.ToList()
                                 select new DailyReservation() // Create a DTO class called DailyReservation
                                     Month = dailyReservation.Key.Month,
                                     Day = dailyReservation.Key.Day,
                                     Reservations = from booking in dailyReservation
                                                    select new Booking() // Create a Booking POCO Class
                                                        Name = booking.CustomerName,
                                                        Time = booking.ReservationDate.TimeOfDay,
                                                        NumberInParty = booking.NumberInParty,
                                                        Phone = booking.ContactPhone,
                                                        Event = booking.SpecialEvent == null
                                                        ? (string)null
                                                        : booking.SpecialEvent.Description

                return result.ToList();
 public DateTime getLastBillDateTime()
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
          var result = context.Bills.Max(row => row.BillDate);
          return result;
 public DateTime GetLastBillDateTime()
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var result = context.Bills.Max(x => x.BillDate);
         return result;
        public void SplitBill(int billid, List<OrderItem> updatesToOriginalBillItems, List<OrderItem> newBillItems)
            //split the bill in two
            using(var context = new RestaurantContext())
                //TODO: 0)Validation
                //1) Get the Bill
                var bill = context.Bills.Find(billid);
                if (bill == null) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Bill ID - does not exist");

                //2) Loop through bill items, if item not in original, remove
                List<BillItem> toRemove = new List<BillItem>();
                foreach(var item in bill.BillItems) // the items already in the DB
                    bool inOriginal = updatesToOriginalBillItems.Any(
                                            x => x.ItemName == item.Items.Description);
                    bool inNewItems = newBillItems.Any(x => x.ItemName == item.Items.Description);
                        if (!inNewItems)
                            throw new Exception("Bill needs to be paid");
                foreach (var item in toRemove)

                //3) Make a new bill
                var newBill = new Bill()
                    BillDate = bill.BillDate, //some info from original bill
                    Comment = "Split from bill# " + bill.BillID,
                    NumberInParty = bill.NumberInParty,
                    OrderPlaced = bill.OrderPlaced,
                    OrderReady = bill.OrderReady,
                    OrderServed = bill.OrderServed,
                    WaiterID = bill.WaiterID
                    //TO DO:splitting a bill for a single table vs. reservation?

                //4) Add the new moved items to the new bill
                foreach(var item in toRemove)
                    newBill.BillItems.Add(new BillItem()
                            ItemID = item.ItemID,
                            Notes = item.Notes,
                            Quantity = item.Quantity,
                            SalePrice = item.SalePrice,
                            UnitCost = item.UnitCost
                //5) Add the new bill to the context
                //6) Save the changes...
                context.SaveChanges(); // call this only ONCE at the end - TRANSACTION
 public void UpdateSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent Entities)
     using(RestaurantContext specialEventDBContext = new RestaurantContext())
     { var updating = specialEventDBContext.SpecialEvents.Attach(Entities);
     var matchingWithExistingValues = specialEventDBContext.Entry<SpecialEvent>(updating);
     matchingWithExistingValues.State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
 public List<MenuCategory> ListMenuCategories()
     using(var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var data = from category in context.MenuCategories
                    select category;
         return data.ToList();
 public List<SpecialEvent> ListAllSpecialEvents()
     // This using statement ensures that our connection to the database is
     // properly "closed" once we are done "using" our DAL object.
     // (context is our DAL object)
     using (RestaurantContext context = new RestaurantContext())
         return context.SpecialEvents.ToList();
 public List<Reservation> getReservationByEventCode(string eventCode)
     using(var context = new RestaurantContext())
          var data = from info in context.Reservations
                     where info.EventCode == eventCode
                     select info;
          return data.ToList();
 public void DeleteSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent Entities)
     using(RestaurantContext specialEventDBContext = new RestaurantContext())
          var existingvalue = specialEventDBContext.SpecialEvents.Find(Entities.EventCode);
          // remember to add the DataKeyNames for delete and update
 public List<Item> ListMenuItems()
     using (var Context = new RestaurantContext())
       // Note: To use thr Lambda or Method style of Include(),
       //you need to have the following namespace reference:
       //use System.Data.Entity;
       //The .Include() method on the DbSet<T> class performs
       //"eager lading" of the data.
       return Context.Items.Include(it=> it.MenuCategory).ToList();
        public void InsertWaiter(Waiter item)
            using (RestaurantContext context = new RestaurantContext())
                //Add the item to the DBcontext
                var added = context.Waiters.Add(item);

