Example #1
		public static DBG.DebugProcessOptions Convert(DebugOptions options, IDebuggerSettings settings, DBG.CLRTypeDebugInfo info) {
			if (options == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			var o = new DBG.DebugProcessOptions(info);
			o.Filename = options.Filename;
			o.CommandLine = options.CommandLine;
			o.CurrentDirectory = options.CurrentDirectory;
			o.DebugMessageDispatcher = WpfDebugMessageDispatcher.Instance;
			o.BreakProcessKind = Convert(options.BreakProcessKind);
			o.DebugOptions.IgnoreBreakInstructions = settings.IgnoreBreakInstructions;
			return o;
Example #2
        public static DBG.DebugProcessOptions Convert(DebugOptions options, IDebuggerSettings settings, DBG.CLRTypeDebugInfo info)
            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            var o = new DBG.DebugProcessOptions(info);

            o.Filename               = options.Filename;
            o.CommandLine            = options.CommandLine;
            o.CurrentDirectory       = options.CurrentDirectory;
            o.DebugMessageDispatcher = WpfDebugMessageDispatcher.Instance;
            o.BreakProcessKind       = Convert(options.BreakProcessKind);
            o.DebugOptions.IgnoreBreakInstructions = settings.IgnoreBreakInstructions;
Example #3
        void CreateProcess(DebugProcessOptions options)
            ICorDebugProcess comProcess;
            try {
                var dwCreationFlags = options.ProcessCreationFlags ?? DebugProcessOptions.DefaultProcessCreationFlags;
                var si = new STARTUPINFO();
                si.cb = (uint)(4 * 1 + IntPtr.Size * 3 + 4 * 8 + 2 * 2 + IntPtr.Size * 4);
                var pi = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
                // We must add the space here if the beginning of the command line appears to be
                // the path to a file, eg. "/someOption" or "c:blah" or it won't be passed to the
                // debugged program.
                var cmdline = " " + (options.CommandLine ?? string.Empty);
                corDebug.CreateProcess(options.Filename ?? string.Empty, cmdline, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                            options.InheritHandles ? 1 : 0, dwCreationFlags, IntPtr.Zero, options.CurrentDirectory,
                            ref si, ref pi, CorDebugCreateProcessFlags.DEBUG_NO_SPECIAL_OPTIONS, out comProcess);
                // We don't need these
            catch {

            var process = TryAdd(comProcess);
            if (process != null)
                process.Initialize(false, options.Filename, options.CurrentDirectory, options.CommandLine);
Example #4
        public unsafe static DnDebugger CreateDnDebugger(DebugProcessOptions options, CoreCLRTypeDebugInfo info, IntPtr outputHandle, IntPtr errorHandle, Func <bool> keepWaiting, Func <ICorDebug, string, uint, string?, DnDebugger> createDnDebugger)
            var dbgShimState = GetOrCreateDbgShimState(info.HostFilename, info.DbgShimFilename);

            if (dbgShimState is null)
                throw new Exception($"Could not load {dbgshimFilename}: '{info.DbgShimFilename}' . Make sure you use the {IntPtr.Size * 8}-bit version");

            var    startupEvent = IntPtr.Zero;
            var    hThread = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr pHandleArray = IntPtr.Zero, pStringArray = IntPtr.Zero;
            uint   dwArrayLength = 0;

            bool useHost = !(info.HostFilename is null);
            var  pi = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
            bool error = true, calledSetEvent = false;

            try {
                bool inheritHandles  = options.InheritHandles;
                var  dwCreationFlags = options.ProcessCreationFlags ?? DebugProcessOptions.DefaultProcessCreationFlags;
                dwCreationFlags |= ProcessCreationFlags.CREATE_SUSPENDED;
                var si = new STARTUPINFO();
                si.hStdOutput = outputHandle;
                si.hStdError  = errorHandle;
                if (si.hStdOutput != IntPtr.Zero || si.hStdError != IntPtr.Zero)
                    si.dwFlags    |= STARTUPINFO.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
                    inheritHandles = true;
                si.cb = (uint)(4 * 1 + IntPtr.Size * 3 + 4 * 8 + 2 * 2 + IntPtr.Size * 4);
                string cmdline;
                if (useHost)
                    cmdline = "\"" + info.HostFilename + "\" " + info.HostCommandLine + " \"" + options.Filename + "\"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.CommandLine) ? string.Empty : " " + options.CommandLine);
                    cmdline = "\"" + options.Filename + "\"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.CommandLine) ? string.Empty : " " + options.CommandLine);
                var env = Win32EnvironmentStringBuilder.CreateEnvironmentUnicodeString(options.Environment !);
                dwCreationFlags |= ProcessCreationFlags.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT;
                var  appName = useHost ? info.HostFilename : options.Filename;
                bool b       = NativeMethods.CreateProcess(appName ?? string.Empty, cmdline, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                           inheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, env, options.CurrentDirectory,
                                                           ref si, out pi);
                hThread = pi.hThread;
                if (!b)
                    throw new Exception($"Could not execute '{options.Filename}'");

