public virtual void write(ExtendedDataOutput @out)
            if (valueType == DATA_TYPE.DT_DICTIONARY)
                throw new IOException("Can't streamlize the dictionary with value type " +;

            BasicEntityFactory factory = new BasicEntityFactory();
            Vector             keys    = (Vector)factory.createVectorWithDefaultValue(keyType, dict.Count);
            Vector             values  = (Vector)factory.createVectorWithDefaultValue(valueType, dict.Count);
            int index = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <Scalar, Entity> entry in dict.SetOfKeyValuePairs())
                    keys.set(index, entry.Key);
                    values.set(index, (Scalar)entry.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IOException(ex.Message);

            int flag = ((int)DATA_FORM.DF_DICTIONARY << 8) + DataType.ordinal();


Example #2
        public virtual void write(ExtendedDataOutput @out)
            if (valueType == DATA_TYPE.DT_DICTIONARY)
                throw new IOException("Can't streamlize the dictionary with value type " + valueType.ToString());

            BasicEntityFactory factory = new BasicEntityFactory();
            IVector            keys    = (IVector)factory.createScalarWithDefaultValue(keyType);
            IVector            values  = (IVector)factory.createVectorWithDefaultValue(valueType, dict.Count);
            int index = 0;

                IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <IScalar, IEntity> > itr = dict.GetEnumerator();

                while (itr.MoveNext())
                    keys.set(index, itr.Current.Key);
                    values.set(index, (IScalar)itr.Current.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IOException(ex.Message);

            int flag = ((int)DATA_FORM.DF_DICTIONARY << 8) + (int)getDataType();


Example #3
        protected internal BasicAnyVector(ExtendedDataInput @in) : base(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
            int rows = @in.readInt();
            int cols = @in.readInt();
            int size = rows * cols;

            values = new IEntity[size];

            BasicEntityFactory factory = new BasicEntityFactory();

            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                short flag     = @in.readShort();
                int   form     = flag >> 8;
                int   type     = flag & 0xff;
                bool  extended = type >= 128;
                if (type >= 128)
                    type -= 128;
                //if (form != 1)
                //assert (form == 1);
                //if (type != 4)
                //assert(type == 4);
                IEntity obj = factory.createEntity((DATA_FORM)form, (DATA_TYPE)type, @in, extended);
                values[i] = obj;
Example #4
        public BasicSet(DATA_TYPE keyType, ExtendedDataInput @in)
            this.keyType = keyType;

            BasicEntityFactory factory = new BasicEntityFactory();

            DATA_TYPE[] types = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DATA_TYPE)) as DATA_TYPE[];

            //read key vector
            short flag = @in.readShort();
            int   form = flag >> 8;
            int   type = flag & 0xff;

            if (form != (int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                throw new IOException("The form of set keys must be vector");
            if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                throw new IOException("Invalid key type: " + type);

            IVector keys = (IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, types[type], @in);

            int size = keys.rows();

            set = new HashSet <IScalar>();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
Example #5
        protected internal AbstractMatrix(ExtendedDataInput @in)
            byte hasLabels = @in.readByte();

            BasicEntityFactory factory = null;

            DATA_TYPE[] types = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DATA_TYPE)) as DATA_TYPE[];
            if (hasLabels > 0)
                factory = new BasicEntityFactory();
            short flag;
            int   form;
            int   type;

            if ((hasLabels & 1) == 1)
                //contain row labels
                flag = @in.readShort();
                form = flag >> 8;
                type = flag & 0xff;
                if (form != (int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                    throw new IOException("The form of matrix row labels must be vector");
                if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid data type for matrix row labels: " + type);
                rowLabels = (IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, types[type], @in);

            if ((hasLabels & 2) == 2)
                //contain columns labels
                flag = @in.readShort();
                form = flag >> 8;
                type = flag & 0xff;
                if (form != (int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                    throw new IOException("The form of matrix columns labels must be vector");
                if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid data type for matrix column labels: " + type);
                columnLabels = (IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, types[type], @in);

            flag = @in.readShort();
            type = flag & 0xff;
            if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                throw new IOException("Invalid data type for matrix: " + type);
            _rows    = @in.readInt();
            _columns = @in.readInt();
            readMatrixFromInputStream(_rows, _columns, @in);
Example #6
        public BasicArrayVector(DATA_TYPE type) : base(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
            this.type       = type;
            this.rowIndices = new List <int>();
            DATA_TYPE valueType = type - 64;

