public AboutWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = new AboutViewModel(); }
public string GetHelpString() { string assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string buildDate = AboutViewModel.GetLinkerTime(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); return(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, new string[] { "dnGrep: Search through text files, Word and Excel documents, PDFs, and archives using text, regular expression, XPath, and phonetic queries.", string.Empty, $"Version {assemblyVersion} built on {buildDate}", string.Empty, "Usage:", string.Empty, "dnGrep [arguments]", "Using any combination of arguments from the list below.", "Example:", "dnGrep /f \"C:\\Program Files\\dnGrep\" /pm *.txt;*.xml /s t\\w*t /st Regex", string.Empty, "dnGrep [folderPath] [searchFor]", "One or two arguments without flags: the first argument is the folder to search, the second the regular expression to search for.", "Example:", "dnGrep \"C:\\Program Files\\dnGrep\" t\\w*t", string.Empty, "Any arguments not specified will default to the last saved user settings.", string.Empty, "Arguments:", string.Empty, "/f [folderPath]", "-f [folderPath]", "-folder [folderPath]", " Sets the folder path to search. May be a comma or semi-colon separated list of folder paths.", string.Empty, "/pm [pattern]", "-pm [pattern]", "-pathToMatch [pattern]", " Sets the file name pattern to match files in the search path. May be a comma or semi-colon separated list of patterns.", string.Empty, "/pi [pattern]", "-pi [pattern]", "-pathToIgnore [pattern]", " Sets the file or directory name pattern to exclude files or folders in the search path. May be a comma or semi-colon separated list of patterns.", string.Empty, "/pt [type]", "-pt [type]", "-patternType [type]", " Sets the type of match and ignore pattern - must be one of: Asterisk, Regex, or Everything (if the Everything search tool is installed).", string.Empty, "/s [searchFor]", "-s [searchFor]", "-searchFor [searchFor]", " Sets the pattern or text to search for within the set of files. When this argument is set, the search will be run automatically.", string.Empty, "/st [type]", "-st [type]", "-searchType [type]", " Sets the type of search - must be one of: PlainText, Regex, XPath, or Soundex.", string.Empty, "/cs [True/False]", "-cs [True/False]", "-caseSensitive [True/False]", " Sets case sensitive search flag - True or False.", string.Empty, "/ww [True/False]", "-ww [True/False]", "-wholeWord [True/False]", " Sets the whole word search flag - True or False.", string.Empty, "/ml [True/False]", "-ml [True/False]", "-multiline [True/False]", " Sets the multiline search flag - True or False.", string.Empty, "/dn [True/False]", "-dn [True/False]", "-dotAsNewline [True/False]", " Sets the dot as newline search flag - True or False.", string.Empty, "/bo [True/False]", "-bo [True/False]", "-booleanOperators [True/False]", " Sets the Boolean operators search flag - True or False.", })); }