                int hr = dbgShimState.GetStartupNotificationEvent !(pi.dwProcessId, out startupEvent);
                if (hr < 0)
                    throw new Exception($"GetStartupNotificationEvent failed: 0x{hr:X8}");


                const uint WAIT_MS = 5000;
                for (;;)
                    uint res = NativeMethods.WaitForSingleObject(startupEvent, WAIT_MS);
                    if (res == 0)

                    if (res == NativeMethods.WAIT_FAILED)
                        throw new Exception($"Error waiting for startup event: 0x{Marshal.GetLastWin32Error():X8}");
                    if (res == NativeMethods.WAIT_TIMEOUT)
                        if (keepWaiting())
                        throw new TimeoutException("Waiting for CoreCLR timed out. Debug 32-bit .NET Core apps with 32-bit dnSpy (dnSpy-x86.exe), and 64-bit .NET Core apps with 64-bit dnSpy (dnSpy.exe).");
                    Debug.Fail($"Unknown result from WaitForMultipleObjects: 0x{res:X8}");
                    throw new Exception("Error waiting for startup event");

                hr = dbgShimState.EnumerateCLRs !(pi.dwProcessId, out pHandleArray, out pStringArray, out dwArrayLength);
                if (hr < 0 || dwArrayLength == 0)
                    // CoreCLR doesn't give us a good error code if we try to debug a .NET Core app
                    // with an incompatible bitness:
                    //		x86 tries to debug x64: hr == 0x8007012B (ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY)
                    //		x64 tries to debug x86: hr == 0x00000000 && dwArrayLength == 0x00000000
                    if (IntPtr.Size == 4 && (uint)hr == 0x8007012B)
                        throw new StartDebuggerException(StartDebuggerError.UnsupportedBitness);
                    if (IntPtr.Size == 8 && hr == 0 && dwArrayLength == 0)
                        throw new StartDebuggerException(StartDebuggerError.UnsupportedBitness);
                    throw new Exception("Process started but no CoreCLR found");
                var       psa     = (IntPtr *)pStringArray;
                var       pha     = (IntPtr *)pHandleArray;
                const int index   = 0;
                var       version = GetVersionStringFromModule(dbgShimState, pi.dwProcessId, psa[index], out string coreclrFilename);
                hr = dbgShimState.CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx !(CorDebugInterfaceVersion.CorDebugVersion_4_0, version, out object obj);
                var corDebug = obj as ICorDebug;
                if (corDebug is null)
                    throw new Exception($"Could not create a ICorDebug: hr=0x{hr:X8}");
                var dbg = createDnDebugger(corDebug, coreclrFilename, pi.dwProcessId, version);
                for (uint i = 0; i < dwArrayLength; i++)
                calledSetEvent = true;
                error          = false;
            finally {
                if (!calledSetEvent && pHandleArray != IntPtr.Zero && dwArrayLength != 0)
                    var pha = (IntPtr *)pHandleArray;
                    for (uint i = 0; i < dwArrayLength; i++)
                if (startupEvent != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (hThread != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (pHandleArray != IntPtr.Zero)
                    dbgShimState.CloseCLREnumeration !(pHandleArray, pStringArray, dwArrayLength);
                if (error)
                    NativeMethods.TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, uint.MaxValue);
                if (pi.hProcess != IntPtr.Zero)
Example #5
        void DnDebugger_OnProcessStateChanged(object sender, DebuggerEventArgs e)
            if (debugger == null || sender != debugger)

            CallOnProcessStateChanged(sender, e);

            if (debugger.ProcessState == DebuggerProcessState.Terminated) {
                lastDebugProcessOptions = null;