            valueVec             = (AbstractVector)BasicEntityFactory.instance().createVectorWithDefaultValue(valueType, 0);
            this.baseUnitLength_ = valueVec.getUnitLength();
Example #7
        public BasicArrayVector(List <IVector> value) : base(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
            DATA_TYPE valueType = value[0].getDataType();

            this.type = valueType + 64;
            int count      = 0;
            int indexCount = value.Count;

            foreach (IVector temp in value)
                if (temp.rows() == 0)
                    count += 1;
                    count += temp.rows();
            int indexPos = 0;

            this.rowIndices = new List <int>(new int[indexCount]);
            this.valueVec   = (AbstractVector)BasicEntityFactory.instance().createVectorWithDefaultValue(valueType, count);
            int index   = 0;
            int curRows = 0;

            for (int valuePos = 0; valuePos < indexCount; ++valuePos)
                IVector temp = value[valuePos];
                int     size = temp.rows();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                    this.valueVec.set(index, temp.get(i));
                if (size == 0)
                    size = 1;
                curRows += size;
                this.rowIndices[indexPos++] = curRows;
            this.baseUnitLength_ = (this.valueVec).getUnitLength();
Example #8
        public BasicTable(ExtendedDataInput @in)
            int rows = @in.readInt();
            int cols = @in.readInt();

            _tableName = @in.readString();

            //read column names
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
                string name = @in.readString();
                name2index_[name] = name2index_.Count;

            BasicEntityFactory factory = new BasicEntityFactory();

            //read columns
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
                short flag = @in.readShort();
                int   form = flag >> 8;
                int   type = flag & 0xff;

                DATA_FORM df = (DATA_FORM)form;
                DATA_TYPE dt = (DATA_TYPE)type;
                if (df != DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid form for column [" + names_[i] + "] for table " + _tableName);
                Console.WriteLine("vector create " + i + ":" + DateTime.Now);
                IVector vector = (IVector)factory.createEntity(df, dt, @in);
                Console.WriteLine("vector end create " + i + ":" + DateTime.Now);
                if (vector.rows() != rows && vector.rows() != 1)
                    throw new IOException("The number of rows for column " + names_[i] + " is not consistent with other columns");
Example #9
        private IVector keys(int top)
            BasicEntityFactory factory = new BasicEntityFactory();
            int     size             = Math.Min(top, set.Count);
            IVector keys             = (IVector)factory.createVectorWithDefaultValue(keyType, size);
            IEnumerator <IScalar> it = set.GetEnumerator();
            int count = 0;

                while (count < size)
                    keys.set(count++, it.Current);
            catch (Exception)
Example #10
 public override void append(IVector value)
     if (value is IVector)
         int indexCount = rowIndices.Count;
         int prev       = indexCount == 0 ? 0 : rowIndices[indexCount - 1];
         if (((IVector)value).rows() != 0)
             rowIndices.Add(prev + value.rows());
             rowIndices.Add(prev + 1);
             IScalar scalar = BasicEntityFactory.instance().createScalarWithDefaultValue(value.getDataType());
         throw new Exception("Append to arrayctor must be a vector. ");
Example #11
        public BasicDictionary(DATA_TYPE valueType, ExtendedDataInput @in)
            this.valueType = valueType;

            BasicEntityFactory factory = new BasicEntityFactory();

            DATA_TYPE[] types = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DATA_TYPE)) as DATA_TYPE[];

            //read key vector
            short flag = @in.readShort();
            int   form = flag >> 8;
            int   type = flag & 0xff;

            if (form != (int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                throw new IOException("The form of dictionary keys must be vector");
            if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                throw new IOException("Invalid key type: " + type);
            keyType = types[type];
            IVector keys = (IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, types[type], @in);

            //read value vector
            flag = @in.readShort();
            form = flag >> 8;
            type = flag & 0xff;
            if (form != (int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                throw new IOException("The form of dictionary values must be vector");
            if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                throw new IOException("Invalid value type: " + type);

