Example #1
 private static void CostDecreaseForLeavingInlinedIndependent(SearchPlanEdge planEdge)
     // considerably lower the costs for operations leaving the inlined independent part, so this is done early
     if (planEdge.Target is SearchPlanEdgeNode)                                 // we may leave the independent part only with an edge
         if (planEdge.Source.PatternElement.OriginalIndependentElement != null) // when the start is a node from an inlined independent
             SearchPlanEdgeNode edge = (SearchPlanEdgeNode)planEdge.Target;
             if (edge.PatternEdgeSource.PatternElement.OriginalIndependentElement != null && edge.PatternEdgeTarget.PatternElement.OriginalIndependentElement == null ||
                 edge.PatternEdgeSource.PatternElement.OriginalIndependentElement == null && edge.PatternEdgeTarget.PatternElement.OriginalIndependentElement != null)
             { // and the edge is incident to elements inside and outside of the inlined independent
                 planEdge.Cost = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(planEdge.Cost));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a scheduled search plan for a given search plan graph
        /// </summary>
        public static ScheduledSearchPlan ScheduleSearchPlan(SearchPlanGraph spGraph,
                                                             PatternGraph patternGraph, bool isNegativeOrIndependent, bool lazyNegativeIndependentConditionEvaluation)
            // the schedule
            List <SearchOperation> operations = new List <SearchOperation>();

            // a set of search plan edges representing the currently reachable not yet visited elements
            PriorityQueue <SearchPlanEdge> activeEdges = new PriorityQueue <SearchPlanEdge>();

            // first schedule all preset elements
            foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in spGraph.Root.OutgoingEdges)
                if (edge.Target.IsPreset && edge.Type != SearchOperationType.DefToBeYieldedTo)
                    foreach (SearchPlanEdge edgeOutgoingFromPresetElement in edge.Target.OutgoingEdges)

                    // note: here a normal preset is converted into a neg/idpt preset operation if in negative/independent pattern
                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(
                        isNegativeOrIndependent ? SearchOperationType.NegIdptPreset : edge.Type,
                        edge.Target, spGraph.Root, 0);

            // then schedule all map with storage / pick from index / pick from storage / pick from name index elements not depending on other elements
            foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in spGraph.Root.OutgoingEdges)
                if (edge.Type == SearchOperationType.MapWithStorage)
                    foreach (SearchPlanEdge edgeOutgoingFromPickedElement in edge.Target.OutgoingEdges)

                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(edge.Type,
                                                                edge.Target, spGraph.Root, 0);
                    newOp.Storage      = edge.Target.PatternElement.Storage;
                    newOp.StorageIndex = edge.Target.PatternElement.StorageIndex;
            foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in spGraph.Root.OutgoingEdges)
                if (edge.Type == SearchOperationType.PickFromStorage)
                    foreach (SearchPlanEdge edgeOutgoingFromPickedElement in edge.Target.OutgoingEdges)

                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(edge.Type,
                                                                edge.Target, spGraph.Root, 0);
                    newOp.Storage = edge.Target.PatternElement.Storage;
            foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in spGraph.Root.OutgoingEdges)
                if (edge.Type == SearchOperationType.PickFromIndex)
                    foreach (SearchPlanEdge edgeOutgoingFromPickedElement in edge.Target.OutgoingEdges)

                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(edge.Type,
                                                                edge.Target, spGraph.Root, 0);
                    newOp.IndexAccess = edge.Target.PatternElement.IndexAccess;
            foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in spGraph.Root.OutgoingEdges)
                if (edge.Type == SearchOperationType.PickByName)
                    foreach (SearchPlanEdge edgeOutgoingFromPickedElement in edge.Target.OutgoingEdges)

                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(edge.Type,
                                                                edge.Target, spGraph.Root, 0);
                    newOp.NameLookup = edge.Target.PatternElement.NameLookup;
            foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in spGraph.Root.OutgoingEdges)
                if (edge.Type == SearchOperationType.PickByUnique)
                    foreach (SearchPlanEdge edgeOutgoingFromPickedElement in edge.Target.OutgoingEdges)

                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(edge.Type,
                                                                edge.Target, spGraph.Root, 0);
                    newOp.UniqueLookup = edge.Target.PatternElement.UniqueLookup;

            // iterate over all reachable elements until the whole graph has been scheduled(/visited),
            // choose next cheapest operation, update the reachable elements and the search plan costs
            SearchPlanNode lastNode = spGraph.Root;

            for (int i = 0; i < spGraph.Nodes.Length - spGraph.NumPresetElements - spGraph.NumIndependentStorageIndexElements; ++i)
                foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in lastNode.OutgoingEdges)
                    if (edge.Target.IsPreset)
                    if (edge.Target.PatternElement.Storage != null &&
                        edge.Target.PatternElement.GetPatternElementThisElementDependsOnOutsideOfGraphConnectedness() == null)
                    if (edge.Target.PatternElement.IndexAccess != null &&
                        edge.Target.PatternElement.GetPatternElementThisElementDependsOnOutsideOfGraphConnectedness() == null)
                    if (edge.Target.PatternElement.NameLookup != null &&
                        edge.Target.PatternElement.GetPatternElementThisElementDependsOnOutsideOfGraphConnectedness() == null)
                    if (edge.Target.PatternElement.UniqueLookup != null &&
                        edge.Target.PatternElement.GetPatternElementThisElementDependsOnOutsideOfGraphConnectedness() == null)