            // This is sometimes needed. Press Ctrl+Shift+F5 a couple of times and the toolbar
            // debugger icons aren't updated until you release Ctrl+Shift.
            if (ProcessState == DebuggerProcessState.Stopped || !IsDebugging)

            if (ProcessState == DebuggerProcessState.Stopped)
Example #6
        bool DebugProcess(DebugProcessOptions options)
            if (IsDebugging)
                return false;
            if (options == null)
                return false;


            DnDebugger newDebugger;
            try {
                newDebugger = DnDebugger.DebugProcess(options);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                var cex = ex as COMException;
                const int ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = unchecked((int)0x80070032);
                if (cex != null && cex.ErrorCode == ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
                    MainWindow.Instance.ShowMessageBox(string.Format("Could not start the debugger. {0}", GetIncompatiblePlatformErrorMessage()));
                else if (cex != null && cex.ErrorCode == CordbgErrors.CORDBG_E_UNCOMPATIBLE_PLATFORMS)
                    MainWindow.Instance.ShowMessageBox(string.Format("Could not start the debugger. {0}", GetIncompatiblePlatformErrorMessage()));
                else if (cex != null && cex.ErrorCode == unchecked((int)0x800702E4))
                    MainWindow.Instance.ShowMessageBox("Could not start the debugger. The debugged program requires admin privileges. Restart dnSpy with admin rights and try again.");
                    MainWindow.Instance.ShowMessageBox(string.Format("Could not start the debugger. Make sure you have access to the file '{0}'\n\nError: {1}", options.Filename, ex.Message));
                return false;

            return true;
Example #7
 void DebugAssembly(DebugProcessOptions options)
     if (options == null)
     var optionsCopy = options.Clone();
     if (!DebugProcess(options))
     lastDebugProcessOptions = optionsCopy;
Example #8
		public static DnDebugger DebugProcess(DebugProcessOptions options) {
			if (options.DebugMessageDispatcher == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("DebugMessageDispatcher is null");

			var debuggeeVersion = options.DebuggeeVersion ?? DebuggeeVersionDetector.GetVersion(options.Filename);
			var dbg = new DnDebugger(CreateCorDebug(debuggeeVersion), options.DebugOptions, options.DebugMessageDispatcher, debuggeeVersion);
			if (options.BreakProcessType != BreakProcessType.None)
				new BreakProcessHelper(dbg, options.BreakProcessType, options.Filename);
			return dbg;
Example #9
 static DnDebugger CreateDnDebuggerCoreCLR(DebugProcessOptions options)
     var clrType = (CoreCLRTypeDebugInfo)options.CLRTypeDebugInfo;
     var dbg2 = CoreCLRHelper.CreateDnDebugger(options, clrType, () => false, (cd, pid) => {
         var dbg = new DnDebugger(cd, options.DebugOptions, options.DebugMessageDispatcher, null);
         if (options.BreakProcessType != BreakProcessType.None)
             new BreakProcessHelper(dbg, options.BreakProcessType, options.Filename);
         ICorDebugProcess comProcess;
         cd.DebugActiveProcess((int)pid, 0, out comProcess);
         var dnProcess = dbg.TryAdd(comProcess);
         if (dnProcess != null)
             dnProcess.Initialize(false, options.Filename, options.CurrentDirectory, options.CommandLine);
         return dbg;
     if (dbg2 == null)
         throw new Exception("Could not create a debugger instance");
     return dbg2;
Example #10
        public unsafe static DnDebugger CreateDnDebugger(DebugProcessOptions options, CoreCLRTypeDebugInfo info, Func <bool> keepWaiting, Func <ICorDebug, uint, DnDebugger> createDnDebugger)
            var dbgShimState = GetOrCreateDbgShimState(info.HostFilename, info.DbgShimFilename);

            if (dbgShimState == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not load dbgshim.dll: '{0}' . Make sure you use the {1}-bit version", info.DbgShimFilename, IntPtr.Size * 8));