            IVector values = (IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, types[type], @in);

            if (keys.rows() != values.rows())
                throw new IOException("The key size doesn't equate to value size.");

            int size     = keys.rows();
            int capacity = (int)(size / 0.75);

            dict = new Dictionary <IScalar, IEntity>(capacity);
            if (values.getDataType() == DATA_TYPE.DT_ANY)
                BasicAnyVector entityValues = (BasicAnyVector)values;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                    dict[keys.get(i)] = entityValues.getEntity(i);
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                    dict[keys.get(i)] = values.get(i);
Example #12
        public BasicTable(ExtendedDataInput @in)
            int rows = @in.readInt();
            int cols = @in.readInt();

            _tableName = @in.readString();

            //read column names
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
                string name = @in.readString();
                name2index_[name] = name2index_.Count;

            BasicEntityFactory   factory      = new BasicEntityFactory();
            VectorDecompressor   decompressor = null;
            SymbolBaseCollection collection   = null;

            //read columns
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
                short flag     = @in.readShort();
                int   form     = flag >> 8;
                int   type     = flag & 0xff;
                bool  extended = type >= 128;
                if (type >= 128)
                    type -= 128;

                DATA_FORM df = (DATA_FORM)form;
                DATA_TYPE dt = (DATA_TYPE)type;
                if (df != DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid form for column [" + names_[i] + "] for table " + _tableName);
                IVector vector;
                if (dt == DATA_TYPE.DT_SYMBOL && extended)
                    if (collection == null)
                        collection = new SymbolBaseCollection();
                    vector = new BasicSymbolVector(df, @in, collection);
                else if (dt == DATA_TYPE.DT_COMPRESS)
                    if (decompressor == null)
                        decompressor = new VectorDecompressor();
                    vector = decompressor.Decompress(factory, @in, false, true);
                    vector = (IVector)factory.createEntity(df, dt, @in, extended);
                if (vector.rows() != rows && vector.rows() != 1)
                    int tmp = vector.rows();
                    throw new IOException("The number of rows for column " + names_[i] + " is not consistent with other columns");
Example #13
        public BasicArrayVector(DATA_TYPE type, ExtendedDataInput @in) : base(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
            this.type = type;
            int rows = @in.readInt();
            int cols = @in.readInt();

            rowIndices = new List <int>(new int[rows]);
            DATA_TYPE valueType = type - 64;

            valueVec             = (AbstractVector)BasicEntityFactory.instance().createVectorWithDefaultValue(valueType, cols);
            this.baseUnitLength_ = valueVec.getUnitLength();

            int rowsRead        = 0;
            int rowsReadInBlock = 0;
            int prevIndex       = 0;
            int totalBytes      = 0;

            while (rowsRead < rows)
                //read block header
                int blockRows  = @in.readShort();
                int countBytes = @in.readChar();

                //read array of count
                totalBytes      = blockRows * countBytes;
                rowsReadInBlock = 0;
                int offect = 0;
                while (offect < totalBytes)
                    int len = Math.Min(BUF_SIZE, totalBytes - offect);
                    @in.readFully(buf, 0, len);
                    int curRows = len / countBytes;
                    if (countBytes == 1)
                        for (int i = 0; i < curRows; i++)
                            int curRowCells = buf[i];
                            rowIndices[rowsRead + rowsReadInBlock + i] = prevIndex + curRowCells;
                            prevIndex += curRowCells;
                    else if (countBytes == 2)
                        for (int i = 0; i < curRows; ++i)
                            int curRowCells = BitConverter.ToInt16(buf, i * 2);
                            rowIndices[rowsRead + rowsReadInBlock + i] = prevIndex + curRowCells;
                            prevIndex += curRowCells;
                        for (int i = 0; i < curRows; ++i)
                            int curRowCells = BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, i * 4);
                            rowIndices[rowsRead + rowsReadInBlock + i] = prevIndex + curRowCells;
                            prevIndex += curRowCells;
                    rowsReadInBlock += curRows;
                    offect          += len;

                //read array of values
                int rowStart   = rowsRead == 0 ? 0 : rowIndices[rowsRead - 1];
                int valueCount = rowIndices[rowsRead + rowsReadInBlock - 1] - rowStart;
                valueVec.deserialize(rowStart, valueCount, @in);

                rowsRead += rowsReadInBlock;