                SearchPlanEdge minEdge = activeEdges.DequeueFirst();
                lastNode = minEdge.Target;

                SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(minEdge.Type,
                                                            lastNode, minEdge.Source, minEdge.Cost);
                newOp.Storage      = minEdge.Target.PatternElement.Storage;
                newOp.StorageIndex = minEdge.Target.PatternElement.StorageIndex;
                newOp.IndexAccess  = minEdge.Target.PatternElement.IndexAccess;
                newOp.NameLookup   = minEdge.Target.PatternElement.NameLookup;
                newOp.UniqueLookup = minEdge.Target.PatternElement.UniqueLookup;

                foreach (SearchOperation op in operations)
                    op.CostToEnd += minEdge.Cost;


            // remove the elements stemming from inlined independents
            // they were added in the hope that they might help in matching this pattern,
            // they don't if they are matched after the elements of this pattern (in fact they only increase the costs then)

            // insert inlined element identity check into the schedule in case neither of the possible assignments was scheduled
            InsertInlinedElementIdentityCheckIntoSchedule(patternGraph, operations);

            // insert inlined variable assignments into the schedule
            InsertInlinedVariableAssignmentsIntoSchedule(patternGraph, operations);

            // insert conditions into the schedule
            InsertConditionsIntoSchedule(patternGraph.ConditionsPlusInlined, operations, lazyNegativeIndependentConditionEvaluation);

            // schedule the initialization of all def to be yielded to elements and variables at the end,
            // must come after the pattern elements (and preset elements), as they may be used in the def initialization
            foreach (SearchPlanEdge edge in spGraph.Root.OutgoingEdges)
                if (edge.Type == SearchOperationType.DefToBeYieldedTo &&
                    (!isNegativeOrIndependent || (edge.Target.PatternElement.pointOfDefinition == patternGraph && edge.Target.PatternElement.originalElement == null)))
                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(
                        edge.Target, spGraph.Root, 0);
                    newOp.Expression = edge.Target.PatternElement.Initialization;
            foreach (PatternVariable var in patternGraph.variablesPlusInlined)
                if (var.defToBeYieldedTo &&
                    (!isNegativeOrIndependent || var.pointOfDefinition == patternGraph && var.originalVariable == null))
                    SearchOperation newOp = new SearchOperation(
                        var, spGraph.Root, 0);
                    newOp.Expression = var.initialization;

            float cost = operations.Count > 0 ? operations[0].CostToEnd : 0;

            return(new ScheduledSearchPlan(patternGraph, operations.ToArray(), cost));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate search plan graph out of the plan graph,
        /// search plan graph only contains edges chosen by the MSA algorithm.
        /// Edges in search plan graph are given in the nodes by outgoing list, as needed for scheduling,
        /// in contrast to incoming list in plan graph, as needed for MSA computation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planGraph">The source plan graph</param>
        /// <returns>A new search plan graph</returns>
        public static SearchPlanGraph GenerateSearchPlanGraph(PlanGraph planGraph)
            SearchPlanNode searchPlanRoot = new SearchPlanNode("search plan root");

            SearchPlanNode[] searchPlanNodes = new SearchPlanNode[planGraph.Nodes.Length];
            SearchPlanEdge[] searchPlanEdges = new SearchPlanEdge[planGraph.Nodes.Length - 1 + 1]; // +1 for root
            Dictionary <PlanNode, SearchPlanNode> planToSearchPlanNode =                           // for generating edges
                                                                         new Dictionary <PlanNode, SearchPlanNode>(planGraph.Nodes.Length);

            planToSearchPlanNode.Add(planGraph.Root, searchPlanRoot);

            // generate the search plan graph nodes, same as plan graph nodes,
            // representing pattern graph nodes and edges
            int i = 0;

            foreach (PlanNode planNode in planGraph.Nodes)
                if (planNode.NodeType == PlanNodeType.Edge)
                    searchPlanNodes[i] = new SearchPlanEdgeNode(planNode, null, null);
                    searchPlanNodes[i] = new SearchPlanNodeNode(planNode);
                planToSearchPlanNode.Add(planNode, searchPlanNodes[i]);


            // generate the search plan graph edges,
            // that are the plan graph edges chosen by the MSA algorithm, in reversed direction
            // and add references to originating pattern elements
            i = 0;
            foreach (PlanNode planNode in planGraph.Nodes)
                PlanEdge planEdge = planNode.IncomingMSAEdge;
                searchPlanEdges[i] = new SearchPlanEdge(planEdge.Type, planToSearchPlanNode[planEdge.Source], planToSearchPlanNode[planEdge.Target], planEdge.Cost);

                if (planNode.NodeType == PlanNodeType.Edge)
                    SearchPlanEdgeNode searchPlanEdgeNode = (SearchPlanEdgeNode)planToSearchPlanNode[planNode];
                    SearchPlanNode     patElem;
                    if (planEdge.Target.PatternEdgeSource != null &&
                        planToSearchPlanNode.TryGetValue(planEdge.Target.PatternEdgeSource, out patElem))
                        searchPlanEdgeNode.PatternEdgeSource = (SearchPlanNodeNode)patElem;
                    if (planEdge.Target.PatternEdgeTarget != null &&
                        planToSearchPlanNode.TryGetValue(planEdge.Target.PatternEdgeTarget, out patElem))
                        searchPlanEdgeNode.PatternEdgeTarget = (SearchPlanNodeNode)patElem;


            return(new SearchPlanGraph(searchPlanRoot, searchPlanNodes, searchPlanEdges));