            IntPtr startupEvent = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr hThread = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr pHandleArray = IntPtr.Zero, pStringArray = IntPtr.Zero;
            uint   dwArrayLength = 0;
            string version       = null;

            var  pi    = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
            bool error = true;

            try {
                var dwCreationFlags = options.ProcessCreationFlags ?? DebugProcessOptions.DefaultProcessCreationFlags;
                dwCreationFlags |= ProcessCreationFlags.CREATE_SUSPENDED;
                var si = new STARTUPINFO();
                si.cb = (uint)(4 * 1 + IntPtr.Size * 3 + 4 * 8 + 2 * 2 + IntPtr.Size * 4);
                var  cmdline = " " + (info.HostCommandLine ?? string.Empty) + " \"" + options.Filename + "\" " + (options.CommandLine ?? string.Empty);
                bool b       = NativeMethods.CreateProcess(info.HostFilename ?? string.Empty, cmdline, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                           options.InheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, IntPtr.Zero, options.CurrentDirectory,
                                                           ref si, out pi);
                hThread = pi.hThread;
                if (!b)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not execute '{0}'", options.Filename));

                int hr = dbgShimState.GetStartupNotificationEvent(pi.dwProcessId, out startupEvent);
                if (hr < 0)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("GetStartupNotificationEvent failed: 0x{0:X8}", hr));


                const uint WAIT_MS = 1000;
                for (;;)
                    uint res = NativeMethods.WaitForSingleObject(startupEvent, WAIT_MS);
                    if (res == 0)

                    if (res == NativeMethods.WAIT_FAILED)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Error waiting for startup event: 0x{0:X8}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
                    if (res == NativeMethods.WAIT_TIMEOUT)
                        if (keepWaiting())
                        throw new TimeoutException("Waiting for CoreCLR timed out");
                    Debug.Fail(string.Format("Unknown result from WaitForMultipleObjects: 0x{0:X8}", res));
                    throw new Exception("Error waiting for startup event");

                hr = dbgShimState.EnumerateCLRs(pi.dwProcessId, out pHandleArray, out pStringArray, out dwArrayLength);
                if (hr < 0 || dwArrayLength == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Process started but no CoreCLR found");
                var       psa = (IntPtr *)pStringArray;
                var       pha = (IntPtr *)pHandleArray;
                string    moduleFilename;
                const int index = 0;
                version = GetVersionStringFromModule(dbgShimState, pi.dwProcessId, psa[index], out moduleFilename);
                object obj;
                hr = dbgShimState.CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(CorDebugInterfaceVersion.CorDebugVersion_4_0, version, out obj);
                var corDebug = obj as ICorDebug;
                if (corDebug == null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not create a ICorDebug: hr=0x{0:X8}", hr));
                var dbg = createDnDebugger(corDebug, pi.dwProcessId);
                for (uint i = 0; i < dwArrayLength; i++)
                error = false;
            finally {
                if (startupEvent != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (hThread != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (pHandleArray != IntPtr.Zero)
                    dbgShimState.CloseCLREnumeration(pHandleArray, pStringArray, dwArrayLength);
                if (error)
                    NativeMethods.TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, uint.MaxValue);
                if (pi.hProcess != IntPtr.Zero)
Example #11
		void CreateProcess(DebugProcessOptions options) {
			ICorDebugProcess comProcess;
			try {
				var dwCreationFlags = options.ProcessCreationFlags ?? DebugProcessOptions.DefaultProcessCreationFlags;
				var si = new STARTUPINFO();
				si.cb = (uint)(4 * 1 + IntPtr.Size * 3 + 4 * 8 + 2 * 2 + IntPtr.Size * 4);
				var pi = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
				var cmdline = "\"" + options.Filename + "\"";
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.CommandLine))
					cmdline = cmdline + " " + options.CommandLine;
				corDebug.CreateProcess(options.Filename ?? string.Empty, cmdline, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
							options.InheritHandles ? 1 : 0, dwCreationFlags, IntPtr.Zero, options.CurrentDirectory,
							ref si, ref pi, CorDebugCreateProcessFlags.DEBUG_NO_SPECIAL_OPTIONS, out comProcess);
				// We don't need these
			catch {

			var process = TryAdd(comProcess);
			if (process != null)
				process.Initialize(false, options.Filename, options.CurrentDirectory, options.CommandLine);
Example #12
		bool DebugAssembly2(DebugProcessOptions options, bool isInteractive = true) {
			if (options == null)
				return false;
			var optionsCopy = options.Clone();
			if (!DebugProcess(options, isInteractive))
				return false;
			lastDebugProcessOptions = optionsCopy;
			return true;
Example #13
		public bool DebugAssembly(DebugProcessOptions options) => DebugAssembly2(options, false);
Example #14
		DebugProcessOptions GetDebugAssemblyOptions(DebugCoreCLRVM vm, bool askUser = true) {
			if (askUser) {
				var win = new DebugCoreCLRDlg();
				win.DataContext = vm;
				win.Owner = appWindow.MainWindow;
				if (win.ShowDialog() != true)
					return null;