                //PS we arent really going to do anything with the variable 'added', I just want you to be aware that the Add() method will return the newly added object. (This can be useful in other situations, which we will see later)

                //Save the changes to the database
        public void AddSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent item)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                //add the item to dbcontext
                var added = context.SpecialEvents.Add(item);
                //p.s. - we aren't really going to do anything with the variable 'added;
                // i just want you to be aware that the Add() METHOD will return the
                //newly added object. (this can be useful in other situations, which we will see later)

                //save changes
 public List<ActiveEvent> ListActiveEvents()
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var results = from eachRow in context.SpecialEvents
                       where eachRow.Active
                       select new ActiveEvent()
                           Code = eachRow.EventCode,
                           Description = eachRow.Description
         return results.ToList();
 public List<WaiterOnDuty> ListWaiters()
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var result = from person in context.Waiters
                      where person.ReleaseDate == null
                      select new WaiterOnDuty()
                          WaiterId = person.WaiterID,
                          FullName = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName
         return result.ToList();
        public void DeleteWaiter(Waiter item)
            using (RestaurantContext context = new RestaurantContext())
                //First give a reference to the actual item in the DB
                //Find() is a method to look up an item by its primary key
                var existing = context.Waiters.Find(item.WaiterID);

                //Second, remove the item from the DB context

                //Lastly, save the changes to the database
        public void DeleteSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent item)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                // First, get a reference to the actual item in the Db
                // Find() is a method to look up an item by it's primary key.
                var existing = context.SpecialEvents.Find(item.EventCode);

                // Second, remove the item from the database context

                // Lastly, save the changes to the database
        public void AddSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent item)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                // Add the item to the dbContext
                var added = context.SpecialEvents.Add(item);
                // p.s. - we aren't really going to do anything with the variable 'added'
                // I just want you to be aware that the Add() method will return the
                // newly added object. (This can be useful in other situations, which
                // we will see later.)

                // Save the changes to the database
 public List<UnpaidBill> ListUnpaidBills()
     using(var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var result = from data in context.Bills
                      where !data.PaidStatus
                         && data.Items.Count() > 0
                      select new UnpaidBill()
                          DisplayText = "Bill " + data.BillID.ToString(),
                          BillId = data.BillID
         return result.ToList();
        public void DeleteSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent item)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                //first get a reference to the actual item by its primary key
                //find() is a METHOD to look up an utem by its primary key.
                var existing = context.SpecialEvents.Find(item.EventCode);

                //second, remove the item from the database context

                //lastly, save the changes to the database

        public void UpdateSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent item)
            using ( RestaurantContext context = new RestaurantContext())
                    //First attach the item to the dbContext collection
                    var attached = context.SpecialEvents.Attach(item);
                    //Second,get the entry for existing data that should match for
                    //this specific special event
                    var existing = context.Entry<SpecialEvent>(attached);
                    //Third,mark that the object's values have changed
                    existing.State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                    //Lastly,save the changes in the database
 public List<CategoryMenuItem> GetReportCategoryMenuItems()
     using(var context = new RestaurantContext())
         var results = from cat in context.Items
                       orderby cat.MenuCategory.Description, cat.Description
                       select new CategoryMenuItem()
                           CategoryDescription = cat.MenuCategory.Description,
                           ItemDescription = cat.Description,
                           Price = cat.CurrentPrice,
                           Calories = cat.Calories,
                           Comment = cat.Comment
         return results.ToList();
        public void DeactivateSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent item)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                // First, get a reference to the actual item in the Db
                // Find() is a method to look up an item by it's primary key.
                var existing = context.SpecialEvents.Find(item.EventCode);

                // Second, remove the item from the database context
                existing.Active = false; // Modifies the property on the SpecialEvent
                var updatable = context.Entry(existing); // Get a reference to the special event as an Entity in the database context
                // Specify a particular property as being changed.
                updatable.Property(x => x.Active).IsModified = true;

                // Lastly, save the changes to the database
        public void UpdateSpecialEvent(SpecialEvent item)
            using (RestaurantContext context = new RestaurantContext())
                //First attach the item to the dbContext collection
                var attached = context.SpecialEvents.Attach(item);

                // var matchingWithExistingValues = context.Entry<SpecialEvent>(attached);
                //matchingWithExistingValues.State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                var existing = context.Entry<SpecialEvent>(attached);
                existing.State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;


            //First attacj the item to the dbContext collection