			var opts = new DebugProcessOptions(new CoreCLRTypeDebugInfo(vm.DbgShimFilename, vm.HostFilename, vm.HostCommandLine));
			opts.DebugMessageDispatcher = WpfDebugMessageDispatcher.Instance;
			opts.CurrentDirectory = vm.CurrentDirectory;
			opts.Filename = vm.Filename;
			opts.CommandLine = vm.CommandLine;
			opts.BreakProcessKind = vm.BreakProcessKind;
			lastDebugCoreCLRVM = vm;
			return opts;
Example #15
		bool DebugProcess(DebugProcessOptions options, bool isInteractive) {
			if (IsDebugging)
				return false;
			if (options == null)
				return false;


			DnDebugger newDebugger;
			try {
				newDebugger = DnDebugger.DebugProcess(options);
			catch (Exception ex) {
				var cex = ex as COMException;
				const int ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = unchecked((int)0x80070032);
				string errMsg;
				if (cex != null && cex.ErrorCode == ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)
					errMsg = string.Format(dnSpy_Debugger_Resources.Error_CouldNotStartDebugger, GetIncompatiblePlatformErrorMessage());
				else if (cex != null && cex.ErrorCode == CordbgErrors.CORDBG_E_UNCOMPATIBLE_PLATFORMS)
					errMsg = string.Format(dnSpy_Debugger_Resources.Error_CouldNotStartDebugger, GetIncompatiblePlatformErrorMessage());
				else if (cex != null && cex.ErrorCode == unchecked((int)0x800702E4))
					errMsg = dnSpy_Debugger_Resources.Error_CouldNotStartDebuggerRequireAdminPrivLvl;
					errMsg = string.Format(dnSpy_Debugger_Resources.Error_CouldNotStartDebuggerCheckAccessToFile, options.Filename, ex.Message);
				if (isInteractive)
				return false;

			return true;
Example #16
 public static DnDebugger DebugProcess(DebugProcessOptions options)
     if (options.DebugMessageDispatcher == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("DebugMessageDispatcher is null");
     var dbg = CreateDnDebugger(options);
     if (dbg == null)
         throw new Exception("Couldn't create a debugger instance");
     return dbg;
Example #17
 static DnDebugger CreateDnDebugger(DebugProcessOptions options)
     switch (options.CLRTypeDebugInfo.CLRType) {
     case CLRType.Desktop:	return CreateDnDebuggerDesktop(options);
     case CLRType.CoreCLR:	return CreateDnDebuggerCoreCLR(options);
         Debug.Fail("Invalid CLRType");
         throw new InvalidOperationException();
Example #18
        DebugProcessOptions GetDebugAssemblyOptions(DebugProcessVM vm, bool askUser = true)
            if (askUser) {
                var win = new DebugProcessDlg();
                win.DataContext = vm;
                win.Owner = MainWindow.Instance;
                if (win.ShowDialog() != true)
                    return null;

            var opts = new DebugProcessOptions(new DesktopCLRTypeDebugInfo());
            opts.DebugMessageDispatcher = WpfDebugMessageDispatcher.Instance;
            opts.CurrentDirectory = vm.CurrentDirectory;
            opts.Filename = vm.Filename;
            opts.CommandLine = vm.CommandLine;
            opts.BreakProcessType = vm.BreakProcessType;
            lastDebugProcessVM = vm;
            return opts;
Example #19
 static DnDebugger CreateDnDebuggerDesktop(DebugProcessOptions options)
     var clrType = (DesktopCLRTypeDebugInfo)options.CLRTypeDebugInfo;
     var debuggeeVersion = clrType.DebuggeeVersion ?? DebuggeeVersionDetector.GetVersion(options.Filename);
     var corDebug = CreateCorDebug(debuggeeVersion);
     if (corDebug == null)
         throw new Exception("Could not create an ICorDebug instance");
     var dbg = new DnDebugger(corDebug, options.DebugOptions, options.DebugMessageDispatcher, debuggeeVersion);
     if (options.BreakProcessType != BreakProcessType.None)
         new BreakProcessHelper(dbg, options.BreakProcessType, options.Filename);
     return dbg;
Example #20
		public bool DebugAssembly(DebugProcessOptions options) {
			return DebugAssembly2(options, false);